View Full Version : Magazine round feeding

02-10-2011, 03:23 PM
I realize this sounds strange coming from someone who has owned a few Kahrs previously, and currently but I always wondered if anyone has had any issues with the upper most round being moved forward about 1/4" in the magazine after the first round is either racked by push pull method or from the slide stop load on their MP9 or PM45 magazines.
I have noticed that after chambering a round, and subsequently released the magazine, only to find that the very next round had moved forward.
I have always made it a habit to reseat those calsitrant rounds and reseated the magazine before going out and about.

So my questions are; Has anyone else seen this happening and second, if left alone, how would that effect the chambering of the next round from the magazine? Is this normal..?

I am sure either JOCKO, BAWANNA or DIETIRCH can answer my concerns.

02-10-2011, 03:29 PM
Just my opinion of course but I think it's normal. All my autos move the second round forward a little bit. I don't have a good explanation for it other than the spring pressure and the top round dragging on the second moves it forward.
I know my K40 and PM45 both do it. Usually if you top load, cycle one in and then replace that round in the mag you moved the top round to the back where it belongs but it will still of course move forward when you fire or eject the first round.
I'd not be concerned about it. Never caused an issue for me.

02-10-2011, 03:35 PM
yup, I'm gonna say it is normal. maybe more obvious on some autos that others. My thoughts are that that second round is no longer encased inside the magazine and upon recoil or even jostling around, that second round has no where else to go but forward. And also maybe as that top round is being sweep into the chamber that under round is being pushed slightly forward, just because it is there.. It never has been one issue in any of my Kahrs and my g19 moves forward a tad, not as much but I attribute that maybe to double stack versus single stack, just my SWAG on that to...

02-10-2011, 03:57 PM
Thanks guys for the prompt replies to my questions. I guess now I'll have to go shoot some rounds and drop the mag, re-insert and continue firing just to quell any doubts in my mind.
I haven't really had any problems with my PM9. Now I did have some FTF's on my PM45 during my initial two boxes of Ball...but a quick bump of the slide sent her into battery. I cleaned her up and went back and fired another fifty rounds of ball followed by fifty round of mixed hollow points with zero issues.
Both of my kahrs eat just about anything I put in them now. I do try to err on the safe side and carry either Hydra Shoks or the really nice Speer Gold Dots which feed beautifully in both calibers. Those Gold Dot 200 grainers in the 45 ACP look like flying garbage cans are highly rated and shoot very well.

02-10-2011, 04:23 PM
dkd: sounds like all your kahrs are doing what they should. We can I am sure find quirks in any gun that we might question as to why, but if the gun goes bang every time as designed, then just move on and "shoot it like you stole it".

My PM9 loves gold dots, any corbon round, actually no rounds it doesn't like..

02-10-2011, 11:42 PM
DKD: Thanks for asking this question. I've also wondered about this. The forward movement of the top cartridge in my Kahrs is greater than my other autos. Guess we can let this one go.

02-11-2011, 10:05 AM
Guys I am going to take JOCKOS & BAWANNA's advise and just enjoy carring and shooting my Kahrs.
Just for grins last night I went to my gun safe and pulled out both of my Colts Officer Model and Defender, my Kimbers, Pro Raptor & Ultra Raptor and for good measure my Sig P238 to see if any of my single stackers did the same thing with the top round in the magazine. None of them did it....:confused:
In my mind, the only thing that could possibley cause it was that all of my Kahr magazines have a very stiff magazine spring, especially if you top off the magazine to full capacity after chambering a round. I am speculating but I beleive the extra upward pressure against the follower that picks up the chambering round, causes the next round in the mag to move forward as the slides rides over the round.

02-11-2011, 04:13 PM
My prior post on 1/17/11:
http://kahrtalk.com/images/icons/icon1.gif New PM45 - FTF - is it the mags or ???

Same or diff re yours ?

02-11-2011, 04:23 PM
one can loose alot of sleep over this but the bottom line is your just gonna be tired the next day. It is what it is. We don't see any issues from it, it seems all kahrs do this, so u don't have a lemon or anything.