View Full Version : New to Forum.....new p45

02-13-2011, 08:08 PM
Hello to all!! Great forum

This is my 1st post and I decided to join after I picked up a Kahr P45 w/ NS in awesome condition for $450. This is my first Kahr and I've notice some things with this pistol that brought me to this forum for questions.

I looked at several new P45's that were on the shelf. One difference I noticed is the the newer guns were really stiff when working the slide. My gun seems to have a softer, easier action. I assume that this guns has had rounds through it being that it was a used gun . When I insert a full mag, the gun would not chamber the first round. I used the slide release as well as hand racked the slide. Whenever the 1st round does chamber.. all other rounds have no issue.

Another thing I'm seeing is that with the slide locked back, i insert a new mag and the slide seems to release on its on. Kinda scary when it slams with that big ole round being chambered :o. Not sure why that's happening??

Also when the slide is locked back without magazine....the slide lock seems to be set with a hair trigger... You can blow on it and that thing would release!! You can't even inspect the gun with the slide lock engaged, because it almost always slams home...stop maybe worn you think??

I am excited about my new gun and the knowledge that I have on firearms makes me to that some of these issues are not usual.... I haven't shot it yet so I can comment on how it functions with firing. Should I just take it to the range and shoot it, or have it looked at maybe by Kahr?

Anyone have any advice or feed back?

02-13-2011, 08:25 PM
Plinker the slide inspection you can do on your own. As far as it releasing really easy, you should be able to look at the stop engagement on the slide when it is locked back and see if it is really catching well. The slide stop is simply a mechanical stop. With it locked back, look at the rearward end of the stop and see if it appears to have the slide secure. The portion of the slide stop that catches in the groove of the slide should be squared off, not rounded. A picture of the slide stop, and of the slide locked back would be helpful. The problem may be as simple as you not pushing the slide stop up far enough (that would be an easy fix).

As for the slide slamming shut when inserting a magazine, field strip the gun (take the slide off). With the slide off, put the slide stop back into the frame where it goes. Then load a magazine and insert it into the frame. If the nose of the bullet touches the slide stop then you may need to sand or file away a small portion of the slide stop to allow clearance. This is a problem that typically causes your slide to lock back, not to release, but if your release is that touchy then it is likely the cause.

I would figure out why it is touchy before I worried about it releasing when inserting the magazine.

02-13-2011, 08:34 PM
This picture is kinda small but it is off of Kahr's site. It might give you an idea of what you are looking at. By the way, it is $24 so if you have to buy one, I think you are still in that gun at a pretty good price :cool:


02-13-2011, 08:52 PM
I'd say more likely a bad spring or the slide stop installed incorrectly. Do what easttenn said and while the slides off make sure theres good down tension on that slide stop. Its easy to put the stop in and get the spring under instead of over. One more thing to check anyhow.
I've never seen a slide stop lever worn to the point it wouldn't work, not to say there isn't some, I just never heard of one.

02-13-2011, 09:06 PM
So I just looked at the slide stop. The corner that catches the slide notched is not completey squared. It looks as if it has some wear with a very slight curve. All other corners of that piece are square and sharp! As far as having the spring seated correctly...upon inspection I see that indeed it is in it's proper place. Any sugesstion as to why the "1st" round of a full magazine tends to have problems?.. As I'm typing this reply..... I have tried several times using the slide release and the round continues jam.

02-13-2011, 09:59 PM
First off, welcome to the forums:)

Did you get more than one magazine with your P45?
If so, are you having the same problems with all of them?
I ask becuase my following hypothesis is more likely to occur in one magazine vice multiple ones (though it is still possible with multiple magazines).

As you have problems chambering the first round from a magazine and locking the slide back securely on an empty magazine, I venture to guess the magazine spring is installed backwards. Disassemble the magazine and check the orientation of the spring.


02-13-2011, 10:27 PM
gb6491....I only got one mag with the gun. The shop owner told me that he would throw in another ,but only ha the PM mags in stock. You feel the magazine spring is in backwards??

02-13-2011, 10:47 PM
gb6491....I only got one mag with the gun. The shop owner told me that he would throw in another ,but only ha the PM mags in stock. You feel the magazine spring is in backwards??
I do. That you have trouble feeding the first round and also with the slide locking back securely suggests to me that there is not enough pressure being applied to the front of the magazine follower. The spring being installed backwards would definitely cause this. There is also the possibility that the magazine spring is weak. This would be harder to troubleshoot without a replacement spring, but you might be able to do so by stretching the spring some (if it's not installed backwards), then seeing if it will feed the first round. The spring will quickly return to it's set length, but it should give you some hint if it is question of spring strength.

