View Full Version : PM9 blow ups?

01-22-2011, 08:08 PM
In the " PM9 high maintenance" thread, post #21, Verndog alludes to a couple of " frame blow ups". I have never heard of this. Anyone know anything about this?

01-22-2011, 08:18 PM
To clarify what I was told when I wanted to rent a PM9. "We've has several blown up frames, the problem was more so in the 40's and there was 1 PM9 as well, so we no longer will carry the Kahr line". That was just today at the Marksman range, one of the larger local gun shops in the Seattle Tacoma area. :2eek:


01-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Sounds like some sales person is gettin' outta line with his BS, ... he wants to demo & sell the lines he carries, sooo he 's also pedaling a line o'bull! :lie:

01-22-2011, 09:04 PM
I know of the Marksman although I've not ever been there, a little too far south for me to frequent. It is quite a large shop and I see no reason for a sales person there to say that.
I do agree with RONDO, I think he's spouting a line of bull. He could be a minion and it's not uncommon for them to spread untruths in an effort to hide their lack of knowlege.
We've certainly never heard of one blowing up here and I beleive if it did happen we would hear about it.

You gotta sort the wheat from the chaffe sometimes or maybe the corn from the cob.

01-22-2011, 09:23 PM
Sounds like some sales person is gettin' outta line with his BS, ... he wants to demo & sell the lines he carries, sooo he 's also pedaling a line o'bull! :lie:

Really?? Google can be your friend. Found this in a couple minutes. :rolleyes:


Also keep in mind these ranges put way more rounds down range in rentals then the average consumer...by alot!


01-22-2011, 09:27 PM
You gotta sort the wheat from the chaffe sometimes or maybe the corn from the cob.

...or the cow from the pucky.

I wonder if he was talking about something along the lines of the following FAQ from the Kahr website.


Note the question and answer at the top of the webpage.

01-22-2011, 09:35 PM
I suspect so although I'd not heard that that was designed as a safety measure.
Also keep in mind Marksman is also an indoor range with a lot of rental guns. Rental guns can sometimes be like rental cars and get severly abused. Most ranges require that you use their ammo in their guns but I'm sure a little field testing goes on too.

I don't mean to label the guy at the Marksman as a lieing sack, he could speak the truth for all we know. That picture certainly isn't a catastrophic blowup. Easy to put back together, now the reason it ended up like that might provide a few clues but I'm guessing bad ammo, not bad gun.

01-22-2011, 09:39 PM
That picture certainly isn't a catastrophic blowup. Easy to put back together, now the reason it ended up like that might provide a few clues but I'm guessing bad ammo, not bad gun.

The FAQ link that I just posted verifies what you're saying about bad ammo. Apparently, the grip plates are designed to pop off in the event of a ruptured case. It's an interesting and thoughtful safety feature that I wouldn't have anticipated.

mr surveyor
01-22-2011, 10:10 PM
Jocko needs to chime in here, but I believe the side plate that's shown blown off in the pic is a multi function device: partly designed for final assembly of the trigger bar and partly as a safety vent for just such an occurance (most likely ammo failure induced). I never trust all the BS on the internet about catastrophic failures of any good quality firearm until the truth is discovered about the ammunition involved. There are dozens of vigilante gun owners with personal vendetas against firearms makers ... usually due to user error or faulty ammunition.

01-22-2011, 10:12 PM
...I don't mean to label the guy at the Marksman as a lieing sack, he could speak the truth for all we know. That picture certainly isn't a catastrophic blowup. Easy to put back together, now the reason it ended up like that might provide a few clues but I'm guessing bad ammo, not bad gun.

Maybe, maybe not I'm not sure. What I am sure of is this is the second local dealer that no longer carried Kahr (I'm told), Bear Arms told me 2 days prior they had too many returns and dropped the Kahr line.

Marksman has EVERY major gun there to rent and I see no reason they would lie. In fact he went on to tell me his brother had one and liked it. I wasn't buying, I was renting and could have ordered it if not in stock. So, the guy seemed honest and I had no reason not to believe.

Looks like blown panel does occur, and its entirely possible the rental customers get a bit scared of this potential liability...just a thought. Here are other examples of talk.


01-22-2011, 11:34 PM
It's silly to blame kabooms on anything but faulty ammo. Kahrs certainly don't have a reputation for blowing up.

