View Full Version : A New Kahr for O'Dell / Donation site

02-24-2011, 11:03 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


02-24-2011, 11:07 AM
super bawanna, absolutley super. I just don't think any major donors should be listed with a dollar amount behind them. other than that, this is great for O'dell and for this forum to get behind him to show support. We are more of a family here than on any forum I have ever been on. In your case you are to be commended for taking on this and my check is in the mail as we speak.




nice jnob to you abnd the mysterious person who thought of this to..

02-24-2011, 11:19 AM
Just got this, seemed to fit well.


1. Go to a secondhand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots.

2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo Magazine.

3. Put four giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.

4. Leave a note on your door that reads:

Bertha, Duke, Slim, & I went for more ammo and beer. Be back in an hour.
Don't mess with the pit bulls. They got the mailman this morning and
messed him up bad. I don't think Killer took part, but it was hard to tell
from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all four of 'em in the house.

Better wait outside. Be right back.


02-24-2011, 11:59 AM
I just thought of a way to help make this easier for you guys. As you read this if you want to contribute just include an ''I'm in" in your post or in the title heading. I will then send you my address directly from your post. That way you don't gotta PM me and my mailbox won't split at the seams and I won't get as confused hopefully.

Hope to see a ton of I'm in.

This is a good thing.

02-24-2011, 01:13 PM
I'm in.

02-24-2011, 02:20 PM
Bawaana, @ the risk of sounding facetious & I mean no disrespect, is this for real or some kind of a joke? If it is for real, I'm in.

It seems rather strange to this old country boy that we talk to people on the net, without ever having met them & sometimes don't even know where they are or what their real name is & yet they feel like friends that we do know. Did that make any sense at all?

02-24-2011, 02:43 PM
Bawaana, @ the risk of sounding facetious & I mean no disrespect, is this for real or some kind of a joke? If it is for real, I'm in.

It seems rather strange to this old country boy that we talk to people on the net, without ever having met them & sometimes don't even know where they are or what their real name is & yet they feel like friends that we do know. Did that make any sense at all?

It makes perfect sense. I consider many of the folks here very good friends even though I could pass them in the store and not know who they are.
As messed up as things are I still have faith in my fellow man, especially if they hang out here for any length of time.
The fact that this whole scheme was thunk up by a new member with less than 20 post tells me I'm not alone.

This is indeed for real. We gotta take care of our friends. I want to send a huge check.

02-24-2011, 02:45 PM
I'm in for a few shekels.


02-24-2011, 02:52 PM
Splendid idea ole boy, I'm definetly in...O'Dell isn't just my internet friend but he's a neighbor from right up the road...I think we may be brothers from a different mother!!! I PM him about going shooting to see if he likes the PM40 and the poor dude is in a mess right now...He said he has a new gun at the LGS ready to pick up but doesn't have any secure place the keep it until he can get a safe....Lets all help our brother out all we can...This just goes to show why Kahr Talk is the best of the best and the most classy forum on the internet....God I love this bar!!!...:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

02-24-2011, 03:09 PM
I just got a message from O'Dell that confirms what getsome said. He's not picking up any more guns or storing the few he has left in the house until several security issues are taken care of. Sounds like insurance is being typical and not coming thru near as well as they should. Hold no fears that he is restocking to be burglarized again. Next time, hopefully never it's gonna be dang tough.

He mentioned several members near him wanting to meet up but as you said he's overwelmed with stuff needing done right now.

I think he's also overwelmed with the support from members here and to me that's exactly the way it should be.

02-24-2011, 03:30 PM
How about setting up a Pay Pal account [don't tell Pay Pal what it is for]. Then we could donate to the Pay Pal account....easy peezy lemon squeezy! That way you also don't need to share your home address. That way we can also donate as much or often as we want...even by credit card!

02-24-2011, 03:31 PM
Bawanna, I will post this here so that others can see it. Is a personal check ok & do you want it made out to you?

MW surveyor
02-24-2011, 03:37 PM
I'm for what little I can.

02-24-2011, 03:53 PM
Jeepster, I thought about the Pay Pal thing but opted out for two reasons. I'm technology challenged and didn't want to take the chance of screwing eveything up. Secondly I want a record of every dime that comes in so nothing is lost or wasted. Actually theres a third reason too. I don't want anyone to use credit for this and end up like alot of us with a huge debt.
I didn't want to pass this off on any of the smart tech guys.

JeremiahAZ, personal checks are perfect.

Trying to keep this in Jocko's terms KISS as I possibly can.


02-24-2011, 04:02 PM
5 pennies make a nickel, 5 nickels make a quarter, 5 quarters make a $1.25 and the beat goes on, so there is never any small amount that does not add up. Heh gang, lets make this one of the best for O'Dell. that man has been through enough. We can't bring back what damage has been done to his privacy but we can do our part to help.

Who knows it could happen to us next.

There is no doubt here either that we can trust every move that Bawanna makes with this project also. Ifyou have been on here as long as he and I have, one knows when a good man is present amoung us..

02-24-2011, 05:08 PM
Just read the thread and you can count me in, Bawanna. Light me up with a PM. It may not be a whole lot and it won't be as much as I'd like, but it'll be a lil' something.

02-24-2011, 05:39 PM
Yes.....but you can keep record with Pay Pal.......AND.....perhaps you could use it for future fund raisers or forum picnic/event?
After all if politicians use Pay Pal for raising dough, we can too. With Pay Pal the money can be deposited direct into your bank account. Pay Pal works great for buying gun grips and holsters too :=]

02-24-2011, 05:51 PM
I've used it to buy stuff before just never received anything on it. I get a bill and it magically does it somehow.
Good idea for future endeavors and money for grips is a cool thing. I'm just chicken with all this cyber stuff.

I think my plan is working so far, its a little effort required but I don't mine doing it for the team.

Just so everyone knows a check is just fine, a money order works, whatever is easy for you. We can't use green stamps.
Make em out to me. I don't want to dump an envelope full of checks on O'Dell he has enough to do without filling out pages of deposit slips.

