View Full Version : Free At Last,Free At Last
02-12-2011, 07:11 PM
I finally have officially dropped out of Glocktalk.As nice as some of the people there are,I`m sick of reading the vitriolic hyperbole of the rest.The only regret I have is that I didn`t do it sooner.I haven`t felt this much relief since I got rid of my ex wife.YEEEHAWWW!!!
I finally have officially dropped out of Glocktalk.As nice as some of the people there are,I`m sick of reading the vitriolic hyperbole of the rest.The only regret I have is that I didn`t do it sooner.I haven`t felt this much relief since I got rid of my ex wife.YEEEHAWWW!!!
Wow....haven't been over there for awhile but haven't felt a need to drop out. Care to share what specifically triggered this?
02-12-2011, 07:46 PM
hahaha. years ago i think i was on there four or five posts and that was it for me. i need to start doing some research about building a preban ar so i might hop on one of those sites too.
02-12-2011, 07:55 PM
I finally have officially dropped out of Glocktalk.As nice as some of the people there are,I`m sick of reading the vitriolic hyperbole of the rest.The only regret I have is that I didn`t do it sooner.I haven`t felt this much relief since I got rid of my ex wife.YEEEHAWWW!!!
better than I was, I tried at least a dozen times a few years ago to sign on to glock talk and they would not let me in. I was never banned from there as I was never a member but someone in the mod group made sure I never got there either. Glad I didn't get on there now..strange bunch over there, for sure.
02-13-2011, 04:03 AM
I never got their registration e-mail so, though I could log-in, I was never allowed to post: This was a "good thing" as I never had the chance to retrogress to knuckle-dragging status by participating in name-calling, mall-ninja, adolescent dialogue. I did think some good folks (and posts) were there but, on the whole, the forum is not worth much in terms of information that interested me. It could be quite funny, however.
02-13-2011, 07:05 AM
Wow....haven't been over there for awhile but haven't felt a need to drop out. Care to share what specifically triggered this?
I don`t know if I have the skills to properly put my reasons on paper but I`ll try.I guess it was an overall feeling of negativity that I got from a lot of the contributers.I didn`t post there very often because of it.It seemed that many of their members could do nothing but try to insult other members and tear down anything they could.I won`t have a whiner or complainer around me very long because all they do is try to drag people down there with them.Mean spirited people are as common as dirt and can leave a tremendous amount of damage in their wake.Glocktalk had some interesting aspects but for me they were far outweighed by the petty bickering that goes on. For these reasons I felt that I realy didn`t have any contribution that would matter a jot or a tittle to most of them and I opted out.I wish them nothing but the best and I`m sure they won`t miss me any more than I will miss them.If I have a question about one of my Glocks,I`m sure it can be answered here.If it`s a problem that can`t be fixed,I can always buy another gun.
02-13-2011, 09:01 AM
I don`t know if I have the skills to properly put my reasons on paper but I`ll try.I guess it was an overall feeling of negativity that I got from a lot of the contributers.I didn`t post there very often because of it.It seemed that many of their members could do nothing but try to insult other members and tear down anything they could.I won`t have a whiner or complainer around me very long because all they do is try to drag people down there with them.Mean spirited people are as common as dirt and can leave a tremendous amount of damage in their wake.Glocktalk had some interesting aspects but for me they were far outweighed by the petty bickering that goes on. For these reasons I felt that I realy didn`t have any contribution that would matter a jot or a tittle to most of them and I opted out.I wish them nothing but the best and I`m sure they won`t miss me any more than I will miss them.If I have a question about one of my Glocks,I`m sure it can be answered here.If it`s a problem that can`t be fixed,I can always buy another gun.
I feel like dietrich about glocktalk,I visit there to learn as I visit other forums for the same reason.I have never posted there,I have seen them hell hack posters on other forums because they didnt like what the poster had to say:)
02-13-2011, 09:28 AM
Just stumbled upon this and had to share:
02-13-2011, 07:48 PM
I read over there, but never joined. It's been a long time since I was in the 3rd grade. I do have a ( whispering) Glock tho. I do keep it hidden in my truck. LOL
02-13-2011, 08:07 PM
I'm a member, but the sheer volume of posts is the reason I'm not more active there.. by the time I read a thread, there have been 3 people who said what I would say, and 15 rebuttals! I very rarely even read all of the threads with new posts on any given day... I'll just skim for something interesting...
I enjoy NortheastShooters...
02-13-2011, 10:07 PM
I'm registered on GT as well, like everything else in life, you just need to ignore the BS, and they do have one of the busiest classifieds out of all the forums.
02-15-2011, 12:28 PM
I am a member on quite a few gun forums... but only read and post to informational threads on 2... this one and both are very civil and actually seem more interested in helping people rather than insulting them. elsiepea is another good one but don't have that gun any longer...
Congrats to KT for their pleasant and helpful attitude... which says everything about the regulars here! Big Thanks!
