View Full Version : Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Press?

02-20-2011, 04:43 PM
I am thinking about getting into reloading and wondered if anyone here uses a Hornady LNL AP press?

Cabelas has the LNL on sale for $379 and it includes redemption for 500 free 40S&W bullets ($133 value) from Hornady. Cabela's also has an additional $20 savings promotion for orders orver $120; which brings the price down to $359 with 500 free bullets. However, that price does not include the auto case feeder, caliber specific dies, LNL conversion bushings or case specific base plate.

I have been reading reviews and they seem relatively mixed between the Dillon 650 and the Hornady LNL AP presses. I was going to buy a Dillon XL650 AP press, but I also have $200 in Christmas gift cards burning a hole in my wallet. So basically, I could get the LNL press for $159 out of pocket cost, with free bullets (but still need to buy the dies, bushing and base plate).

A buddy has an AP reloader, so learning on an AP should not be a big problem vs learning on a single stage loader. However, he is a die hard Dillon man and would not talk about anything else (he was the same way about Glocks). I'd go the way of Dillon 650, but it is far more expensive than the LNL on sale, $20 promotion, gift cards and free bullet offer.

Any input from users of the LNL AP? Thanks.

02-20-2011, 05:08 PM
I just got the Hornady LNL 6 months or so ago. It's a solid machine with alot of features I like over the Dillon.
The Dillon is a good unit (all of them) and they have very good CS. Hornady also have very good CS. I broke the drive unit shortly after I got it, might have overtightened it but no questions, they sent me a new one and a couple of the case retainer springs I asked for.

Once you get it set and dialed in it's really fast, half step advances is nice. I wouldn't hesitate for a second getting it. The planets are aligned, you got the cards, the discount and the sale.

I also got the 500 free bullets, nice deal.

I kept my old Rock Chucker single stage mounted on another part of the bench. I just load 45 on the Hornady and everything else on the Rock. I did get 10 extra die bushings so I may someday set up for 45 Colt or 38 or something, easy to switch.

Go get it.

02-20-2011, 05:38 PM
That was quick and I appreciate the feed back Bawanna. I hope you're not getting back at me for suggesting the CTL...haha. You will like that CTL if you give it a try. Seriously, I appreciate the input. The sales are up soon (arm twisting) and I think I will order it this week. It seems as though alot of guys have one problem or another with either the Hornady or Dillon, but both companies seem to give great CS.

As long as I have your attention and I hope you have a few minutes to share info, please ...
- Did you get the bullet feeder or case feeder options? How do you like them?
- Are you using the Hornady Dies? I hear (in the reviews) they work better and offer better adjustment than 3rd party dies.
- How did it mount on your bench? Any photos? I would like to mount on a piece of plywood so I can remove it from my shop bench when not in use. My work bench already does wood work, taxidermy, etc.. (12' long bench). Would that plywood mounting idea work?
- I also hear that certain powders feed well while others do not...have you had any experience with this and what powder are you using (that works well)? Any problems with keeping the powder charge consistent?
- A number of readers complained about primer feed problems and damage which was corrected? Any problems there? How do you like the spent primer tube system?
- I like the LNL bushing concept for changing dies. How did that work for you?

I realize I have asked a number of questions and I sincerely appreciate the input, any input is very helpful at this point. Thanks a bunch Bawanna. You're right...the stars seem to be aligned and because I am using my Cabella's gift certificates, my wife even gave me the nod (after I threw her the Russian front of the Dillon's price). I wish I could see that nod more in other areas, but in this case...I'll take what I can get and go for the reloader....haha. Thanks again.

02-20-2011, 05:47 PM
Uh oh, here we go again. There was a thread not too long ago that covered much of this. http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=4615&highlight=reloader+education I think you're just about hooked. I can answer one of those questions, yes the plywood idea will work, and many do that. I haven't reloaded in many many years, but do know that much. You can use C-clamps to hold the ply wood in place on your bench. As for the powders not feeding well, extremes in size are what causes that. I would pull random samples at the very least and weigh them out before continuing. That seemed to work well back then, and should still. I know that sometimes electric powder dispensers can be affected by things near them and what not, but again, it's been awhile. Unique used to be ok, W231 is a good one if memory serves, there are some more, but I don't remember which right now.

