View Full Version : ..I need a good .22lr pistol....

02-11-2011, 05:17 AM
I enjoy shooting .22lr for the bulk of my trigger time and consider .22's my "practice" weapons. I've already posted about my practice M1 Carbine (http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=5457), for hand gun practice I have a .22lr kit for my Sig P220, in theory its prefect but in reality not so much :(. The pistol does not operate or weight the same with the .22 on but mostly its really ammo picky and fussy in general about being clean & lubed etc... The Sig P220 .45 is a whole different animal, its a rock of reliability and function.
Any suggestions on reliable, well built .22lr semi-auto pistol, that might fit well into the "practice" role for me...?


02-11-2011, 05:21 AM
It's hard to beat a Buckmark for a quality .22lr these days.
The bargain bin holds the Beretta NEOS, a quirky but very well made pistol.
I'd pass on the Mosquito and P22... too unreliable.

02-11-2011, 05:27 AM
That was fast :D
yea, the Mosquito is definitely out, it looks too much like my 220 kit on the inside and from what I've read likely functions the same.
I was considering an S&W 22A, but they seem to be designed as more of a "bullseye pistol"...

02-11-2011, 05:29 AM
BuckMark or Ruger 22/45 RP would be my suggestions. The 22/45 RP seems to aim similarly to my PM9, but the trigger's are waaay different. I don't know of any 22 w/ a Kahr-like trigger.

02-11-2011, 07:55 AM
Buckmark or Ruger, whichever you like most. I have 2 Buckmarks and they have been great, both of mine have adjustable wonderful triggers. I'm looking for a Buckmark Camper for my daughter.

02-11-2011, 08:31 AM
who knows, that might just be a model kahr should consider adding to their line. a 22 K9 would be awesome or maybe even in the cw9 series..

mr surveyor
02-11-2011, 09:24 AM
I prefer the Ruger pistols...particularly the bull barrel (Mk II or Mk III) 22/45 due to the grip size and angle and overall feel. Some will complain that they are hard to field strip and re-assemble, and I think I also remember that "talking Barbie" used to say "Math is haaaard". The Brownings are fine as well, and I wouldn't hesitate to jump on one of them if the price was right. Both of these are reliable, heavy duty pistols with target grade accuracy. The Mosquito, P22 and a few others are not as suited for as many uses as the Ruger and Browning. Having shot both the P22 and Mosquito a time or two, and many, many Ruger pistols over the years, I can tell you there is absolutely no comparison. Turtle heads in the pond at 25 yards are reasonable targets for the latter, whereas the former are more suited for shots at the whole turtle at 10 yards.


02-11-2011, 09:48 AM
I have 2 Buckmarks and they have been great, both of mine have adjustable wonderful triggers.
Do you have the Varmint or the Silhouette? I had a Varmint for a while, but now only a Standard and BM Plus UDX.
I concur with recommending the Buckmark, but I'm not too sold on the current Ruger MKIII. The MKI and MKII versions are a different story and I would recommend one of them without reservation.

In a service style pistol, the GSG 1911 gets excellent reviews from most users. However, my recommendation for a service style .22 would be the CZ Kadet. It's available as a conversion or stand alone pistol. All major components are made of steel (unlike the alloy GSG) so it's a heavier pistol. It has adjustable sights; it's also accurate and reliable. It's a quality item. The price of the conversion is about that of available conversions for other pistols. The Kadet pistol will generally run a bit more than the Browning or Ruger guns.
Here's a shot of my Buck Mark plus UDX and my CZ75B with a Kadet conversion installed:
A better shot of the Kadet:
Here are some other .22s worth consideration.
Ruger MKII 22/45:
Ruger MKII 5.5" Target Model:

Ruger MKII 6 7/8" Tapered barrel Target Models:
The Walther X-esse (formerly SIG Trailside) is also an excellent pistol:
Advantage Arms makes conversions for several popular pistols. I have one on my Glock 27. It works fine, but the pistol is very, very lightweight with it installed:

02-11-2011, 10:22 AM
IMHO, you just can't beat a Ruger Mark II. Unfortunately, you won't find them as easily as the newer Mark III guns. Here is my rational behind this.
1) Cheap magazines
2) Incredible customization options - Volquartsen stuff is fantastic
3) They work well with many types of ammo
4) They aren't fussy about being clean
5) I've never heard anyone say they have "shot out" a Mark I or Mark II, but several people will post up pictures of their 60's era guns that they still shoot today. When your kids have kids, they will still be shooting your Ruger.