One more plus for Pay Pal I guess. I'll do some more checking into that.

02-24-2011, 06:24 PM
Count me in as well

02-24-2011, 06:29 PM
Count me in --


02-24-2011, 06:44 PM
I'm in.

*****************____________________************* ************

02-24-2011, 06:52 PM
I"m in.:d

******************___________________************* *****

02-25-2011, 08:10 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.


02-25-2011, 08:17 AM
I'll help.

02-25-2011, 08:35 AM
good man Indigo. let skeep the ball rolling fans. This is as good a cause as the JANE FONDA hate fund a few years back!!!

02-25-2011, 09:09 AM
The check is in the mail. I just love saying that.

02-25-2011, 09:17 AM
I'm in.


02-25-2011, 09:21 AM
good man TV RACIN FAN. and the beat goes on!!

02-25-2011, 12:15 PM
is this for real? not to be a downer but twice without having a safe? he afforded enough guns but not a safe, twice? sorry guys but i cant be in on this one. i am sorry for odells losses and hope they catch/kill the punks who did this but i cant put this on top of my (small) charity list.

02-25-2011, 12:45 PM
is this for real? not to be a downer but twice without having a safe? he afforded enough guns but not a safe, twice? sorry guys but i cant be in on this one. i am sorry for odells losses and hope they catch/kill the punks who did this but i cant put this on top of my (small) charity list.

my stand point, you should have kept your comment to yourself, as I personally think it was not appropriate or even needed.. and what did it prove other than maybe giving the member ship alittle better insight into you..

02-25-2011, 12:58 PM
If you need a worthy cause Joshh, how about the Wounded Warriors Project. There is always an opportunity to be charitable if it is in one's heart to be charitable.

02-25-2011, 01:16 PM
Not only am I in but in the event that donations start to lag,I may be persuaded to donate an 8X10 color photo of myself nekkid for auction.Or perhaps Bawanna will donate one of himself.As you all know,he`s absolutely yummy.

02-25-2011, 01:20 PM
Not only am I in but in the event that donations start to lag,I may be persuaded to donate an 8X10 color photo of myself nekkid for auction.Or perhaps Bawanna will donate one of himself.As you all know,he`s absolutely yummy.

Well, there goes the neighborhood.

02-25-2011, 01:28 PM
Not only am I in but in the event that donations start to lag,I may be persuaded to donate an 8X10 color photo of myself nekkid for auction.Or perhaps Bawanna will donate one of himself.As you all know,he`s absolutely yummy.

put that on ebay . that could bring millions. I think I seen the negative in the photo shop and they told me they sent it to the police as it looked like you had 3 legs and they were afraid it might be a weapon. I told them IT WAS:laser:

02-25-2011, 01:49 PM
put that on ebay . that could bring millions. I think I seen the negative in the photo shop and they told me they sent it to the police as it looked like you had 3 legs and they were afraid it might be a weapon. I told them IT WAS:laser:

Actually,if you look closely you`ll see I was leaning against a lightpole.Strictly an optical illusion.Created quite a stir in my neighborhood until the truth came out.I am the only looker in my clan though.I have a cousin who is so ugly they won`t put his picture in the family album.Just the negative.

02-25-2011, 02:03 PM
I love the picture auction plan. I'll do it too if you think I could recover the cost of the print.

I certainly fault no one who does not wish to contribute. If this cause doesn't fit into the budget or the donation criteria (we're all hit upon often) so be it.
I do not want this thread to get ugly in anyway. It's each persons decision not to be critiqued or judged by anyone else here.

Just for the record and in no way intended to sway anyone O'Dell did in fact after the first burg harden his entry points into his home. He created a secure storage closet with a steel door and hardened jamb. I did the same thing after hearing of his plans.
It apparently wasn't enough like anything is enough, so his first purchase now before he even stores any of the guns he has left is a good quality safe.
Hopefully attached to his crawl space filled with cement.
To be hit twice in a short period of time is what pushed my buttons.
But again, this also wasn't my idea although I endorse it enthusiastically.

Dietrich I think your yummy too!

02-25-2011, 02:06 PM
Not only am I in but in the event that donations start to lag,I may be persuaded to donate an 8X10 color photo of myself nekkid for auction.Or perhaps Bawanna will donate one of himself.As you all know,he`s absolutely yummy.

I'm in if only to NOT have Dietrich or Bawanna start a nekkid members photo thread.

Now, gotta go home & cleanse my mind of that mental image...


02-25-2011, 04:16 PM
I love the picture auction plan. I'll do it too if you think I could recover the cost of the print.

I certainly fault no one who does not wish to contribute. If this cause doesn't fit into the budget or the donation criteria (we're all hit upon often) so be it.
I do not want this thread to get ugly in anyway. It's each persons decision not to be critiqued or judged by anyone else here.

Just for the record and in no way intended to sway anyone O'Dell did in fact after the first burg harden his entry points into his home. He created a secure storage closet with a steel door and hardened jamb. I did the same thing after hearing of his plans.
It apparently wasn't enough like anything is enough, so his first purchase now before he even stores any of the guns he has left is a good quality safe.
Hopefully attached to his crawl space filled with cement.
To be hit twice in a short period of time is what pushed my buttons.
But again, this also wasn't my idea although I endorse it enthusiastically.

Dietrich I think your yummy too!

I'll donate if you don't show the pictures.:eek: :roll: :eek:

02-25-2011, 04:26 PM
I'll donate if you don't show the pictures.:eek: :roll: :eek:

And burn them.....:target:

02-25-2011, 04:28 PM
I'll donate if you don't show the pictures.:eek: :roll: :eek:

I'll have to confer with Mr. Dietrich and set a ransom of some sort. This could be really really big, we could be talking 3 figures easy. 1.79 don't seem out of the question to me.
What do ya think Dietrich? Mayhaps we should post a preview to drive it up some?

02-25-2011, 04:30 PM
I'm with kahrseye!!