02-20-2011, 05:59 PM
Thanks jlottmc, I figured I could clamp and remove the press, as you suggested. Just checking. I need a versatile shop, because it gets ALOT of multipurpose use. Right now is taxidermy season...part time hobby for the last 7 yrs. for local friends and myself.

You scared me with the intro of Uh oh!. Please everyone, I want to make it clear that my questions are not to create any argument. I realize there are die hard Dillon guys, Lee guys, etc... I am getting my arm twisted into this Hornady thing (and happen to believe it "may" be a decent AP reloader too). It's my wife's fault...she is making me do it so I don't spend more on a Dillon....haha. I don't want to get banned and shunned for asking the questions...haha. But I sincerely do appreciate any input, expecially on the Hornady LNL AP. Thanks.

02-20-2011, 08:57 PM
That was quick and I appreciate the feed back Bawanna. I hope you're not getting back at me for suggesting the CTL...haha. You will like that CTL if you give it a try. Seriously, I appreciate the input. The sales are up soon (arm twisting) and I think I will order it this week. It seems as though alot of guys have one problem or another with either the Hornady or Dillon, but both companies seem to give great CS.

As long as I have your attention and I hope you have a few minutes to share info, please ...
- Did you get the bullet feeder or case feeder options? How do you like them?
- Are you using the Hornady Dies? I hear (in the reviews) they work better and offer better adjustment than 3rd party dies.
- How did it mount on your bench? Any photos? I would like to mount on a piece of plywood so I can remove it from my shop bench when not in use. My work bench already does wood work, taxidermy, etc.. (12' long bench). Would that plywood mounting idea work?
- I also hear that certain powders feed well while others do not...have you had any experience with this and what powder are you using (that works well)? Any problems with keeping the powder charge consistent?
- A number of readers complained about primer feed problems and damage which was corrected? Any problems there? How do you like the spent primer tube system?
- I like the LNL bushing concept for changing dies. How did that work for you?

I realize I have asked a number of questions and I sincerely appreciate the input, any input is very helpful at this point. Thanks a bunch Bawanna. You're right...the stars seem to be aligned and because I am using my Cabella's gift certificates, my wife even gave me the nod (after I threw her the Russian front of the Dillon's price). I wish I could see that nod more in other areas, but in this case...I'll take what I can get and go for the reloader....haha. Thanks again.

I'll just take these one at a time slow and easy.
I did not get the bullet or case feeder as I can add those later. I like to look at each case right before it begins the process so I would probably not ever get one. Basically the same with the bullet feeder. Theres alot happening with each rise and fall of the handle. You gotta get in a sequence and not get mixed up. This will happen when your first setting it up but once your dialed in you just have to not miss anything.
I'm using RCBS dies since I've always used them and they work just fine. If you don't have dies I'd get the Hornadys since they are good and thats what I read too.
I mounted mine on a piece of 4 1/2" flat 1/4" thick plate steel with a about a 3" square tubing riser to mount the press. Same thing as my Rockchucker so it's up a little higher and I only have one option and thats sitting. If your bench is the right heighth you may not need that. My concern with the portablility issue is this is a big beast. It's tall and the powder measure is way up high, I can barely reach the top with the press at working level. I put a steel leg under the bench and anchored it to the cement floor as you apply both up and down pressure on the handle. The more solid you get that press the better it is. Personally I'd mount it permanently and make a cover for it so you don't mess things up storing it or banging it around.
The powder issue has alot to do with the type of powder, extruded powder is like pencil lead and it meters poorly, some rifles you have no choice and I weigh those individually anyway. Unique, 2400 and 231 all meter very nice. One tip I learned from our very own tilos is instead of measuring one load and adjusting and adjusting to get it right on the nats backside, get a large container and throw 10 charges and figure the average. I was going insane trying to get it just right as I always have done, I did the 10 charge average and I was off less than a 1/4 of a grain. Thats dang good.
Then I just occasionally weigh one just to make sure nothings changing. I always keep my measure no less than 1/4 full.
I've had no issues at all feeding primers. I put a piece of tape on the rod that sits on top of the primer feed tube so I know when I'm close to out. That was my only issue, its' so dang nice and fast that before you know it your kicking out loads with no primers.
The spent primer tube is awesome. I taped it to a beer bottle (don't drink and reload but I didn't have a pop bottle. The spent primers drop right in the bottle, I can tell if it ever gets full and needs to be emptied.
The die bushings are also the cats meow. I understand they make some now for standard 7/8" presses and hope to get some for my rockchucker. I have a hard time making a die stay set removing the die alone but with the bushings it's no sweat, a little twist and out she comes.
I think thats it. I posted some pics when I got it, might try a search for Hornady. Or LNL. I'll look around too.