02-14-2011, 07:34 AM
If the slide releases so easily when the mag isn't present then you still have an issue.

But, you can look on kahr's site and see how the bottom of the spring sits in the mag and see if yours is in right anyway. Slide the base off slowly and have it pointed in a safe direction !!


02-14-2011, 01:37 PM
I emailed Kahr and got a quick response from "Jay". He suggested sending me a new slide release spring. That may be the issue for the slide release being so "hairy"...but what about the jamming of the first round?

02-14-2011, 01:56 PM
It could very well be both the slide lock spring and a weak or backwards mag spring. The mag spring is easy for a person not paying attention to put back together backwards.

Could be a weak spring also but I'm thinking most likely not.

02-14-2011, 02:34 PM
Plinker: PM sent. were gonna get u fixed up.

02-17-2011, 01:20 PM
Kahr has informed me that I will have to foot the cost for the to fix my firearm. This is very disappointing to hear that. Hell even Hi-Point has life time warranties on guns that are a 1/3 the price of Kahrs. This is my first Kahr handgun and interactions with their service dept. I like the looks and feel of this gun, but at this point that's all the guns has going for it......I'm pissed!!

my conversations with Kahr about my issues via email:

Over the weekend I went to the range to shoot my P45. Throughout this session, I had MANY issues with the trying to chamber the 1st round on a "fresh" mag. I tried different types of ammo as well as using the slide release like the manual advises and still had many frustrating moments with this issue. Another issues I was having is that the slide would frequently release, when I install a mag. The slide release seems to be very easily released . Minimum pressure can be applied and the slide will release ( without mag) .

These issues have made me uncomfortable about operating this handgun epically since it is intended for carry conceal use. I am hoping to send this firearm in for repairs and would like to be informed of what steps i need to do to have these repairs done.

Thanks for your time and understanding.


Good morning. I am sorry you are having issues with your slide release. The
issue with the slide releasing very easily could be a bent or broken slide
stop spring. This part is very easily replaced and I would be happy to send
you a replacement if you could provide me with your name and shipping
address. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Kahr Customer Service
508-795- 3919
www.kahr.com (http://www.kahr.com/)
www.tommygun.com (http://www.tommygun.com/)
To receive a RMA please complete our on-line RMA
Which can be found at http://www.kahr.com/rma.html
For visual reference of how to assemble/disassemble a Kahr pistol
For shipping information

(my response):

Thanks for the quick response. I do not mind providing my address for that
part to be sent, but I would like to be assured that if I have problems
trying to install the part that it would not void any opportunities of
having Kahr correctly fix the issue. Also included in my first email was
the continuing issues having the first round jam even when using the slide
release. Would the spring the effect that as well.
I am happy about owning a Kahr, but still have concerns about relying on it
at the moment.
Thanks Delbrico

Good morning. Replacing a slide stop spring will not void the warranty. As
for the feed issue, How many rounds have you had in total through this
firearm? What brands have you been using? I appreciate any response.
Kahr Customer Service
508-795- 3919
www.kahr.com (http://www.kahr.com/)
www.tommygun.com (http://www.tommygun.com/)
To receive a RMA please complete our on-line RMA
Which can be found at http://www.kahr.com/rma.html
For visual reference of how to assemble/disassemble a Kahr pistol
For shipping information

(my response):

I have shot probably 500 rounds or more so far. thus far. I've used
winchester whitebox , some blazer, power ball.

Can you provide me with the serial number of the firearm? Has this issue
been all along or recent?
Kahr Customer Service
508-795- 3919
www.kahr.com (http://www.kahr.com/)
www.tommygun.com (http://www.tommygun.com/)
To receive a RMA please complete our on-line RMA
Which can be found at http://www.kahr.com/rma.html
For visual reference of how to assemble/disassemble a Kahr pistol
For shipping information

(my response):
serial number is SA508X....The jamming on he first round has been happening since I've owned the firearm. I wanted to go through the "break in" before I contacted you guys. It looks as if my slide release has a slight curve or is worn down where it locks with the slide as i'm looking at it now. when there's a magazine in, the slide lock seems to be stiff and tight, but with out a mag....it has a hair like release. Also when I insert a mag it slams home...sometime with a round and sometimes it doesn't chamber a round.

