View Full Version : Trigger Bar Issue or Normal?

02-01-2011, 10:15 PM
I recently picked up K9 (circa 2005) and either didn't notice this or it occured after I had it for a few weeks.

As you pull the trigger past it's take up, there is a slight click. When I took it down for inspection I noticed that the trigger bar at the cam end is rolling out slightly under pressure.

If I put my finger nail against the lobe if the trigger bar that rides against the frame it will keep it in position and no click.

Could the end of the trigger bar at the cam be twisted? Could it be a bad fit of the grip (wooden) not securing the trigger bar in place?

Is it normal?

Any thoughts?


02-02-2011, 04:38 AM
I can't say I notice any "click" in the trigger pull or play in the trigger bar of my "04" K9 with factory Hogue rubber grips.

02-02-2011, 04:54 AM
my bet it is the grip causing it. The trigger bar is not going to bend. It is that strong. Two things youcan do to test this out. If you have the original hard rubber/or plastic grips put them back on and test out.

Or cut a very small peace of duct tape and put ont he iside of that grip where it is supposed to make contact with that lobe on the trigger bar and test out.

My bet is, that the grips are causing it. I know on my K9 with the wooden grips thatif the right side gets a tad loose that trigger bar wants to creep, so I went back to my factory original rubber grips and never had an issue.. U mifght even try pushing hard against the wooden grips to see if that also tells you anything..

02-02-2011, 06:39 AM
I don't have the original plastic grips. Looks like I'll have to make another trip to the local guns store to find some. Darn!

Thanks for the responses.

02-02-2011, 08:05 AM
I have a brand new CW40 that went back to the homeworld after its first range trip. The gun would fire 3 or 4 rounds and then when I pulled the trigger it would go through about half of its range and then it would "click" but the striker wouldn't fall. I'd cycle the slide to I guess "reset" the trigger and the gun would fire a few more times until it did it again.

Sent it "home". Got a call from Jason, one of the smiths-SUPER nice guy. Of course, he couldn't get it to "fail" on his initial effort (of course!) and probably thought it was "new guy" stupid stuff. I explained that this was my fourth Kahr and felt pretty confident that I understand the pistols operation. I explained what I had experienced in detail and he said it sure sounded like a trigger bar issue. After our conversation he seemed satisfied with my level of understanding of these pistols so he said he'd change the trigger bar just in case and it's on its way home to me now!

02-02-2011, 08:31 AM
Hi Jona,

I experienced the exact issue you're having very recently with my new Kahr. It is because of the trigger bar wanting to come out towards the grips causing an initial hangup before going further into the trigger pull.

I did end up fixing it on accident though... In frustration and about to return the gun b/c of my clicky trigger, I simply fully disassembled the gun, removed the trigger bar spring, and put it all back together (make sure that trigger bar spring is seated perfectly into the channel), and being sure that I made those grips tight to the frame.

The trigger then returned to being similar to a buttery lobster tail.

I would say your issue is the grip fit. Also, most gun stores won't have a set of factory grips for you to buy. You may need to go to the Kahr shop at Kahr.com to order.


02-02-2011, 09:40 AM
I'd try putting a little pressure on your wood grips like Jocko suggested. Try the duct tape as a temporary test also but I'd not stick with that as a permanant solution although it does seem to work well on my Ford.

A person could inlay a washer or a piece of hardwood where it correlates with that transfer bar to keep the pressure on it if the grip doesn't seem to fit tight enough.

I got PM's stuck in my head but being a K monkeyapemans plan is sound also. Remove and replace that trigger bar spring and perhaps things will realign.
On the PM's I'd probably not go there myself.

02-02-2011, 11:01 AM
You might try building up that area of the grip with a little fast-setting epoxy and then sand or file it for smoothness to get the correct thickness and pressure.


02-02-2011, 11:31 AM
I like wyn' idea the best. replacing the trigger bar spring on the K series is a peace of cake. I think I would sttempt both. Indeed the tape thng was jus tto test to see if indeed that was the issue. Has to be a more permanent fix if that is the issue and epoxy seems the easiest to do.

02-02-2011, 11:37 AM
Being cheap and lazy is the mother of invention... slight paraphrasing.


02-02-2011, 11:57 AM
So looking at the grip, they actually have a strip of metal inset right in the travel area of the trigger bar. The strip sits below flush on the grip so I took a couple strips of electrical taper and built it up.

Good Bye Click.

Are the standard grips modified in this area or relatively flat?

The tape is just a temporary solution, it's now pushing the grip further away from the frame. As suggested maybe a litle epoxy to flush that area up.

I really like to wood grips and would like to keep wearing them.

02-02-2011, 12:20 PM
Should work, a little epoxy to build that area up should do it. Flush or only slightly higher should be enough. No reason to make your grips not fit properly. Might have to sand the epoxy down a little at a time till they fit properly. Apparently when they put that little piece of metal in they set it too deep.

