View Full Version : Is this normal???

02-03-2011, 02:53 PM
First of all just want to say hi and thanks to everyone out there for all the info ya'll supply, extremely informative....I have a cw9 and like very much, I have never notice before the last time out at the range that after the last round and the slide stays back, when I insert a new loaded mag and using the ball (palm) of my hand I hit the base plate, the slide closes loading (of course), by it self without using the slide ejector, it sort of reminds me of the HK 9 with the squeeze grip cocker, which is an alltime favorite of mine...going back to the question is this action normal?? Your answer is appreciated highly.
Eddy:7: :confused:

02-03-2011, 03:19 PM
can't say it is abnormal, If I slam my magaazine in on my PM9 it will more than likely close by itself. I can do it every time wth my G19. I tend not to slam, so that is not an issue. Some like what yours is doing, just elimintes one more hand/finger movement.

When you slam a magazine your actual moving the entire slide upward from the grip a slight tad, and in some cases that is enough to release the slide stop lever and let the slide go forward.

So I will say it is normal to an extent.
If it is happening by inserting the magazine slowly then IMo the slidelock lever springhy thing on the left side needs tweeked a tad. a way to check that out to see if there is to much free play in that lever when inserted is to try this.

take the slide off, and magazine out, now reinsert the slide lock lever,properly as the manual so states.

Now just gently and slowly push up on that slide stop lever. You should feel immediatel that little sprighy thing wanting to pull that slide stop lever downward. If there is to much freeplay before this starts to happen then actually that slide stop is not getting pushed up far enough.

Just tweek with a pair of long nose small needle nose pliers that little springhy thing downward, just a tad and retest. Sometimes this is caused by impoper insertion of the slide stop lever, once you get the hang of doing it right, it will never give you an issue.
I have over 30,000 rounds through my PM9 and probably been taken apart 500 times and I have never touched that slide stop sprnghy thing...

Long story short here, just shoot it like u stole it, your gun sounds OK to me.

MW surveyor
02-03-2011, 03:32 PM
Never been a big fan of slamming a magazine home, but I can see where it might be an advantage if you had to do a "tactical" reload!

02-03-2011, 03:41 PM
surv: to some it looks ramboish!!