View Full Version : Crimson Trace - poor fit on my P9

02-23-2011, 02:34 PM

New P9, New Crimson Trace laser, poorly fitted?

I have a similar model for my Ruger LCP and had no issues with it installing or fitting correctly. When I installed this one on my P9, it went together very snuggly and the only way it would stay together was with the included 2 screws. When I look at it from the front, it doesn't ride against the frame very well. It just seems like it's been poorly molded or something, and from my past experience fro CT, this doesn't seem right. Before I return it for a replacement, I wanted some input from those that also have installed one. Let me know what you guys think. BTW, it seems to aim well right on with the sights, though I have yet to take it to the range to confirm this.


02-23-2011, 04:37 PM
Please understand that it is difficult to tell from the photo with any degree of certainty, but it appears that it may not be together exactly correct. One side seems to be higher than the other. I would take it back apart to be sure the male to female portions snap together properly before I sent it back. It should go together and fit without the screws, which tells me that either you have the wrong model or you may not have it together properly. Perhaps the battery is hanging you up? The screws do nothing more than tighten it together. It should snap together and fit together like a glove. At the center junction, one side is higher and this can also be seen at the circular portion of the laser end. Just my observation and again I could be wrong. Otherwise, ask for return shipping and simply send it back. They are good to deal with. Perhaps send them that same photo and see what they say. I've had great luck with mine on my PM40. Good luck.

02-23-2011, 05:14 PM
I've never played with one but it looks clear to me that the two halves are not together properly. Somethings not lined up like garyb said.

I'd take it off and put it together without the gun and see if things line up, if they do then try it on the gun again.

CT is good about taking care of stuff so no worries about getting it right.

02-23-2011, 05:31 PM
I've taken it apart and reassembled it twice and still doesn't mate up correctly. It may shoot straight, but it just bothers me. I think I'll just exchange them. Thanks for the replies.


02-23-2011, 06:10 PM
I've taken it apart and reassembled it twice and still doesn't mate up correctly. It may shoot straight, but it just bothers me. I think I'll just exchange them. Thanks for the replies.


That's what I'd do. I bet they send a replacement or otherwise fix you up pretty quick.
I've heard nothing but good about their customer service.

02-27-2011, 06:45 PM
I have the same issue with my pm9 and CT fit up. :confused:

02-27-2011, 08:16 PM
Update. Even though I purchased this new from a seller on gunbroker.com, Crimson Trace was more than helpful and I am currently awaiting for a replacement unit to arrive. I have nothing but praises for Crimson Trace.


02-28-2011, 07:19 PM
Update. Even though I purchased this new from a seller on gunbroker.com, Crimson Trace was more than helpful and I am currently awaiting for a replacement unit to arrive. I have nothing but praises for Crimson Trace.

They did the same for me today, Thanks for the update.

03-01-2011, 08:17 AM
Mine on my CW9 looks a little off center too...
I lightly sanded the inside surface area around the knock-out pin pads in the molding to try and clean up any flash or extra height from a short pin... But it really didn't help much, It still looks a little uneven. But the unit works, it is very solid, and holds it's zero, so....
Please post if the replacement units are better when you get them.(pics would be great) If they are better I will send mine back too. Thanks

03-01-2011, 10:36 AM
Sounds like CT may have some kind of an inconsistent mold or fit issue based on the number of individuals who have experienced this same problem. This is disappointing to hear. I hope they get it corrected...fast! It is truly a good product.

03-08-2011, 07:04 AM
Did you guys that were waiting for replacement lasers get them yet? Do they fit any better? If so, can you post a pic of the new one? Thanks

03-09-2011, 10:15 PM
I just installed my replacement CT Laser. It still pretty much fits the same and goes on kind of awkward, but I only have my Ruger LCP CT laser to compare to as it's the same type of laser mount. It just appears canted still against the underside of the barrel. Refer to my pic in the first post as it still looks like this. I haven't taken it to the range yet to check the factory settings for 50 ft from the factory, but no matter as it can obviously be adjusted.

I'm not here to bash CT as they make great lasers I feel and I have one mounted on my 1911 as well. I'm sure this will work just fine on my gun, but I worry about the poor fitting of it overall. Just my take on it.

03-09-2011, 11:29 PM
I got one a couple weeks ago that looks the exactly the same. Its drives me nuts too. I thought i was putting it on wrong at first.