With that said, I also have conversion kits for the full size Glocks, 1911, and a Kadet kit for the CZ 75. They are fine but do suffer from small quirks like slide not holding back on last round from time to time, etc. The CZ mags are incredibly high priced. The Advantage Arms mags are cheaper, but 100% plastic and may not last in the long run.

I'm in the market for another Mark II since my one experience with a Mark III has been less than stellar. If I can't track one down, I may try a Buckmark just because I've never had one.

Don't discount the Ruger Super Single Six convertible with LR and WMR cylinders. Built to survive and a ton of fun if you can appreciate a single action revolver.

mr surveyor
02-11-2011, 10:26 AM
I agree with the statement about the Mk I and Mk II being the better of the Ruger line.

If conversions are a consideration, there are a lot of conversions available for 1911 platforms, Sigs, Glocks, etc.

02-11-2011, 11:15 AM
I have a Browning buckmark Camper this shoots like a dream with an excellent trigger and a Sig Mosquito that after ammo being finicky to begin with runs well now but the trigger is really poor with but my newest addition is a GSG -1911 is by and far my favorite .22LR for plinking and training, it shoots and handles very well and has a really nice trigger and run great on Federal bulk back ammo.


02-11-2011, 11:21 AM
Nothing better than a browning buckmark :) i have one, and have yet to clean it even once ... 1000+ rounds later. no FTF, no FTE, nothing but pure joy ... and they come cheap :)

02-11-2011, 11:29 AM
I have a Browning buckmark Camper this shoots like a dream with an excellent trigger and a Sig Mosquito that after ammo being finicky to begin with runs well now but the trigger is really poor with but my newest addition is a GSG -1911 is by and far my favorite .22LR for plinking and training, it shoots and handles very well and has a really nice trigger and run great on Federal bulk back ammo.


Ok, that does it, I'm putting one of these on my most wanted list. They look good.

02-11-2011, 11:41 AM
Here's the 22/45 RP I was talking about (front center). Back left is a MKII, Back right is a MKIII. I'm also picking up a BuckMark on Saturday. So, if you want any comparo's... let me know.


02-11-2011, 02:43 PM
Ok, that does it, I'm putting one of these on my most wanted list. They look good.

I was right where you are now Bawanna, and not very long ago. I was torn between the GSG or an Advantage Arms conversion kit for a 1911 I had on hand.

I went so far as to go to the LGS and let them give me the full sales pitch on the GSG. It does feel nice and it's affordable. In the end, here's what made me go with the AA conversion.

1) GSG mags were impossible to find at the time. When you do find them now, they cost 1.5x an Advantage Arms mag. I use my .22s for gun games so I need at least 6 mags. Adds up quickly.
2) No GSG has target adjustable sights. I'm not super picky, but when it comes to .22s, I want target sights.
3) Trigger isn't as good as the trigger on my tuned 1911.
4) Resale value if I decided I hated it.

02-11-2011, 03:06 PM
Hey Bawanna...I also had one(better get one on your list) and yes it was a nice pistol, friggin' sweet trigger and ran reliably on anything. Stupid me I was in a 1911 phase and sold it when I sold my .45 1911....

02-11-2011, 03:08 PM
Here's the 22/45 RP I was talking about (front center). Back left is a MKII, Back right is a MKIII. I'm also picking up a BuckMark on Saturday. So, if you want any comparo's... let me know.