01-22-2011, 11:43 PM
Jocko needs to chime in here, but I believe the side plate that's shown blown off in the pic is a multi function device: partly designed for final assembly of the trigger bar and partly as a safety vent for just such an occurance (most likely ammo failure induced).

Not meaning to be "uppity" (I am, after all, only a junior member of the Kahr Talk forum), but twice in prior posts I pointed (via hyperlink) to the relevant Kahr website FAQ (http://www.kahr.com/faq.asp#q5), which reads as excerpted below. So, Kahr kindly answered the question for us in advance.

Q. Why does the panel on the side of the grip of my Kahr polymer pistol sometimes "pop open"?

A. When a firearm is discharged, there is equal pressure on both sides of the ammunition, and the cartridge will seek the path of least resistance, which is forward. However, if the rim of the cartridge is cracked, the primer pinched, or any similar damage, pressure builds up and the path of least resistance is backwards causing the grip mount to pop. It is provided as a safety mechanism to prevent bodily injury.

01-23-2011, 12:08 AM
Buds Guns told me 2 days prior they had too many returns and dropped the Kahr line.

Is that a local place called Buds Guns? If it's Bud's Gun Shop in KY they definitely have not dropped the Kahr line.

01-23-2011, 12:54 AM
The FAQ link that I just posted verifies what you're saying about bad ammo. Apparently, the grip plates are designed to pop off in the event of a ruptured case. It's an interesting and thoughtful safety feature that I wouldn't have anticipated.

Sorry, I thought I had mentioned your FAQ link and gave credit it's due. Sometimes my fingers go faster than my brain and in the heat of things I lose myself in translation.

As to the last post saying Bud's is dropping the Kahr line, I ain't buying that either.

01-23-2011, 04:55 AM
Kahrs DON'T GO KABOOM. Ammo goes kaboom. Lets get that straight.

The side plate is not a safety blow out plate. It is only there because kahr cannot get the cocking cam and other small parts in the gun any other way. There has to be a side opening. Now one can say if the gun had a super hotround that this would absorb some of the pressure and indeed it might but by that time the lower portion of the frame is already blown up anyway. Call that side plate what ever u want, it certainly wasnot put there by design for a safety issue, as again kahrs do not go KABOOM. I would never had called it a blow out panel forit tends tolead that maybe the gun is marginal at best..

01-23-2011, 07:03 AM
This is a direct quote from the OP who had the "PM9 failure" referenced above.

"After getting home I examined more of the ammo and then realized that the casings were NOT all the same, and I was able to pretty much determine the ammo was reloads - I will admit my ignorance and also admit that I should have known better what my wife and I were shooting. I called GA Arms to confirm my suspicion that it was in fact reloaded ammo, but not the "guy drinking beer and watching NASCAR reload" type stuff. Reloads nonetheless though..."

So my question is --How in the hell can you fault the gun when you are intentionally shooting some other clown's reloads?--
This "blown-up" PM9 scenario and blaming the gun is pure, unadultirated B.S. in my opinion.

As someone stated--You gotta seperate the sheep from the goats. :7:

01-23-2011, 09:54 AM
Is that a local place called Buds Guns? If it's Bud's Gun Shop in KY they definitely have not dropped the Kahr line.

My apologies, the gun shop that told me too many returns was Bear Arms in Covington Wa. I was looking at Buds online earlier and had that on the brain. Here is the link.


If someone thinks I'm a troll throwing around BS as someone in the maintanence thread said, then CALL the owner and ask if he carries the PM9...I dare you!

If people want to rip me for whatever their reason fine, so be it. I did not make this stuff up, and wanted to like the PM9, it is pretty much exactly what I was looking for in a pocket 9. I'm only passing along what I've been told, and some of what I've read. If that is just a "designed" blow out plate, and it is injuring, or scaring away customers, and other similar weapons do not do this, makes sence to me a range that puts many round thru their gun might shy away.

01-23-2011, 10:13 AM
Most people would say that side plate popped out... or at the worst the side plate blew out.

"Blow up" is a pretty darn dramatic description and highly prejudicial to the gun, especially when it's usually bad reloads or otherwise ammo related... kinda like "drama queens" wanting attention or to denigrate something or someone.

This is how bad rumors get started... inaccurate repetition and "embellishments"... each person contributing more bias and inaccuracies... many only too happy to do so.