02-21-2011, 08:17 AM
No the uh oh was meant as one of we have another one on the hook, nothing sinister there. I forgot to mention hand priming. Check that out too.

02-21-2011, 09:37 AM
You covered everything Bawanna and I appreciate all the input. I need to contact Hornady because I am a little confused about a few issues:
- I want to be sure the LNL press offered by Cabella's is a case activated powder drop system because I want to expand and drop powder on one station and then use a powder cop die to check the powder drop in the next station.
- I want to be sure Cabella's 3 die set is the CDND Nitride set
- I want to find out more about the quick change powder die
- Finally I need to ask about the difference between the tumbler and sonic cleaner. It sounds like the sonic cleaner cleans inside and out and replaces the tumbler, but I am not certain if I still need to do both.

No the uh oh was meant as one of we have another one on the hook, nothing sinister there.
OK, gotcha jlottmc. Yea, I think you are right...I am about to be hooked. My buddy told me the same thing when I visited an IDPA match and I started talking about getting a handgun. I guess he was right too. All of my shooting years, I have always liked bowhunting and in 1976 I got into muzzleloading. Now this handgun and reloading thing seems to have me by the @$$. My wife shakes her head and says, "It's always something new!" I guess she is right too. Why is it that I am always wrong????? haha.

Thanks guys. The research continues.........

02-21-2011, 01:22 PM
On the hook may be referring to me. My hands are sore today from cleaning, punching, and expanding about 1K casings, and inspecting 500 others, yesterday. On my Rockchucker single, that's 2K pulls and 4K sliding a case in or out of the holder.

Once you start it can become an end to itself. My brass has to be mirror shiny with clean primer pockets - like washing behind the ears. Someday maybe I'll see if others will let me clean & prep their brass!!!!

02-21-2011, 01:31 PM
On the hook may be referring to me. My hands are sore today from cleaning, punching, and expanding about 1K casings, and inspecting 500 others, yesterday. On my Rockchucker single, that's 2K pulls and 4K sliding a case in or out of the holder.

Once you start it can become an end to itself. My brass has to be mirror shiny with clean primer pockets - like washing behind the ears. Someday maybe I'll see if others will let me clean & prep their brass!!!!

I shudder to think how many times I've pulled the handle on your Rock Chucker and the one I have too.
I still use it for any rounds that I don't load tons for. If I was working on accuracy rifle rounds I'd be on the Rock. I use the Hornady for mass production practice ammunition only.
Theres a satisfaction is loading one round at a time, carefully monitoring each step meticulously. I miss that on the LNL but it does make ammo fast.

02-21-2011, 05:00 PM
I spoke to Hornady about the ideal set up (excluding the case feeder) and I thought I was going to get a real deal with the LNL sale, but by the time I priced out all of my 40 S&W needs:
- LNL AP press with 500 Hornady JHP bullets
- 3 die set with shell plate (sizer, expander and seating)
- 4 extra bushings (for down the road)
-quick change powder die
- powder through expander
- powder cop die
- Taper crimp die
- LNL die wrench
- powder drain insert
- case tumbler kit (cabellas)
- Sonic cleaner LNL and liquid case cleaner
- Hornady reloading manual

Did I miss anything?

