View Full Version : National Anthem butchered.Again.

02-07-2011, 06:06 AM
Let me be the first to say that I can understand someone forgetting some of the words to the Star Spangled Banner.That can easily be attributed to nerves or just being a human being.But the vocal "stylizing" that I witnessed at last night`s Superbowl was downright awful.I wish people would simply open their mouths and sing the song rather than try [unsuccessfully] to make their version somehow "special".I thought the Black-Eyed Peas sucked too.The game was great but the singing of the anthem and the halftime show sucked out loud.

02-07-2011, 06:19 AM
halftime show sucked for sure. Bawanna could have done that good!!!!

Well Bawanna can get over his bitterness now to as the Pack won the game and all his voodoo witchcraft must have paid off. I would not want himn to put a "curse" on me or I might hav eto get ahold of the LBBP to take care of him..

02-07-2011, 06:19 AM
She's not talented enough to pull off her own rendition. I suspect nobody around her has the balls to tell her that either.

02-07-2011, 06:34 AM
What, nobody likes yodeling national anthems?:rolleyes:

The halftime show was indeed lackluster IMHO, compounded by the audio problems (was it me or did the stadium audio seem to get fixed when they were awarding the Lombardi trophy to the Packers' manager at the end?).

02-07-2011, 06:40 AM
I'm going to agree those people were terrible.

02-07-2011, 07:25 AM
+1000 on all comments

Rio Lobo
02-07-2011, 07:54 AM
Let me be the first to say that I can understand someone forgetting some of the words to the Star Spangled Banner.That can easily be attributed to nerves or just being a human being.But the vocal "stylizing" that I witnessed at last night`s Superbowl was downright awful.I wish people would simply open their mouths and sing the song rather than try [unsuccessfully] to make their version somehow "special".I thought the Black-Eyed Peas sucked too.The game was great but the singing of the anthem and the halftime show sucked out loud.

Agreed. The national anthem, which is intended to honor our nation's history, its foundation and our flag, is not intended for re-interpretation, rendition, or stylizing -- nor should it ever be overshadowed by a performer while the nation is in salute and watching. In front of millions, she disrespected and disgraced the flag and also herself. Attempting to draw more attention to her alleged talent than the anthem, Christina epitomizes Hollywood's self-absorbed, ignorant and insolent view of our country. I doubt that anyone in La La Land knows the words nor the true meaning of our national anthem.

02-07-2011, 08:28 AM
I missed it. Not a big sports fan. :yo:

02-07-2011, 10:16 AM
Until yesterday I didn't know what a Black Eyed Pea was. Once again I've come to realize that sometimes when we miss something it can be a good thing.

Fortuanately I missed the slanderizing of the anthem.

02-07-2011, 10:27 AM

Sorry but I have no sympathy for her - including messing up the words. She's a professional singer. That's her job. That's her only job. She's been on a stage before - lots of them - big ones.

Singers have a very simple job. They don't have to do brain surgery. They don't have to pilot the space shuttle. They don't have to solve complex partial differential equations.

All they have to do is to memorize the words & notes to a song which lasts, what - 90 seconds, and then parrot them back. And in this case a song she has heard and sung since she was in grade school. And a song for which they probably paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars (plus expenses!) to perform. And a song that they probably put her under contract several months ago.

Bottom line: singers get paid way, way too much money for way, way too little effort. Real tough job, that.

Five year old kids do better than this. The NFL should demand its money back (they won't).

Longitude Zero
02-07-2011, 10:58 AM
The entire "entertainment" of the Super Bowl was at best ameuturish and it all SUCKED!!! I wish the Almighty had struck her dead right there when she butchered the Star Spangled Banner.

02-07-2011, 11:18 AM
that alittle harsh > Zero, "dead". she just needed to be turned loose in a bar with about 20 drunken biker veterans. They would have STRIGHTENED her out, if u get my drift.

02-07-2011, 11:36 AM
I didn't anticipate that happening or I would have made allowances. I had plenty of extra cupie dolls, pins, hot branding irons. Enough for the whole Stealer squad and support people.

Should have made some up for the Black Eyed Peas too although the way they was floppin around it already looked like they was under my spell.

02-07-2011, 11:50 AM
I seem to remember years ago Robert Goulet forgot the words while singing it.In contrast,he apologized and was embarrassed by his mistake.I guess that`s the difference between a class act and what passes for an entertainer these days.

