View Full Version : WHat to do? CW45 P45 Kimber Ultra Crimson carry

02-16-2011, 10:00 AM
I have a P9 w CT for EDC.... 1911's fit my hand great i shoot very very well with them, I was carrying my Colt commander but i can not IWB due to back problem (sciatic nerve) so I am now looking at these CW45, P45, Kimber Ultra Crimson Carry, Kimber Ultra Carry SS and mayybe the Ultra CDP w/ CT grips..... all for OWB in a high tight TTGunleather.
Or Should I just not worry about it and get comfortable w carrying a 9mm and buy extra mags install my favorite sights (heinie) a new gunbelt and go to town in IDPA w it?

P.S. was going to sell my EoTech to get funds for the P45, thought about selling my Colt LWT Commander in addition to fund the Kimber Ultra CDP w CT grips

02-16-2011, 10:17 PM
I'm a 1911 guy at heart, but I find that I carry my CW45 more often than not (that includes my Officer's ACP). In regards to weight, it's no contest in favor of the Kahr. The CW45 also has fewer pointy things to poke me with. To my surprise, I find I can shoot the CW about as well as my full size 1911s out to 25 yards (probably further, just haven't tried it.) All that said, I picked up a CW9 and carry it quite often as of late. I like it's slightly slimmer lines and the lighter weight of the 9MM ammo is a big plus. So as much as I like .45ACP, I think if I had a bad back the 9 would be my choice.

02-16-2011, 11:56 PM
I went with a CW9 over a P9 Since i could then add a Crimson Trace and a Crossbreed MiniTuck off the Blem list for about the difference in price. The C.T. Came today and so far i love it. so i would take the CW45.