I'm at about $775 without any powder or primers and it only serves my 40S&W. That's figures to about 23 boxes of 100 Win target rounds @ $33/box of 100. I guess it will take a lot of shooting for the payback to hit home. But I guess it is a past time in and of itself and sounds like alot of fun too. Something I've always wanted to get into. Now it is time to do more sweet talking with the wifey. Look at it this way....After all, I will save money on the sale, rebate, Cabella's coupons ($20 for every $120 spent); and I'll use my Christmas $200 Gift certificates. Any other good ideas I can present or am I on my own here???? haha. HELP me out guys!!!! haha

02-21-2011, 07:24 PM
Got to expand your thinking here. With the base setup you can add other calibers at little expense. So besides the 45, load 9mm or 40. If you don't have the guns, explain that you need them to make the press cost effective.

They say you shoot up the difference in savings over buying ammo. It's happening to me now as I began paying more attention to shooting and realizing self defense shooting takes more practice than plinking. I going through more ammo, but getting better at the reason I bought the gun to begin with, and that's a good thing.

02-21-2011, 08:01 PM
You have a best case set up there too. You can add some of those items later. You need to add a scale to the list at the very least. You also likely don't need a tumbler and a ultra sonic cleaner. One or the other but probably not both.
I have more faith in a tumbler than the ultrasonic but I'm still in the rag and brasso days too. This new fangled stuff gives me headaches sometimes.
I thought about a powder cop but rigged up a mirror so I can see the powder. I may eventually get one and a powder thru die to free up a slot. I do have a factory crimp die at the end so all slots are full.

02-22-2011, 04:37 AM
I love the hell out of mine. It's comparable to the Dillon 650, for far less money.

02-22-2011, 09:17 AM
You are right guys. This is a great set up and I can trim some things out for now and add later. Excellent point. I can cut my cost by over $150 by dropping the sonic cleaner and cleaning solution and a couple of other non-essentials (for the time being), until I see what I really need. I could add items later (ie., case feeder, etc...). I already have a scale and I agree that this is an immediate need. I used it for my black powder to weigh lead balls for competition when my wife and I shot in State tournaments. I appreciate that advice. It helps.

I liked Hornady's advice on the powder through expander and following with the powder cop die. The additional cost was minimal, but I think I will appreciate the function.

I had another question about being more precise with rifle loads. I've never used a progressive loader, so I don't really know this answer. Please excuse my ignorance. The Dillon 550 press gave me this thought, although it may be an erroneous one. One of the advantages of that 550 press is that it can be used as a single stage press which obviously allows the loader to be more precise for accurate rifle loads. My question is, why can't a progressive press be used for one station at a time? Slow...yes, but couldn't a progressive press be used in a manner to focus on a station at a time for doing small quantities of say 20 rounds? Is it impossible to do this or am I missing something. Please excuse my ignorance. For example, why couldn't the case be sized, deprimed and primed on the press. Then the charge could be loaded off a scale and skip the powder station on the press? Then put the round in the seating station and crimp stations? Something of that nature...just using one station at a time and physically moving the case around to where you wanted the next step...OR do a number of cases on one step, then proceed to the next station for those casings. Could this work or is this nonsense?

02-22-2011, 10:24 AM
You can do that absolutely. I like the Hornady because I can remove the case anywhere in the circuit too. If I want to look at something or I decide to not do a couple stations for one reason it's easy to take out.

If you want to look at how a primer went in or see if it went in at all just pull it and look. Just don't want to throw off your routine and forget something along the way, skip the powder or forget to place a bullet.