02-25-2011, 04:35 PM
Actually,if you look closely you`ll see I was leaning against a lightpole.Strictly an optical illusion.Created quite a stir in my neighborhood until the truth came out.I am the only looker in my clan though.I have a cousin who is so ugly they won`t put his picture in the family album.Just the negative.

it's a pole all right, and it might guide some poeple out of harms way to, but don't sh-t the sh-tter here Diet..:behindsofa:

02-25-2011, 04:37 PM
Here's a little incentive for ya. The last Picture Dietrich sent me, I think it was Valentines day.

02-25-2011, 04:43 PM
looks to me like a planet of the apes stand in. Instead of saying that is a valentine. Maybe if diet has that on his back it would be saying I have a heart on!!!

he is strange "great one".

02-25-2011, 04:57 PM
I'm in !

A few yrs ago, on a Harley forum, we had a member who, no fault of her own, was going to lose her bike because she couldn't make her payments. We decided that was unacceptable, since we all felt that we knew her, even though most had never met her. We did just this same thing, and in the end she kept the bike, all is good.
Sometimes ya just have to have a little faith that things are what they seem to be. After all, it's only money, right?

02-25-2011, 05:06 PM
I would like to help.


02-25-2011, 05:31 PM
Bawanna, we need to think BIG here....forget the 8x10 pictures and go right into film....Think about it, we grease up ole dietrich and attach one of those little tiny video cameras to his Nemo and then launch him over the fence again at the Federal Penitentiary and the rest will be cinematic history...I bet we will be rolling in dough when that hits the gay big screens but we gotta think up a really great title for it something like "The light at the end of your tunnel" or whatever...Lets see, what is the award for best film in gay porn???......We got the Oscar for normal movies, the Emmy for TV shows, the Grammy for music, Hummmmm how about the Fanny Packer award...Lets ask dietrich I'm pretty sure he will know and be sure to tell him to pick up the 5 gal size Wesson oil for complete coverage....:cool:...:banplease:

02-25-2011, 05:54 PM
Lord I apologize for that and be with the starving pygmies down in New Guinea

02-26-2011, 05:06 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.


02-26-2011, 08:12 AM
Bawanna, you already know where I stand. Let me rustle up some Dinars, and we'll get 'er done.

02-26-2011, 11:24 AM
As long a Odell and Jocko don't show up at the ranch wantin' to be adopted; I'm in.

02-26-2011, 11:28 AM
As long a Odell and Jocko don't show up at the ranch wantin' to be adopted; I'm in.

How about Bawanna, he's available and always wanted to live on a ranch. Wife is good with horses, we got two in the backyard. She don't eat much either.

02-26-2011, 12:07 PM
Here's a little incentive for ya. The last Picture Dietrich sent me, I think it was Valentines day.

Dude. Seriously. I was about to eat!

02-26-2011, 12:24 PM
I'm in !

A few yrs ago, on a Harley forum, we had a member who, no fault of her own, was going to lose her bike because she couldn't make her payments. We decided that was unacceptable, since we all felt that we knew her, even though most had never met her. We did just this same thing, and in the end she kept the bike, all is good.
Sometimes ya just have to have a little faith that things are what they seem to be. After all, it's only money, right?

Harley riders take care of their own as u well know. With Bawanna running this event, I have no issues at all and O'dell can't be faulted for not securing him homefront either. It just happens. the thieves have his number no doubt to. This forum is gonna surprise O'dell when all is done.:)

02-26-2011, 06:11 PM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.


02-26-2011, 06:38 PM
Shoot me the address Bawanna


02-26-2011, 07:24 PM
I'll have to confer with Mr. Dietrich and set a ransom of some sort. This could be really really big, we could be talking 3 figures easy. 1.79 don't seem out of the question to me.
What do ya think Dietrich? Mayhaps we should post a preview to drive it up some?
I'm in.....I'm in for whatever little I can but for the love of God no pictures.
I know O'Dell needs our help but psychological torture is uncalled for. :32:

02-26-2011, 07:42 PM

02-26-2011, 08:10 PM
I think we should just buy him a good strong HEAVY-ASS gunsafe with the money and have it shipped to his house.

02-26-2011, 08:14 PM
i think we should buy him a moving van and ship him to a safer town

02-26-2011, 08:19 PM
Maybe we should buy him a town and we'll all move there and only let in people who fit our criteria live there.

Maybe not so good, what if I don't fit the criteria? My bad.

02-26-2011, 10:25 PM
If you need a worthy cause Joshh, how about the Wounded Warriors Project. There is always an opportunity to be charitable if it is in one's heart to be charitable.

great charity that i have contributed time and money to numerous times. my kids also have done volunteer work that helps this cause. i am as charitable as i can afford to be. good luck with the money drive.

02-27-2011, 01:19 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


you allhave a nice day.

02-27-2011, 06:33 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


and a good morning t all kahr owners.

02-27-2011, 06:56 AM
Maybe we should buy him a town and we'll all move there and only let in people who fit our criteria live there.

Maybe not so good, what if I don't fit the criteria? My bad.

We can adjust our standards as needed for the mayor. :biggrin1:

02-27-2011, 08:07 AM
great charity that i have contributed time and money to numerous times. my kids also have done volunteer work that helps this cause. i am as charitable as i can afford to be. good luck with the money drive.

It's great you got your kids involved too.

About six months ago, I got an email from a soldier/Marine in Afganistan thanking me for supporting the WWP. (He'd seen my avatar on another forum.) He said that while in country, the WWP was Johnny on the Spot whenever one of the good guys needed care. No red tape, no BS, just help when needed. It's good to know the WWP does more than solicit contributions.

02-27-2011, 12:31 PM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


and a super good day to all kahr owners..

02-27-2011, 08:14 PM

02-28-2011, 04:32 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


and a good morning to all kahr owners.

02-28-2011, 07:10 AM
Ok now I have that stupid song in my head. Can't remember if it was Poison, or Motley Crue.

02-28-2011, 11:17 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


Bump bump um bump bump yeah! Drivemykahr, this is all your fault.