Of course, I want comparo's..... ;)

02-11-2011, 03:48 PM
I dont do shooting games so a couple magazines would probably be enough for me. I have several 22's but of course this would be like a 1911 so excellent practice. It would be better to have a top end for one I already have, I've been watching gun shows for a Marble or Advantage Arms or in my dreams a honest to goodness Ace. Ones I see are a ton.
I can get a GSG complete gun for about the same as a top end only. One more toy in the box you know. He who crosses the river with the most toys wins?
My hands down favorite 22 pistol to play with is my S&W Model 41 (1973 vintage). Its the closest thing I have to a gun I dont even have to aim, just think where I want to hit and she gets r dun. The trigger is phenomenal, and she's wicked cool in all respects.
Always gets attention when I take it to the range.

Here I thought I was content and now my wish, want, need list is growing fast everyday.

02-11-2011, 04:46 PM
Oh that is one super Smith, I remembe I soldone to a good friend back when I was in thebusiness that had the sliding front sight. He never slide it out but it would slide at leat 4" if I recall. What a shooter those guns were, besides that they just eaked in quality. I will trade you `1000 kel tecs for that 41, tha tshould be about equal in value???

02-11-2011, 05:03 PM
Oh that is one super Smith, I remembe I soldone to a good friend back when I was in thebusiness that had the sliding front sight. He never slide it out but it would slide at leat 4" if I recall. What a shooter those guns were, besides that they just eaked in quality. I will trade you `1000 kel tecs for that 41, tha tshould be about equal in value???

Sorry dude, no trade. I've seen a couple a 5" and another 7" like I have at the local gunshow (this weekend again)and thought about getting one just in case anything ever happens to this one I'll have a spare, I like it that much. I'm generally pretty easy to please but this thing is a joy to behold.
Your eaked in quality is spot on in this case.
I think I paid close to a 1000 for it a few years ago and don't regret it one single iota. One at the gunshow was at like 750 give or take.
I have a Match Target Colt Woodsman that I thought was the finest pistol ever made until I got this Smith. Now it's number 2. Heck of a nice gun without question but second fiddle to the Smith.

02-11-2011, 05:10 PM
Has anyone heard much about the new Austrian Sporting Arms' ISSC M22? I saw one at the LGS and it looks glock like but has an external safety and hammer...along with other differences.


02-11-2011, 06:05 PM
Has anyone heard much about the new Austrian Sporting Arms' ISSC M22? I saw one at the LGS and it looks glock like but has an external safety and hammer...along with other differences.


What was the price?

02-11-2011, 08:02 PM
I've seen it at my LGS for $349 but I've seen them go for $243 or so online. I want a .22 that looks like a "combat" handgun rather than the other more popular ones out there. That's just me. I've seen a torture test on YouTube where the guymput about 500 rounds through his before he had any major feeding or ejecting problems. He had about a half dozen of failures to fire but he said that it's more than likely the ammo since the rims were struck hard enought that should've fired.

02-12-2011, 02:10 AM
My son has had no issues with his Sig Mosquito other than ammo selection and it gets better with use on that as well. It does not like the cheaper bulk ammo but it runs the Mini Mags just fine.

02-12-2011, 03:22 AM
I was considering an S&W 22A, but they seem to be designed as more of a "bullseye pistol"...

We have a S&W 22A, can't say if it was designed to be more of a "bullseye pistol" or not. Our's is ammo finicky, doesn't like being dirty, but is accurate when it runs. In hindsight we'd have bought a Ruger MKII/MKIII or a Beretta Neos (mainly because at the time we made the purchase the Walther P22 was having lot's of reported issues*)

Now if/when I buy another .22 pistol, it will be a Walther P22 (*no longer seems to have the earlier reported issues), maybe a conversion kit such as the Marvel or AA and/or a .22 revolver of some fashion (Ruger bearcat/single six or maybe even a heritage rough rider .22lr/.22mag combo kit)

02-12-2011, 07:15 AM
Has anyone heard much about the new Austrian Sporting Arms' ISSC M22? I saw one at the LGS and it looks glock like but has an external safety and hammer...along with other differences.


The ISSC M22 is $225 locally and Bud's has them currently listed at $199. So, let's talk about a problematic pistol...:yell: All I've read on these things is feeding and firing issues

02-12-2011, 07:18 AM
I just got a Walther P22 and am in the process of breaking it in. You can find those new for $300.