Good afternoon. I would definitely recommend changing the slide stop
spring. I have looked up your serial number and that firearm was sold from
here in 2006 as a used firearm. It is likely in that time the spring could
become slightly bent which would cause it to release prematurely. I
apologize for any inconvenience.
Kahr Customer Service
508-795- 3919
www.kahr.com (http://www.kahr.com/)
www.tommygun.com (http://www.tommygun.com/)
To receive a RMA please complete our on-line RMA
Which can be found at http://www.kahr.com/rma.html
For visual reference of how to assemble/disassemble a Kahr pistol
For shipping information

(my email sent last night):

Hello, I am just following up with your department in regards to the issues
I reported having with my Kahr P45. I am not clear as to whether or not
does my firearm needs to be inspected by your gunsmiths.

Thanks for your time and understanding

Good morning. It is not a problem and I understand your wanting to follow
up. I would definitely recommend changing the recoil assembly as well as
the slide stop spring (both can be ordered from the website). If you do not
feel comfortable with this, we can inspect and repair the firearm here at
the factory however, it would not be covered under warranty. I hope this
information helps.
Kahr Customer Service
508-795- 3919
www.kahr.com (http://www.kahr.com/)
www.tommygun.com (http://www.tommygun.com/)
To receive a RMA please complete our on-line RMA
Which can be found at http://www.kahr.com/rma.html
For visual reference of how to assemble/disassemble a Kahr pistol
For shipping information

So can someone please give me some advice on what I need to do from here?

Thank you guys

02-17-2011, 05:53 PM
Looks like early on he offered to send you the slide stop spring. His last message said you can order it from the web site as well as get the recoil assembly (I assume recoil spring).

I would get on the web site and order
029P45 Slide Stop Spring $6.60 and
005P45 Recoil Spring $8.80

Change those out and see if you still have the issue. If it is worn springs due to usage, I wouldn't consider it Kahr's responsibility to cover that under warranty, so don't get too aggravated with them at this point. I'm sure if you change those out and problem persists they will see that and be more accepting of taking the gun in to work on.

02-17-2011, 06:17 PM
right now i'm not done with them, but this is my first Kahr and I just don't want to have thrown money down the drain. I believe that this is a good gun...I just want the thing to work. Good forum guys and keep helping solve problems!!

02-19-2011, 12:18 PM
Yeah it was used. I too expect to find certain things when buying used.....hell some of the guns i've traded/sold had issues that i could no longer tolerate. I love this little gun. Being that it's my first Karh...i just want to make sure I'm aware of all the "possible or known to occure" issues. i went back to my local shop and saw a brand new P45 with night sights for $799!!! and to see what I got for $450...i really feel like i won on that deal. The barrel looks like glass in the inside, no wear on the frame, and the sight glow really bright..now if only i can figure out why the first round on a fresh mag keeps jamming.

02-19-2011, 12:29 PM
Whenever the 1st round does chamber.. all other rounds have no issue.

When you say this, do you mean all other rounds chamber when you rack it by hand, or when firing? Try racking a few rounds by hand and see what happens.

You may have answered this, but have you tried other types of ammo?

02-19-2011, 12:52 PM
Were you able to try another magazine (or check the spring in your current one)?
Another stab in the dark:
As this is a used gun, did the previous owner happen to install a buffer on the recoil spring guide?

02-19-2011, 01:09 PM
I suspect eastenn has it right. The OP said the slide racks easily, Kahr said they sold the gun used years ago. My first suspect for not chambering the first round is the recoil spring. It probably needs changing anyway so why not and eliminate the possibility.

As for changing the slide lock spring, be careful! Jocko can warn you about that danged screw stripping the poly very easily, like really easily and messes up the frame! With the slide off and the pin re-inserted, if you raise the lock and let go and it returns down with vigor, I don't think I would go there until last resort. I saw pics somewhere that shows how the spring is supposed to sit (it isn't round). If it doesn't sit like that something out of kilter. Also if the spring were broken/very weak the slide would tend to lock open when shooting which you say is not the case.

PS: I just remember my 1911 was messing up and I finally REALLY looked over the slide stop pin and found gunk hiding at the base of the pin just where it sits in the hole making it stiff.

02-19-2011, 02:03 PM
u bought a factory refurbished kahr which carrys only a one year warranty. I would do what Jay asks you to do, order a new recoil spring and slide stop spring and retest. You will need a six 6 torx tool, which u can order from kahr or go to sears and buy separtely also.

Hopefully u don't expect kahr to give a lifetime warranty on a refurbished gun, that they sold 5 years ago. Hard telling if the recoils spring has been changed and possbly the slide stop spring could be bent. You can do all of this changing yourself with no problem.

Plinker, do this also. go to the kahr tech section and about the 7 thread down you will see: CW45 (and other poly fix) by GB 6491. hit on it, it is super and scrollon down untilyou come to the slide lock lever spring . It is the best you will ever see or read also.. A breeze to change, a breeze to adjust.

