mr surveyor
01-31-2011, 12:40 PM
NYC Mayor Bloomberg should be arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit a felony and his "investigators" should be arrested and charged with comission of felony offfenses. This recent fiasco by Bloomberg havinig sent his "undercover investigators" from New York to set up a totally illegal sting in Arizona ... i.e. purchasing handguns from private sellers at a "gun show" (the eeeevvvviiilllll "gun show loop hole") is just flat wrong, as well as illegal activity. The NYC cops have absolutely NO jurisdiction alowing them to set up a sting in another state without a cooperative effort with the local authorities. I don't think that was the way this thing went down. And the fact that, according to Bloomy, the officers stated that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" was in fact true. No they couldn't, and they danged sure knew it. It is totally illegal for a resident from one state to purchase a handgun from another state without the transfer going through an ffl in the purchaser's state. So, the "investigators", as well as Bloomy have without a doubt committed felonies. Same thing when they pulled the same drama at gun shows in Georgia. At that time, the BATFE (probably grudgingly) sent Bloomy a letter advising him it was illegal, and basically "don't do it again". Well.... he done it.... what's the BATFE and our wonderful (chole, choke) federal AG gonna do now?
We should have a major outcry oveer this nonsense. I will be letting my political representatives know what I think about this "oversight" by our federal government. Bloomberg should be sitting in jail ... for at least as long a term as I would if I had been charged and committed on a federal firearms law violation of that serious a nature.
We should have a major outcry oveer this nonsense. I will be letting my political representatives know what I think about this "oversight" by our federal government. Bloomberg should be sitting in jail ... for at least as long a term as I would if I had been charged and committed on a federal firearms law violation of that serious a nature.