02-12-2011, 02:45 PM
The ISSC M22 is $225 locally and Bud's has them currently listed at $199. So, let's talk about a problematic pistol...:yell: All I've read on these things is feeding and firing issues

Really? I've read alot of good things about them. I may pick one up in the near future. The reviews said that as long as you stay with good and high velocity ammo you'll be fine.

02-12-2011, 04:36 PM
I've had Ruger MKII's for decades now. I currently have the 50'th anniversary model. I prefer the bottle neck bbls, but wouldn't kick a bull bbl out of my house. I've played with the Buckmark, great 22. If I have 22 ammo that refuses to light off, I stuff it in my 10/22 or my MKII, it lights off then. Not one problem with my MKII's. I could go with a MKIII if they get rid of that stupid magazine disconnect safety. I do like the American style magazine release. Then again, I haven't played with a MKIII yet either, and if it is not as good as my MKII, then it can stay where it is.

02-12-2011, 05:33 PM
The reviews said that as long as you stay with good and high velocity ammo you'll be fine.
Don't be fooled, that's what all review(er)s say when they are trying to skit around the fact a particular .22 is unreliable....

Anyway, it just happens that my .22lr kit for the P220 sold today...I also fell into a sweet deal on a pristine Sig Sauer P6 that I pick up tomorrow night. I had to grab it, unless I fall in luv(which is unlikely because I don't form unnatural attachments ..hehe :p) I'll be turning it around fast, which means I can go .22 shopping....
Look at sweet heart:



02-12-2011, 05:40 PM
I've had Ruger MKII's for decades now. I currently have the 50'th anniversary model. I prefer the bottle neck bbls, but wouldn't kick a bull bbl out of my house. I've played with the Buckmark, great 22. If I have 22 ammo that refuses to light off, I stuff it in my 10/22 or my MKII, it lights off then. Not one problem with my MKII's. I could go with a MKIII if they get rid of that stupid magazine disconnect safety. I do like the American style magazine release. Then again, I haven't played with a MKIII yet either, and if it is not as good as my MKII, then it can stay where it is.
j, did you happen to catch the newest MKIII 22/45 yet?



02-12-2011, 06:03 PM
I'm torn between two responses: WTF, and why? That one the jury is still out on. I dunno about that stubby bbl, the threads on the end I get (see no use, but I get) the rail on the bottom I get sorta, the rail on the top, what and why kind of optics, and to put all of that junk in one place like that, I'm a little leery. Yet, I am strangely drawn to it. I must be sick in the head.

02-12-2011, 06:27 PM

I'll recommend the Rugers to anyone. For the price, they are incredibly accurate and nice shooters.


MKIII 22/45 & MKIII 6 7/8" Competition slab-sides.

02-12-2011, 07:14 PM
I'm torn between two responses: WTF, and why? That one the jury is still out on. I dunno about that stubby bbl, the threads on the end I get (see no use, but I get) the rail on the bottom I get sorta, the rail on the top, what and why kind of optics, and to put all of that junk in one place like that, I'm a little leery. Yet, I am strangely drawn to it. I must be sick in the head.
Its okay to like one, just don't buy one.... ;)
I noticed that Ruger is now making the the 22/45 with wood grip panels. I did a search on Gun Genie and can get one locally out the door for exactly $323.06

02-12-2011, 07:41 PM
^^^ FYI - that's the RP model I was mentioning earlier (see post 14 for pic of mine). Great gun and it's the favorite of my Mk II's and Mk III's.

Also... got the BuckMark today, hoping to get to the range tomorrow. :)

02-12-2011, 07:54 PM
+1 for the ruger. i have a mkIII bull and love it. countless federal bulk rounds thru it and it'll still drive tacks. im gonna to the trigger kit on it soon.

02-12-2011, 08:43 PM
^^^ FYI - that's the RP model I was mentioning earlier (see post 14 for pic of mine). Great gun and it's the favorite of my Mk II's and Mk III's.