03-10-2011, 09:33 AM
Thanks for the update...I sorta figured it wouldn't be much better...
I also have a CT laser on my LCP and I agree it looks better fit. But like I said the one for the CW9 I have (looks like your pic) is very stable, even more so then the one on the LCP.
If you look at the way the Kahr is made there are angled flat area's above the front trigger guard, and that area and the trigger guard is really where the laser is clamped tightly. In that area on mine there is no gap or play at all. So I am not going to worry about the slight mismatch to the dust cover at the front because it is really only cosmetic
I wish it fit better and looked better too...But as it is a defensive carry weapon not a show piece, I am going to over look this because it functions very well and thats really the most important part to me.

03-12-2011, 12:33 PM
I put my replacement CT on too, looks the same. I can live with it as long as it holds zero.

03-12-2011, 02:03 PM
The one on my PM9 is the same way.....

03-12-2011, 02:12 PM
Crimson needs to do something about this situation with poor fit. Not right as far as I am concerned. The CTL on my PM40 fits precisely the way it should (see below). I don't understand why they would let poor fits go through. I'd be complaining...just me. Has anyone spoke to them? Tx.

03-12-2011, 02:41 PM
I've taken it apart and reassembled it twice and still doesn't mate up correctly. It may shoot straight, but it just bothers me. I think I'll just exchange them. Thanks for the replies.


not being you have such a great photo showing the ct on the kahr and what is evident to me that the two halves are not mating right. Just send this photo to ct and let them review it and tell them everythingyou have done and it still looks awkward. They are a good company and Ihave no doubt they will work with you. Something is off and hell , who knows it could even be the kahr grip/frame is not perfect either. Perfect enoujgh for the kahr to be totally reliabe but when on puts o the ct, it shows up. Just my two cents on this. I wouldsay it is the ct unit and not the frame IMO..
we do have a poster here (ellis)P who claims his looks the same way but statred he has 250 flawless rounds through his cw9. so maybe other than looks it is going to be ok. If you look closely at your ct and then compare it to Gary B photo, his ct lines up in both halves perfectly where as yours does seeom to be not right (the two halves do not match up).

03-12-2011, 11:42 PM
not being you have such a great photo showing the ct on the kahr and what is evident to me that the two halves are not mating right. Just send this photo to ct and let them review it and tell them everythingyou have done and it still looks awkward. They are a good company and Ihave no doubt they will work with you. Something is off and hell , who knows it could even be the kahr grip/frame is not perfect either. Perfect enoujgh for the kahr to be totally reliabe but when on puts o the ct, it shows up. Just my two cents on this. I wouldsay it is the ct unit and not the frame IMO..
we do have a poster here (ellis)P who claims his looks the same way but statred he has 250 flawless rounds through his cw9. so maybe other than looks it is going to be ok. If you look closely at your ct and then compare it to Gary B photo, his ct lines up in both halves perfectly where as yours does seeom to be not right (the two halves do not match up).

I considered the possibility that the frame might be the issue as well. I would think that the $170 CT plastic mount laser would be more prone to faulty molding than my $700 Kahr though. Either way, it seems solid and after a day at the range, if it shoots where I point it, that'll work for me.

I submitted pics, the issue and even a link to this thread to CT the other day. Spoke to a tech guy from the company who asked me to submit them. I'll keep you all posted.

Thanks for all the input guys,

03-12-2011, 11:49 PM
Haven't shot it with the laser yet.

03-16-2011, 11:31 AM
New P9, New Crimson Trace laser, poorly fitted?

I happened to take my CTL off today to see how my PM40 fits in my holsters without the CTL installed. I happened to think about the non uniform fit that some folks have experienced lately on their guns P's and CW's (if I remember correctly). I noticed that the sr# plate was a contact point for the CTL on the underside of the frame. I wondered if there is a "possibility" that the sr# plate is higher on some gun models and could be causing the CTL to fit improperly. I also wondered if the two halves of the CTL fit together better when it was not installed on your gun. By checking these two things, it may be possible to isolate the problem, but I can't say for certain because my CTL fits perfectly on my PM40. Just throwing this out there for you folks to consider and hopefully it helps you sort the problem out. Tx.

03-16-2011, 01:54 PM
I just sent a bunch of pictures to Jeff at CTC. I explained that I was not the only one having the same issue. I will relay whatever info they send back.