02-15-2011, 01:26 PM
I'm a member, but the sheer volume of posts is the reason I'm not more active there.. by the time I read a thread, there have been 3 people who said what I would say, and 15 rebuttals! I very rarely even read all of the threads with new posts on any given day... I'll just skim for something interesting...
I enjoy NortheastShooters...
ur last sentenct. don't tell DKD that:israel::israel::israel:
them there guys down south can't even give a person driving directions if they have to say NORTH. they just point in that direction and say " thatta way"
Course I guess if u figure population percentages there are far more GAYS AND LESBIE'S in KEY WEST "SOUTH" FLORIDA!!!!!
heh DKD, just teasing u!!!
02-15-2011, 01:38 PM
I only checked the site out one time and never tried to be a member there. Some of the posts and replies just seemed so childish and combative I though this is BS at it's finest. There is no need for that keyboard commando attitude. Thanks but no thanks. There are to many other good sites like this one right here to share and learn from without getting into any of that nonsense. JMHO..
I don`t know if I have the skills to properly put my reasons on paper but I`ll try.I guess it was an overall feeling of negativity that I got from a lot of the contributers.I didn`t post there very often because of it.It seemed that many of their members could do nothing but try to insult other members and tear down anything they could.I won`t have a whiner or complainer around me very long because all they do is try to drag people down there with them.Mean spirited people are as common as dirt and can leave a tremendous amount of damage in their wake.Glocktalk had some interesting aspects but for me they were far outweighed by the petty bickering that goes on. For these reasons I felt that I realy didn`t have any contribution that would matter a jot or a tittle to most of them and I opted out.I wish them nothing but the best and I`m sure they won`t miss me any more than I will miss them.If I have a question about one of my Glocks,I`m sure it can be answered here.If it`s a problem that can`t be fixed,I can always buy another gun.
That's interesting... I dropped out of GlockTalk a long time ago for the same reasons. They do have some strange folks over there! I think these individuals whole purpose in life is to mess with other folks. Not wanting to sound like a softy... but some of those folks can be downright hurtful! There are some good folks over there but.... they seem to be in the minority.
02-15-2011, 03:22 PM
I could never ever even get accepte don glock talk!!!
02-15-2011, 03:38 PM
I think I only got linked there a couple times. Being as I'm sensitive by nature especially after all Mr. Surveyors sensitivity sessions I probably better not sneak over there and look around.
Jocko, maybe you got a bad reputation or something on the internet. Perhaps they got you pegged as a Northern Aggressor or something? Maybe try an alias. Course they might just not allow anyone from Indiana just to make sure you don't slip thru the perimeter.
02-15-2011, 03:48 PM
I tried under your name and never got on, ????? I do have a bad reputation, u know that. That is an odd group over there for sure. Hell I only wante dn because of the kahr fourm and not the glock stuff, my g19 works perfect and I didn't need to read all the dribble about glocks. When kahrt talk came into being, I only visit the glock talk tos ee the updates on the kahr serial numbers and NOTHING MORE. Eviodentley ur not a moderator on glock talk, as I am still on this forum????!!!!!???
i can state on thing, when I have a milkshake in my hand, please do not fokk with me, I am dangerous as hell and u never know jsut what I will do.
02-15-2011, 03:56 PM
Maybe they don't got no moderators? Probably got to tho huh? I'd ask but I'd feel like a two timing communist double agent.
Don't think I'll go there, didn't lose anything I gotta go look for.
02-15-2011, 04:05 PM
they don't even hv ethe courrtesty to write back and say NOPE ur not gonna get on this forum cause your a fokk up or a jesuit priest and we don't allow them either. I don't wish um any bad luck but really I do.. BUT I don't know who to wish it on, so I am kinda fokked..
02-15-2011, 06:03 PM
I never had to drop out because they wouldn't accept me in the first place. I attempted to register, but they never acknowledged me. Fortunately KahrTalk welcomes GlockTalk rejects.
02-15-2011, 06:16 PM
u got that right!! no argument from me, glock talks loss, Kahrt talks gain--I THINK.
02-17-2011, 11:10 AM
man dang i thought you were talkin bout :Dblack folks:hurt:
02-19-2011, 08:30 AM
I made a term called the Cult of the Glock.
I hammer a couple users on a few boards about how no matter the guestion about anything, a glock owner, sooner than later, will chime in with how a glock is the answer.
"Hey guys, I was wondering, if I went up a width on my tires, and kept them under inflated, could I drive in chocolate pudding easier?"
"Well, If you chamber your glock in +p+ you could just shoot the pudding!"
I am exagerating, but you all know what I mean. Glock talk reminds me of a place that you should not go if you have any love for any other gun than the fat cinder block that is a glock.
One more glockism, forgetting that Glock steals ideas from companines like companies did from glock, case in point, changeable back straps on the G4's. They can not admit that Smith and Wesson had a brilliant idea, but instead, a glock engineer thought of it, S&W hired a hacker, stole the idea from his lap top and put it to market first.
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