Also... got the BuckMark today, hoping to get to the range tomorrow. :)

Oh yea..there its right out in front. It got lost in all the GSG-1911 talk.
thanks Buckeye...

02-13-2011, 11:21 AM
I must have gotten lucky with my P22. I have read online of people complaining about it, but am yet to meet someone in person who doesn't like it. Mine will eat any single kind of ammo out there, has never had a FTF or FTE, and as long as I'm steady with hand, I have hit snakes in the head with it from 20 feet, and dance around the two inner rings of a target from 10 yards with bulk ammo.

02-13-2011, 02:50 PM
The P22 I also ran great on any ammo I tried and I had no complaints on its accuracy either. My issues with it were; 1. it was too small for my hand. 2. the barrel nut kept coming loose during firing. and 3. the slide is cheap pot metal and I was starting to get some scary looking ware....

02-13-2011, 09:01 PM
Want to get some pics up for now, I'll add my thoughts in a bit when I have some more time.

Buck Mark Trigger
Ruger Trigger

02-13-2011, 09:03 PM
Buck Mark

02-13-2011, 09:04 PM

mr surveyor
02-13-2011, 09:09 PM
nice pistols:D

02-13-2011, 10:52 PM
My Buckmark was the last pistol that I bought brand new everything else has been used. It is a tack driver, just a great .22lr.

I don't think you could go wrong with a Ruger, between the two is there any reason to buy something different. They are both simply a great time at the range.

02-14-2011, 04:43 AM
:eek: I can barely breathe ....
Alright...I happen to have a brown paper bag next too me ;)

Buckeye can you give a comparison opinion between the Buckmark and Ruger 22/45RP? These happen to be the two choices it comes down too for me.

02-14-2011, 04:55 AM
IMHO, the trigger on the Buckmark is superior to the Ruger. Otherwise they are both good choices. I prefer the Buckmark grip, but that is an idividual, subjective choice.

I measure all .22s by the legendary Woodsman, and the current Buckmark is the closest thing to the Colt that I've seen or shot.

02-14-2011, 05:34 AM
:eek: I can barely breathe ....
Alright...I happen to have a brown paper bag next too me ;)

Buckeye can you give a comparison opinion between the Buckmark and Ruger 22/45RP? These happen to be the two choices it comes down too for me.

I plan on doing that when I get home from work tonight. :)

02-14-2011, 03:13 PM
I plan on doing that when I get home from work tonight. :)

02-14-2011, 06:25 PM

No man, nothing like that. 2 kids, work, school, and not enough sleep. :cool:

Alright - I'll be brief. I WANT to like the Ruger better. I own 7 Rugers, and the only other brand I own more than one of is my 2 Kahrs. I'm a Ruger guy, but if I were to only buy one it would be the Buck Mark.

1st impressions.
The bluing on the BuckMark surpasses any Ruger I've owned. Beautiful blue job, I think I can see my reflection in it. Build quality is superb. Gun feels nice and tight.

There's nothing wrong at all with the Rugers, but they feel more mass produced where the BuckMark feels custom. The Ruger is the Harley Davidson, but the BuckMark feels like a hand built motorcycle. Something's different, but it's hard to put your finger on. The Ruger's no frills, the Buckmark has little things like the extra contours in the back of the slide that give it the edge.

Trigger has to go to the BuckMark, no doubt. The Rugers which I've shot for years tend to need to be let go of a little bit to allow the trigger to reset. The BuckMark made repetitive fire much nicer. Neither trigger is butter, but the slight advantage does go to the BuckMark.

Accuracy is a dead tie. I shot mag after mag after mag. One time the BuckMark had better groups, the next time I shot the Ruger 22/45 better. Back and forth, back and forth. In a bullseye contest, it's a "shooter's race."

Sights on both my BuckMark and 22/45 have been spot on from the factory. I've adjusted Ruger sights before, the BuckMark looks like it'd be a little more intuitive, but I didn't mess with them.