02-28-2011, 11:25 AM
Not another song to be rolling around in my head.

02-28-2011, 04:38 PM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


greetings to all new kahr members..

02-28-2011, 06:31 PM
Sorry for the delay, but I have been out of the loop for a bit.

Definitely count me in and send a PM as to where to send the check.

Teamwork at it's best!


03-01-2011, 09:10 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


Top of the morningto ya lads.

03-01-2011, 09:16 AM
I started getting envelopes in my mailbox yesterday (about 5) and I gotta tell you guys, I'm dang proud to call you guys pals. We're really helping out a buddy here.

03-01-2011, 09:24 AM
great bawanna, now we just need more members to help out a "good" guy who has fallen on bad luck. I can't think of anything worse than a home invasion, let alone two and the a-holes are still on the loose.

03-01-2011, 10:06 AM
Thanks for the update sir. That is good news.

03-02-2011, 06:34 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


and a good morning to all my kahr friends..:israel:

03-02-2011, 10:41 AM
Got a couple more donations in the mail yesterday. Lets not let this thread get dusty and stale.
I'm hoping to wear the hinges out on my mailbox before we're through.

03-02-2011, 03:54 PM
I don't know how to put this tactfully, so here goes. Can you give us some idea about the donations, how much you have, how much we need, what is an average donation? I hope this is not in poor taste. It is not meant to be. I'm trying to get an idea of what to send.


03-02-2011, 04:14 PM
I don't know how to put this tactfully, so here goes. Can you give us some idea about the donations, how much you have, how much we need, what is an average donation? I hope this is not in poor taste. It is not meant to be. I'm trying to get an idea of what to send.


I'll be happy to send you the exact stats in a PM. The amount to send is the amount that you feel comfortable with. So far everyone has been very generous, more so than I expected. I've received 7 donations so far in 2 days, amounts from 20 to 100.
As we agreed at the beginning I won't share who contributed what.
We really don't have a target amount in mind and to me the bigger the check the better. Since this has never been done before we really had no idea what to expect and the end result really won't be known till the end of the month.
I'm a firm believer that if everyone helps a little bit we'll get big results. Some have said due to circumstances they can't help at all and that is totally understandable too. Seems I got money flying out way faster than it comes in for stuff I don't even want but we all get that.

03-02-2011, 04:16 PM
O'Dell incidentally is totally out of the loop on this whole deal. He'll get a check first part of next month and that will be the end of his involvement except for hopefully keeping us informed as he replaces his prized possessions and hopefully recovers some of them and post video of the hanging of the low life scum crawling individuals responsible for this.

03-02-2011, 04:22 PM
If no one objects I'm gonna merge this thread into the new Kahr for O'Dell thread as it will have little value as a stand alone thread.

Besides I've never done a merge before and I'm feeling darn right experimental today. I might even explore photo bucket again until the headache comes.

03-02-2011, 04:22 PM
Thank you. Glad to hear it is going well.

03-03-2011, 10:29 AM
In a sense, O'Dell was lucky becasue he wasn't home at the time. When I lived in Chicago, my home, the houses on both sides of me were burglarized by an armed man.... while the residents were at home in bed. Pretty bold.

03-03-2011, 04:54 PM
Wife reports 5 more envelopes in the mailbox today. That should be 14 contributions so far, keep em coming.

03-03-2011, 04:59 PM
In a sense, O'Dell was lucky becasue he wasn't home at the time. When I lived in Chicago, my home, the houses on both sides of me were burglarized by an armed man.... while the residents were at home in bed. Pretty bold.

If I'm ever burglarized again I hope I'm home. I never had the desire to shoot anyone but if they break in while I'm home planning to take my toys or mess with my trophy wife, all that could change really really fast.

I have 3 guns in reach while I'm in bed, since walking or running isn't an option my daily carry guns and my light mounted night stand gun are in reach. Course without the hearing aid they could come in abuse the trophy wife, shoot the Beagle and raid the refrigerator and I wouldn't hear a thing. Wife has good ears so I'm counting on her to man the listening post.

03-04-2011, 12:52 PM
Got 4 more checks in the mail. Last night was the first ones that I couldn't figure out who the donors were by screen name. I noted the real life names and states in my log but I'm clueless as to who you are. Doesn't really matter in the big picture.

A few I had to really ponder to figure out but I got em.

Keep em coming, it's adding up. About 11 or 12 donations received so far.

03-04-2011, 07:44 PM
Bawanna, help, we're losing ground! We had 14 contributions in post 88. Now we only have 11 or 12. Plug the hole in the dam. Stick your finger in the dyke.

03-04-2011, 08:18 PM
The check's in the mail... along with those sights from my S.A. Champion. The rear one is a little worse for wear... I drilled the set screw holes out a bit and broke a hex bit off in one. :eek:


03-04-2011, 09:37 PM
Bawanna, help, we're losing ground! We had 14 contributions in post 88. Now we only have 11 or 12. Plug the hole in the dam. Stick your finger in the dyke.

Well take me out back and flog me, I knew it was more than 10 and didn't want to take my shoes off. I just went out and had to take both shoes off. We got 16 total donations and we hit 605.

Wife says if you guys keep sending me money she might let me stay home from work. What do ya think.

03-04-2011, 10:41 PM
Who would have thunk it? I guess we are family! Does that include Mrs. Moon. I'd like to be related to her.

03-05-2011, 08:00 AM
Wife says if you guys keep sending me money she might let me stay home from work. What do ya think.
I'm sure she regretted saying that the moment she was finished, I know mine would sooner divorce me than put up with me full time.

03-05-2011, 05:16 PM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


and a good day to all kahr owners.

03-06-2011, 01:17 PM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


lets keep the momentum going guys.. just a few more weeks left..:popcorn:

03-06-2011, 10:13 PM
I'm sure she regretted saying that the moment she was finished, I know mine would sooner divorce me than put up with me full time.