02-22-2011, 10:42 AM
So, in effect, it seems possible to utilize a progressive loader for precision, accurate rifle loads, similar to a single stage loader? I guess that was a question. (Because I am still in my infancy with this new hobby.) Understanding that it will obviously take longer to load fewer accurate loads using a progressive loader. But then again, who cares as long the goal of accuracy can still be achieved....right? If that is true, this is good information to know. It seems that if loading individual rounds for accuracy on a progressive, it may be quicker to do them on a single stage and get in a better rhythm (or at least it intuitively appears that way to me). Using a progressive to do precise work may be a bit more cumbersome, but sounds like it is still possible to do. If I were to load rifle ammo for accuracy, I probably would not be focused on volume anyway. I would simply want to accomplish the mission of precision work. Good thread...lots to learn. I always enjoy learning. I don't really need another hobby, but since I was a little boy, I have always wanted to reload my own ammo. It is fun to think about it.
I appreciate all the input and hanging in here with me. Thanks a bunch.

02-22-2011, 10:54 AM
I realize you're comparing the LNL AP with the Dillon, but if cost is a concern, look into the Lee LoadMaster... I set mine up and had a few lessons to learn (keep primer tray full!) but it's been awesome! It's much cheaper kit and comes with dies, case loader, powder dropper, etc.... everything you need... and you can add a bullet loader for less than $30 too... It's a 5 station press but not really a way to add a powder cop die... there is a guy on youtube that has quite a few videos on the loadmaster... he shows complete setup, lube & maintenace, etc...

02-22-2011, 11:20 AM
With the call to Hornady, keep in mind they are going to try to sell you the farm, and everything on it, with all the latest whiz bangs, and top of the line. Ask yourself what you need or ask the folks here. JMHO

02-22-2011, 01:07 PM
With the call to Hornady, keep in mind they are going to try to sell you the farm, and everything on it, with all the latest whiz bangs, and top of the line. Ask yourself what you need or ask the folks here.

Actually, I read about the powder through expander die and the Powder cop die's on a review of the LNL progressive. Hornady was not pushing it and in fact, I had to ask them how to set them up. These extra dies are not where the real money is, but from what I can gather (and realizing that I am a rookie in this area), these dies do sound like they add to the machine. Bawanna mentioned that he was considering getting them as well.

I will take a look at the Lee Loadmaster to see how it compares to the Hornady LNL progressive. I have checked out several reviews on all of the progressives and the Hornady LNL seems to rank right up there for customer satisfaction, features, performance, reliability and customer service. They all seem to have their problems at one point or another, but in "most" cases customers say they have had the problems satisfactorily resolved by the manufacturer. I have talked to Hornady twice (both times yesterday) and they were very helpful and not pushy in any way.

Obviously I am still researching and am continuing to ask questions (on this forum and elsewhere)....appreciating all the input and advice I can get and sorting through the muck and mire to figure out what's for real. I want a good, reliable, versatile, fast, precision machine that will serve me for many years...at least another 60 or so...haha. Not asking for too much am I?
Thanks again for the input guys.

02-22-2011, 01:17 PM
I look at a reloading press as a lifetime investment. That Hornady will be running strong 60 years from now. In 60 years, you buy a new one and send me your old one and I'll keep using it.

I did the same research a year ago, I was all set to go Dillon, I think its the Dillon pretty girls that influenced me more that words. Someone, perhaps here mentioned the LNL so I looked at it.

Lee makes good stuff without question but I personally don't think its in the same league far as presses. I love their hand primers, and alot of their accessories but not so much the presses.

That Hornady is a rock. I kid you not, it's skookum, strong. I like the half a position advance, it's not such a long move between steps. Powder doesn't get splashed around, bullets don't get knock off the case. It's smooth and positive.

I'm sure the LNL like any of the others could develop a timing issue but the instruction (have a bottle of Advil handy) tell you how to adjust if needed.
Back to the instructions, if I was setting up another LNL it would be a cake walk. They sometimes refer to putting things together that are already done for you, so you see a picture and you look for the part only to find later it's already installed so you can skip that step.

I'd do it again without question. I think the Dillon or the Lee would serve just fine as well, don't mean to put them down. I'm sold on the LNL myself.