Controls: Here again the BuckMark is the clear winner. Easier to operate, right where they belong. The levers have a better feel than the sliding buttons of the Ruger. The Ruger's controls seem to get hung up on all the California compliant crap, mag safety, LCI, etc. If you look in the one pic, you can even see the mag follower touching the slide release. With ammo in the mag it's not a problem because the follower is lower, but for inserting an empty mag you really have to drive it home w/ the palm of your hand to engage it. I find that crap annoying. Further...

Mag Release: ...on my MkII's, mags would drop out no problem. On the Commie Compliant MkIII the mags pop out, but not with much authority. Again, I think they might be getting hung on on something based on what I've read. The BuckMark is push button and pick up you mag.

I don't know enough about the BuckMark to know what it would entail to add an optic, but tried to take some pics. The Ruger is ready to go and comes with a set of rails should you decide to scope it. You can put a red dot on the Ruger w/out removing the iron sights, it looks like you'd need to remove the BuckMarks.

Ruggedness, advantage Ruger, I think. It just feels strong and ready to take abuse, I don't know anyone who has ever had a Ruger Mark Series wear out. They're over engineered. That said, I don't know anyone who has had problems w/ the BuckMark either, but I'm new to that world.

Aftermarket: from what I've seen, advantage Ruger. There seems to be a lot of ways to customize your BuckMark, but again I'm new to that world but I know the Ruger aftermarket is strong.

If I were to only buy one, as much as it pains me to say, it would be a BuckMark*

*Disclaimer: There's lots of BuckMark's out there, as the is lots of Ruger Marks. This is based solely on 1 day of shooting this one single BuckMark, vs owning 3 different Mark's for nearly a decade from start to finish.

02-14-2011, 06:35 PM
I want some of that pretty different colored laminate like on the Ruger. Neat looking stuff for those who like flashey.

02-14-2011, 06:38 PM
Thank you...that has helped me much.

mr surveyor
02-14-2011, 08:53 PM
I want some of that pretty different colored laminate like on the Ruger. Neat looking stuff for those who like flashey.

make your own. You're a fart smeller... I mean smart feller.......

cut some tight grained wood into thin verneer, bleach it, stain it into your choice of colors, laminate it together, then diagonal cut to get your pattern

sounds like I know what I'm talking about?

naahhhh.... I just always wanted to try it:D


02-14-2011, 10:36 PM
I've got a ruger Mark III Hunter w/ the 6 inch barrel and It's incredable. The trigger is amazing too. I think the 22/45 would be OK too. But it's nothing like shooting my CW9 or my .45. Different beast. but it is FUN!!!!!!!1

02-14-2011, 11:02 PM
Buckeye ... where did you get the buckmark multi color wood grips?

02-15-2011, 07:42 PM
Buckeye gave a good comparison of the STOCK Ruger... with only a little effort, you can take out the sluggish trigger slop, remove the klutzy magazine safety, and make that trigger MUCH more shoot-able.

I've "fixed" 2 of my 3 Ruger MkIIIs (the third is left bone stock for training), and it is a dream to shoot after the mods.

02-16-2011, 07:26 AM
I was on the Ruger forum a while back, and have only heard of one person shooting out a MKII. 150,000+ rounds and he finally shot out the barrel. Ruger told him to send it back, they'd rehab it, and send it back to him for free. That's a ton of shooting, and 40 some years of doing it.

02-17-2011, 06:20 AM
First I have to get the mushing out of the way...Thank you all SO much for your input...there are not too many forums that a thread can go on like this one, really a credit to our special breed , I mean our forum ;)

I got up this morning ready to get my .22 ordered up. I was 99% sure is was going to be the Ruger 22/45 TALO Edition 4.5". I wanted to have one more look around before I pressed the button. I'm glad that I did.
I found a Browning promotional Buckmark Camper UBX at Bud's Guns this sweetheart comes with the FO sights, a Browning pistol rug and best of all 3 10round mags :D for $386 shipped. I also recently found a local FFL that does transfers for $20....
I ordered one right away.
How can you beat this deal on a Buckmark Camper (http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/21_145/products_id/411543083) for $406 otd?

Here's the stock pic for now

02-17-2011, 06:58 AM
Nice gun, good choice, good price. You're going to love the trigger.

