View Full Version : P45 Limbsaver Grip (Pics)

02-17-2011, 05:49 PM
Hi Folks......Put these Limbsaver grips on my P45 and they work great. Not too thick and they give all over coverage of the grip. They cover all those nasty nubs and feel great to shoot. Fit a lot better than the Hogue Jr. grips. Picked them up at www.uniquetek.com they were quick with delivery and good to do business with....Now, I have only put around 60 rounds through the gun with these grips on and can't predict how long they will last, but they feel very good. Check them out, I think you will like them. And no, I don't work for the company.





02-17-2011, 06:32 PM
Look good,how's that nub under the beavertail feel when you shoot?Definately fits better than the hogue.Did you get the small full size?

02-17-2011, 06:44 PM
I could not even feel the upper tab on the grip when I shot, forgot it was even there....and I hold the web of my shooting hand high on the grip......by the way, the price of this grip was $9.95...I forget the model but its the one that fits the Kahr P45 model.

02-18-2011, 05:01 PM
I would think that the rubber grip on the one pictured or the Hogue would cause the shirt, jacekt or sweatshirt to catch or stick to the rubber, causing it to print.

I could see if you wanted to have the grip on for an extended range session but I would not want it for concealed carry.

Just my 2 cents

02-28-2011, 07:27 PM
Got my Limbsaver grip today because I didn't like the way the Hogue didn't fully cover the aggressive checkering on the front and backstrap. It was a real bear to put on, but it feels really good. I tried it in a Fobus paddle holster, just 'cuz my Mitch Rosen hasn't arrived yet. While the rubber of the grip does a good job allowing me to grip the gun without any irritation from the checkering, it surprisingly doesn't seem to attach itself to clothing. I had it on under a t-shirt (just checking on printing) and it wasn't a problem for me at all...once that Rosen holster gets here, I'll be ready for my Arizona vacation!

02-28-2011, 09:42 PM
Ditto....Mine carries like a dream.....no problems with printing or interference...I use them with my Glock 19 also. The Hogue's were too thick and the Limbsaver is just the right thickness for the G19.....Good luck with them