01-23-2011, 10:14 AM
I could really care less what the owner says. He might have gotten a lemon kahr. Kahrs do not blow up, Ammo blows up. Yes I think your trolling, just my opinion as it seems you feel you have the right to come on here and spout off things, well so do I.

I told you what that sideplate is for and evidentley you don't believe it, but unlike glocks which drop in their parts from the top the kahr cocking cam is not a drop in part and MUST GO IN FROM THE SIDE. That is what that plate is there for. Now if there is an ammo related kaboom, I have no doubt that sideplate wll blow off, along with the rest of the lower portion. It is not there by design for blow out prevention PERIOD. If one would take just a few minutes to look over the workings of his polymer kahr he will see EXACTLY what I am saying, dispute it if you may but then show me how you can get that cocking cam in the gun with the cocking cam pin and cocking cam spring. IT IS IMPOSSABLE without the open sideplate.

You should not own or buy a kahr IMO. You certainly deserve something better!!!

The Indiana State police about 3 years ago bought 1200 G22's. they had so many problems with them that Glock had to come in and take um all back and they reissued G17's which they still carry to this day. Illinois State Police went through the same issue with their G22 and glock came in and took um all back. GOSH OH GEE. Whats peaces of sh-t these glock guns are??????

Stupid is as stupid does: Forrest gump

I am not a paid cheerleader for kahrs. When they make a lemon gun, I defend the owner 100%. They do make lemons you know. it just happens. Just ask Ruger with their two fiascos in a row with their total recall of the SR9 and the total recall of 50K of the lcp. today owners swear buy them, not at them like they did in the beginning. BUT I DO KNOW KAHRS TO and if one truly believe this bull sh-it stuff, then indeed for sure don't buy a kahr. It is not the end of the world, kahr will survive, they will not miss u or the next person who feels negative towards kahrs If I didn't think my PM9 was 100% totally safe and durable as a damn tank, I can afford any damn gun made today and I would certainly be carrying the finest, most reliable gun made today, and for me that is my KAHR PM9.

01-23-2011, 10:36 AM
500KV: ur quote"
So my question is --How in the hell can you fault the gun when you are intentionally shooting some other clown's reloads?--
This "blown-up" PM9 scenario and blaming the gun is pure, unadultirated B.S. in my opinion.

My answer: because some people are just ignorant!!

01-23-2011, 10:49 AM
"Blow up" is a pretty darn dramatic description and highly prejudicial to the gun, especially when it's usually bad reloads or otherwise ammo related... kinda like "drama queens" wanting attention or to denigrate something or someone.

He may have said blown "out" frames but that is not the point. People here are calling me a troll and starting BS, but possibly they are just the little boy whistling in the dark to keep his spirits up, or work at the Kool Aid stand...dont know.

Put yourself in my shoes. I am an interested potential customer, wanted to do my homework as my wife may carry this gun at times and went to look at it, was given a reason why they didn't carry it, then went to shoot at a large indoor range that has EVERY popular handgun to rent, AGAIN was given a different reason why they too don't cary it. Then I posted this in the maintainence thread. I did NOT start this new thread to "broadcast" or smear the Kahr name, I responded to the post as to what I was told and found on a quick search.

Given the info and what I ran into, and you were me, would you buy one??

01-23-2011, 11:04 AM
Not meaning to be "uppity" (I am, after all, only a junior member of the Kahr Talk forum), but twice in prior posts I pointed (via hyperlink) to the relevant Kahr website FAQ (http://www.kahr.com/faq.asp#q5), which reads as excerpted below. So, Kahr kindly answered the question for us in advance.

Q. Why does the panel on the side of the grip of my Kahr polymer pistol sometimes "pop open"?

A. When a firearm is discharged, there is equal pressure on both sides of the ammunition, and the cartridge will seek the path of least resistance, which is forward. However, if the rim of the cartridge is cracked, the primer pinched, or any similar damage, pressure builds up and the path of least resistance is backwards causing the grip mount to pop. It is provided as a safety mechanism to prevent bodily injury.
Goffman,don`t fret.The fact that you are a junior member means absolutely squat.Your opinions are just as valuable as any senior member`s.Senoirity means nothing here as well it shouldn`t.Good practical knowledge means everything.Thanks for your post.