Here's my Buckmark Field 5.5.

02-17-2011, 07:23 AM
Nice gun, good choice, good price. You're going to love the trigger.
Nice looking Buckmark rip... Yesterday morning I made a quick stop at a small LGS, they had Buckmark UDX 4.5" slabside with basic sights. So I got to handle one. I loved the UDX feel, its like a handful of quality ;) and yes the trigger was damn nice.
I didn't jump on it because they were asking $400+tax and it only came with one mag, plus I knew I needed to look around some more.

02-17-2011, 01:17 PM
I found a Browning promotional Buckmark Camper UBX at Bud's Guns this sweetheart comes with the FO sights, a Browning pistol rug and best of all 3 10round mags :D for $386 shipped. I also recently found a local FFL that does transfers for $20....
I ordered one right away.
How can you beat this deal on a Buckmark Camper (http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/21_145/products_id/411543083) for $406 otd?

Here's the stock pic for now
Nice find:)
One thing to keep in mind with the "Camper" is to not over tighten the two sight base screws. The Camper sight base (in the photo above, it's the black rib above the rear of the barrel running to the end of the slide) is made of plastic/polymer and can crack if torqued down too much. Alternatively, you can replace it with an alloy one from another model BM or an aftermarket base. Aftermarket bases usually are designed for optics, but Tactical Solutions make one with an integral adjustable rear sight:
here are a couple of useful links:

Nice looking Buckmark rip... Yesterday morning I made a quick stop at a small LGS, they had Buckmark UDX 4.5" slabside with basic sights. So I got to handle one. I loved the UDX feel, its like a handful of quality ;) and yes the trigger was damn nice.
I didn't jump on it because they were asking $400+tax and it only came with one mag, plus I knew I needed to look around some more.
I agree, that's is a nice looking BM Field; though, I'm kind of partial to my UDX PLus;

02-17-2011, 05:10 PM
True story.

The first time I took my Buckmark to the range, I ran a target down a short ways, about 7 or 8 yards. I took careful aim and fired a few rounds. I thought I'd bought a piece of trash... there was only one tiny hole. This thing is throwing flyers like no body's business I thought. But no. The gun was that good and I was having an unusually good day. :D

A Ruger owner and I swapped guns one day at the range to have a little "shoot and tell" fun. The Ruger owner took one shot and said outloud "OMG! I want one!" The Ruger is nice, but that Buckmark is very sweet.

In my youth I shot competitively with a Colt Woodsman Match Target, which is a world class gun by any measure. The Buckmark truely impressed me. It is a very competent pistol almost as good as the Woodsman.

02-17-2011, 06:51 PM
Buckeye ... where did you get the buckmark multi color wood grips?

Bump for my question, hoping to get an answer .... Buckeye or anyone else ... WHERE do you get THESE grips (as seen in pic below)


02-17-2011, 06:59 PM
Bump for my question, hoping to get an answer .... Buckeye or anyone else ... WHERE do you get THESE grips (as seen in pic below)

Grips were limited to this gun, which I searched for for a year. I was on Gunbroker daily searching "Buck Mark Splash" and "Buckmark Splash". It was a limited edition gun, I've seen very few. The Ruger is a little more common, you can get them pretty regularly on GunBroker. I've got a whole collection of matching Red/White/Blue guns. I'll post pics in a separate thread so as not to hijack this.

Edit: Link - http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?p=55067#post55067

02-17-2011, 07:28 PM
they are SOOOO awesome Buckeye .... Time to scour gunbroker I guess :)

02-17-2011, 07:53 PM
Me personally, I prefer the Ruger MK II series, BUT I WOULD LOVE TO SEE KAHR MAKE A .22LR PISTOL ON THE 'K~P~CW" SIZE FRAME !

02-17-2011, 07:55 PM
Me personally, I prefer the Ruger MK II series, BUT I WOULD LOVE TO SEE KAHR MAKE A .22LR PISTOL ON THE 'K~P~CW" SIZE FRAME !

Sounds like a good project for Tactical Solutions. :cool: