View Full Version : I need some help here

01-26-2011, 11:04 AM
Over at THR, I tried to direct a guy here for help with a problem he is having with a new Kahr.
I was quickly told that no prep should be needed and the guy should send it back to Kahr because of "known striker problems".

I quickly called that interenet retoric.
It's gone back and forth now a few times, and I'm done with it.
Feel free to jump in, over there, if you like.

I post less and less there because its always the same tired questions with the same geezers scenting every post and wanting to argue over every little detail.

I have way too much fun here...in this littler pond, thanks to John, Mr.B, Jocko and the rest of the crew.

just sayin'

01-26-2011, 11:14 AM
Wow, I saw Tilos needs help and was ready to put the cavalry on full alert. This ain't so bad.

I for one ain't going over there. I thought I'd heard that was one of the more tolerable forums. Hopefully the guy with the Kahr problem will find his way over here and discover the good life like the rest of us.

This is the only place I hang out at although I probably meet all their geezer, scenting qualifications.

I think I need councilling, I get depressed around lunch time when I look forward to really looking things over here but it consistantly goes stagnant around the middle of the day. Guess other people don't get to sit in front of the computer all day and pop in an out as time allows just to keep bawanna happy.

I'd of course much rather be a motorcycle cop but so far all they let me drive is this stupid computer. I shouldn't call it stupid, I'll pay for that. At least it's way faster than my home computer.

01-26-2011, 11:33 AM
Tilos, I just sold a couple of Kahrs from my side of the gun counter. One thing I did was send the buyer this way and let our gang do the talking.

Just One Shot
01-26-2011, 01:12 PM
Over at THR, I tried to direct a guy here for help with a problem he is having with a new Kahr.
I was quickly told that no prep should be needed and the guy should send it back to Kahr because of "known striker problems".

I quickly called that interenet retoric.
It's gone back and forth now a few times, and I'm done with it.
Feel free to jump in, over there, if you like.

I post less and less there because its always the same tired questions with the same geezers scenting every post and wanting to argue over every little detail.

I have way too much fun here...in this littler pond, thanks to John, Mr.B, Jocko and the rest of the crew.

just sayin'
I saw that thread but I just moved over and let the "EXPERTS" handle it. ;)

01-26-2011, 02:29 PM
Over at THR, I tried to direct a guy here for help with a problem he is having with a new Kahr.
I was quickly told that no prep should be needed and the guy should send it back to Kahr because of "known striker problems".

I quickly called that interenet retoric.
It's gone back and forth now a few times, and I'm done with it.
Feel free to jump in, over there, if you like.

I post less and less there because its always the same tired questions with the same geezers scenting every post and wanting to argue over every little detail.

I have way too much fun here...in this littler pond, thanks to John, Mr.B, Jocko and the rest of the crew.

just sayin'

surprised they didn't ban you over disagreeing with them over there. I had issues on that forum, never got banned but probalbyw as close. you dd your best, u tried tohelp, but as u know some of those people are just so much smarter than we are:p

01-26-2011, 03:21 PM
I assume this is the post refered to.

Kahr told the OP to return the gun. That seems like good sound advice to me and I agreed with it and stated why. IMHO, Tilos gave a somewhat weak, misguided answer to the man's problem with his gun when he said;
"If this is a new gun you cannot just load it and fire it", as well as, "In addition, I always put on some work gloves and rack the slide a couple of hundred times after doing the prep as described in the above link".

I believe a new gun should function properly, that includes the striker, trigger, barrel, magazines, etc.. Kahrs do not come from the factory all gunked up. The lubes they ship with are fairly thin. Regardless of that, the gun should function.

I've stated a few times on this forum that I disagree with the necessity of an elaborate prep ritual. If one wants to go through that routine, fine, knock yourself out, but in my years of gun ownership and use, this prep process has never been needed on any firearm I've purchased, Kahr or other brand. I clean a gun, new or used, then shoot it.

I've stated several times that Kahr has pretty obvious striker problems. If one does a search on this forum, one will find numerous times that people express having guns prone to lightstrikes.

Maybe I'm just an old Geezer, but I don't see what the big error or offense is. Someone point out the error of my ways please.