02-22-2011, 04:33 PM
Dillon girls? What Dillon girls? Oh YEA, now I see them in the catalogs on the cover and as I search intensly through the pages for more of them. Now I see what you are pointing out to me. I never noticed them on the cover. They look like nice girls...I agree...and I see they have a fund raiser calendar out too. I don't wait at the mailbox for my Dillon catalog to arrive every month.....haha. They do spruce up the catalog. Why aren't there LNL girls if that press is so good? Doesn't Horn...ady have a calendar too? haha.

Anyway, I got my purchase down to $591 + shipping including the LNL, all the dies, powder through expander, powder cop, taper crimp, wrench, shell plate, a couple extra bushings (Hornady told me that 5 come with it), Hornady manual, and Cabella's case tumbler kit. I'll be taking $240 off the top with gift certificates, coupons, redemptions, etc... $351 out of pocket doesn't seem too bad for such a good package. The Dillon 650 package that I would order would cost me $786+ shipping Out Of Pocket - without a tumbler kit, no 500 free bullets and I would have no gift cards, redemption or coupons to apply. Big difference to the pocket.

I'll need some powder, primers, etc... Any suggestions for 40 cal? I am going to check around for some more die prices this week, but I don't expect a big change. I will get my order out before I do something else wrong around the house. As it is, we just got our custom oak floors refinished. I was boiling a whitetail skull plate (for taxidermy cleaning) in the kitchen when I noticed the pot 1/2 full of water and the other half was on the floor due to a hole in the bottom of the pot. 2 boards of the hardwood flooring are now a little cupped from the moisture - in the middle of the kitchen floor....OOPS. Defective pot. Now I'm shunned and banned from the kitchen. I am to boil skull plates on the outdoor grill burner from now on. Got out of that one by the skin of my teeth...damned pot. The LNL should be a good test to see if I can still stay in the same bed or will need to sleep in my shop for awhile.
Here we go......

I am guessing I will read more about this in the Hornady reloading manual. Lots more to learn, but I am on my way. Thanks.

02-23-2011, 01:32 PM
Well, After an in-depth analysis, all my orders went out today. The Hornady LNL it is. Looks like I have a few back orders but I should be reloading by the end of March to early April. This gives me time to read up on the manuals and get my work bench and storage cabinets ready for my new hobby. This is something that I've wanted to do since I was a little guy, just getting into the shooting sports. One more thing to check off my bucket list. Wish me well (especially when my wife gets the credit card bills).

02-23-2011, 02:06 PM
Lee makes good stuff without question but I personally don't think its in the same league far as presses.

totally agree

02-24-2011, 10:29 AM
Had a brief discussion about my reloader order with the little lady when she got home from work last night. Of course, then I ran out the door to take out the garbage, cooked supper, did the dishes, ran the vacuum, gave her a foot massage....you get the picture...haha. I used her tactic..."look how much I saved with the sale and coupons". Even got to sleep with her in my bed....haha. I don't know if she'll remember me telling her about it, because she was snoring at the time. But, when she catches on, I'll be able to say...I told you all about it weeks ago!" Or...when she sees it, I'll say, "this reloader isn't new, I've had it for quite a while." You all can probably relate to this one. When she comes back from shopping, she emphasizes how much money she saved with the sales..."I only paid $10 for this sweater, Isn't it nice." One time my wife pulled a dress out of her closet. Still had a price tag on it. I said, "Oh, you've got a new dress?" She said, "NO, I've had this dress for months." That's a good one. So shortly after that one, I needed new running shoes and wore them around with the price tag on them. My wife saw them and said, "OH, you've got new running shoes" and of course I replied, "NO, I've had these for awile and just have not taken the tag off them yet." We laughed about my running shoes and the dress too. Every once in a while we still laugh about those issues. Gotta be able to laugh at yourself. I'll save that one for when she see's the reloader..."This is not new...I've had it for awhile". haha.