02-07-2011, 02:09 PM
I'd have to guess that the artist was embarrassed and did not mean to make this mistake, all be it a major mistake. I saw her do it in real time, but I could not remember the correct words that she flubbed up. I realized instantly she flubbed up, but I could not think of the correct words. It looked unprofessional at the time and critics will make it sound even more so because it was a big mistake. However, she was professional enough to carry on with the song, attempting to patch the wound quickly as humanly possible. I give her the benefit of the doubt and can only imagine that it was a human mistake, she is embarrassed and I'd expect her to come out publically with an apology. If she does not, it tells me something about her. Otherwise it was a good game even though the half time show did not meet all the hyped up expectations. They trump up the superbowl SOOOO much that anyone performing the half time entertainment has got to be nervous and has an extreemly difficult time meeting expectations. I've never been much of a Black Eye Peas fan, but...but I'm sure they have their following, just like any style of music. It is all about the game anyway...well the game and the commercials too...haha. They were good too.

02-07-2011, 02:26 PM
Christina has already publically apologized. I just read it on Yahoo. She stated that she was caught up in the moment and made some positive comments about her country. It was nerves. Other professional musicians have made similar mistakes done our anthem. Not saying it makes the situation any better, but it was a simple error and must be embarrassing.

mr surveyor
02-07-2011, 02:37 PM
the so called "entertainers" were an insult to America as I know it, and an insult to every pot of black eyed peas I've ever had the pleasure to eat. Totally disgusting what professional sporting events have evolved into.

Half time should be devoted to marching bands and "punt, pass and kick". But, I am a traditionalist, insensitive a-hole. Actually, I don't even watch the superbowl until the last quarter most of the time. I DO watch my Texas Rangers though....one more month until America's Game is back in swing:D


02-07-2011, 02:38 PM
I didn't see it, but I heard the the Anthem was pretty bad along with the halftime show. Personally, I'm not crazy about "The Star Spangled Banner" as our anthem anyway, but I can't offer another choice. "America the Beautiful" Has the word "God" in it so it probably wouldn't get by the ACLU. I just don't know.

02-07-2011, 02:58 PM
It was about as bad of rendition of the National Anthem as I have heard in a long time...I hate it when singers think they need to hit 5 or 6 octaves on each word, just sing the da#n song...I also lose respect for any players on the sidelines not standing at attention with their hat or hands over their heart, I mean how much effort would that require from a bunch of over paid prima donna millionaires....It was really great in the 3rd quarter when Medal of Honor recipient Army Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta was honored with a long standing ovation from the crowd...At least some people have some class...

02-07-2011, 03:03 PM
I know it was an accident and I know she apologized. But she is an experienced and talented professional singer and this ain't rocket science.

A good buddy of mine compaired her goof to the Green Bay receivers dropping so many passes. My response:

Bad Day at the Office #1: GB receivers have multiple 250 pound backs running at them at full speed intent on squashing them into a greasy spot on the turf - each time they get near the ball. Worst Day at the Office: A "Joe Theismann" type injury is done to them.

Bad Day at the Office #2: The Five Star Hotel fails to chill the Perrier to exactly 34 degrees, leaving it instead at a shocking 40 degrees. Pampered star can't deal with the stress. Worst Day at the Office: Same hotel fails to remove all of the red M'Ms from the candy bowl as requested in advance.

Too harsh? Maybe I'll calm down tomorrow. But for now as I said this ain't rocket science.

I'll give her credit for one thing: she's no Roseanne Barr. Christina at least meant well.

02-07-2011, 03:06 PM
Christina has already publically apologized. I just read it on Yahoo. She stated that she was caught up in the moment and made some positive comments about her country. It was nerves. Other professional musicians have made similar mistakes done our anthem. Not saying it makes the situation any better, but it was a simple error and must be embarrassing.
Apology accepted.Next time,please just sing the song Christina.Thank you.

02-07-2011, 03:43 PM
Maybe some day the NFL will learn and get somebody like Reba Mcintyre to sing it. And maybe Hank Williams Junior or George Straight for a half time show. Along with maybe local high school marching bands, or little league football parades or something.

Maybe big screen footage of the upcoming baseball season. That would be nice.

On the bright side or perhaps the dull side, at least we didn't have a wardrobe malfunction.

02-07-2011, 04:07 PM
ur right bawanna but the gal just screwed up. I often am amazed at artists like Reba or George Strait who hav ecut so so many albums how they can stand on stage and recall allthose songs and change keys for each song and never miss a beat. That take salot of talent as I would think one time or another a brain fart would arive and they would also screw up. Maybe they have to. I just can't se ehow it cannot happen. trying to remember every word and hitting the right key I know is their profession to but again bran farts happen and maybe in this gals defense it happened yesterday. I fele for her, for she is gettig hammered all over the media today, so one has to feel it was not intended to be sung that way either.I have heard far worse from people who have tired to ad dthier own verse and tone to our national anthem and those people meant it, they didn't screwit up like this gal did, they meant it to be that way.