01-23-2011, 11:20 AM
verndog. People on here are not calling you a troll. I did, no one else did. I stand by my comments to. Some people hear may count to 10 before hitting back I take the short cut and multiply 5 X 2 to get there faster.

You could have done your home work and come here IMO in a much better fashion as one who wants to learn. These guys here have forgottn more about kahrs than most shooting ranges ever dreamed of IMO.

You should not buy a kahr that is my opinion based on your knowledge of not knowing anything about kahrs but just repeating what has been told to you.

If I offened you, well sh-t happens..

01-23-2011, 11:31 AM
I'm not calling you names, but you've made several corrections to what you started with, which shows how things get distorted as they are repeated.
It's good that you came here for answers and research in your choice of of a pistol, Kahr in particular.

Most, but not all of the guys and gals here, are partial to Kahrs. We've seen the good and the bad, some our own experiences. We don't have any data for showing the number of guns sold versus the number of owners with problems. I expect that we don't hear from most of the buyers and owners because they don't have problems and don't seek help here.

I/we, most of us, try to keep an open mind, but are skeptical of reports that aren't first-hand, especially negative ones.

I've had more problems with my new purchases than most new owners, but the problems were eventually corrected by Kahr at their expense, and I'm happy with mine.

All guns should be thoroughly tested with FMJ and then with the carry ammo of choice to insure as much as possible that it's reliable for defensive use, especially concealed carry. If you can't feel confident with ANY pistol, you shouldn't carry it, because your life might depend on it and it should be reliable and proven to your satisfaction.

Too many people just buy a gun, load it, and then expect it to work if they need it. I've tested the heck out of mine and am confident they will work when called upon, but it has taken a lot of effort to get to that point for me... by me AND Kahr Customer Service.


01-23-2011, 11:34 AM
If that is just a "designed" blow out plate, and it is injuring, or scaring away customers, and other similar weapons do not do this, makes sence to me a range that puts many round thru their gun might shy away.

No offence meant here either but could you kindly advise us concerning the "other similar weapons that do not do this" (I'm assuming that weapons exist that don't "blow up" when shooting improperly reloaded ammo.) 'cause I would like to buy 2 of each.:yo:

01-23-2011, 11:42 AM
What all these guys said verndog. Nobody is giving you the slightest bit ofa hard time. Your information is a little off and this happens ALOT.
Little bits of information get a little twisted around and blown out of proportion, leave out a few important bits and the next thing you know a quality gun is suddenly the biggest piece of garbage ever made.

This simply is not true regarding Kahrs. Like Jocko said, a bad one gets out now and then and they fix em. All manufactures do that.

Don't think anyone is getting personal here, we just dont do that. You kind of hit us where we live but also not many of us own alot of other brand guns too, so it's not like we're drinking only the Kahr kook aid.

I know of Bear Arms, (see another place where a mistyped word caused lots of caos). I assume you must be a Washington guy like me.

Do you do the WAC show down in Puyallup each month or come up to Monroe? I haven't been to Puyallup in a long time but it's sure a heck of a show down there. 5 or 6 times bigger than Monroe for sure.

01-23-2011, 11:55 AM
Try some fiber in the diet people... ;)

01-23-2011, 12:34 PM
No offence meant here either but could you kindly advise us concerning the "other similar weapons that do not do this" (I'm assuming that weapons exist that don't "blow up" when shooting improperly reloaded ammo.) 'cause I would like to buy 2 of each.:yo:

Yes Kaboom = Kaboom on any gun. Most do not blow a panel into your hand when it happens. After the PM9 Kaboom your left thinking it was worse then it was when your weapon has a piece "blown" out of it, and it may have done more damage to your hand becasue of this. This is a guess using logic.

01-23-2011, 12:45 PM
and none are made to be assembled from the side like the kahrs are either. If it blows the panel out the lower portion will blow all to hell anyways, panel or no panel. I haven't heard or read of any panels being blown out and people hands getting damaged because of that. If the lower portion blows because of a k-boom ones hand is going to feel the brute of the k-boom period. this is just a guess , using logic.. Ur trying very har dto try to make this panel a design error, and it is certainly not. kahr probalby has well over a 100,000 polymer out there with this faulty panel and I certainly have read of one getting a damaged hand from the panel leaving the gun. It might have happened but I would venture to bet if a kahr goes k-boom ones hand is going to get damaged from the polymer just going allt o hell, not that panel. If one thinks a k-boom is going to happpen and just that panel will leave the gun like a damn pressure valve on a pressure cooker, then he is dreaming....k-booms are what they are a very uncontrollable explosion

01-23-2011, 01:04 PM
.. Ur trying very har dto try to make this panel a design error, and it is certainly not....

