View Full Version : MK9 and Federal Ammo?

02-19-2011, 04:46 PM
All i shoot is Federal Champion 115 Grain FMJ RN ($10.50 a box) in my MK9. what i am hoping to do is practice at 25 yards. I have read were some guys can hit a 6" paper plate at 25 yards. is this possible for the average person or do you have to be expert? Is the Federal ammo accurate? If not what is better For target practice? Thank you Hussky

02-19-2011, 05:31 PM
I am no expert and I have shot over 30,000 rounds through my PM9. I truly love this gun, but I cannot hit a 6" paper palte at 25 yards, no way HOSE, just can't do it. Federal ammo is good ammo, so it won[t be the ammo's fault if you don't hit at 25 yards. These are close up personal guns, with a very loooooong but smooth trigger system. One of the smoothest triggers on the market but still looooooong by most standards. That is where the accuracy will fall off,if its gonna happen. The gun can do it, just most shooters cannot.

I would suggest getting damn good and damn fast at 7 yards and under, Get used to POA shooting, seeing that front sight clearly and everything else will fallin place. If you want to hit beer cans at 25 yards, then IMO get another gun for that stuff. No insult being thrown here either, just speaking the truth from my standpoint. Your threat will not be at 25 yards my friend, so get good where percentages will show that you need to be good..

02-19-2011, 06:05 PM
I am no expert and I have shot over 30,000 rounds through my PM9. I truly love this gun, but I cannot hit a 6" paper palte at 25 yards, no way HOSE, just can't do it. Federal ammo is good ammo, so it won[t be the ammo's fault if you don't hit at 25 yards. These are close up personal guns, with a very loooooong but smooth trigger system. One of the smoothest triggers on the market but still looooooong by most standards. That is where the accuracy will fall off,if its gonna happen. The gun can do it, just most shooters cannot.

I would suggest getting damn good and damn fast at 7 yards and under, Get used to POA shooting, seeing that front sight clearly and everything else will fallin place. If you want to hit beer cans at 25 yards, then IMO get another gun for that stuff. No insult being thrown here either, just speaking the truth from my standpoint. Your threat will not be at 25 yards my friend, so get good where percentages will show that you need to be good..

Thank you. this is what i was wondering and i value your opinion. I will start at 7 yards and just try 25 once in awhile. Thanks again Hussky

02-19-2011, 06:14 PM
my shooting prowness lacks alot!! I don't do good at 25 yards with my super accurate G19 even. that for me is just to to far and I doubt if I could even see a 6" pie plate at 25 yards, let alone hit it. Ithink if u practice close or for wha tthe gun is desinged for, u will find that u are indeed very accurate and very fast in those distances to. Screw those bulleyes, get some of the FBI "q" silhouette targets (bowling pin type silhouette). If you can e at 10 yards and under

02-19-2011, 06:18 PM
I can hit that 6" plate at that distance on the first shot with MK9 if I were to slowly aim, squeeze, adjust grip, etc. You can get that first shot where you want but forget about the next 5 if you are shooting rapidly. That just won't happen as the recoil and 2 finger grip cause too much movement in the hand to be able to quickly get back on small target. I practice about 300 rounds a week with that same ammo or WWB value pack.

02-19-2011, 07:00 PM
Thanks allot this is good to know. I put Pearse finger extensions on and that really help get a good grip on the MK9 and they don't bother me with pocket caring.

02-19-2011, 07:11 PM
I was shooting my G19 out at South River Gun Club last year. We set up 8" steel plates and were popping them at 10 and 20 yards all afternoon. Near the end of the session we decided to play "horse". We got out to 50 yards and I was able to pop the plate 18 times in two magazines. When I tried it with my CW9 I hit it roughly the same percentage. These were slow, timed shots though. I haven't tried shooting my PM40 past 25' but at 25' a 6" paper plate doesn't stand a chance :)

02-19-2011, 07:17 PM
To me it seems like it depends on the day. There are days when I'd do better hitting with a sack full of rocks and I shouldn't have burned gas to get to the range to make a fool of myself.

Other days and granted these days are much fewer and farther between I'm like Wyatt Earp hisself and can't miss shooting over my shoulder with a mirror. Can't put my finger on it either. Some days you feel like a nut and somedays your are one.

Couple trips ago my son told me a guy couple lanes over mentioned to his partner "who the heck is that guy". I of course being deaf as the preverbial stump didn't hear it which is probably good, I didn't have that tire valve in my head and it surely would have swelled immensely with that kind of talk.

Next range trip I"m sure they would have laughed me out of the place. "Loser".

02-20-2011, 06:02 AM
Now i don't feel so bad. thanks Hussky

02-20-2011, 06:04 AM
Thanks Frank
there still is hope for me.

04-01-2011, 06:45 AM
I'm with Jocko. I practice at seven yards and try to stay within 4-6 inches. With my G26, I can do this consistently but I'm still learning with the PM9.