-Ripley16, AKA usp9

01-26-2011, 03:58 PM
and I think your partially right to ripley 16. A gun shold work out of the box, but some need alittle pushing to get them going, Is there any harm in making sure the gun is totally clean and well lubed berore going out with it, other than taking it right out of the box and trying it. I see nothing wrong in getting the propper prepped. Whether a person want sot go through some of the posts that I and others have made a thread out of,is his choice. I can attest than many have done the prep and lube thing and stated great results. Some with guns that did act up even out of the box .

I would like to think for me anyhow that I have pre-prepped my gun as good as I can before its first outting, so that in case it then gives issues, I am not sitting somewhere wondering if the striker channel is indeed clean or springs in correctly, or lubed up right..
it is an individual choice and guns today don't seem to come all greased up and messy like they used to box um up, but IMO a good propper prep of a gun is not a bad thing to do

01-26-2011, 04:19 PM
I certainly don't disagree with a good cleaning and familiarization via a field stripping and fondling. Where I do disagree is necessity of racking the slide a large number of times or doing a detailed strip as was suggested. Neither should be needed on a new firearm.

I think I've established myself as a Kahr fan, here and on other forums. However, I do see a large number of topics concerning light strikes in Kahrs... a problem not as prevalent in other striker fired brands. This problem plagued a Kahr that I owned, so I've seen it up close and personal. I encourage Kahr to fix the problem.

01-26-2011, 04:33 PM
racking the slide is "recommendation". not a requirement. again, what does it hurt???

I have my own opinions on the light strike thing but I won't go into that as it is my opinion. I am not sure I ever recommended a "detail" strip of any kahr in the prep section. If you call inserting a spray nozzle in that little hole in the bottom of the slide a detail stripping, then that was not my intention. To me that is just a cursory cleaning, certainly not doing anything but taking the slide off the gun and that is all. In taking the slide off it also gives the owner an chance to see if indeed the recoil spring is on correctly. I have always felt there is no real need to detail strp a kahr slide with that clean out hole so easy to do what needs to be done.

01-26-2011, 05:14 PM
I am not sure I ever recommended a "detail" strip...
I'm refering to the posts on THR.

01-26-2011, 05:17 PM
sorry abut that, I must have missed where u stated that. Last time I detailed stripped anything I got slapped in the face over it . I was in a nice restaurant when she walked by and I guess I thought she looked like my PM9 so I detailed stripped it. Trust me, not the thing to do .

There has been over 8000 hits on this forum on the propper prepping thing and all those suggestions were not mine out of my little brain but those passed on to me on this forum and others by people I felt were knowledable. so I put it all down in writing with additions as they come forward.. I have no doubt it has helped many to enjoy their kahr or other semis better. Some have stated on this forum to that they went to the propper prep section and did certain but not all the things recommended. That is what that thread was for to. Not a bible to success but a guide to help you along if you feel the need to do so.

I always felt your sticky on the slide dissasembly was super and I think when you posted it the first time I even stated that it should be a sticky along with some others. It was just that good. I don't recommend taking the slide all the way down but if one must then your sticky is definitely worth looking at. It will save one headaches to. the kahr lube chart came from glock talk / kahr section. Not my invention but to me certainly one of the best lub stickys money can buy. Many kahr owner or semi owners are new to this game and I just feel anything we can put in writing with photos to help will certainly assist one in enjoying his semi alot better, no matter who makes it.

01-26-2011, 05:20 PM
You wicked wicked monkey!

01-26-2011, 05:39 PM

I probably just stated what damn near 90% here have done but just don't admit it.