I wonder when I watched her,, on the side was a signing person,(for the deaf) i bet she craped her pants trying to sign that to people, thinking WTF did she just sing????

02-07-2011, 04:11 PM
I agree with most here. Our national anthem needs no embellisments...I was disappointed that she botched the words...embarrissing...yes to be sure.
What I possitivley cannot except is those lousey players who stood on the side lines hanging on to their jersey's...yea you punks know who you are!
There were a few who showed respect and even one with a tear in his eye...my hat is off to you guys.
Couldn't even bring themselves to stand for just a few minutes at attention with their hand over their heart....what is this country coming to....? The real warriors are not on the playing field they are in the service of their country and fighting over seas.

02-07-2011, 04:16 PM
I didn't mean to pile on and meant no more critic, that's what the media is for, insighting and making a mountain out of a mole hill.

I was just suggesting they seek out a little higher class. Maybe they are targeting young people with lower values or something, who knows marketing.

As far as dirty pants goes it was a close thing for me when the Black Eyed Peas started up. I asked my kid, what the heck is that. He knew of them, maybe he even likes em, I don't know. I dont do much audio anyhow.

I know I'd much rather lip read Reba than hear anything any of that bunch had to say.

02-07-2011, 04:28 PM
I personally didn't think the national anthem was sung all that bad. I'd be willing to bet there ain't one person on this site that could do any better, myself included. It ain't that easy for a person to get up in front of 100,000 people and millions more watching and do a flawless job accapelo. Steelers lost and they deserved to. They were flat in the first half and made too many mistakes in the second. Kudos to Greenbay they played flawless.

02-07-2011, 04:39 PM
Well I don't know pilgrim, I do a pretty mean version of Moon River in acapoco. Course my hearing leaves tons to be desired so it may not even be Moon River no more.

I do agree they need to just let yesterday go and move on. I'm sure she feels bad enough. Not everyone can sing like Bawanna, whatever it is he's singing.

Lately it's been beep n beep yeah. Thanks much drivemykahr.

02-07-2011, 04:40 PM
Come on, ya'll! She's a blonde!!!!

How about that idiot Jerry Jones having to turn paid ticket holders away because of not enough seating. It seems he forgot to get approval from the fire marshal for the extra seats.

02-07-2011, 04:59 PM
I had never heard of the BLACK EYED PEAS. I thought that was a soup at Panera Bread not a group. They were terrible, They sucked, No doubt kids loved um buecause they don't know any better and their peer groups say they are great.

heh we can all remember when Ed Sullivan introduced elvis the first time on TV. He would not allow the camers to show below his waist when he sang. It is what it is..

02-07-2011, 05:00 PM
Well I'm starting to feel bad about what I said before...She does get points for her looks and wore a nice conservative dress and didn't try and look like a hooker like the chick in "The Black Eyed Peas" What the he!! was that so called performance about?...I don't have a problem with her messing up the words a bit and it's happened before and will again...Remember the poor young lady trying to sing The National Anthem before a hockey game and totally blowing the song...She walked off the ice and came back to try it once more and screwed it up even worse then got flustered and fell on the ice trying to run away...Now that was sad....I know if I had to try and stand up in front of 100 milliion people and try and sing anything I would wet my pants before fainting dead away so I give her credit for finishing up the song and admitting that she made a mistake....No harm no foul...

02-07-2011, 05:07 PM
yup remember that hockey game thign. Had it not been for way over coverage by the news media, it would have went unnoticed except to those in attendance. I have to agree with you getsome,it happens but these people are professionals and it is not their first rodeo either. Guaranteeyou she feels worse than we do, as she could not coome up with a cure for cancer but will be known forever as the gal that fokked up the national anthem and the ost watched football giame in the world.

I also have to agree that some of the player clowns who was grabbing at their shirts looked kinda ignorant. Most were respectful and I guess maybe grabbing at their shirts was about as close as they could get to their heart. For certainly someone would have had to tell these intellectual "gianys" what side their heart was on even.

