View Full Version : A letter to Senator McCarthy

01-31-2011, 08:01 PM
Here is a letter that I sent Senator McCarthy regarding H.R. 308. Even though I don't live in NY I wanted to express my opinion.

I also plan on sending this to my congressmen. Hopefully, others will do the same.

To The Honorable Senator McCarthy,

In regards to H.R. 308 the “Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act”, not only are there several shooting competitions that utilize high capacity magazines, but more importantly to me, if I want to own one of these magazines who are you to decide I can’t? Just because you don’t like them or see a purpose for them doesn’t mean they should be illegal. Following your logic, anything we disagree with, are scared of or don’t see a need for should be made illegal.

Why do people rush to place the blame on something other than the person? In the Arizona tragedy, you place the blame on high capacity magazines. In a DUI related death you blame alcohol. No. The blame falls solely on the person who pulled the trigger or who drank and got behind the wheel of his car.

We have more important problems in this country that we need to fix; unemployment, gangs, drugs, poverty and revolving door prisons to name a few. Almost every day we are inundated with news reports of repeat offenders committing crimes. We need to do more to keep offenders behind bars, but we also need to make prison what it is; prison. While prisoners do have rights, they should be provided the basics; food, clothing, medical care and job training. There used to be chain gangs, prison work projects, etc…and while crime happened, it wasn’t on the same scale as today. We can’t do that today because we might embarrass them or cause them undue stress and they will sue on grounds of emotional distress. Today, prisoners sue because they want smooth peanut butter not chunky or they want cable television with all the channels.

It will be interesting to see what happens to the three teenagers (ages 18, 17 and 15) in FL, who on Saturday attacked a 72 year old man in his home with a baseball bat. Luckily, the man was able to defend himself. If he hadn’t, would they have killed him? (It’s quite possibly since the initial blow was to his head). Would they have killed his 70 year old sister who was also home? Will they be held accountable for their actions or will they get probation because it’s their first offense or because no one actually died?

We should be focusing our resources on solving these problems instead of “knee jerk” legislation that in the end does nothing to stop criminals.


01-31-2011, 10:49 PM
I sent a similar letter to Senator McCarthy and to my congress critter. It won't do any good though. The ONLY reason she is in politics is too ban firearms, her husband was killed so she is out to save the world.
Thank you for sending this though.