01-26-2011, 05:49 PM
Ba dum bum, Rim Shot...I can see both sides of this issue...I think any premium handgun should work right out of the box but that isn't always the case with guns, cars, motorcycles or anything else mechanical...sometimes you get a good one and sometimes you don't...My first car was a brand new special order 1972 red SS Chevelle 454...When I went to pick it up it seemed to be a little hard to start and the idle wasn't smooth but I figured it would be better after break in but on the way home from the dealer the thing stalled out and wouldn't start...It has 12 miles on the clock...Well I called the salesman and they sent a wrecker and towed it back to the Chevy dealership which was about to close so they gave me a free loaner car (which ran perfectly) The next day they call me and said the problem was a defective coil and 2 bad spark plug wires from the factory...They replaced the parts and the car ran like a raped ape...Great car and very fast, It left me when the wife came on board and I miss her every day (The car not the wife)...As for guns, I had an Interarms Walther PPKs that would jam with anything I tried to run through it...Took it back to the LGS and they had their smitty go over it and if anything he made it worse so I traded it in on a Star .40 cal which shot great (wish I had it back) I later bought a S&W 645 .45 ACP because Sonny Crocket had one on Miami Vice and I thought it was one of the best looking pistols that I had ever seen...Well it too was a jamomatic and when it did shoot it printed about a foot and a half low with any ammo tried...Had others shoot it with the same results...LGS sent it back to S&W and this was during the Puma ownership days and their customer service was awful (although now its some of the best in the business) well they kept it about 3 months and when I got it back I would swear they didn't touch it because it did the exact same thing so it went down the road with a warning to the buyer..I now have a gen 3 S&W .45 mod 4506 that is the best shooting dead on accurate semi auto I have ever shot and I wouldn't trade it for anything....So bottom line is if you get a lemon anything send it back and let the manufacturer have a whack at fixing the issue if you can't fix it yourself...

01-26-2011, 06:25 PM
I'm surprised anyone on that forum was actually talking about such a fine weapon like Kahr every time I have looked over there it's mostly people talking about the 30,000 rounds of ammo they have stored up and how much tactical bacon they have on hand for when the government collapses.

01-26-2011, 07:13 PM
I gave him the last word...nope he brings it here and switches from the prep/lube advice to the slide racking thing.

Tilos(same name on all forums)
just sayin'

01-26-2011, 07:23 PM
Getsome, I think Sonny Crockett had a Bren Ten. I could be wrong here but I'm pretty certain it was a 10. Could be where bad karma entered your life thru bad identification.
I bet you wish you had that SS Chevelle today by doggie. Heck of a first car.

01-27-2011, 02:23 PM
You are correct Obi One Bawanna, In the pilot Sonny was to have carried a Sig P220 but that was scrapped and in the 1st and most of the 2nd season Crocket carried the then brand new Bren Ten made by Dornaus & Dixon chambered in .45 ACP so they could use blanks (10mm blanks didn't exist) the original Bren Ten had a bead blasted matte stainless slide and a black hard chrome frame...The show producer wanted more bling for the night shots so Sonny's pistol had a flashy nickel plated slide and high polished stainless frame...It is said that Don Johnson hated the shoulder holster for the Bren Ten but nothing else was available...Dornaus & Dixon went out of business in 1986 so the producer awarded the weapon contract to S&W which was great for them as they had just released the new generation 2 Mod 645 .45ACP and wanted to promote it...The stage pistol was highly polished and almost looked like nickel but was not...The new shoulder holster rig was made by the Jackass Leather Company which later became what is now Galco International...The President of the company personally fitted the new rig to Don Johnson and he really liked it much better than what he was using and the holster was used throughout the remainder of the series and currently is in a case at the Galco International headquarters lobby and is still in production as "The Miami Classic"... In the last season Crocket started to carry the then new Gen 3 4506 .45 ACP which was the last pistol he used in the show...Crocket also carried a .45 ACP Detonics Combat Master in an ankle holster for backup...I wanted one of those real bad but even back then the price for one was over the moon...Miami Vice was and still is in DVD one of my all time favorite TV shows...At the time there wasn't anything like it on the air...I liked how they stayed true to the firearms on the show and actually had to reload during a shootout and you never would see a 5 shot revolver shoot 8-9 times....The show was sexy, the music was great and cutting edge...The acting and plots were very good and I still enjoy watching an episode from time to time even though by todays standards some things are very dated (Gimungus Cell phones, beepers, answering machines and mullet hair cuts) but heck it was mid 80's so what!!!......:59:...:cool:....Oh and about the 1972 454 SS Chevelle, You bet your arse I wish I had it back especially when watching Barrett Jackson auctions on TV and seeing them go for $75.000 but it was probably a good thing I sold her before I hurt myself with it but it sure was fun for a while and I really helped Goodyear Tire and Rubber co stock stay way up there....