There you go with your implied "other agenda" garb. NO I'M NOT! I stated why it's possible why a range that rents guns "may" be reluctant to carry this gun. If the design leaves a greater impact on a person when Kaboom occurs, then it is what it is...not as bad as it looks. Try telling that to your customer with a streak in his shorts.

mr surveyor
01-23-2011, 04:15 PM
this is getting absolutely silly. A "Kaboom" is a catastrophic failure, sometimes, but rarely, caused by material defects (considering only higher quality firearms for discussion purposes), but most often caused my over pressured rounds or brass failures. The ammo related "Kabooms" are going to blow any firearm off the firing line, often sending schrapnel into adjacent shooting lanes. The material defects have occassionally been found in almost every firearms makers products, and can and have resulted is catastrophic failures. Not a highly common occurance though.

I would suggest that one do a search of "Kaboom" and see what a real Kaboom looks like before claiming the above picture of the PM9 is the new poster child for the word. There have been many, many reported catastrophic failures with firearms, and none are immune from the ammunition related casues.

mr surveyor
01-23-2011, 04:20 PM
I also have to ask a question about the guy admitting he had used reloads. I thought that most all ranges that rented firearms had rules prohibiting the use of any re-loaded ammunition...and some would only allow rentals to be fired with their range stocked ammunition?

I have never shot at an indoor range, or any range that rented guns, just going by internet hearsay.

01-23-2011, 04:50 PM
:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn: Not to burst too many bubbles, but let me ask you this: If Kahr had such a problem as you depict here, then why are they still not only in business, but thriving? Further to the point why are they as well respected and loved as they are by those who have actually held them, shot them, and carry them? I know of quite a number of folks who either want one, or have at least one that they carry on a regular basis. Squib loads happen even in factory ammo, as do all manner of other things that just ain't right. I have personally gotten boxes that had no primers, no flash holes to prime them, or the primers turned 180 degrees ass backwards, or double charges (only had about three of them), and squib loads. I know enough to know that if I don't get boom when I pull the trigger that I may need to check things, but 99.99995% of those range rental guns never see cleaning, and build-ups of lead/copper etc can happen, or worse. Remember a range rental gets sh!t on and most still work. So ammo in your book just can't be the cause, nor can a lack of maintenance, therefore it must be Kahr's fault. That dog just don't hunt. :9:

P.s. Surv your internet hearsay is pretty spot on. That's about the sum of indoor ranges, and ranges where they do rent guns.

01-23-2011, 05:07 PM
Impossable to have a k-boom without a bullet in the gun, so who is the culprit????

jlottmc and surv, ur preachin to the choir as u well know.

mr surveyor
01-23-2011, 05:16 PM
sometimes I guess we just like to hear ourselves talk.... or read our own gibberish:D

01-23-2011, 05:18 PM
Eh that too. Although there are those brothers that like to blow stuff including guns up, with real explosives and even some tannerite.

01-23-2011, 07:02 PM
Never shoot someone else's reloads! Never! Pistol ammo is very easy to double load and if it is a double load you can have problems like those exhibited here. This is why Kahr and most other manufacturers will void the warranty if they discover reloads have been fired through one of their weapons. If you reload your own ammo, you have control over the quality. If you shoot someone else's reloads, you roll the dice!

Quality weapons are built to allow for people who don't follow the above rule. They are made to allow for serious overpressure without severe damage to the weapon and particularly to the shooter. Obviously Kahr makes quality weapons or someone would have been severely injured in this incident!

01-23-2011, 07:22 PM
I was reading this thread a thought to myself that you can pretty much Google any gun manufacturer's name and the words "blow up" or "kaboom" and you will get a ton of blow ups. Does that mean that those guns are crap, probably not in all likelihood somebody did something that was not supposed to and a piece of equipment that handles tremendous pressures failed........big surprise there.
That will hold true for any piece of equipment, try putting a different size piston in the motor of your car and see what happens.

Here are five minutes worth of goggling:

01-23-2011, 07:24 PM
a couple more.

