View Full Version : Recommended source for magazines

01-30-2011, 04:39 PM
New CW9 owner here. I want to pick-up an extra magazine or two, and wondering if I should just bite the bullet and order direct from Kahr at $40 each, or is there an alternative (ie. cheaper) recommended source for factory mags? Not interested in all in a ProMag.

I guess I'm looking for the 7 round mag which matches the one included with the CW9. I'm thinking this is the K820, right?

Thanks for any advice.

01-30-2011, 04:56 PM
Midway and CDNN usually have good prices. I buy at gun shows too.

01-30-2011, 05:04 PM
I bought an 8 round mag for my CW9 at the gun source for $43 shipped.


The decision maker for me was the shipping. From Kahr the cheapest shipping was approx. $12, so I wound up saving about $10. I actually got the shipping confirmation email the day after I got the mag in the mail.

mr surveyor
01-30-2011, 05:14 PM
I still see the Kahr OEM 7 round mags at the local gun shows for $27.

01-30-2011, 09:26 PM
Factory magazines for $25 each with flat $11 shipping.


01-30-2011, 09:40 PM
I've bought a bunch from Cheaper than Dirt. I Google and compare shipping costs because some want $10 or more for one mag! And some for EACH mag!
CDNN has a low flat rate per order.
Shop by Google, but remember taxes and shipping when comparing total cost... and order several to lower shipping costs if possible... one at a time gets expensive.


01-31-2011, 02:14 PM
I have picked up a few at my locl gun shop for about $25 each. Found several 40 and 45 mags at another shop. I'll be sure to check next time I am in those shops and pick up what I can afford and try to pass em to you guys.

01-31-2011, 02:22 PM
Absolutely tv, if you can snag mags. at that price, I'm sure there will be a line to take them off your hands...... Me first, 45 acp please.:biggrin1:

02-02-2011, 06:27 PM


02-03-2011, 12:26 AM
Hey I have a question here guys, I'm a newbie when it comes to Kahrs and I need to pick up some extra mags. Do all mags fit the guns?? I have a CW9 and a CW45 and I'm needing mags for both. Do I have to get mags specifically for the CW models or do other models work??

02-03-2011, 12:07 PM
Hey I have a question here guys, I'm a newbie when it comes to Kahrs and I need to pick up some extra mags. Do all mags fit the guns?? I have a CW9 and a CW45 and I'm needing mags for both. Do I have to get mags specifically for the CW models or do other models work??

Hey ultratec1, welcome to the discussion board, hopefully we can be of help to you. To answer your questions, you do not need to get CW-model specific mags. Obviously, the CW9 will only take 9mm mags and the CW45 will only take 45cal mags (you probably already knew that). Mags that you should not pick up and that will not work are the small ones that are geared for the PM series (6 count for the 9mm and I think 5 count for the 45cal) - those won't fit in your CW series weapons. Other than that, the rest should work but will fit your gun differently (stick out a varying amount). I personally like flush fitting mags myself and would suggest the same to you unless you need the additional grip space for some reason, not only for looks but for function considerations. A user here (Ol'Coot) is working on a prototype of some awesome mags that fit way better than factory, but we haven't been able to light a fire under him yet to get in gear. I wish I had some spare case to add kindling to Ol'Coot's fire! :rolleyes: Hope this helps.

02-03-2011, 01:47 PM
ultractec 1. all 9mmkahr mags will interchange, except anything smaller than your cw series will not work, such as the PM9 magazines. They will not fit the cw9 but the cw9 mag willfit the pM9 mag.

Some have had piddly issues with magazines that extend beyond the end of the grtip frame, so if I was you I would stay clear of those magazines and just buy the extra flush magazines. Unless your goona carry it with an extended magazine, the IMO train with the size magazines your gonna ultimately carry. Just muy 2 cents

Naturaly yo hv eto stay in teh dame caliber magazine as a 9 willnot wit a 45 etc. Buy kahr magazines to, don't try to save a bucy buy buying after market stuff..

02-04-2011, 02:10 PM
I got lucky at a local shop. The dealer had a bunch of loose mags in a box marked $15. He had 2 for my P9 and I snagged them with the quickness.

02-15-2011, 02:27 PM
Factory magazines for $25 each with flat $11 shipping.


First post, happy to be here and to enjoy everyone's posts. I'll introduce myself more fully in the appropriate location.

To the point, I nearly attempted a purchase from the merchant mentioned in this quote, but my cheapskate reflex saved me. When I searched for coupon codes, I came back with the story linked below from a local TV station in Knoxville where nationwidediscounts is apparently located (in a run down trailer--maybe down by the river?). Might want to reconsider giving them your credit card number.
