View Full Version : New Gun Belt

02-23-2011, 09:48 AM
I finally got my first real gun belt. It's a Ranger style made by Jeffery Custom Leather. The holster was also made by him.
A little story to the belt. I was wanting a ranger belt and was looking around for one. I decided to e-mail Jeffery about making one , there weren't any on his site. He told me he'd been thinking about making some and would get back to me towards the end of Janruary. He did.
I got it about a week ago. He use's horse hide in the construction to help keep down streching.
A good belt makes a difference when ccw, I didn't relize how much.

02-23-2011, 10:05 AM
Not my style but looks like very high quality..appears to be standing up on its own.

02-23-2011, 10:09 AM
Looks might fine to me. Your right that a good belt makes all the difference. If I got a black one I could wear it with my uniform. (maybe)