If you ask me I rather that the side plate pops out than some of the stuff on this other pictures, but that's just me

01-23-2011, 07:28 PM
Sigh..I hate to see threads devolve into this. One of the things I enjoy about this forum is the polite discourse that is usually evident. Way I see it, if you don't have total faith in a weapon for any reason, don't carry it! End of story. I tested my PM9, like I would any carry weapon and mine has proven itself to me.
I'm a journalist, and as such, I've learned never to take anything at face value and not only to "consider the source," but to get multiple sources before making any determination. Anecdotal third person hearsay "evidence" is close to worthless. Gun shops are well known BS factories.
We're adults, we do the research, make up our own minds, plunk down our $$, and take our chances, be it guns, or cars, or kid's toys.

01-23-2011, 07:35 PM
All Glocks and Smith&Wessons are complete garbage. Just look, perfect examples of high maintenance low-quality guns. Does anyone need more evidence? These pictures have shaken my confidence in these weapons. I will never buy a Glock or Smith&Wesson ever again and will stick with my PM9. *tongue firmly planted*

01-23-2011, 07:39 PM
All Glocks and Smith&Wessons are complete garbage. Just look, perfect examples of high maintenance low-quality guns. Does anyone need more evidence? These pictures have shaken my confidence in these weapons. I will never buy a Glock or Smith&Wesson ever again and will stick with my PM9. *tongue firmly planted*
Please don't forget Colts and Rugers on that list.;)

01-23-2011, 08:26 PM
Any of them have the potential for failure,it just stands to reason,I use to work at 1 of the better known shops in Indiana,and believe me from time to time they all go boom,it`s just 1 of those things,nature of the beast so to say,I`ll shut up now.;)

01-23-2011, 09:05 PM
Glocks, Smith&Wessons, Colts and Rugers, O My!

01-23-2011, 09:42 PM
and from the photos what was the ONE "constant" in every k-=boom.

5 guesses:

1. had to be a bad gun, no wait thats impossable, as some photos show Smith and Wesson, ruger, Colt,and oh my GLOCKS TO
2 Bawanna shot the guns and we know he is a loser
3 a blonde woman shot it
4 It was hot out that day and the gun could not take the heat
5 a bullet was involved.

01-23-2011, 11:57 PM
Sigh..I hate to see threads devolve into this. One of the things I enjoy about this forum is the polite discourse that is usually evident. Way I see it, if you don't have total faith in a weapon for any reason, don't carry it! End of story. I tested my PM9, like I would any carry weapon and mine has proven itself to me.
I'm a journalist, and as such, I've learned never to take anything at face value and not only to "consider the source," but to get multiple sources before making any determination. Anecdotal third person hearsay "evidence" is close to worthless. Gun shops are well known BS factories.
We're adults, we do the research, make up our own minds, plunk down our $$, and take our chances, be it guns, or cars, or kid's toys.

Very well said - I agree completely.

01-24-2011, 05:53 AM
I'm 57 and have been "fiddlin'" with guns since I was 16-made friends with a true gunsmith and learned alot as a youngster which was the basis for a lifetime of learning about firearms.

The thing that constantly cracks me up is the unbelievable BALONY that can be heard coming from "experts" at shooting ranges, gunshops and worst of all-gunshows. I'm a teacher (flight instructor) for a large helicopter company, the focus being the air medical part of my company, and if I put out the total crap that I constantly hear from the above-named sources, I and many of my "students" would have been dead many years ago.

Just spent some time at our local gunshop/shooting range and from the conversation I had with the "head dude", it was obvious that he had no concept whatsoever of the difference between a single action, double action, striker fired, etc. semi-auto. The only thing he could say was Glock, Glock, Glock, -----------. Had no concept on how ANY othe pistol functioned.

Yeah, he's the guy I want to ask questions of, concerning pistols---if it's a Glock!

01-24-2011, 06:18 AM
hold on a sec. One of the pictures shows a .44 mag S&W. This photo was part of a chain e-mail that went out about a month ago. There were some more photos of the gun. I ran those photos by a gun dealer friend who is more knowledgeable than I to see what he had to say. I forget his exact words, but he thought it was a hoax. He said there would be black soot powder all over the cylinder. If you look at it, it's clean as a whistle. Some photos are probably legit while others are not.