02-07-2011, 05:30 PM
mmmmmm, Black-eyed Peas, fresh cut onion, mashed potatoes, some of grandmas fried chicken. Required eating on New Years Day where I come from. That's the black-eyed peas I remember, not that disaster on my tv Sun night.
I normally don't watch anything except actual football on Super Sunday, just because of the history of awful "so-called entertainment". I was at my son's house, and even he said they sucked.
Funny, this AM I was listening to a Canadian radio channel, and the host said, "Geez, didn't anyone tell them down there the B.E. Peas suck when doing live concerts ?" :D

02-07-2011, 05:49 PM
Christina is a great singer... she really can sing, but since her first album or two, she has kind of strayed to the dark side. If she had spent half the time singing the Anthem as it was written and intended to be sung... showing respect and solemnity in it's singing, as she spent trying to show all of the notes and octaves she can hit, it could have been terrific... people could have sung along and the people saluting and rendering respect would have felt justified in doing so. As it was... a lot of people were incredulous, confused, and didn't know what the heck she was doing. Then she flubbed it while getting carried away... it was all about her... not respect and patriotism... and let down all of the people who were expecting to hear "The Star Spangled Banner"!!
At least she didn't look like she was choking a mouse and imitating its squeals... as that famous New Orleans singer did... or sing the Black Anthem... or the Spanish version....

I usually am choked up when the Anthem is properly sung, but I was dismayed with her lack of respect. I think a lot of people were stunned and I don't know why the ball player had a tear in his eye.

Maybe next time they try to book Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Sara Evans, or even Beyonce... someone who CAN SING and do it PROPERLY with OUR Anthem.



02-07-2011, 05:52 PM
usually am choked up when the Anthem is properly sung, but I was dismayed with her lack of respect. I think a lot of people were stunned and I don't know why the ball player had a tear in his eye

probably had just eaten an onion!!!

02-08-2011, 08:21 AM
Ok, my turn. I think that what's his face from that celeBraty rag on tv had it right. The celeBraties shouldn't do the national anthem, they just screw it up. Secondly, I have to agree that this bottle blond should have sung the song the way it is supposed to be done. And for the screw up should be flogged at the Washington Monument, there is no excuse for her to have messed that bit up. It also burns my biscuits when I see a bunch of ass hats not showing proper respect during the paying of the National Anthem. Usually, there are too many for me to make a stink about it, and not cause a riot. Call me old fashioned, or what ever, but this is taught as a youngster in school, re-iterated through the ROTC program, and my time in service. I'll get off the soap box now, but let me catch some one in a smaller crowd.

02-08-2011, 11:40 AM
Apology accepted.Next time,please just sing the song Christina.Thank you.I was expecting Dietrich to say "Apology accepted...Captain Aguilera."

02-08-2011, 02:43 PM
Ok, my turn. I think that what's his face from that celeBraty rag on tv had it right. The celeBraties shouldn't do the national anthem, they just screw it up. Secondly, I have to agree that this bottle blond should have sung the song the way it is supposed to be done. And for the screw up should be flogged at the Washington Monument, there is no excuse for her to have messed that bit up. It also burns my biscuits when I see a bunch of ass hats not showing proper respect during the paying of the National Anthem. Usually, there are too many for me to make a stink about it, and not cause a riot. Call me old fashioned, or what ever, but this is taught as a youngster in school, re-iterated through the ROTC program, and my time in service. I'll get off the soap box now, but let me catch some one in a smaller crowd.

How about having someone currently serving in the military sing the Anthem, if it must be sung at all. I seriously doubt that they would degrade it.

02-08-2011, 04:39 PM
how about having a MAN sing it at the these games???

02-08-2011, 09:06 PM
That is an idea, but they need to be able to sing. Me, I don't even sing in the shower, but I know my limitations. I don't mind a woman doing, just don't screw up.

02-08-2011, 11:11 PM
Good one MrToad. Good graphic... love it!

The National Anthem is not an easy song, and you tend to start too high and run out of range... squeak! :rolleyes:

But, yes, he/she should be a real singer capable of giving the song justice. I'll bet Lee Greenwood could do it. Hell, Toby Keith could do it and mean it!


02-09-2011, 05:57 AM
how about having a MAN sing it at the these games???

At first glance this seemed to be a good idea but then I got to thinking...What if they asked Michael Bolton to scream, uh,I mean sing it? Perish the thought.

02-09-2011, 09:08 AM
for sure they wold have to have some common sense in who they ask to sig g the NA

02-09-2011, 09:43 AM
My vote for the next Super Bowl National Anthem singer......