Since I'm the only man (well half man) in my area of the dept surrounded by 10 women, two of which are my super sized supervisors, it makes no difference if I go to work or stay home. All the same stuff, mostly nag, nag, nag.
My wife likes to go places and run around and I like to stay home and play in my man cave or watch the grass grow or I actually like mowing my lawn, so if I stayed home I could be the king of my castle at least for a few hours each day, course I'd probably have a to do list for those few hours too.

03-07-2011, 09:29 AM
Bawanna, help, we're losing ground! We had 14 contributions in post 88. Now we only have 11 or 12. Plug the hole in the dam. Stick your finger in the dyke.
Better ask first, she might slap you.

03-07-2011, 09:31 AM
Better ask first, she might slap you.

Your indeed a wise man! Good idea.

03-07-2011, 11:12 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


a good day to all kahr owners and may every day for O'Dell just get better even..

03-07-2011, 07:05 PM
Three more checks in the mail, another 150 bucks in the bucket!!! One more probably at the post office.

Wynn, when you send a letter your suppose to put a stamp on it. Apparently the postal service thinks you robbed them of 78 cents. So I'll get that taken care of tomorrow before the federal agents come knocking at your door.

We're a heck of a family here. Alot of generosity happening right here.

03-08-2011, 03:17 AM
Hey! I got there just after the window closed and had already put 44 + 17 cents on the envelope for about 34 grams... just over an ounce. I had a question on whether or not it was still an envelope after I put the two pieces of cardboard in to protect the sights. I guess it had become a package since it was probably a hair over 1/4"thick.

Dang! You got it quickly! Didn't you notice the Christmas stamp... bought 100 the Christmas before last... and the 17˘ for up to 2 ounces.


03-08-2011, 04:34 AM
great report bawanna. can't beat this membership for helping out one of our own.

L:etskeep up the good deeds guys, you will all be rewarded for it someday..

03-08-2011, 07:19 AM
That is good news Bawanna. Even after the effort has been around a couple weeks, the donations are still coming in. Amazing!

03-08-2011, 09:13 AM
Hey! I got there just after the window closed and had already put 44 + 17 cents on the envelope for about 34 grams... just over an ounce. I had a question on whether or not it was still an envelope after I put the two pieces of cardboard in to protect the sights. I guess it had become a package since it was probably a hair over 1/4"thick.

Dang! You got it quickly! Didn't you notice the Christmas stamp... bought 100 the Christmas before last... and the 17˘ for up to 2 ounces.


I haven't seen the package yet but the card they left still called it an envelope. Who know how the postal system works anymore. I'll check the wanted posters while I'm there to make sure your not on the 10 most wanted list. Doubt 78 cents qualifies for Americas Most Wanted.

Yup still trickling in. It's a good thing.

03-08-2011, 10:51 AM
Sorry about the trouble... was running late. Post Office hours changed from 5:30PM to 5:00PM and I hadn't gotten that into my mind, yet. :rolleyes:


03-08-2011, 11:05 AM
Hey Wynn, it's not trouble at all, but if you think I'm gonna pass up an opportunity to give you a hard time you don't got me figured out too good.

03-08-2011, 11:20 AM
No problem! :D I've been around here long enough to know that when you show weakness or give someone an opening, they'll go for the throat... or, sometimes, the back.:eek: :D It's that hunting instinct to take any advantage when you have the chance.:)

I hate that they held the envelope for ransom, though... extra trip to the P.O.


03-08-2011, 11:28 AM
Its the Feds, that is what they do best. Ransom the little people.

Your back is safe with me, I never go for the back, thats why I'm so lousey at gossip and talking about people behind their back.

Your throat maybe. It's the dog pack mentality. Part of evolution and all that but I'll be sure and not grease my wheels so you'll hear me coming.

03-08-2011, 11:50 AM
Yeah. I warned you about those squeaks when you passed me in number of posts... still have the tire tracks on my back.:D

Wifey's back here and waiting for me to go looking for floor tiles at Lowe's and Home Depot.



03-08-2011, 04:38 PM
Bawanna, be sure to leave your guns in the van before you go in the post orifice. We don't want to have to bail you out of the pokey!

03-08-2011, 04:46 PM
Good plan, I don't think I can take them in there huh? I'm not even sure. I don't think I been inside the Post Office in 20 years. Maybe they have remodeled since I was there last.

03-08-2011, 05:47 PM
I believe Post Offices are supposed to be off limits to civilians carrying guns. But, I routinely see non-uniformed officers open carrying in our local Post Office and suspect a large percentage of the patrons are carrying concealed. Around here, guns are kind of a don't ask don't tell deal, without the social stigma of alternative life styles. :)

With any likely remodeling since your last visit, odds are your wheels will get you in and out more easily than before the architects had their way. If you take a trophy wife along as distraction, you are almost certain to get in and out virtually undetected. ;)

Yeah I roll pretty low profile, I go into my ninja stealth mode and folks don't ever remember me even being there, unless of course I run over somebody's foot, that can be a real attention getter right there.
Good plan on the trophy wife to distract. If I sew her lips shut so she stops nagging me long enough to get in and out the plan might just work.

03-09-2011, 09:04 AM
Remember that the P.O. is one of those dangerous places to go. I used to leave my gun in the car, but decided I might need the protection if one of the workers or ex-workers goes "postal"... and I've never seen any signs about NOT carrying weapons. :eek:


03-09-2011, 11:01 AM
federal builidng: all guns are forbidden. no signs required, they just throw your ass in jail and sell all ur guns and your home and increase the salary of the postal workers in the building that you broke the law in.!!!!Honest

03-09-2011, 11:26 AM
federal builidng: all guns are forbidden. no signs required, they just throw your ass in jail and sell all ur guns and your home and increase the salary of the postal workers in the building that you broke the law in.!!!!Honest

Guess I better keep it well concealed huh? I'm hoping they drop the letter in my mailbox today, the carrier apparently kept it or didn't put it where it should go. I gave em the ransom and told em to deliver it. The lady said she thought she could make that happen.
Fingers crossed.

03-09-2011, 11:43 AM
Dang! Like I said... sorry for the trouble. I was running late as usual. If they had tried, they could have measured a hair under 1/4". The cardboard would compress.

