View Full Version : It happened again

02-20-2011, 08:28 PM
I'm sad to say that it happened again. While I was closing the Diner this afternoon, Someone broke in. He kicked in the back door [metal] and then did the same to the vault room. [also a metal door] Neither door was broken, but in both cases the door frame and about one foot of wall was destroyed.

I'm still inventorying but here's a list of things missing at this point:

SIG Sauer 1911 C3
HK compact 45
S&W 4563TSW
Springfield Loaded Ultra Compact 1911
RIA Nickel Tactical 1911
S&W M&P c 45
Springfield XD c 45
Kahr PM45
S&W 4043 40 cal
HK USP c 45
Plus all the mags - two or three per gun and the ammo

$2000 cash - 100 dollar bills
17 inch notebook computer
assorted knives from Bowie to tactical

And my Navy dress sword [How do you put a value on that. It was a graduation Present from my parents when I graduated from the Naval Academy.]

I now have six guns left:

Ruger LCP It was in my pocket
9mm Carbine He missed that.
Ruger KP345 and Taurus 24/7 c 45 They were in the trunk of my car because
they were for sale, and I thought I might
see a potential buyer today.
Old C9 car gun in the glove box of the Prius.
SIG P220 Still in the Gwinnett evidence room

Other than the SIG, these are cheap guns that I didn't care much about.

I also have a S&W 457S on the way from MA.

BTW, since I no longer have a Kahr, one stolen in each break in, I guess I'll have to drop out of the forum.

02-20-2011, 08:36 PM
I'm sad to say that it happened again. While I was closing the Diner this afternoon, Someone broke in. He kicked in the back door [metal] and then did the same to the vault room. [also a metal door] Neither door was broken, but in both cases the door frame and about one foot of wall was destroyed.

I'm still inventorying but here's a list of things missing at this point:

SIG Sauer 1911 C3
HK compact 45
S&W 4563TSW
Springfield Loaded Ultra Compact 1911
RIA Nickel Tactical 1911
S&W M&P c 45
Springfield XD c 45
Kahr PM45
S&W 4043 40 cal
HK USP c 45
Plus all the mags - two or three per gun and the ammo

$2000 cash - 100 dollar bills
17 inch notebook computer
assorted knives from Bowie to tactical

And my Navy dress sword [How do you put a value on that. It was a graduation Present from my parents when I graduated from the Naval Academy.]

I now have six guns left:

Ruger LCP It was in my pocket
9mm Carbine He missed that.
Ruger KP345 and Taurus 24/7 c 45 They were in the trunk of my car because
they were for sale, and I thought I might
see a potential buyer today.
Old C9 car gun in the glove box of the Prius.
SIG P220 Still in the Gwinnett evidence room

Other than the SIG, these are cheap guns that I didn't care much about.

I also have a S&W 457S on the way from MA.

BTW, since I no longer have a Kahr, one stolen in each break in, I guess I'll have to drop out of the forum.

You drop out dad and I'm driving to Georgia and hunting you down, you hear me!
You've taken my breath away. All these beautiful new guns, carefully chosen to please you and gone. I'm sick.
In your shoes I think I'd be forming a posse and doing some serious investigated. You had a couple suspects in mind last time, probably the same. Forget due process of law, it's time to take butts and kick names. I'm there for ya to if I can help.
I'm sick.

02-20-2011, 08:41 PM
Man, that's too bad. Huge loss. Was the vault in the diner or in your home? I didn't understand that. I have to believe the guy who did this knew what he was after, or know there was a vault room and surmised there ws something valuable inside.

Hopefully the police in your part of the country will pursue investigation of this burglary with vigor. There can't be too many ceremonial swords showing up at pawn shops. The guns though will probably be sold on the street to the crooked hat crowd.

In my brief time here, I've enjoyed your posts and would hate to see brother gun nut vanish from KahrTalk for lack of a Kahr. Stick around wouldja?