03-16-2011, 02:09 PM
Just curious...how does the CTL fit together when it is NOT mounted on your gun? Can you tell if the SR plate is throwing the fit off? Thanks for keeping us up on what you discover from Crimson Trace as well. Appreciate the updates on this issue.

03-16-2011, 04:42 PM
CTC is going to overnight me a new one. They thanked me for the pictures and seemed curious how it could be so off. I told them that the serial number was moved over the years by Kahr and not sure when they made their mold or from what gun. This could be an issue. They were going to look into it.

03-16-2011, 04:50 PM
so was the serial number on ur gun the cause of this ctc being off ???

03-16-2011, 05:10 PM
It didn't appear to be upon closer inspection, it was close, but the serial number is right in the middle, and hit uniformly on the CTC. So that shouldn't be the cause because its smack dab in the middle of both parts of the CTC.

03-17-2011, 07:36 AM
It didn't appear to be upon closer inspection, it was close, but the serial number is right in the middle, and hit uniformly on the CTC. So that shouldn't be the cause because its smack dab in the middle of both parts of the CTC.

Do the two halves of the CTC fit together properly when they are NOT installed on the gun? This should indicate if it is a CTC mold related problem; vs a CTC fit to gun frame related problem. Just curious. I am sure it will get sorted out in the end. I can't see Crimson wanting this kind of fit out there for people to see. It won't sell their product. Thanks for your input. By the way, when you get this resolved, it would be good to post a thread on the CTL part of the forum, so when folks are searching for a similar problem they will find your solution easier. Just a thought. Tx.

03-17-2011, 08:30 AM
Do the two halves of the CTC fit together properly when they are NOT installed on the gun? This should indicate if it is a CTC mold related problem; vs a CTC fit to gun frame related problem. Just curious. I am sure it will get sorted out in the end. I can't see Crimson wanting this kind of fit out there for people to see. It won't sell their product. Thanks for your input. By the way, when you get this resolved, it would be good to post a thread on the CTL part of the forum, so when folks are searching for a similar problem they will find your solution easier. Just a thought. Tx.

I took it off again, and when I really examine it off the gun, there looks to be some excess plastic that maybe (I mean maybe) should have been sanded down at the factory. This is on the slide release side, which is the side that fits up the the frame perfectly. Could be that excess is not allowing the other side to mate up properly to the frame.

I would sand or myself or trim it with a knife, but since theres a new one on the way, I'll hold off.

As far as it fitting together off the gun, the pieces seem to match fine, but you have to keep pressure on them to keep them together. Don't know if thats an issue or not, as this is my first CTC.

03-17-2011, 10:20 AM
As far as it fitting together off the gun, the pieces seem to match fine, but you have to keep pressure on them to keep them together. Don't know if thats an issue or not, as this is my first CTC.

Now you are probably getting somewhere. Obviously it is probably not the gun, it sounds like the CTL halves not mating together correctly. Problem is CT's. When the two halves go together on the trigger guard, they DO require pressure and it IS a pressure fit. Once you start getting the teeny tinny screws starting to thread (that hold the two halves together when installed), simply squeeze the two halves between the thumb and index finger of one hand and tighten them down with the allen using your other hand. You need to hands to finesse them together. It is a tight fit, but that is what it needs to be. However, the two halves of the CTL should fit together like a male and female....NICE!

If they don't fit together correctly when they are OFF your gun, they won't fit together when they are on your gun. It is a marriage that just won't work out in the long run. It sounds like you may have a production problem. Everyone with this fit problem should simply check the fit of the two halves of the CTL when they are off the gun. If they mesh up perfectly, they should mesh up perfectly when you install them. If they don't, notify CT and send them back for one the fits right. Just my opinion. Crimson Trace does not want that kind of product on the street. They should be QC checking this before sending them out. Please let us know how this gets resolved for you. Good luck.

03-20-2011, 11:06 AM
CTC is going to overnight me a new one. They thanked me for the pictures and seemed curious how it could be so off. I told them that the serial number was moved over the years by Kahr and not sure when they made their mold or from what gun. This could be an issue. They were going to look into it.

Did you get the replacement laser yet? If so, how does it fit?
Please update when you can, and a pic would be great if it is better...I still am on the fence if I should call and ask for a replacement, Thanks

03-20-2011, 12:37 PM
UPS tried to deliver it on Friday..... SIGNATURE required however, I was obviously at work. I'm going to pick it up at the UPS facility Monday evening.... I haven't forgot about you guys! Promise.

