View Full Version : Kel-Tec KSG

01-27-2011, 09:42 PM
KSG= Kel-Tec Shot Gun, You seen these yet?

Im still weighing its usefulness over my Mossberg 500SPX, But it looks like its just as fun as it is useful.
20 years ago i owned the BullPup SG Mossberg made and i can kick myself for ever selling it.

Personally i feel my home needs a second SG for the downstairs as i keep the one upstairs as im really the only one who can handle one.
I think if they come in at $600 or less i may have to get one, Or at least wait for the first used one to hit the market.

01-28-2011, 09:18 AM
I split my time between here and KTOG. They have a ton of info about the KSG @ http://www.ktog.org/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?board=500

It's a cool shotgun. It's not as refined as I would like, but it's a ton shorter than my Winchester 1300 and would be much easier to move around indoors for home defense.


01-28-2011, 09:23 AM
I've heard $800 for the gun, is that close??? They needto get it out 10x faster than whent he introduced the rfb rifle or what ever they called it.. In the video, to me it sure looked like the pump action was sorta binding. Not really impressed...

01-28-2011, 09:54 AM
MSRP has not been officially been set, but we are looking at the $800.00 range. (http://www.keltecweapons.com/news/preview-kel-tec-shotgun-ksg/)

I'm sure when it first comes out, it will sell for close to $800 or maybe more. After some time passes though, I'm sure prices will drop to "reasonable" levels, whatever that might be.

I have an RFB. That's why I spend time at KTOG.


Initial production has definitely been slow, but Kel-Tec has also had to work some minor bugs in their early production models just like most new weapon platforms. Production seems to have increased recently though since more RFBs are showing up on GunBroker and in local gun shops.

I'm happy with my RFB. It hasn't been perfect (stiff extractor arms), but I also have a low # model. I'm sure with time, very little work from me, and more ammo my little issue will work itself out and it will be flawless like most RFBs.

01-28-2011, 11:51 AM
My Mossberg 500SPX isnt all that much longer, 6" maybe.
But it only holds 6+1 which is a far cry from 14+1 and i could swap between 00buck and Hornady's PDX1 buck and slug HD ammo.
But $800 will be a deal breaker for me until i can fine one for $600 as i feel thats my price point i could justify buying one.
By that time they should have any bugs worked out.

01-28-2011, 01:22 PM
bugs in a kt???u gotta be kiddin!!!

01-28-2011, 02:08 PM
bugs in a kt???u gotta be kiddin!!!

Where were you when I had to practically give away my PF9 because it wouldn't shoot half the ammo in my cabinet? :D

01-28-2011, 03:33 PM
Where were you when I had to practically give away my PF9 because it wouldn't shoot half the ammo in my cabinet? :D

I was at home waiting on one of my 3 kt's that I had to send back a total of 17 times to again come back "fixed".

01-28-2011, 06:22 PM
I was at home waiting on one of my 3 kt's that I had to send back a total of 17 times to again come back "fixed".

If you still have those guns you must really like to torture yourself. If that was me id say id never buy another KT EVER again. But i know not everyone has had issues like that either.

My issue against them has always been fit and finish and quality workmanship, Which i never seen when i looked at their guns prior to buying my MK9.

But i gotta say about the KSG that i think ill give it a year for prices to settle and see how the well the bugs get worked out.