View Full Version : PM40-Chrono'ed some rounds today

02-08-2011, 10:02 PM
Greetings all.

I finally got out to the range today to get some readings on my hand rolls and carry rounds out of a Glock 22, Glock 27, and the PM40

Using a Chrony F1. around 55F

Here's the readings out of the PM40, all with a 4 rounds down the pipe:

Speer Gold Dot 165gr, 4 round avg., 1,101 FPS, 444 FPE
Speer Gold Dot 180gr, 4 round avg., 904 FPS, 327 FPE

Then I ran the handloads with Longshot, Range pickup brass, Federal Primers.

Hornady 180 XTP, 1.125" OAL, 7.7gr Longshot, 1127 FPS, 508 FPE

I'll post up the G22 and G27 figures if anyone cares to see.

I was shocked though at the XTP loads out of the G22 with 7.7gr.
1,197 FPS with 573 FPE. This is within a few fps of what Swampfox Ammo touts for what it's worth. The Hogden site calls for an 8gr max at 1.125", I wonder what sort of stats this would show.


02-09-2011, 01:57 PM
Thanks Dirty!!
I would like to see more of this data.
Been thinking of getting a Crono. Can't decide.
Benefits of cord to download to computer, printer ?????
With all the talk about the hype on ammo, empirical data at different barrel lengths and bullet weights would be great!

02-09-2011, 02:32 PM
chrono's are fun if you really want to experiment. that way your get the straign facts to

02-23-2011, 12:29 PM
It's nice to see a good "chonographer" give the ambient termperature. It really matters. You can lose quite a bit of velocity on a 60 deg F day versus a 90 degree F day. I had never realized that until I started chonographing.

Here are some from my PM40 yesterday morning - 65 deg F. All averages are of 5 shots through my ProChrono at around 10 feet.

Winchester Ranger 155 grain JHP - 1131 avg - 443 ft/lbs ME.

Winchester Ranger 135 grain JHP (that watered down new load made for Homeland Security) - 1083 fps avg - 353 ft/lbs ME.

Federal Classic 155 grain JHP - 1129 fps avg - 441 ft/lbs ME.

Federal Classic 135 grain JHP (similar to the Wichester, the local Wal-Marts ended up with a bunch, and it's gradually disappearing from sight). I figured it was from a losing bid or something like that) 1092 fps avg - 359 ft/lbs ME.

I tried the Remington Express 155 grain that I like in larger .40s and I've had success chronographing it in them, but the severe flash out of the short PM40 barrel both made it unpleasant to shoot, and seemed to confuse my chronograph, as I got no valid readings in 5 shots.