01-27-2011, 02:36 PM
Sweet Mary and Joseph, you've done your homework there getsome. I knew about the Galco and Jackass leather but not anything about all the gun changes. It was one of my favorites shows also. I loved his partner Cheech, who was actually his second partner right? added just the right flair to the whole show. His first partner (drawing a blank on the name) was good too.
Didn't know about the Detonics either, I nearly got one of those back in the day and met one of their head gunsmiths who did some work on my Colt officers model which is another great story for another time.
They were wicked cool but also wicked expensive.

I still remember the episode where Cheech? messed up Sonnys' tires and he was scrambling to get them replaced without notice. Sonny stating you know I only run Billy Big O's which apparently at the time were the most expensive tire you could find. Awww Hollywood.

01-27-2011, 02:47 PM
This KAHR discussion is going on at SIGforum. Some people are still upset about Rev. Moon's connection to KAHR...


01-27-2011, 03:04 PM
I knew there was a reason I rarely stray from this forum unless linked to something as you just did. They really spew the phenom over there don't they?

Ironically when I bought my K40 years ago the dealer was quick to mention the association or the relationship of Justin to his father. Didn't matter to me then and it don't matter to me now quite frankly.

Glad the guy replaced his PM45 with a G36. Keep him over in the Glock forum and the heck away from me. Not to say there's anything wrong with a 36. I've owned a couple and they were great, along with the 30, the 27s the 26's and all the rest that I've owned and no longer do.

01-27-2011, 03:26 PM
This KAHR discussion is going on at SIGforum. Some people are still upset about Rev. Moon's connection to KAHR...


screw um over there. If it bothers anyone,just don't buy it. Hell lets put kahr out of business for after all it is American Made, and they employee AMERICANS (alot of them) and they pay high corporate taxes, they advertise in gun rags that need the ad dollars, They support the sporting industry. They make a top quality product.:confused: We don't need business's like that in the UNITED STATES.

01-27-2011, 03:40 PM
This KAHR discussion is going on at SIGforum. Some people are still upset about Rev. Moon's connection to KAHR...


Some people are upset about my connection to Kahr too. :eek::80:

Maybe we should start a fan club for Jocko. Anyone have issues with that? I hear he has connections with the Holiday Inn.

01-27-2011, 04:02 PM
I am very close to getting my "eagle scout" badge in the Harley Davidson organization. 5 good wrecks and your in like flint. I only need two more.

01-27-2011, 04:04 PM
I am very close to getting my "eagle scout" badge in the Harley Davidson organization. 5 good wrecks and your in like flint. I only need two more.

I think we'll all accept ya just fine as a Tenderfoot. If it makes ya feel better I'll send ya my Eagle Scout Badge. Just watch out for milkshakes on the highway.

01-27-2011, 04:09 PM
If Charles Manson built my gun by hand id only hope he signs it before sending it out.
I saw the thread at THR and declined to answer as i would have told the guy to disassemble it and lets get to work! Not a good idea for most folks, So i declined to reply.
But in all honesty his gun needs a full detail strip and inspection that no prep could have helped or fixed.
But i will say i also did the prep job thats stickied here on my MK9 and it could only can help with a new gun.
Yet my gun also had a slight fine tuning issue that never worked itself out and the prep had no ability to help protect against it.

I find it best that if my posts aren't helping the OP's issue and others are calling me out and wrong then i gladly let them take over, I dont have time to argue.

01-27-2011, 05:21 PM
Yep, if you have issues with any consumer product or the politics/religion of the company just vote with your wallet, no need to go on and on about it.

I do have "issues" with what is public knowledge about the politics of the ceo of Progressive Insurance.
My family has a lot of MC insurance with Progressive and will be giving up on Flo and giving the Gecko a chance at renewal time.
Again, voting with my wallet and no need to air my concerns to anyone here or anywhere else.
I would only challenge any other's post if I thought the advice or data was dangerous and approach it respectfully.
just sayin'

MW surveyor
01-27-2011, 05:29 PM
Jocko - tell us how you really feel!

Tilos - I switched from Allstate to the Gecko and saved very nearly 50%. Got a quote from Progressive but not as good as GEICO.