The front sight has HP molded on the underside, so I suspect it was too tall for the Champion. I just saw where my 65° one-cutting-side file order at Midway is backordered to the end of March now... a month longer... sliding window??


03-09-2011, 08:14 PM
A brief status report. I got Wynns package after I paid the ransom. The mail lady delivered it to the house so all good. Some sights to play with and a nice donation.
Also a package from AZ with another nice donation and some nice hunks of stabilized Box Elder and a surprise.
We got some really generous family members here.
We have 22 donations as of tonight with a total of 915 bucks. It's adding up and becoming meaningful.
You guys all Rock!

03-11-2011, 09:07 AM
That's great new Bawanna. $915 ain't chump change.

03-11-2011, 10:54 AM
and we stillhave 3 great weeks to go. come on guys pony up..

Thanks to allwho have done so to...

03-15-2011, 10:08 AM

03-15-2011, 10:11 AM
Thanks Willieboy, we've been neglectful of keeping this thread up where it belongs.

The donations continue to trickle in, doing well.

03-15-2011, 10:14 AM
He's on the ball Bawanna, something u ain't never BEEN!!

03-15-2011, 10:18 AM
He's on the ball Bawanna, something u ain't never BEEN!!

Cheap but honest shot! Two points for Jocko. Lets do a tally. Lets see it's Jocko 237, and Bawanna 4. Got him on the run now by doggie.

03-15-2011, 10:56 AM
Bawanna, you've given Jocko a false sense of security huh?

03-15-2011, 11:33 AM
I don't think theres anything false about Jocko. The only thing I know for sure is he always wins and I always lose. But I'm still in the game if for no other reason than to be a bur under his saddle and keep him on his toes.

03-15-2011, 05:04 PM
Bawanna, if you keep this thread going, sooner or later O'Dell will see it & it won't be a secret any longer!! LOL

03-15-2011, 05:16 PM
It was decided early on that we could not possibly keep this a secret and make it work. He's been avoiding this thread for reasons I know not why but he's completely privvy to our efforts and plans.

03-17-2011, 05:46 AM
First off I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due. I didn't think this up. A relatively new member approached me about the plan I'm about to propose. He chooses to remain anonymous for the time being but I hope he'll allow me to share his name before we're done. Even though hes hundreds of post short of qualification, I plan to give him the kahrtalk secret handshake and maybe even the much coveted kahr hat if I can get one. (He is not getting my autographed poster of Justin Moons wife, some things are sacred) I'm sure the thought crossed many of our minds but he jumped in and said lets do this.

I'm snowed in again so it's taken me way too long to work out logistics and some of them are just gonna go out the window but I can't wait any longer.

Here's the plan.

We're gonna open up our very own Kahrtalk donation program to help O'Dell replace his losses. For those of you unaware he's been brutally struck twice with residential burglaries, the second time after installing hardened security doors etc. Lost a pile of very very nice guns including more than 1 Kahr.
It seems like the right thing to do to help take care of one of our own. I PM'd a few members and without exception everyone was on board.
To be clear we're gonna send O'Dell money that he can spend anyway he feels is best. I of course cleared the plan with him first to make sure he would accept. He told me he's already looking at gun safes. We of course think he needs a new Kahr also since he's now Kahrless.

Anyhow heres the modified logistics due to my impatience.

We'll open up for donations until March 31st. Then this thread will end so any new people won't think they can continue to send money. Another check mechanism I'll mention later.
I will keep a list of donations and the donors. On or about April Fools, I'll send one total check to O'Dell along with a list of all the names of donors.
I WILL NOT include any dollar amount associated with each donor.
Someone suggested a list of MAJOR donors who's name could be shared but I'll let you guys all decide if you like that or not. I assume MAJOR would be like 100$ or more, or perhaps 50$ or more?
I don't want anyone to feel that their donation isn't significant or not worth sending, many of us aren't exactly flush at the moment, myself included but this is a good thing we're doing.
It's easy, and if alot of us do a little, it will equal alot to our buddy O'Dell who incidently I have never met personally or associated with in anyway. (there is talk of adoption proceedings but thats unofficial right now as he lost everything I hoped to inherit) Reading his post I'm convinced he's a standup good guy.

Before this reaches novel length heres the logistics.

I don't really relish the idea of sharing my name and home address with the entire internet that Dietrich invented. So heres my plan.

If you choose to contribute send me a PM. I will reply with my Name and address. Its really Bawanna but I use an alias for real life. I looked into a PO Box and opening a special bank account but we would lose donor names and lose money that we can send O'Dell.
By PMing me my info isn't out there for anyone other than our members. This also will allow me to turn away donors after the 31st.

I plan to keep the list of names and amounts so that theres no chance of any malfeasonce. I'm from Missouri so you can trust me. Also if for whatever reason the money needs to be returned I have a way of contacting everyone.

I'm frantically trying to remember if I forgot any details here, it's simpler than it sounds really. Feel free to drop in questions or concerns but I want to kick this thing off.

So with all that said lets help out our buddy.

I'll add this info here so when its bumped all will see.
You don't need to PM me now. Just make a post stating you want to contribute or your are in. I will then send YOU a PM with address and information. Little easier this way.


time is getting short guys,m pony up if you can... thanks

03-19-2011, 09:46 AM

03-22-2011, 07:26 AM
Last chance to help. Bawanna are you waiting until the end to go to the bank?

03-22-2011, 09:18 AM
Last chance to help. Bawanna are you waiting until the end to go to the bank?

Yeah, thats my plan unless someone suggest a better one.

03-22-2011, 12:02 PM
Well the end of the month approaches, this is almost the end, so let's finish strong.

03-28-2011, 11:07 AM
It's down to the final week. If you have been planning to donate and haven't so far the clock it ticking down.

We've done very well in our efforts.

I'll fill out a very long deposit slip Friday the 31st or over the weekend and send a check to O'Dell probably on Monday the 4th.

Any checks I receive after that I'll probably try to forward on as well but lets figure on this being over on the 31st.

