View Full Version : Expectations for New CW9 Owners

mr surveyor
02-07-2011, 08:54 PM
We have a lot of new CW9 owners, and a lot of folks just checking in to the CW line, so I thought I would post a pic of my first outing with my then new CW9. I think all the info one might want to know is written on the target board. I do this with all my new guns, and occassionally when really excited about a particular gun/ammo/target combintaion. These photos get archived in folders set up specifically for that single gun.

Anyway, this was thirty rounds on a fresh target after the gun had been dirtied by it's first 50 rounds. I had shot a friend's CW40 a time or two before this outing, but that had been my only experience with a Kahr trigger. These rounds were all fired somewhat slow ... about two second interval.


The gun was well prepped before the first outing, then detail stripped (including the slide) shortly after the first outing. I found one little ping on the upper right side of the barrel hood, wiped it away with a bit of 600 grit cloth, and have never found another ping, ding, scratch, glitch, gouge.... since.


oh, adding the night sights was a real plus as well. With my eyes, I can't see sights of any kind very well, but in low light/no light, I can see the trit sights.

02-08-2011, 05:12 PM
Nice shooting surv. I need more time at the range if i wanna shoot like that but everything takes practice.

02-12-2011, 04:35 PM
I just shot my CW9 for the first time today and it was EXACTLY like that! I'm not the best shooter with my other guns, but this Kahr made me look good. If I concentrated, I could get every hole to touch in the center of the target. I was really floored. It's all in the trigger, and these guns have such a luxurious trigger that it's really easy to shoot well. I prefer the long smooth double-action trigger on Kahrs to the mushy single-action one on my Ruger 22/25 any day of the week.

02-12-2011, 04:58 PM
surv. that little ding/ping/burr or what ever you want to call it was probably on that pointed end of the ejection port. That will happen occassionaly on some guns as the casing is being ejected from the gun. That pointed end IMO is probably not as strong and what you did was perfectly correct to. My PM9 did that, my little P380 did that and once I sanded that little burr off,. and smoothed it out, it never occured again.

Your group make sme sick to. That is just so so good at 7 yards.

02-12-2011, 05:14 PM
And how well do you shoot your PM9 there yayhoo?