02-24-2011, 11:00 AM
We do what we have to do to survive in a womans world. It was a significant day when we allowed them to drive cars, vote and smoke cigarettes.

History is worth remembering.

02-24-2011, 02:10 PM
Hopefully it is realized that I am obviously just joking around and bringing out some humerous stuff involving purchasing in our relationship. My wife is a great lady and has always supported my hobbies and interests as much as I have supported hers. I love to dabble in a number of hobbies. She loves to travel to visit her daughter and grandkids every month or so; and loves to garden. I think that is great. I am always happy to get the garden ready for her each spring and it is good to see her out there working and happy. A Great Lady and I love her!
But we also know...happy wife, happy life.

02-26-2011, 10:38 PM
I took a few pictures of my Hornady LNL. My newly improved powder cop, a dental mirror attached to the press. Before I just grabbed it periodically to check, now on the down stroke I can just look and easily see every case and tell if theres powder or not.

The last picture shows the little rod that drops in on top of the primers in the tube. I put the little piece of blue painters tape that shows me I'm out of primers when it touches the tube. Course have the time I forget to look but I usually can tell right off as I can still feel the primer getting pushed in or not.

I may have to send these to my technical coordinator for bigger pics so you can see the detail.

02-26-2011, 10:59 PM
Here's Bawanna's Pics:




02-27-2011, 03:18 PM
great Good luck! I still use my old Hollywood, turret but not progressive.

02-28-2011, 08:57 AM
That's a pretty sophistocated powder cop Bawanna! And let's see...you said that you catch your spent primers in an empty beer bottle (you probably found on the street) and I see the "decorative" beer mugs behind the reloader....haha.

Good idea on the primer feed weight/indicator. I read that technique in a review, where another fella used a dowel painted with a couple of colors on the end. The dowel or rod of any type gives the primers a little extra weight behind them and the paint shows when it's getting time to refill and another color for when it's empty....the oops it's too late now color.

Thanks for sharing the photos. Looks like you have a good set-up.

02-28-2011, 10:19 AM
The primer feed weight deal comes with the setup. You just don't know for sure when your out. It sticks out a couple inches when they are gone. I guess I just wanted a more visible cue to let me know.

The MacGyver powder cop works very well. I have it set so I don't have to even move my head to take a peek. I loaded 400 45s one afternoon last week and made the mirror deal during process and didn't even break a sweat.

I did find the beer bottle on the street but it was still half full so at least I got something out of it.

03-01-2011, 09:12 AM
Oh, I did not know that the primer feed weight / rod comes with the LNL. That's great news. I plan to mark that rod it so I know when it is about to be empty as well. It is a good idea.

Just teasing you about your MacGyver powder cop (I'm sure it works well) and the spent primer container (multi-purpose benefits). Your mirror powder check method will probably turn out to be a more effective way to check than the $30 I spent on a powder cop die. I tend to go over board when I get into something new and I find I usually waste some money. But I hope the die works well too.

I read another thread where someone used a plastic water bottle, drilled a hole in the top for the tube and simply let it hang. It may have even been in this thread...can't remember now where I saw that suggestion. Lots of tricks to the trade yet to be learned, but I am excited to get started and appreciate the input. Still waiting on delivery. Some items back ordered. LNL one of them.
Rookie Me.

03-01-2011, 05:05 PM
LNL Reloader order update: I just got a call from my daughter who gave me one of the gift cards from Cabellas where I placed my order. Somehow Cabellas computer screwed things up. When I placed my order I gave my billing and shipping address. However, when the order clerk inputted the gift card numbers into their computer, it changed the shipping address to the party who purchased the gift card for me...my daughter. So... Cabellas shipped my order across country to my daughter. She thought it was something for the new grand child to be and was disappointed to find a tumbler and loader dies. Cabellas does not know why the computer did this. Now they need to issue a call tag to my daughter and ship me out another order which will not arrive to my house for another week. Cabellas is usually pretty good about compensation for their mistakes and they did compensate me with a $25 gift certificate for the hassle. However, I hope this is not a sign about my reloading initiative.