03-21-2011, 07:15 PM
Original CTC on gun:

Replacement CTC not on gun:

Mix and matched parts from each CTC on gun:

The replacement CTC was worse. I mixed and matched halves and came up with something that will do. I sent these pictures over to Jeff at CTC as well looking for an answer.

03-21-2011, 07:26 PM
smart thinking on ur part. It still is ot perfect but it should be OK. Alittle lack of quality control over at CT, it seems, and hell I thought only Kahr had a lack of quality control!!1

03-22-2011, 07:40 AM
Thanks for the update and pics Gagnejs8.

That makes 100% of the replacements to members posting here, no better then the first. Not good!

They need to revise the mold and/or process. If the engineer you are talking to wants more pics or input post up his email and I will send him some. Or if he actually fixes the problem, please let us know, as of now it seems a waste of time to get a replacement.

03-22-2011, 09:01 AM
I think the Crimson Trace lasers are also pretty flimsy, that's why I use the Armalaser, much sturdier and better fit.


03-22-2011, 07:58 PM
Thanks for the update and pics Gagnejs8.

That makes 100% of the replacements to members posting here, no better then the first. Not good!

They need to revise the mold and/or process. If the engineer you are talking to wants more pics or input post up his email and I will send him some. Or if he actually fixes the problem, please let us know, as of now it seems a waste of time to get a replacement.


03-25-2011, 08:29 PM
Well apparently Jeff no longer works at Crimson. I called today because I had not heard back from him and was informed "he's no longer with the company". I have a new name if you guys want to send in pictures. They also now have a link to this thread.


04-04-2011, 03:11 PM
I just talked to a guy named Travis that was familiar with our problem. I am going to send pics and also post one on the C.T. forum.

04-04-2011, 06:34 PM
I'm still going back and forth with Crimson. I'm waiting for my 2nd replacement still. Supposed to be here on Wednesday. Is your issue on the LG-437 as well?

04-06-2011, 06:29 PM
So here is pictures of the 3rd different CTC on my PM9. I think this is as close as I'm going to get. Still not impressed with the fit, but after 3 tries, I think Crimson is going to block my phone number.....


04-06-2011, 11:42 PM
yup same one.

01-31-2012, 02:15 PM
I must have gotten one of the ones you sent back, or they are alot of them with horrible fitment issues. I just purchased this brand new LG-437 to put on my PM9 and here is what I got......

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee109/qwiktim/007-1.jpg (http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee109/qwiktim/007-1.jpg)

I sent these pictures to CT and here is the exact reply I got...... "from the pictures, I can see a slight variance in the two. This is actually normal with this grip, there is going to be a slight variance......"

Are they joking? This is "normal"?

I have CT lasers on 4 of my handguns, and if this is normal my relationship with Crimson Trace is over, I will do without and buy their competitors products rather than support a business that sells things like this and doesn't see a problem.

Extremely upset with my reply from them.

01-31-2012, 02:49 PM
Hey, Tim. That's a bummer! Tell them where they can stick their "normal"! :rolleyes: A really stupid way to treat a multiply repeat customer like yourself.

I'm still enjoying my CM9! It shoots as slick as it looks! :D

05-17-2012, 01:04 PM
so what happened here? did this ever get resolved, i have a ct laser thats looks similar to the pics above just not as bad, havent tested yet... but if it shoots straight? im ok i gues...

05-17-2012, 01:54 PM
so what happened here? did this ever get resolved, i have a ct laser thats looks similar to the pics above just not as bad, havent tested yet... but if it shoots straight? im ok i gues...

CT replaced it............ twice............. the second and third ones were the same and they blamed it on tolerances of my gun, although I put each laser on my CM9, my CW9, and my PM9 for test fits and all were equally terrible....... ended up getting a refund from the seller and won't buy another Crimson Trace product.

05-17-2012, 02:03 PM
oh thats fooked up!

05-17-2012, 02:11 PM
CT replaced it............ twice............. the second and third ones were the same and they blamed it on tolerances of my gun, although I put each laser on my CM9, my CW9, and my PM9 for test fits and all were equally terrible....... ended up getting a refund from the seller and won't buy another Crimson Trace product.

I wouldn't use one either, just looking at them they are pretty flimsy; plus you give up some concealment options with them ie: limited holster choices etc. Plus, if forbid you ever drop gun, even from short distance, I would think you could kiss laser good bye. :boink: