View Full Version : Kahr VA serial number

02-21-2011, 11:42 PM
Hey all. Well the other day i finally found a pm9 at my local gun dealer. It is a very lightly used one... no scatches or dings anywhere and doesnt show any signs of wear. I signed the papers on it and will get it within ten days. I also own a MK9, P380, and CW40 and have been happy with all of them.

When i went home i noticed that the serial number on pm9 is on the kahr recall list. The first two letters are VA which apparently were make in 2003 and were recalled due to ftf and misfire issues cuz some of the barrells were rough or had a ridge that needed some smoothing out..

My question is this... as said before the gun looked almost brand new, isnt that a little weird for being used and 8 years old? Or are some kahrs sold out of order as far as ser# goes? Maybe the prev owner just took really good care of it..

Second question is do you think i have anything to worry about considering the gun is used and i dont have a warrenty on it? I heard alot of the VA owners didnt have any problems at all.. I just hope this pm9 is as good of an investment as my other kahrs!

Opinions would be very helpful..

02-22-2011, 12:56 AM
test it out, most va owners didn'thave one issue and when kahr recalled them most were only then feed ramp polished. So check out your feed ramp if it looks polished, then don't worry about it, if it looks like it needs a polish job, then do it yoursef. Who knows this gun cold have also been back to kahr already to.

Just shoot it and see how it functions. My bet the gun is Ok and quite possably has already been back. Many never sent theirs back .It was a feed issue back then, not a safety recall, so IMO, if it ain't broke, don't fix it..

I would think a phone call to kahr and with the serial number, they could tell you if that gun has been sent back even for warranty and maybe even get some feedback on that gun anyhow, as to it it was barrel replacement or feed ramp polishing. . I would polish it myself before I would send it back and if it is working OK, then just shoot it like you stole it..

02-22-2011, 08:50 AM
As far as it looking new.....MANY people buys guns, shoot them once or twice, and them put them in a safe or a closet. Over the summer, I bought a beautiful Wilson Combat 1911 that had been custom ordered by a local gun shop owner. He fired 75 rounds through it, cleaned it, then put it in his safe...[I]for 4 years.[I] It was, in essence, a brand new gun. (Wilson fires 50 or so rounds through each pistol to insure function...). The pistol looked brand new.
I quickly did my obligatory "1000 rounds before I carry it" routine (500 rounds in under one hour...I was curious to see if I would have any malfunctions if I beat on it....I didn't...), and I have been carrying it, and shooting the snot out of it ever since.
Take the pistol to the range. Beat on it. Make sure it runs. I bought my PM9 used. I put 1100 rounds through it in less than 30 days. (I had heard there were issues with some Kahrs, and wanted to verify that this gun was good to go...) I surpassed my expectations in both reliability, and accuracy.

PS....Jocko....what is a "Dickweek"??

02-22-2011, 02:53 PM
Ya ill try to put 200 rounds or so out of it the day i get it. I love my MK9 but its a little too heavy for pocket carry. The pm9 musta got shot very little then got thrown in the safe cuz it looked new. Paid 580.00 for it... May have been a little over priced but its the only pm9 i ever saw in person so i figured i should jump on it before anyone else does.

Now i just found an HK p7 psp that i am contimplating on buying. I gotta stop browsing the gun stores before my wife kills me! Might have to trade my M60 Lady Smith towards the HK....

MW surveyor
02-22-2011, 05:37 PM
Unless you really need the money and the Lady Smith is in really bad shape, then sell it. I for one would keep the revolver if it is in good running condition.

If you sell it, some day you'll have regrets. Just my 2 cents.

02-22-2011, 05:47 PM
I have had my Model 60 since 1970-. Never shoot it, but it is there loaded and ready if needed. Still one of the best Smiths out there.

02-22-2011, 10:39 PM
Actually my ls is brand new never been fired... Its the 2.25 inch barrel one with nice lookin rose wood grips. I am just a sucker for pocket sized pistols in a man stopping caliber.

I have heard alot of praises on the hk p7 psp. Im not sure if its true but i also heard they are hard to find.

The same day i saw that i found something called the Detonics pocket 9. Nice lookin pistola but heavy as a brick, not a good reputation, and if it broke i couldnt get it fixed cuz theyre outta buisness...

02-25-2011, 01:08 AM
So u guys sayin if it came down to the model 60 LadySmith and a HK p7 psp u would take the M60? This had been runnin through my mind the past couple days...

This mite be my next purchase if i decide to trade or come up with some cash. Pretty expensive toy.. HK was 829.00 new. Is that a bad deal?

MW surveyor
02-25-2011, 10:33 AM
I'd keep the Lady Smith, but then I like revolvers bwa ha ha!

(But I do have more semi-autos? What's up with that?)