You guys all totally rock.

03-29-2011, 07:05 AM
Bump. As we approach the end of this, can we get some numbers here, and the big reveal needs a picture to go with it. I would like to see the look on his face, but, know that may not happen.

03-29-2011, 09:16 AM
I'll post the total and all pertinent information when I make the deposit. Suffice it to say for now that I will definitely have to take off both shoes and then some to add it all up.

I sucked at math.

03-29-2011, 11:19 AM
I see that as a good thing. That means lots of it where it's needed.

03-29-2011, 03:21 PM
Suffice it to say for now that I will definitely have to take off both shoes and then some to add it all up. I sucked at math.

I for one sure am glad we got the right guy for the job. :19:

03-29-2011, 03:29 PM
I for one sure am glad we got the right guy for the job. :19:

That's really putting the pressure on me. I hope I don't let ya down.

03-29-2011, 04:01 PM
That's really putting the pressure on me. I hope I don't let ya down.

I'm not worried one bit, I know where your heart is to help a brother out. I'm just hoping that maybe that Canadian Swede Sweetie of yours will help you confirm the count on your fingers and toes:spider:. And I agree that a pic of the pile would be neat to see....just not too high detail so personal info can be seen.

03-29-2011, 04:07 PM
I'm not worried one bit, I know where your heart is to help a brother out. I'm just hoping that maybe that Canadian Swede Sweetie of yours will help you confirm the count on your fingers and toes:spider:.

I'll double count. The Swede used to be a bank manager so she can't be trusted. You know the one for you, one for me counting method.

I actually tried to teach her that back in the day, she never did get it.

As it is the bank will probably try to cheat me when I make the deposit and say my ciphering at right. I'll have to take off my shoes right there in the gosh darn lobby and prove my work. Awkward.

I'm not bad at the plussing stuff it's the take aways that gives me the head pain. Long as I'm doing the plus thing ( a good thing ) I'm ok.
Don't even talk about that dividing stuff, thats for rocket scientist and brain surgeons.

03-29-2011, 04:36 PM
As it is the bank will probably try to cheat me when I make the deposit and say my ciphering at right. I'll have to take off my shoes right there in the gosh darn lobby and prove my work. Awkward.

Awkward, yes - for the tellers!! Make sure you take care of that toe jam the night before, please, for all of our sakes. :photo:

03-29-2011, 05:28 PM
Maybe I can trick her into counting on my toes and give me the opportunity to look down her shirt.:eek::eek:

Ok, OK, that's it. Lines crossed. I'm a bad bad person.:der::rolleyes::confused:

03-29-2011, 06:55 PM
I'd make that offer, but well you know, not cool. Bring one of those new fangled calculators things with you, I hear they make short work of the math part.

03-31-2011, 04:41 PM
Well boys and girls and you too Deitrich. Today is end of the month, end of our O'Dell collection. My wife advises I got one more check in the mail today and I think there's one more enroute.

I'll leave this thread open until next week to post final results, tally's rebuttles etc.

Anything that I've missed or shows up I will of course forward to O'Dell.

For a bunch of boy and girls that don't really even know each other we really came through for a fellow member and cyber friend.

I'd once again like to give credit where credit is due and advise that this was another members idea, I do so hate taking credit for others ideas. That dang Gore didnt' invent the internet!! I did.

Anyhow I want to thank our to remain nameless member and freind for thinking this up and instigating this plan. It's a good thing you thought up here and my hats off to ya.

Final report early next week.

04-03-2011, 05:54 PM
Ok folks, the final tally for our efforts for the last month in O'Dells behalf.

I got me one of them fancy gadget calculators, got more buttons than carter has liver pills. I have no clue what most of em do and I got different answers numerous times. So I just kept trying till I got the same answer 4 or 5 times. Kind of like tallying the votes for our governor the last couple times, and the wrong one won both times.

Anyhow we had 26 donations with a grand total of $1,040.00.

So a check will be headed for Georgia in a few days. In addition thanks to Johnh and his connections with important people at Kahr, a shiney new PM9 as chosen by O'Dell is enroute to a dealer near Mr. O'Dell and should be there in a week or two.
They supplied us with a VIP special good deal so our donation bucks went a little bit further thanks to John's efforts. They've asked not to disclose the VIP Special good price so my lips are sealed. I know but I'll have to kill myself if I tell and I had to know since it's on my credit card for a little bit. I will say it was a good deal.

I had thought about listing all the donors without amounts but a few of them I only know their real name and not screen name. You know who you are and it's a good thing we've accomplished here.

I'll keep the list and even the envelopes which I noted amounts and such on so any questions for the next couple months I'll still have my records.

My hats off to all of you. The member who once again conceived this idea has still not agreed to fess up to his identity so I still got my mouth duct taped. Thanks to him as well for kicking it all off.

04-03-2011, 06:18 PM
This is the way the world is supposed to work.

Friends helping friends when the chips are down.

Hats off to everyone that helped make this happen.


04-03-2011, 06:51 PM
The spark is not gone! This is a good thing. :D

The spark is definitely gone today. I'm staying away from the tops of stairs, banks, ditches etc.

I spend over an hour stuck in the mud in the back yard this afternoon, finally got myself extricated thru great effort on my part.

I apparently gave a wrong answer when I refused to add on to the front deck due to the multitude of other projects needing our funds and attention.
It'll be most quiet for a week or two. Woman phooey. Excepting TD2k and Melissa of course.

I'll be in my room if anyone needs me. Making sawdust.

04-03-2011, 08:33 PM
Ok folks, the final tally for our efforts for the last month in O'Dells behalf.

I got me one of them fancy gadget calculators, got more buttons than carter has liver pills. I have no clue what most of em do and I got different answers numerous times. So I just kept trying till I got the same answer 4 or 5 times. Kind of like tallying the votes for our governor the last couple times, and the wrong one won both times.

Anyhow we had 26 donations with a grand total of $1,040.00.