02-20-2011, 08:46 PM
wow, these people knew exactly what they were doing. They surely had to be watching your patterns etc and knowing what you had in your place, that would just make me sick. I have been there a few times myself in my gun business. I lived right next door to my business and one morning I got up to go to work and walked out the back door of my house and there in the yard was a new Marlin 39A and I looked over at the business wall and they had taken out that side window and entered the business and got every fokking gun I had in the place. I did not have them under lock and key in the business, that was my big mistake, 3 weeks later the Terre haute poice caught the fella breaking into anothe rplace and when they searched his vehicle they found many of my guns in the trunk. He was selling them for drug money. anyway they put his ass in the jail and he was awaiting trail and about 3 months later, I was back in the gun business again and damn if that as-hole didn't break out of jail and steal a car (convertible) and come to my town again and gbreak in my place again and steal every fokking gun again. He even cut the convertible top off the car to throw the guns in, so u can imagine the damge he done to the guns even. They caught him about 2 weeks later and he had many of the guns still in his car but most were sold and what was left was damaged.Had the Terre haute police just had notified my local police when this fella broke out, maybe they would have laid for him at my place thinking he might come back, which he did. Yup the fokker actually cut the damn convertible top to make a tote bag out of it...

I then had my insurance company tell me ADIAOS, so I built a steel caged gun room with alarms. Was then broken into 3 different times and no time did they ever get into the gun room. Lesson learned. No doubt this fella had cased my place well before hand to...

certainly not a requirement on this forum to own a kahr to stay with us. but I do feel your pain to....

02-20-2011, 11:10 PM
As soon as I saw "It happened again" for the thread title, I had a feeling this was going to be what happened. I so wanted to be wrong. O'Dell, I don't even know what to say except I'm sorry and I'm sick about it, that's horrible news. Hang in there and let us know if there's something we can do to help out.

02-20-2011, 11:44 PM
My god that's such a shame O'Dell. Some people just don't understand what it means to respect others and the laws we're governed by. For your sake I hope they catch this bastard and manage to recover most if not all of your property. I also hope this criminal gets the help he needs.

02-21-2011, 12:20 AM
Sorry to hear about your losses. I hope you stick around and one day even have the chance to get another Kahr.

02-21-2011, 05:27 AM
Sounds like it's time to invest in an alarm system.. Twice, my alarm saved me from a similar fate.

02-21-2011, 05:30 AM
Sorry for your losses O"Dell......Are you okay?

02-21-2011, 06:27 AM
I'm speechless. I'm at a loss for words, but reading your posting makes me sick in the pit of my stomach, O'Dell. I'm so very sorry to hear this.

02-21-2011, 06:50 AM
O`Dell,don`t you dare drop out of this forum.When I read the thread title I knew it was bad news.My heart goes out to you,my friend.I`m so sorry this happened to you.It makes me want to throw up.Hope they nail the bastard to the barn door before they horsewhip him.

02-21-2011, 07:19 AM
sorry to hear that

02-21-2011, 07:41 AM
O'Dell I really do feel your pain. About 25 years ago My wife and I had purchased a new house in a area where the new homes were being built on 5 to 7 acre lots wooded lots about 15 miles southwest of Shreveport La near the Texas border in a very rural area. We had purchased one of the first homes in this complex and at that time you could not see any of the other home sights from ours house. We both worked and would leave the house with in a few minuets of each other in the morning and return with in 20 minuets of each other in the evening, easy picking for anyone scouting us out. After about three month in the house we were broken into and robbed, They got 11 long guns and 3 handguns along with most everything else that was easy to carry. 35 mm cameras., lens, etc.

I had a mint browning sweet sixteen that was give to me by my father on my 16th birthday and a mint old octagon barrel rolling block .22 rifle that was given to my grandfather by his father in 1912 and he had passed it on to me. The insurance paid me for all my guns but you cannot place a value on the guns passed down through the family. The police never recovered any other these although I had the serial numbers and photos of all of them.

My wife was the first home with the children and found the front door kicked in with the dead bolt broken out of the door frame. I had been after her to get a carry weapon for sometime and this was the event that prompted her to do so. I have daily carried for most of my adult life and my wife since this incident. At this time my guns were all stored in a beautiful solid walnut gun cabinet. The thief's destroyed the gun cabinet using tools out of my workshop to gain entry all long guns had a security cable through the trigger guards they had to destroy the cabinet to get cable out of the guns, the hand guns were in locked drawers on the lower portion of the cabinet . We had an alarm system installed the next week but just over a year later we were hit again but this time what guns I had were safely locked in a true gun safe bolted to the floor and wall they did not stay long enough to gain entry to the safe. We were out far enough in the country that the thief's were long gone before the local sheriffs deputy's arrived about 35 minutes after the alarm signal was sent.

