View Full Version : #4, Is this one a keeper?

02-16-2011, 11:17 PM
My first Kahr was a DLC PM9 some while back. A great little gun that was very accurate and never had any issues. A hunting buddy of mine (local PD retired detective) talked me out of it. I suppose it never perfectly fit me or I wouldn't have let it go. That small a gun only fits the BUG role with me and I always picked up my J frame 442 instead of the PM9. I did miss it, tho'.

Number two was a DLC K9 with the NYPD trigger. That gun fit me perfectly but I didn't like the trigger after having the PM9. The DLC was okay but didn't impress me. A pilot talked me out of that one. I did miss it, tho'.

Number three was a PM9 two tone that I picked up after giving my 442 to the daughter of another hunting buddy of mine, a local Sheriff's deputy. That left a void for a BUG, hence the PM9. I really did like it, no issues, and I preferred the stainless to the DLC. But when a S&W no lock 340 M&P .357 became available the PM9 lost the BUG role again. Away it went. I did miss it tho'.

As an old retired CI agent/Fed agent I always have been a believer in two guns. Probably not necessary now but that's just the way I am. Winter primary is usually a SIG P220 but sometime a P229, both DAK. Summer was always a P239 DAK but I kept comparing it to the K9 I had. The SIG P239 just didn't fit me as well. So, when the opportunity came to pass the P239 along I began what I thought would be a long search for a K9 elite. I'm not a .40 fan even tho' I carried one on duty for years, and the only plastic guns I ever owned were the two PM9's. I'm either 9mm or .45 so it was a K9 for me. The first place I looked was local - none. Then I went to Bud's Police Supply - out of stock. The to Bud's Gun Shop regular site and they had one in stock! Made the deal and anxiously waited through two snowstorms for it to arrive. It spent that time in Memphis snowed in. Finally the two night UPS made it here after 8 days and I picked it up this afternoon.

Being familiar with the Kahr models I knew they would be tight but this one was the tightest of the bunch. After a thorough cleaning and lube, followed by about 250 times racking the slide it has loosened up some. Tomorrow I'll go to my outdoor range and run a couple hundred rounds of ball through it, and maybe a +p hp or two.. This one fits me so perfect I think it may just be a keeper - we'll see.

02-17-2011, 07:07 AM
The K9 may be the pick of the Kahr litter. They handle +p very well. Lots to love in that little gun...congrats on #4.

02-17-2011, 07:20 AM
I seen on Nascar last night that GUN BROKER.COM actually is sponsoring one of the nascar Daytona 500 cars. Business must be good.

02-17-2011, 02:14 PM
Well, I went to the range this morning and put 200 rounds of ball from three different brands through it. Then 6x rounds of 115gr GDHP (that I had laying around) and finally 29x rounds of 124gr GDHP+P. Not a hiccup or burp and all was very accurate out to 20 yds. The 6x rounds of 115 GDHP went into one tiny hole at 10 yds. I might have to try some DPX to see how it shoots. Anyway, so far I'm really satisfied. I'll go out in another week or so and put about the same amount thru it. My Concealco holster should be here around the end of the month. If it continues to be free of any issues it will become my primary carry after the holster gets here. :D

12-17-2011, 08:51 AM
I enjoyed my K9 immensely and shot it often. Very accurate and only one small hiccup at the range. I shot it so well that an acquaintance decided he wanted it more than I did. I rarely break even on gun deals but this time I did better than that. So....goodbye K9.

A few weeks passed and I kept missing the Kahr (and I was over my huge P380 disappointment) so I started looking for a new K9/P9/PM9. I was settling on the PM9 again when I ran across an opportunity for one of the new Beretta Nanos. So, I got it. It's a nice little gun in it's own right (please, let's don't start another marathon bash here) and it shot well. I had three FTE in the first 600 or so rounds. I believe it will be great competition for the CM9.

But, as I handled it, shot it, and cleaned it I kept comparing it to my original PM9. There were a couple of things I preferred on the Nano compared to the PM9 (as I recalled) and several things I preferred on the PM9.

I wasn't looking, but ran across what I considered a great deal on a new PM9. Standard sight DLC for a little over $500 (on sale) that I just had to jump on. So now I'll put up the Nano until I get 5-600 rounds thru the PM9 and then begin an objective evaluation/comparison of the two. That should be a fun project for the next year.

I don't get overly excited about a new gun since they are, to me, tools and my SIGs are my primary carry anyway. I am looking forward to this little exercise tho'. At the end one will get new Big Dots and the other will most likely go away.

12-17-2011, 10:31 AM
Very interesting report. looking forward to your next update.

12-21-2011, 12:39 PM
I'll through a fly in the ointment, try a T9! This gun fits my hand better than any gun I've tried. I've had Sig 228,225's, S&W M&P, Springfield XD
Kimber 1911 etc. I especially like the M&P and the 1911 but neither fits me like the T9, very acurate as well. Try it, it may be your Kahr keeper. Oh by the way, I was looking for a gun with soul and it has it with the beautiful wood grips and sexy lines.

12-21-2011, 01:24 PM
Well, I handled a T9 and it felt good but one reason I let the guy take the K9 is that I always ended up carrying one of my SIGs instead of the K9. I finally found the right grips for a P239 DAK and my preference overall is a P220 Carry DAK. I usually carry IWB and find it as easy to conceal the SIGs as I did the K9. So, it looks like if I have a sub-compact 9mm keeper it's back to the 'grab-and-go' PM9 (or the Beretta Nano) for a backup.

added: when my PM9 came in it was a P9! After looking at it and handling it I decided I didn't want to send it back. I guess now I have ended up with a P9 and Beretta Nano for 'grab-and-go' or backup. I think that P9 will ride perfectly in my standard Kangaroo when I'm carrying a SIG P220.