01-24-2011, 06:23 AM
This thread is getting blown out more so than any of those guns in the pics. First off, it seems like verndog is here to relay information he heard and possibly wants to clarify that. If that is the case perhaps he is just concerned about possible problems. I'm sure that these "blow ups" are few and far between. If someone tells me something like the gun ranges told him, I'm gonna investigate. So what better place to come than Kahrtalk, where Kahr product owners discuss issues. If any member has an issue or question, they should feel free to be able to post their concern here without being jumped on. I am not paid by Kahr, nor do I work for the company in any way. I can formulate an opinion and attest to my Kahr experiences, outside of that I can only listen to others. Verndog, I believe you have an honest concern about Kahr pistols and me be reluctant to fork over $500 plus for a Kahr after hearing things like that. I hope that you understand that just like anything, odd problems may occur, however a blow up is rare. Don't get discouraged here at the forum just because a few others like to jump down your throat. This is supposed to be a discussion forum

01-24-2011, 09:10 AM
....If someone tells me something like the gun ranges told him, I'm gonna investigate. So what better place to come than Kahrtalk, where Kahr product owners discuss issues. If any member has an issue or question, they should feel free to be able to post their concern here without being jumped on.

... Verndog, I believe you have an honest concern about Kahr pistols and me be reluctant to fork over $500 plus for a Kahr after hearing things like that. I hope that you understand that just like anything, odd problems may occur, however a blow up is rare. Don't get discouraged here at the forum just because a few others like to jump down your throat. This is supposed to be a discussion forum

Thank you CS534 it's encouraging to see those of you that can view a concern with logic instead of fear and cultish type reactions. Sad thing is the reaction here by some has left me the option of A) Bail, or B) go back to the very people they condem for more info and clarification.

The pic and links I posted were in responce that nobody ever heard of frame issues, so I posted what a quick search revealed...thats it. It may or may not have anything to do with what the range did, as I have no idea if the range issue is due to kaboom, just heavy use, reloads slipped in, neglect or what. I plan to go back to the "idiots" for more info.

I'm intelligent enough to know that these guys don't know everything about every gun, that was one motive in coming back here....kinda how forums are suppose to work.

01-24-2011, 09:20 AM
Precisely what CS534 said and he said it perfectly, and I don't work for Kahr either. Verndog did get jumped on a litte but in all fairness some of your rebuttals could be construed as negative also. Trust the guy behind the counter, what does Kahrtalk know.
I don't frequent any other forums but from what I've heard this whole thread was very polite and congenial compared to some of them.

01-24-2011, 09:38 AM
"I've heard this whole thread was very polite and congenial compared to some of them"
Fo Sho...

mr surveyor
01-24-2011, 09:39 AM
most of the responsive posts here were in no way "cultish", nor intended to be. The so called "kaboom" examples that were linked to covered a broad spectrum of various, highly respected firearms manufacturers, and were noted as examples that catastrophic failures can happen, and have happened to many (any) manufactured firearms. Those of us that have followed firearms discussion forums on the internet for the last 5 to 10 years have seen the impact of unchallenged reports or claims of negligence on the firearms industry as a whole. Yes there are the typical "fan boys" in every manufacturer's corner, then there are those that are just plain fan boys of firearms in general. I fall into the latter category, as do most here at KahrTalk. Personally, I hate to see any manufacturer accused of marketing an unsafe product unless the accusor has proof, in which case there should be legal action taken...otherwise (my opinion) the charges are either hype or hearsay.

If my posts are thought to be offensive, they were not intended to be so. Yes, this is a forum for discussion of firearms, and civil discourse should be the norm. But, often times you need to go into a discussion with full bunker gear (a little fireman lingo)


01-24-2011, 09:45 AM
...Verndog did get jumped on a litte but in all fairness some of your rebuttals could be construed as negative also.... Trust the guy behind the counter, what does Kahrtalk know....

I can be guilty of fighting fire with fire, I have a pet peive of being blamed for something I didn't do / or something I am not, my bad there.

As far as who to trust when it comes to information or advise, I trust (with caution) everyone, until I see a reason not to. And there are plenty of those.;)

01-24-2011, 10:27 AM
I`ve heard that PETA is preparing a class action lawsuit against this thread claiming it is beating a dead horse.

01-24-2011, 10:34 AM
I heard that too. What say we close this one. It's a new day, lets start fresh.