View Full Version : What's your opinion on stocking parts?

01-31-2011, 06:04 PM
A thought crossed my mind this weekend when 2 MK9 grip screws fell out. I read some other posts and invested 5 dollars in loctite and ordered some new screws. I don't think I would ever want to live without my pair of Elite 9's. If by some horrible chance something happened, fire, stock plummet, bankruptcy, whatever it doesn't matter and Kahr went out of business, have any of you considered having a few spare parts on hand to keep your favorite Kahr running in the future? If so, which ones would be best to keep around, how many, etc? Just curious, it may be something someone else wants to know but never thought of.

Thanks and happy shooting.

mr surveyor
01-31-2011, 07:01 PM
I hope you didn't use anything stouter than Blue LockTite

01-31-2011, 07:15 PM
I hope you didn't use anything stouter than Blue LockTite

I have no idea. I've seen people refer to red, blue, and purple on this site. The actual bottle is blue. However, the written words in small print describe it as a yellow liquid. Trying to ask a person at my local walmart for advice is....well I might as well ask the floor or the sidewalk. Good luck with that one. I only placed the smallest dab with a tool on the innermost 2 threads just in case. Time will tell. I'm mostly curious about springs, striker, slide lock, etc. Does anyone feel it's a worthwhile investment to actually have a spare around for the smaller, cheaper, easily removable parts or is that just a bit of overkill.

01-31-2011, 08:05 PM
I've been pondering your question all afternoon. It would certainly be nice to as you say have spares of the smaller easy to replace or maintenance type parts. Certainly a recoil spring, striker spring, maybe a couple mag springs.
I guess it would be darn tough to determine what all should be included. You get a mag spring, then the follower breaks or crack.
I think the best insurance is a pile of spare guns but a parts assortment wouldn't be a bad thing.

01-31-2011, 10:15 PM
This thread may be helpful, as it's been discussed before:

02-01-2011, 06:58 AM
I cant say i can live without mine, Life goes on and by then we will be using laser blasters.

But i do believe in keeping spare springs and small parts that get lost, Alot like discussed in MikeyKahr's link.
As for large parts a good gunsmith can make what you need besides slides and frames but those can be repaired to "good as new" condition unless you use polymer.

One good habit ive gotten into is when i switch out a part thats still in good shape but changed just for some odd reason i have i bag it and label it.
I have quite a few springs from many guns and enough innards to build a 1911.

02-01-2011, 10:58 AM
This thread may be helpful, as it's been discussed before:

Thank you Mike. The last 3 things I've searched for have all turned up zero suggestions so I gave up on that.

02-01-2011, 11:22 AM
What was the last three things?

02-01-2011, 01:28 PM
What was the last three things?

I used search P45 trigger reset a couple of weeks ago and 3 things came up but they weren't applicable. A P380 post and other people singing the high praises of a new P45 and trigger length. I have a gun that has gone back to Kahr twice in 3 weeks cause after a round is fired the trigger is just loose and wouldn't pull again. Other searches were several months ago don't really remember.

02-01-2011, 01:41 PM
Seems I do searches sometimes and get a lot of stuff that isnt even related to the subject. Figured it was just me.

Some of the guys here are real quick at finding old stuff and posting links. I'm alot slower thats for sure.

02-01-2011, 02:59 PM
Seems I do searches sometimes and get a lot of stuff that isnt even related to the subject. Figured it was just me.

Some of the guys here are real quick at finding old stuff and posting links. I'm alot slower thats for sure.

Not just you Bawanna. I'm not super tech-savvy. See I had this thing called a Comodore and you could play Frogger on it. Then Al Gore invented the internet in the early 90's and we could download pictures of Kelly Kapowski from Saved by the Bell, or at least try until somebody picked up the phone and broke our 256k modem connection. I haven't bothered to learn all the in's and the out's of the forum inner workings and thank god we don't have much in the way of the grammar police round here.

02-01-2011, 03:03 PM
yup, I did a search awhile back on gun stock refinishers and the only thing I got back was some fella called Bawanna. They rated him very highly and even said he is the best in the country. Only to find out that that post was written by Bawanna himself.

so you gotts syphon the b. s. from the factoids on the internet that is for sure.

02-01-2011, 03:09 PM
Thats probably why your so much smarter than me. I never had a Commodore but I heard of them. I'm just a little behind in the learning curve.

I'm gonna try Al Gores internet now and see if I can find some pics of Kelly Kapowski.

