View Full Version : Top Shot returns TONIGHT on the History Channel

02-08-2011, 06:32 PM
Sorry for the late announcement but just found out "Top Shot - Reloaded" starts tonight at 10 PM eastern, 9 central time on the History Channel.


02-08-2011, 06:36 PM
Addition - looks like Season 2 has two women on it this year:


02-08-2011, 07:12 PM
Thanks for the reminder. I will watch it tonight!

02-08-2011, 09:17 PM
Just watched it, I get a kick out of how quick some of the big egos get deflated. They're all good shots, of course, but are put in situations they weren't expecting.
Love the opening shoot, using a Sharps, 'cause I've been looking at them.

mr surveyor
02-08-2011, 10:15 PM
for the first time in....years???? .... I actually left my office (man cave) and went into the living room to watch prime time tv on purpose (except for Wednesday Night at the Range on Outdoor Channel). First time I've watched Top Shot on it's normal nightly airing, although I have seen it re-run on Sunday afternoon a time or two. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate it a 4...maybe 5. On the other hand, I turned on the tv in time to find that Larry the Cable Guy was on so I was entertained for the preceeding 30 minutes...then elated to find that Larry's show was run again immediately following Top Shot. Got to see the first half of Larry's show then. I would give that show a 7 for entertainment value.

No doubt the "contestants" on Top Shot are worthy competitors, but in my opinion the producers of the drama leave a lot to be desired. I'd doubt that I will schedule that time slot as a priority in my life each week.


02-08-2011, 10:29 PM
It was interesting how poorly they performed... lots of ego going in, but humbled quickly. How bad were the sights on that Sharps? Only one guy hit the bull and some almost missed the board. Then the billiard balls... lots of deflated egos there. I have to think that I could have hit at least one of those... maybe the blocking ball. :D

I watched a little of Larry... the moonshine portion... real sanitary, but I guess the heat and the high alcohol content takes care of most stuff, as long as there's no lead used on the joints... catalyst for making the wrong alcohol... methanol. You still hear reports once in a while about people being poisoned that way... usually in third world countries, though.

I was in Germany in the mid 80's when some Austrian winemakers were found to be sweetening their wine with propylene glycol... anti-freeze. That was funny. I'm not a white wine drinker, anyhow... dry reds for me. :)

Oh! Did you see the guns they're going to use... Tommy Gun... full auto... .50 cal... M1A... lots of fun. And shooting at each other with paintball guns... can't wait! :D

Oh, and one of the girls is hot!


02-08-2011, 11:07 PM
Looks to me like that elimination challenge would be a kick to play. Using a 44 Magnum took it to a higher level but what a kick having targets coming at you with limited time to hit them before they just drop.
I missed the first half, started when they were shooting the billiard balls. I got a hunch thats tougher that one might think and they were out there aways too. With the camera angles you couldn't tell really how far off the misses were most of the time.

02-08-2011, 11:34 PM
No doubt the "contestants" on Top Shot are worthy competitors, but in my opinion the producers of the drama leave a lot to be desired. I'd doubt that I will schedule that time slot as a priority in my life each week.

I see your point, and no one is less a fan of reality shows than me. I have yet to see a single episode of "Survivor" for instance.

But I'm sorta gratified to see now not just one but two guns shows on TV ("Top Shot" on History Channel and "Sons of Guns" on Discovery) in an environment that makes guns look "normal". I think that is good for society.

I'm old enough to remember the "Andy Griffith Show" and "Lassie" and can recall rifles propped up against the wall or against the door frame, like any other piece of furniture in a house. Kids running around, no trigger locks, and all that. People knew how to handle guns back then, they taught it to their kids, they taught them respect for guns (and respect for their fellow human beings as well). Likewise a couple of generations ago serving in the military was a shared cultural experience that most Americans had in common. None of that is true today, and I think we've lost something as a society.

Those things drew me into these two shows initially. However I must confess I also like watching the shooting challenges in "Top Shot" and like to ponder in my own mind how I would do. Some of them look downright fun - heck most of them do. I'd love to participate in something like that. (I'm under absolutely no illusions that I could hold a candle to these pros, but I'd still like to have a go.) I'd do it without a lot of the ego, however, as that part of the show I can do without.