View Full Version : Outrage of the Week

02-05-2011, 08:53 AM
When will the insanity end? :banplease:


02-05-2011, 10:29 AM
gotta put alot of blame on the cops.they should have investigated it and then determined, no harm, no foul. Common sense should have dictated in this situation. No way the school could have demanded this 7 year od to be arrested, had the police determned it was not a weapon..

02-05-2011, 10:40 AM
The people there must really feel safe that their police force is so diligent in protecting them from such heinous criminals.
The a$$hole cops should have threatened the school officials with arrest for wasting their time and keeping them from writing traffic violations and other important duties.
All police are not equal and the higher ups are usually political and bereft of "common sense", forgetting who pays them for protection from "real" criminals. "To Serve and Protect" are just meaningless words to the politically correct minions of the thought police.
I heartily support law enforcement, but there are idiots everywhere and it really sucks when they make their way into offices of authority and power. The local people bear most of the blame. They put up with that nonsense.


02-05-2011, 10:44 AM
yes but damn wyn, IMO there has to be some "legal" violation. WTf are these officers thinking???.

i have no doubt this willnever see the inside of a court room either but it to me sure shows lack of judgement and common sense. Chew the 7 years olds ass out and move on. School used no common sense either..

02-05-2011, 10:48 AM
Schools teach lack of common sense now days. Their zero tolerance of everything is completely out of control.
I spoken with many teachers in all levels following my kids thru the years and volunteered at the school for a few years when I was a noob derelict.
There's some strange ducks on that end of the learning phase. Very strange.

02-05-2011, 10:57 AM
yes and here in Indiana, our govoner is trying hard as hell to de power our teachers union. tneya re the most pwoerful unions in Indiana and they protect their own and his issues is that there are alot of bad teachers that are covered by tenure and the unions just keep passing them around to different school instead of getting rid of them. He is going to succed I think thisyear in depowering them alot. He did what no govoner has ever did, He stood up to the teachers unions.

02-05-2011, 02:30 PM
'Zero Tolerance' was invented so that officials don't have to make decisions. Since none of them seem to be capable of doing so, it probably sounded like a good idea at the time.

02-05-2011, 02:34 PM
yes and here in Indiana, our govoner is trying hard as hell to de power our teachers union. tneya re the most pwoerful unions in Indiana and they protect their own and his issues is that there are alot of bad teachers that are covered by tenure and the unions just keep passing them around to different school instead of getting rid of them. He is going to succed I think thisyear in depowering them alot. He did what no govoner has ever did, He stood up to the teachers unions.

I think if I had to decide which was more dangerous to the country, Al qaeda or the teachers unions, I'd go with the unions.

02-05-2011, 02:42 PM
thats why obama kisses the unions asses..

02-05-2011, 02:58 PM
'Zero Tolerance' was invented so that officials don't have to make decisions. Since none of them seem to be capable of doing so, it probably sounded like a good idea at the time.

This is so true. Why would we ever bother with talking to parents or trying to explain to the child that while his particular action may not cause harm, that the same actions when used with other objects can...

instead of frightening this poor child so much, why couldn't someone have just sat him down and talked to him... having a 7 year old getting charged... just ridiculous!!

c'mon, you know i just wish we could escape all these kids with nerf guns, but if not where's charles bronson, we obviously need a vigilante to clean up these nerf gun murdering children.... ohhh gawd there's one right there... wait thats just a little boy being a little boy

02-05-2011, 03:54 PM
takes some COMMON sense on the schools part and also on the LEO'S part. In this case it looks like both failed.

02-05-2011, 04:56 PM
Reminds me of the time I was about 8 and the railroad detective filed charges on me for shooting a BB gun at freight cars, which I'm sure caused them many thousands of dollars in damage. Whats silly about it, is was I had some plastic toy rifle, and my neighbor was the one with the BB gun. He got off scott free. The railway ran right thru my backyard so I was the easy target to pick on.

MW surveyor
02-05-2011, 05:06 PM
Frankly I'm not shocked at all by this........I am however really PIS**D OFF!

I'm sure that you guys saw the one where a kid got in deep trouble having a plastic solider with a rifle too.

No nerf guns, no plastic knives, nothing that could even remotely be thought of as a weapon by any streatch of imagination.

But it is OK (PC) to read about "My two Mommies" or "My two Daddies"

themanski - I guess (hope) that you were not convicted! You've got guns listed in your signature ;)

02-05-2011, 05:17 PM
indeed the two mommies or two daddies is a good one, but people just don't seem to give a rars ass anymore about some thngs. I live in a little town north of Terre Haute and our population is aorund 5K and we have more crack busts than almost any city in Indiana. They catch um and then they release um and catch um again and release um again, just a revolving door. But heh, lets hand that little 7 year old sh-t head that had the guts (probably no balls to speak of at that age) to bring a toy soldier to school. Yup hang him high,..

02-05-2011, 06:23 PM
yes and here in Indiana, our govoner is trying hard as hell to de power our teachers union....He did what no govoner has ever did, He stood up to the teachers unions.

I really wish that Daniels will end up running for President in 2012. From everything that I've heard and read up on him, he's not only been a great governor but is a great man. That, unfortunately, is what may be his downfall as a candidate. Those attributes aren't what people seem to choose in their politicians and Presidential candidates.

02-05-2011, 06:34 PM
In a culture of fear mongering, this type of incident is the result. We can expect so much more.

02-05-2011, 07:08 PM
and ol Mitch Daniels is one hell of a harley Riders. He has a two day Mitch ride every year. It is a fun ride to.

He won't run for president. Not sure he cold raise enough money to make a hard run at it either. He has done Indiana well and I now look for senator Pease to run for govoner and he will be super ..

02-05-2011, 08:21 PM
MW Surveyer, I don't recall what happened, it might just have been the railroad guy was threatening to press charges and never did. I don't remember having to go to court or anything. I think my dad was about ready to punch his lights out for even bothering him with such a ridiculous bunch of bs. I guess the whole reason behind him even coming out, were kids shooting the windows on the cabooses. Remember them? We were just playing train robbers and "shooting" at the box cars. I guess how we got caught was the guy in the caboose reported it.

02-05-2011, 11:28 PM
It's not just happening here. I heard recently [not verified but it sounds reasonable] that Australia was attempting to require licensing of TOY GUNS, and a requirement that they be locked away when not in use. I knew that Australia had enacted some draconian anti-gun legislation, but this is beyond ridiculous. I remember that in 1955 I bought my first firearm, a Remington bolt action, single shot 22. I was eleven, and I carried that rifle everywhere, including city busses. I never had a reason to take it to school, but if I had, no one would have said anything.

MW surveyor
02-06-2011, 06:08 AM
Trying not to be too political but, we almost never get the chance to elect a person that is really "qualified" to be president. Too much politics get in the way.

Never shot at box cars as my grandfather worked for the railroads. He'd skin me alive if I did that (and especially if I got caught!). I can see in your case that the d**k was wrong in getting to you though.

BTW-going out on a job. Will not see any response from me for the next few days.

02-07-2011, 11:25 PM
Common sense has been lost by many Americans. If they still had a shred of it, this would never have happened. Wake up America! Incedents like this make me want to bang my head off of the nearest hard object, so that I can wake up from this bad dream that we are living in.