If I successfully complete that mission I'm gonna try to send a on line sugar O gram to Jocko for his Harley gas tank. He's slandering my good name even if I'm the only supporter of the good name. Best name in the country if I do say so my own self.
I'm a borderline legend in my own mind, the only legend due to the small space I have to work with.

Kelly Kopowski, here I come.................................:w00t:

02-01-2011, 03:16 PM
Well sweet Mary and Joseph, there really is a Kelly Kepowski and she's a bonafide high on the rictor scale angel in the first degree. I gotta get out more, never heard of her before. Heard of that show but guess I never watched it. Too busy with my seminary studies I guess.

02-01-2011, 03:26 PM
Harley's will run on anything Bawanna, send away my friend. I actually ruined those pistol grips on purpose so I could have the grand master refinish them as I had read so much on the internet about this fella out in Washington, who can do wonders with wood and low and behold I find that I am actually conversing with the same guy. Wow, what a priveledge for me to have the grand master redue my ruined grips. Now if you cold just pinstripe I might just ride west someday???

02-01-2011, 03:38 PM
So then the Grand Duke of Kahrtalk replies with nice things said and puts Bawanna into depression mode for his thoughtless and tasteless ideas of vandalizing the Grand Duke's two wheeler.

Bawanna will immediately set his seminary studies aside to study the fine art of pinstripping in hopes that the Grand Duke will honor him with an audience in Washington.

Gosh darn I hope I done good enough on them grips, if I didnt that audience might not be so pleasant. On the coast no where to run, ha ha, roll baby roll!

Goodness I'm starting to answer myself when I talk to myself, surely this is a large step for half man kind.

02-02-2011, 07:24 PM
Now that's what I call thread drift!!!

For guns that are my 'go to weapons' I keep as complete a set of spare parts as I can. I have decent gunsmithing skills so fitting I can do mostly.

It's real stretch of the imaginaton for Kahr to go out of business, but I can sure see some stupid law passed that says I can't get the part I need or some such nonsense.

The Kahr has very few parts which is an upside. Springs, extractor, ejector, firing pin. I have none of these things though. I do for some other guns and the Kahr may make the grade yet. I sure like it (PM 45).

I don't like depending on others for things that I rate that high for survival.


02-03-2011, 09:51 AM
I bought a P380 used, and the previous owner ground down the mag release button to make the profile of the gun smoother, I guess. I went to the Kahr website and saw a bunch of parts that I'm probably going to buy all at once to save on shipping. I have four Kahr pistols, and will probably buy spare slide stop springs, magazine springs, striker springs, guide rods springs, and possibly cocking cam and trigger bar springs. I noticed their prices for small parts is pretty high compared to another brnad's spare parts. The get you for $6.60 for the slide stop spring, which looks like it would be easy to damage. I was really expecting that part to cost a buck or two at most. I have noticed it tries to go into the wrong position when I insert the slide stop on my PM40, so I'm definately going to keep an extra one of those, at least for that pistol. The rest are just things I've seen cause failures on other guns during training, so I figure it wouldn't hurt to have those in stock, since paying shipping again for one or two of them in the future would cost about the same as the small part it self.

02-03-2011, 10:28 AM
I just ordered some spare parts for my PM9 since I needed a couple new mags anyways.

On their website they have "Spring Maintenance Kit"'s for each model. I ended up throwing one of those on the order to cover my bases.


As a side note, I called Kahr after placing my order because I wanted just some of the outer recoil springs for my old style PM9, but on the website they only have the full assembly listed now. Anyways, the guy I spoke with said they didn't have just the outer springs for sale anymore. :confused: just the entire assembly. I know last week they had them on the website, but didn't order because of the whole new spring debacle and I needed the old. So now I waited and they removed them. :7:

I told him such, but he said he could not find a part # for it...blah blah. I didn't get into it with him as the kit I order has a spare for now..but I will have to order some from Wolff I guess.

02-03-2011, 12:14 PM
kahr is milking the owners for the entire assembly, which is ridiculous. Buy um from wolffs if you have the older pm9 with the blunt nose.

02-03-2011, 12:34 PM
My opinion on stocking parts is that unless I know for certain that I need to keep a spare on hand due to frequent failures AND it is difficult to get that part, then I won't bother to stock it. I have not heard of frequent part failures from Kahr, but my exposure is limited. By the time I may need the part, I would probably have forgotten that I stocked it and would just order another anyway. Waste of money. Just my opinion.

02-03-2011, 01:15 PM
Thank you for the replies people. Some for, some against, but I guess I'm not the only person then that has considered it. I just hate the thought of not being able to use my favorite gun years down the road because of a quarter inch long piece of metal somewhere that just can't be found. Appreciate the feedback.