Gotta love wood grips and no reason to sacrifice that.

02-02-2011, 02:31 PM
u solved ur problem, now you just have to figure out the method to fix it and I do think the expoxy is the longer lasting one. No doubt that grip has warped just a c-nt hair..

02-02-2011, 09:41 PM
Problem Solved!

I had the pistol in my coat pocket as I was sno-blowing (Never know when the Zombies might attack).

Went to put it away and I guess it really didn't like the wedge effect of the tape....



02-02-2011, 10:29 PM
Now thats a sad picture. It looks like a good clean break and it's fixable. I'd torture two birds with one stone and inlay a small bar accross the back, acraglas the bar and the break at the same time. Make sure it all dries perfectly flat. Just a tiny bit of sanding on the outside of the break and touch up with a little linseed or tung oil and your back on the track.

Or new grip time.

02-04-2011, 04:32 PM
Got my CW40 back yesterday-took it to the range today. Ran 250 rounds of everything you can think of and it purred like a kitten. No failures of any kind and shot like a champ. Took 7 days total turnaround time for the pistol to make it back to MA and back to me. Didn't cost me a penny.

Kahr support rocks!!!!

02-04-2011, 04:57 PM
or it might have been cracked in the first place an u didn't notice it. as the tape should have been on that inside metal plate and not on the wood section, I sold my wood grips off of my K9 and when the fella got the grips the same place it has been broken in the mail,but no doubt it was cracked in the first place. He did exactly what bawanna stated to do and you can't tell it. that must be a very weak area on those wood grips..

I sold a set of wood grips to a kahr member here and when I sent them they were perfect and I never thought about that area as being weak (which it is) and I just did not pack them good enough and when he got them, he had the same chip off as u did, He epoxied them back in place and to my knowledge they have been ok. Not sure when they press that metal plate into that grip either that it doesn't weaken that area even.

02-04-2011, 05:01 PM
Not alot of wood right in that spot. I've seen lots of Berettas cracked right in that same area on both sides.
I try to leave them a little thicker right there on the ones I whittle. Doesn't seem to interfere with the grip and only minimal thickness added but would still crack. Sometimes if the grip doesn't fit perfectly that area is raised a bit and all it takes is a little bump into something and she'll bust everytime.

02-07-2011, 10:36 PM
All better?

So a little crazy type glue and some JB KWIK later here are the results.
I couldn't remove the inset metal bar so I epoxied over it, baisically making the area flush.

First fit still had the click, another layer still there. By the third layer it was gone. You can see how much was necessary to get rid of the click.

A few more coats of tung oil and it will be done.

Not sure if I like the final result and will probably still get the plastic grips.


02-08-2011, 04:16 AM
damn that looks great, who cares what the insdie looks like. nice job,

03-01-2011, 08:41 AM
I'm Having the same problem with my new k9 grips. I get that CLICK when i pull the trigger. The metal plate is really far from flush
Do yall think JB WELD will do the trick? I was gonna lay it on thick then sand it flush.
Looks like thats what Jonas did.

03-01-2011, 09:11 AM
if u have the factory rubber type grips, put them back on and restest it to see if that is defnitely the issue. If it is then u need to do something with that right side grip.

03-01-2011, 09:22 AM
Thanks Jocko. Actually mine came with the hogue factory grips and i bought the wood grips from kahr shop, sanded them down so they wouldnt be as fat as my glock, stained em (oh, they look NICE, i'll have to get some pics loaded for yall!), but when i put them back on, THATS when my dumb self noticed that little click during dry fire. So yea, its definately the wood grips. the metal support (or whatever that thing is called) is recessed into the grips, i just figured it was there to keep the grips from breaking. Or maybe its there to keep the wood from wearing out from the trigger bar?

03-01-2011, 09:29 AM
could be for both reasons, but it is a weak spot. U bump that grip in that area and it is goign to break. It is fixabe, as u seem to know now what avenue to go with to. so keep up posted. Most never have one issue with the wood grips either. Coulde be moisture in the wood and for some reason it just takes a tad for that clicking to occur, some will produce light strikes if not tended to..

Sanding downt he wood grips certainly wold make the feel different. Minewere just to thick for my small hands to feel good with. Looked super on my K9 though. If u have the hogue all rubber grips you can sell them on this forum in a heart beat. Guys are looking for those grips. They don't make um any more.

03-01-2011, 09:39 AM
I didnt know they stopped making them (i JUST bought my k9 this Jan.).
The Grips do feel good, but for CCW they stick to my clothes.

Also, with the wood grips on, if you squeeze the grips to the frame, the clicking stops.

03-17-2011, 03:35 PM
Jocko, here's a pic of the grooves in the grips.
JB weld fixed it just nicely!
I'll have to take some after pics

03-17-2011, 03:38 PM
Here's a pic of the grips, filed down (thinner), sanded, and ready to stain!:):D:)