Jocko - This is my third post tonight. I think my computer connection is already working faster! HA HA

01-27-2011, 05:33 PM
Keep at it MW Surveyor, I've noticed how Jocko keeps his true feelings all bottled up inside and that can't be good for his karma.
We've all tried and tried without success to break that shell and let him blossum into the true person he really is inside.
Wait you think he might be like Dietrich inside, we already got one guy lurking around the prison fences, maybe thats enough.

01-27-2011, 06:16 PM
MW surveyor:

Don't get me started on Awlstate (because they bore holes in your wallet) and the insurance industry...biggest/tallest buildings in ANY U.S. city, insurance or bank owned.
I've heard they all will drop their prices as much as 30% if you threaten to cancel and go elsewhere.
Thanks to their lobbiests it's manditory and they will go to any lengths to deny a claim.

MW surveyor
01-27-2011, 08:43 PM

Hey, I even went to Awlstate before I switched over to GEICO. Asked them to do better than what they were charging. Got the "Gee this is the best we can do" Maybe if you took a driver's ed course we could bring it down about 10%. I'm 62, been driving since I was 14, one ticket (for speeding in 1972), no accidents and no claims. So bye, bye Awlstate thanks for nothing and by the way, the home owner's insurance goes too.


01-27-2011, 09:01 PM
Awlstate started another company, Awlstate Floridian, to sell home owners and isolate the main company in case a sh*tastrophe hit Florida.
Now Awlstate Floridian has a spin off company too, to further isolation.

My homeowner's is $1100/per year for a 2000sf house from another company.
Someone in my zip code had a sink hole so they redlined 20 miles around it and all companies use the same rating service.
I'm rolling out of here in 2 weeks, heading back to Idaho, one of only 3 states NOT bankrupt (Texas is another) and states can't print money like the fed.

MW surveyor
01-27-2011, 09:43 PM
I was born and raised in Miami. My mom and sister still live there. Thier home insurance is a big part of thier monthly budget.

Geez, there are sinkholes all over Florida. This could be a new premium generator.

Good luck on the move back to Idaho.

01-28-2011, 12:09 PM
I remember seeing a thing on exploring some underwater cave system in Florida. Made me wonder then if Florida is floating on top or on solid ground. With the sinkholes and caves, it wouldn't surprise me if it sank even before CA's "Big One" breaks it off from the mainland. Then there's the Gulf Coast moving inland, Yellowstone is still bulging it's lava building up to it's "Bigger One". Yes sir, next December 21st is going to be very interesting.

01-28-2011, 01:36 PM
That show was amazing, thanks for jogging my memory.
A guy above ground tracking a diver underneath...wearing a Lojack/pinger kind of thing.
Talking to a home owner while the diver swam by the guys well casing sticking into the underground spring.
Awsome split screen of guy on top and diver's video right underneath him showing the well casing.
Discovery channel maybe?

01-28-2011, 02:43 PM
Another vote for GEICO. I've been with them for 30 years.

As far as THR goes, I've always found them to be pretty reasonable over there, [meaning I've never been banned] although there are always exceptions. In fact, I just came from there, posted a few comments on 1911's and SIG's, and came back here. I've even noticed that they are somewhat tolerant of HP and Taurus posts, and even say nice things occasionally. I will admit that a lot of them are Glock centric, which doesn't set especially well with me. I'd rather spend time at THR than the Firing Line or GlockTalk any day.

01-28-2011, 05:06 PM
I usually just ignore the ankle biters over there and there are many, but I think someone wizzed in my cereal that morning.
I have no tolerence for bloviating geezer speak.
It will usually carry on and they dig themselves into a hole and then try to get cutesy and putting smileys in there posts.
I never had one follow me to another site though, even after I gave him the last word over there.
Over at thr it was Jocko's prep sticky that set him off and when he came here it jumped to the hand racking that I said I do...didn't tell anyone to do it.
I'm happy to see the thread died a natural death, once he went buddy buddy on me.
I'm sure he will be ignoring my posts now and I have been ignoring his for a long time prior to this.

FYI: I grant anyone to permission to drift this anywhere off topic, just not football stuff.

01-28-2011, 08:13 PM
Well I get buried at work and home, and apparently miss out on a big hullabaloo. This one seems to have run its course, at least around here. I had one member ask to close it, and see no harm in that, so will do so. Anyone has any questions for me please PM, and I am very sorry if I was slow on the trigger. :(
