View Full Version : Target Focus Training course

01-30-2011, 08:24 AM
Does anyone have experience with this or a review of their training course... particularly the DVD set?


02-03-2011, 01:35 PM
I looked it over. I don't know anything about this DVD course. I trained in the martial arts for many years and simply do not see how anyone could possibly train themself without years of prior formal martial arts instruction from a legit master. But this is only my opinion. I've always stayed away from video type programs and books on hand to hand or defensive tactics. They are not bad. But martial arts is an acquired skill which is learned by many years of repetitive practice and formal training. A few years of martial arts may be good, just as these DVD programs may look good. But it takes many years of training to be proficient. Even with many years it is a degrading art. Without on going practice and training, the skills of this art/sport will degrade. Much like the shooting arts/sports. Put your money toward training under a real master. Then keep your skills up. Just my opinion.

02-03-2011, 03:04 PM
I would think there are far more 80 year old shooters still doing their thing then 80 year old MA people doing their thing. ???

Never trained in MA. but I can tell u at my age of 67 my legs just don't move very high or very fast.

02-03-2011, 03:24 PM
I can only imagine you are correct on all counts Jocko. Having trained in martial arts for many years and in many styles, I assure you that your statement about the 80 yr old shooters still doing their thing is because they are in fact still martial artists. Their weapon of choice is just a little different, whether they can get their legs moving fast or not; but they are martial artists. If you can't get your legs up very high or fast and if you can't shoot, a DVD course won't be likely to change things. On the other hand, I think it is a good thing that older folks do fall back on the martial art of handgun as their weapon of choice, especially when the joints, bones and muscles don't work like they used to. It is a good thing indeed to use the handgun as a defensive weapon. I support them whether they are 67 or 87. Good Point Jocko!

02-03-2011, 08:22 PM
I would think there are far more 80 year old shooters still doing their thing then 80 year old MA people doing their thing. ???

Never trained in MA. but I can tell u at my age of 67 my legs just don't move very high or very fast.

I'm with you, Jocko. We're both the same age. I still work out and am in decent shape but...my hand to hand combat days are long gone both as a matter of physical capability and inclination. Heard a quote recently that went something like "Never piss off an old guy, he's just liable to kill you".

02-05-2011, 04:08 PM
hsart, I ordered the DVD set at the suggestion of a friend. It is not MA training, it is self-defense training, but their technique is to help you understand how to use a different mind set on the use of anotomical strikes to debilitate an attacker. There was a study done on the amount of time it takes an average person to cover 21 feet at a full run to be able to attack another - the average time is 1.5 seconds. The tft program helps you understand how you might make a first strike in such a situation -especially if you cannot draw, aim and fire within that 1.5 seconds - and even if you did, that attacker would be on you if less that 21 feet away. If I were in such a situation; any ability to defend myself, if only to be able to recover and draw my carry weapon, would be valuable in keeping me alive. Its just an opinion... Kindest Regards,