I was mad as Hell both times and still get mad every time I hear of someone being burglarized. The thief's IMHO have a bad case of lead deficiency that needs to be treated :4:

02-21-2011, 07:42 AM
I felt terrible for you the first time you were robbed, having it happen yet again is truly sickening. It probably makes you want to close up shop and move... I hope you will continue to be a part of the forum, Kahr or no Kahr.

02-21-2011, 08:20 AM
Begining to look more and more like an inside job.

02-21-2011, 08:40 AM
What an absolutely horrible experience to have to go through. The fact that you own a diner means you are in constant contact with people day-in-day-out that knw your routine. If they also know of your affection for firearms then.....

......... f'n scumbags. Sometimes I just hate people.

I hope they find em all for you. O'Dell.

02-21-2011, 08:58 AM
That is sickening. Really sorry to hear that. We've been broken into before; it is just such a violated feeling. This is just one of those rage things for me... things like this get my blood boiling almost as bad as when you hear about sexual abuses and such, it just makes you sick to hear it. Where is the respect in this world....

I hope you get it all back and that they nail the bastard...

02-21-2011, 10:51 AM
bastard OR bastards?????

02-21-2011, 11:08 AM
Sounds like it's time to invest in an alarm system.. Twice, my alarm saved me from a similar fate.

They disabled the alarm. I'm going wireless.

02-21-2011, 11:30 AM
Thanks for the good wishes guys. The odd thing is that when I left the house, I didn't know if I was going to gone for a half hour or two hours, so they couldn't have known. When I got to the Diner, Vickie was busy, so I told her I would close out the Drawers, safe, etc. I don't usually do that on Sunday since we close at 2:00.

I haven't talked to the Insurance Company yet, but they only cover $3500 on guns, and that's probably about 1/2 the loss. I doubt that they cover cash either. Vickie and I spent half the night cleaning black fingerprint dust off white woodwork, doors and carpet. The police and CSI didn't leave until about 9:00, and then I had to get someone in to secure the back door.

Just about everything is new and replaceable except for one or two pistols and my Navy sword. That is, if I decide to replace everything. Since I bought several hundred rounds for the 4043 [I talked to Mark and he can ship another one], I thinking about a PM40 to replace the PM45. What do you guys think of that Kahr? I have practically no experience with 40 cal.

02-21-2011, 12:16 PM
I've played a little with one. I want one, eventually. Remind me and I'll PM some links to replace the sword (my NCO sword got gone, but I haven't replaced it with a good one yet). The 40 tends to be a bit snappy, and even rude in some cases. A 45 has a gentler push to it and the 40 is more of a whack.

02-21-2011, 12:26 PM
My personal opinion (worth absolutely nothing on the open market) would be don't take a second look at that 40.

In joyfully watching you replace your losses from the first violation I know you tend to lean towards big fat bullets. 1911's, 220'.s etc. Stick with it. Your PM45 can eat the same food, it's hardly any bigger than the 40, and on rainy days you can crawl down the barrel and stay dry.
If you want to go smaller go the PM9 or the CM9 (we don't got time to wait for that though).

I love 40's but not in these small platforms. It's not a sign of my manlyness or lack thereof as it may be in question anyhow due to my affiliation with Dietrich but if your set on a 40 get a medium or full size.

Again just my personal opinion, I own a K40, had it ported. Back off Jocko! And I'd still pick the PM45 if I could only have one or the other.

We now return you to our regular programming. This has been a test of our Kahrtalk for what it's worth broadcasting system.

02-21-2011, 12:44 PM
I love 9mm and 40 and own many fine tolls that utilize both. I have done away with all of my 45s ans I find them to be too expensive to shoot, too limited in capacity and no more effective than a good 40 or 9mm +P. Just my .02...