So a check will be headed for Georgia in a few days. In addition thanks to Johnh and his connections with important people at Kahr, a shiney new PM9 as chosen by O'Dell is enroute to a dealer near Mr. O'Dell and should be there in a week or two.
They supplied us with a VIP special good deal so our donation bucks went a little bit further thanks to John's efforts. They've asked not to disclose the VIP Special good price so my lips are sealed. I know but I'll have to kill myself if I tell and I had to know since it's on my credit card for a little bit. I will say it was a good deal.

I had thought about listing all the donors without amounts but a few of them I only know their real name and not screen name. You know who you are and it's a good thing we've accomplished here.

I'll keep the list and even the envelopes which I noted amounts and such on so any questions for the next couple months I'll still have my records.

My hats off to all of you. The member who once again conceived this idea has still not agreed to fess up to his identity so I still got my mouth duct taped. Thanks to him as well for kicking it all off.

That's great news Bawanna. A tidy sum was collected and O'Dell will get a new Kahr. Nothing more comforting than a well-armed Irishman. Thanks to you Bawanna for all your hard work in making this happen.

04-03-2011, 09:59 PM
Congrats to you, O'Dell - I'm thankful for this bit of good news after the two incidences and I'm thankful that so many people stepped up. Enjoy your PM9, I'm looking forward to hearing how yours runs and hope it's as good as mine has been. And Bawanna, I just want to say thanks to you and to johnh (and everyone) for all you did to help a brother out. You didn't have to, and yet you did - so thank you for that! It's a rarity to find a place like this - I'm just glad I did.

04-03-2011, 10:25 PM
Congrats to you, O'Dell - I'm thankful for this bit of good news after the two incidences and I'm thankful that so many people stepped up. Enjoy your PM9, I'm looking forward to hearing how yours runs and hope it's as good as mine has been. And Bawanna, I just want to say thanks to you and to johnh (and everyone) for all you did to help a brother out. You didn't have to, and yet you did - so thank you for that! It's a rarity to find a place like this - I'm just glad I did.

We do have a pretty ******* jack group of folks here. It's a great place. I'm sure glad you found us also Mikey, your aces in my book, you truely are.

It was a relatively brand new member that kicked this off, I basically just dealt with logistics, johnh of course has friends in high places so he gets total credit for hooking us up with the PM9.
Kahr folks of course did the VIP thing right up to tell me what you want. O'Dell didn't like extended mags so they put all flush mags and no extended (maybe the way they all should be?) and I even added extra. Special orders don't upset em when your VIP.
Thanks Kahr, Johnh, the whole group, you all rock.

04-04-2011, 02:00 AM
Nice job Bawanna and a big kudo to the fella who thought of this. I know who u are and my hat is off to you. This forum just rocks. O'dell now just shoot it like you stole it...

04-04-2011, 08:19 AM

04-04-2011, 05:57 PM
Nice job, Bawanna! Thank you!

Congrats, O'Dell. Keep it in your pocket or on your belt so they don't get this one!! Mayhaps you might get a shot at them thieves with it! :31: LOL

04-04-2011, 06:07 PM
Wow! over $1000 raised for O'Dell....That's amazing and great :D what an awesome forum.

Nice choice with the PM9 also....Tell O'Dell to keep it him so this one doesn't get robbed ;)

04-04-2011, 06:11 PM
O'Dell, I hope you'll show us some pictures of your new gun when you get it. We can never get enough of Kahr porn.

04-05-2011, 02:56 PM
Ok final report. I just now got back from the bank. Deposited all your checks. I got one more last night from Florida, don't know the screen name but I'm sure you know who you are. It made it under the wire and got in with the deposit.

Final number 1,060 bucks. In all the commotion I forgot my own meager offering and with last nights added donation, that's about where we'll end up at.

I'll get a check headed for Georgia tomorrow. I forgot to bring a stamp with me and the address.

ok bye

04-05-2011, 06:01 PM
Very good. Thanks to you and your wife for all of the good work.


04-05-2011, 08:25 PM
You're a good man Charlie Bawanna!

04-05-2011, 09:04 PM
Well done guys,.... WELL DONE!

04-29-2011, 10:06 AM
Wow had to go to page 5 of the archives to retrieve this thread.

I got a call at home last night, a recorded message. Being deaf I of course couldn't call back but just sent an email to sales trying to get an email address for Heather. This morning first thing there was an email from another Kahr sales person, can't recall his name but I got it saved. He said he forwarded my dilemma to Heather and if she didn't respond to let him know.
She sent an email promptly and we got it all sorted out.

It seems O'Dell's Kahr is at his dealer but the dealer is wondering why a gun for a guy in Washington is at his store in Georgia. Heather was trying to determine what went wrong. Turns out they did everything right, the dealer apparently forgot or multiple people involved didn't realize the deal.

Anyhow I sent a PM to O'Dell and wanted to send a email but danged if I can find that address, still looking.

So O'Dell your baby is waiting, give em a call and you should be able to pick it up. Hope they didn't send it back.

Once again, thanks everybody, well done.

04-29-2011, 12:09 PM
Wow had to go to page 5 of the archives to retrieve this thread.

I got a call at home last night, a recorded message. Being deaf I of course couldn't call back but just sent an email to sales trying to get an email address for Heather. This morning first thing there was an email from another Kahr sales person, can't recall his name but I got it saved. He said he forwarded my dilemma to Heather and if she didn't respond to let him know.
She sent an email promptly and we got it all sorted out.

It seems O'Dell's Kahr is at his dealer but the dealer is wondering why a gun for a guy in Washington is at his store in Georgia. Heather was trying to determine what went wrong. Turns out they did everything right, the dealer apparently forgot or multiple people involved didn't realize the deal.

Anyhow I sent a PM to O'Dell and wanted to send a email but danged if I can find that address, still looking.

So O'Dell your baby is waiting, give em a call and you should be able to pick it up. Hope they didn't send it back.

Once again, thanks everybody, well done.

Hey Bawanna. It's all worked out. I pick up the PM9 this afternoon. I sent you a PM and E-Mail