02-19-2011, 02:35 PM
I'm loath to rule out any possibility before physically checking it. A new recoil spring may be the fix and is a good candidate for replacement on a used gun.
My experience with nose dive stoppages has been that the culprit generally lies in one of these areas (in no particular order):
Magazine: weak/broken/improperly installed spring, worn latch window, bad feed lips, and on occasion, a bad follower.
Feed way: bad geometry or poor machining
Magazine Latch: latch window cut too low in the frame.
Sometimes, feed way issues can be solved by polishing but most often require more drastic measures.
If the magazine latch window is cut too low, you can find aftermarket latches for some pistols (1911 comes to mind) that have the shelf cut higher. If not, a new frame is generally in order (though feed way geometry can sometimes be altered to make it all work).
That leaves the magazine as the most easily checked and fixed item: simply try another one. If a bad one is isolated; try a good cleaning (look for any burrs/dings as well), then spring replacement, then follower replacement, then trash can if it's the feed lips/tube.

02-20-2011, 11:23 AM
Hello to all!! Great forum

This is my 1st post and I decided to join after I picked up a Kahr P45 w/ NS in awesome condition for $450. This is my first Kahr and I've notice some things with this pistol that brought me to this forum for questions.

I looked at several new P45's that were on the shelf. One difference I noticed is the the newer guns were really stiff when working the slide. My gun seems to have a softer, easier action. I assume that this guns has had rounds through it being that it was a used gun . When I insert a full mag, the gun would not chamber the first round. I used the slide release as well as hand racked the slide. Whenever the 1st round does chamber.. all other rounds have no issue.

Another thing I'm seeing is that with the slide locked back, i insert a new mag and the slide seems to release on its on. Kinda scary when it slams with that big ole round being chambered :o. Not sure why that's happening??

Also when the slide is locked back without magazine....the slide lock seems to be set with a hair trigger... You can blow on it and that thing would release!! You can't even inspect the gun with the slide lock engaged, because it almost always slams home...stop maybe worn you think??

I am excited about my new gun and the knowledge that I have on firearms makes me to that some of these issues are not usual.... I haven't shot it yet so I can comment on how it functions with firing. Should I just take it to the range and shoot it, or have it looked at maybe by Kahr?

Anyone have any advice or feed back?

From your description in other posts in this thread, it sounds as if this gun is *very* used (i.e., a refurbished pistol that was sold, and then sold again to you). The rental PM9 at one of my local gunstores had the same issue with the slide releasing on its own when a magazine is inserted. I assume that it is just wear & tear, and that some of the wearable parts needed to be replaced, such as the slidestop spring (mentioned by others here in this thread).

02-22-2011, 10:41 PM
So what I did do was ordered a new slide stop and indeed the corners on the new slide stop are more squared and the old one seems to be slightly rounded where it locks in with the slide. The gun only came with one mag, but oddly enough, my Kimber Pro Carry mags work and there were no problems. I did order a new mag and spring but it hasn't shown up yet..... Regardless of what issues I'm having....THIS THING NEVER MISSES A BEAT!!!! SHOOTS GOOD!!!!!!! Now 2 of my co-workers are looking at getting Kahrs :).

02-23-2011, 09:01 AM
Did you not order a recoil spring also? At $8 that is something you should have went and ahead and ordered and considered normal maintenance anyway. Do you still have the 1st round feeding issue?

02-25-2011, 09:45 PM
I did order the spring as well. It does seem to be a lot stiffer different the one I'm replacing. It does seem to have away more force when cycling. The first round did jam when using Hollow points, but when I switched back to FMJ things went smoothly......Random question....is it me or does that Tula Ammo smells like rotten eggs????.....:o

02-25-2011, 10:08 PM
I had issues with HST's nosing into the ramp and hanging. After polishing the ramp and rub TW25 into it hard each cleaning, it feeds anything. That's an quick & easy thing to do that won't hurt anything. Glad it's coming together for you.

02-25-2011, 11:36 PM
I did order the spring as well. It does seem to be a lot stiffer different the one I'm replacing. It does seem to have away more force when cycling. The first round did jam when using Hollow points, but when I switched back to FMJ things went smoothly......Random question....is it me or does that Tula Ammo smells like rotten eggs????.....:o

hm, i've shot the Tul ammo in 9mm and never noticed a smell. i usually don't buy it though that way i can keep the brass

02-26-2011, 12:55 AM
Random question....is it me or does that Tula Ammo smells like rotten eggs????.....:o

Depends upon what you've been eating. :)

05-16-2011, 07:07 PM
Thanks Jocko