02-21-2011, 01:11 PM
O'Dell, I'm so sorry man, your pain is felt by all here....I live in Gwinnett county too and have lived here all my life but it's different now...Gwinnett county and metro Atlanta have become over run war zones ruled by gangs and drug dealers...Gwinnett Police are over matched by all the violence and crime that has moved into the area due to illegal hispanic aliens taking over the state...Atlanta has become a major hub of the Mexican drug cartel and all the troubles that come from it...Most of the house fires in the county are caused by meth labs blowing up...Just last Saturday a meth lab blew up killing 3 small children living in the house...The scum bag meth maker drove the children to an area hospital and dumped them in the waiting room then drove off most likely heading to Mexico say the police...The three children died at the hospital from 3rd degree burns over their entire bodies...This goes on day after day and the news has become a daily body count with sports and weather at the end...I no longer feel this is my home and as soon as I hit my 30 years at work and can retire I'm out of this chit hole...:mad:

02-21-2011, 01:25 PM
They disabled the alarm. I'm going wireless.

Makes sense. Anyone with an alarm that come in on phone wires above ground is really leaving themselves vulnerable to a simple handheld wire-cutter. Might as well not even bother.

In our case we paid a guy to bury our phone lines below ground and the phone company's Network Interface Device is inside of our basement walls. It would take hours to find the line & dig it up - simpler to just move on to a neighbor's house to burglarize.

If for some reason that isn't practical, wireless is indeed the way to go.

Like everyone else, really sorry about your loss, and please stay with Kahrtalk.

02-21-2011, 01:32 PM
Dang, O'Dell, I'm so sorry for your loss and troubles. Somebody, plural, probably, is on your case. I hope that you can recover some of that stuff. It really sucks about your sword... that's really not replaceable... just not the same, and you probably won't be able to forget that.

I wouldn't change horses on the PM45... especially to a new caliber. Did you use the PM45 much? I still marvel at that compact little powerhouse.

By now you must be considering a sturdy safe, securely mounted to the floor, and more sturdy outer doors. Two-by-fours with cuts in them just aren't going to do any good. What ever's the weakest around the door is going to give in with really good kicks. Normal house door frames and such just aren't up to that much security.

A wireless alarm system would sure help. Cutting the phone wires wouldn't help them get in without setting the alarm off... likewise, wireless security cameras could help, too.

I sure feel your pain, buddy, and hope they catch the S.O.B.s that are picking on you.


02-21-2011, 01:44 PM
I'm so very sorry to hear they got you again.

02-21-2011, 02:01 PM
O'Dell, I'm so sorry man, your pain is felt by all here....I live in Gwinnett county too and have lived here all my life but it's different now...Gwinnett county and metro Atlanta have become over run war zones ruled by gangs and drug dealers...Gwinnett Police are over matched by all the violence and crime that has moved into the area due to illegal hispanic aliens taking over the state...Atlanta has become a major hub of the Mexican drug cartel and all the troubles that come from it...Most of the house fires in the county are caused by meth labs blowing up...Just last Saturday a meth lab blew up killing 3 small children living in the house...The scum bag meth maker drove the children to an area hospital and dumped them in the waiting room then drove off most likely heading to Mexico say the police...The three children died at the hospital from 3rd degree burns over their entire bodies...This goes on day after day and the news has become a daily body count with sports and weather at the end...I no longer feel this is my home and as soon as I hit my 30 years at work and can retire I'm out of this chit hole...:mad:

My part of Gwinnett didn't have any problems until two years ago - not one robbery in the six years the subdivision had been there. Then the housing market crashed and $400,000+ houses could be bought for less than $200,000. Now there are 5 or 6 rentals where before there were none. There have been 4 incidents in the last year and two were mine. One probably doesn't count though, because some drunk attorney came over and shot his estranged wife. That could have happened anywhere. I've never seen any sign of gang activity around here. I even ask the police officers, and they said that mostly it was in the Lilburn, Duluth, and Buford Hwy areas.

02-21-2011, 02:03 PM
Makes sense. Anyone with an alarm that come in on phone wires above ground is really leaving themselves vulnerable to a simple handheld wire-cutter. Might as well not even bother.

In our case we paid a guy to bury our phone lines below ground and the phone company's Network Interface Device is inside of our basement walls. It would take hours to find the line & dig it up - simpler to just move on to a neighbor's house to burglarize.

If for some reason that isn't practical, wireless is indeed the way to go.

Like everyone else, really sorry about your loss, and please stay with Kahrtalk.

All the utilities are buried. but unfortunately they come above ground to enter the houses.

02-21-2011, 02:10 PM
Sorry it happened again, O'Dell. It's a mess and heartbreaking, hard to know what to say.