Elizabeth Hughes, she did not skip a beat. :D

Crowd Gives 8-Year-Old an Assist During National Anthem [VIDEO] (http://www.aolnews.com/2011/01/14/crowd-gives-8-year-old-elizabeth-hughes-an-assist-during-nationa/)

Elizabeth Hughes, 8 years old, National Anthem, Norfolk Admirals Game, Scope Arena (http://kahrtalk.com/Elizabeth%20Hughes,%208%20years%20old,%20National% 20Anthem,%20Norfolk%20Admirals%20Game,%20Scope%20A rena)

02-09-2011, 10:34 AM
I'll second that vote.

02-09-2011, 10:59 AM
That little girl may not know it but she has Ol`Dietrich wrapped around her little finger.What a wonderful young lady!!

02-09-2011, 11:19 AM
This is the way it should be done:


02-09-2011, 11:55 AM
If it has to be a celebrity, I'd vote for Martina Mcbride. I'm not a country fan, but she did a great job with "God Bless America".

02-09-2011, 12:10 PM
I've reached 3 conclusions after reading this thread:

1. I agree the National Anthem needs no embellishing.

2. It is right down scary that Bawanna is a voodoo practitioner.

3. You are a bunch of old farts; come on...... the black eye peas have been around since the 80s.

There I said it, somebody had to.

02-09-2011, 12:20 PM
I've reached 3 conclusions after reading this thread:

1. I agree the National Anthem needs no embellishing.

2. It is right down scary that Bawanna is a voodoo practitioner.

3. You are a bunch of old farts; come on...... the black eye peas have been around since the 80s.

There I said it, somebody had to.

Agree on all counts. I did constantly say that the female singer looked like somebody I recognized. I later found out it's Fergie. So while I never knew why Fergie was somebody I did know she was somebody. I was still clueless about the Black Eyes Peas. Since the 80's. Man you'd think I'd at least have heard of them. I was around in the 80's.
Old farts, well there are those at are, and those that will be so I walk softly among them.

Also be very careful around voodoo practitioners. It's not an exact science so sometimes scarey things happen even when unintentional.
Your all safe by the way I don't do no curses on Kahrtalk folks generally speaking. (well I did experiment on Dietrich that one time and we all see how that ended up. Not all bad.)

02-09-2011, 02:04 PM
Also be very careful around voodoo practitioners. It's not an exact science so sometimes scarey things happen even when unintentional.
Your all safe by the way I don't do no curses on Kahrtalk folks generally speaking. (well I did experiment on Dietrich that one time and we all see how that ended up. Not all bad.)
Another excellent reason to own a Kahr, it protects you from voodoo.:ohmy:

02-09-2011, 02:08 PM
Another excellent reason to own a Kahr, it protects you from voodoo.:ohmy:

We got plenty of reasons to own a Kahr but this is another good one. I'm of course not the only voodooer and can't speak for the others. But I don't think they can harm us I've been burning the protection candles in all your behalves. We're safe for now.

02-09-2011, 02:49 PM
Agree on all counts. I did constantly say that the female singer looked like somebody I recognized. I later found out it's Fergie. So while I never knew why Fergie was somebody I did know she was somebody. I was still clueless about the Black Eyes Peas. Since the 80's. Man you'd think I'd at least have heard of them. I was around in the 80's.
Old farts, well there are those at are, and those that will be so I walk softly among them.

Also be very careful around voodoo practitioners. It's not an exact science so sometimes scarey things happen even when unintentional.
Your all safe by the way I don't do no curses on Kahrtalk folks generally speaking. (well I did experiment on Dietrich that one time and we all see how that ended up. Not all bad.)

Yeah right.Not all bad if you don`t mind that third testicle growing out of your ear.

02-09-2011, 02:54 PM
Yeah right.Not all bad if you don`t mind that third testicle growing out of your ear.

I thought that was gonna be our little secret? I'm still working on that, it's really not all that bad, just different.

02-09-2011, 04:59 PM
Yeah right.Not all bad if you don`t mind that third testicle growing out of your ear.

Just look at the lead lining of this cloud, while you have to scratch your ear very carefully, you can scratch in public and make much less of a scene.
Course a man of your worldliness probably already knew this.

Gonna try some different stuff, let me know if you feel anything?

02-11-2011, 08:54 AM
And in this case a song she has heard and sung since she was in grade school.

I highly doubt she was singing this song in the public school system. I'm older than her and I don't remember singing it.

That said, yes...the rendition sucked, but I was impressed at how she pulled it off. Most people would have freaked at forgetting the words under such pressure. She didn't pause, stutter, nothing... Of course, she should have remembered the words, but she sure covered it up well.