View Full Version : Tried a CW45 today; I may come back to the fold

02-13-2011, 08:16 PM
Hi all,

New member here.

I went round and round with Kahr back in the nineties. I had one of the first K9's. Loved it but hated the blue finish. Then a nickel K40 that had a chamber that was way too tight. At the first range session is locked up tight slightly out of battery. An MK9 was next and had several reliability issues. Then a stainless K40 that was a good gun. I just got tired of it and traded it long ago. I had gotten soured on Kahr. In hindsight part of it was an issue with me going through the proper break-in procedure.

During some recent financial turmoil I had gotten rid of most of my guns. Now as I get closer to the light at the end of the tunnel I'm shopping for a new EDC.

I tried a rental CW45 today and loved it. The same, easy trigger action that I fell in love with 15 years ago. Still flat and compact. And a .45. I love the 9mm but appreciate the more forgiving ammo selection in .45.

I hadn't been shooting for a long time so I ran the target to just past three yards. By the second magazine the center of the target was mostly gone. Then I got cocky and started on hammers and controlled pairs. The hammers were an 1-2" apart and most of the controlled pairs were touching. I'm not even that great of a shot.

I think I'm in love with the CW45. As the money loosens up I think I'll pick one of these up, go through the break-in procedure very carefully and see how it shakes out. The lube and break-in stickies look to be invaluable.

Add an IWB, some extra mags and as much ammo as I can afford and I'll be in fine shape.

I guess I'm back!

02-13-2011, 08:22 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk.

02-13-2011, 08:37 PM
Welcome back, I'm a new Kahr owner but have been bitten. A CW45 is definitely in the runnings for my next Kahr, actually the best candidate right now.

02-13-2011, 09:47 PM
It's as good as done. Welcome back to the fold. All is forgiven! ;)

02-13-2011, 11:28 PM
Welcome back!! I too have been thinking about the CW45, I currently have a CW40 and love it. Now I just have to make up my mind between the CW45 and the new CM9.

02-14-2011, 01:16 AM
the nice thing, even though Stud got burned with kahrs in the 90's. he must have still had in his heart the knowledge that he loved the kahrs and knew they were a good gun. That tells alot about kahr and alot about the shooter to.

All guns are great guns WHEN THEY WORK AS DESIGNED. Some just don't do that and the taste is leaves in ones mouth isjust palin garlicky....


02-16-2011, 06:54 AM
CW45 was my first Kahr and I've been very pleased with mine. I'm getting ready to take possession of a K40; I've got the bug too.

02-16-2011, 08:37 PM
i bought a pm9 to try for pocket carry early last year and then sold a glock g30 to get a cw-45,i never carried the glock and decided to get something i would carry. i just bought a set of night sights for the cw from kahr, i bought a set of dawson sights but the front came loose 3 times in a little over 2 months so they had to go.i am sure there will be more kahrs in my future as they have become my favorite carry piece.

02-16-2011, 09:20 PM
I own a couple of Glocks (19 and 27) and at one time owned a 36. For me the Kahr CW45 is a much better fit for my hands then the 36, and the slim profile adds to comfort of carry on my small frame.