Assuming you will repair the doors, please look at the Door Security (http://www.doorsecuritypro.com/index.html) steel door jams. There is also a metal plate that covers the door edge and your lock goes through it to keep your door itself from giving with a kick.

02-21-2011, 02:19 PM
I have an alarm system but it's no longer monitored. In my experience, I was just paying for monitoring and when I tested the service, nothing happened. I guess it's just like everything else these days. If you want it done right, do it yourself. So I did. I now have a Rottweiler to keep an eye on things and may God help any intruder.

02-21-2011, 02:26 PM
When our business was broken in to 3 times I then started to put my big 110 yellow lab in the business at night. One day I had an insurance autit and in the conversation I stated that I had a watch dog in the business at night. They told me to get the dog out of the business or they would not continue to carry my coverage. Now figure that sh-t out..

02-21-2011, 02:53 PM
Hey! You could get sued by any criminal injured in working at his chosen "profession"... they have rights, too, more than the victims these days! You see that all of the time these days... and for a long time now. The first instance I can remember, was the homeowner who rigged a shotgun to shoot intruders... after being robbed at least once. He was sued by the injured would-be-thief and he lost... the homeowner!!:eek:

That was around 30 years ago??


02-21-2011, 03:07 PM
Sorry it happened again, O'Dell. It's a mess and heartbreaking, hard to know what to say.

Assuming you will repair the doors, please look at the Door Security (http://www.doorsecuritypro.com/index.html) steel door jams. There is also a metal plate that covers the door edge and your lock goes through it to keep your door itself from giving with a kick.

The vault door, was steel reinforced as was the door frame. That's why about a foot of wall along with the 2x4 support came down with it. The back door was steel reinforced, but the frame wasn't. Both of the doors survived intact with just dents.

02-21-2011, 03:15 PM
I find all the why's, what fors and what if's brought forth here depressing. Its like locking the barn door after all the cows and the John Deere tractor have dissapeared.

I find myself griefing for your loss like it were my own. As you'll recall your first episode is what inspired me to go from a 2 bit bi fold door to a real door with a keypad entry and hardened jamb.
It's not enough and if someone knows whats on the other side and wants it bad enough nothing will ever be enough.

I find myself wishing there was some effective way of eliminating dirt bags and dishonest people. There would certainly be a lot of open space and a lot less crowds the world over.

02-21-2011, 03:57 PM
amen brother. This just plain sux

02-21-2011, 04:39 PM
Makes me think they had one of those big door rams. I've tried kicking a rotted post over and hurt my ankle something fierce. Takes a lot of force to smash a wall apart.

02-21-2011, 06:42 PM
Sorry for you. I know how you feel. It happened to me 25 years ago. They waited for my wife to leave, thankfully, & kicked the front door in, stole every gun in the house, 14 as I recall. They left a baseball bat sized club in the house, I guess in case someone was home. Sure pisses you off!!!!!

02-21-2011, 07:00 PM
It sure as heck does....back in the day a burglar would wait until they knew there was nobody home...Now days these cranked up crack heads don't care about anything and will kill everyone in the house just to get $20.00....Back in 1975 my apartment was broken into and they stole my S&W .22 revolver, (boy I would give anything for that thing back) a Winchester .22 magnum lever action rifle that was super accurate and sweet shooting as could be and my prized 6" barrel nickel plated Colt .357 Trooper Mark III revolver...But the meanest thing they did was to take a pi$$ on my bed and a huge crap on my kitchen table before the left....:mad::mad:

02-23-2011, 11:30 AM
New member, and nothing I can say that hasn't been said, but I'm hurting for you.

02-23-2011, 02:02 PM
All the utilities are buried. but unfortunately they come above ground to enter the houses.

Ours was too when they built the house. But shortly after we moved in I had to put in a service call to Verizon (our local phone company) and I mentioned to the technician that I wanted to do this. Turns out he moonlights doing what I wanted.

He came back over the weekend, dug out a hole around where the phone line came up, drilled below grade through our poured concrete basement wall at a 45 degree downward slope, rerouted the lines to the NID inside the basement, filled the holes with some good sealer, replaced the dirt, and once the grass grew back you'd never know where to dig.

I could have done it myself but I didn't have the monster drill and concrete bit he already owned, plus all of the labor of digging - well worth what I paid him to do it for me.

Advantage for us is that for the one-time cost we have a secure alarm system that avoids the ongoing wireless interface fee.