View Full Version : New old one, 1911A1

02-24-2011, 06:52 PM
Just acquired a 70 series Colt gold cup. Having extraction problems. No feeding problems. Fails to eject fired round 40% time with +p, and HP loads. in alot of different mags. Factory 230 FMJ No malfunctions!!!
Any advise?
BTW shoots ragged hole at 50 foot, 25 rounds.

02-24-2011, 07:02 PM
I ain't saying nuthin till I see a picture!

A series 70 Gold Cup! My drool cup just ranneth over. You've acquired a real POS. Before the rest of these vultures jump in, send it to me. I live for junk.

On a rare serious note, I think those are built to be FMJ machines. While they may handle plus P stuff in my hands it would not see any. It may need a little throating and polishing to handle them HP's.

I'm sure there are others here more expert on that part as that isn't my forte like I have a forte at anything. Hopefully they will be able to help me make it feed HP's when it gets here.

Thanks, I really dig Gold Cups but never been priveleged to own one. This will be my first.

02-25-2011, 01:35 AM
One thing with used target style 1911s is that they could be sprung light for target loads. I'd advise some new recoil springs so that there's no doubt about how it is sprung (especially if going the +p route).
In regards to the failures to eject, pull the extractor and make sure that it and the tunnel are clean. Reassemble the slide, then check (and adjust if needed) the extractor tension as outlined here: http://www.m1911.org/technic2.htm

02-25-2011, 05:18 PM
REPORT--Shot some more after a thorough cleaning. No malfunctions with WWB 230FMJ . 3 failed to eject with 230 RN lead, 3.5 gr Bullseye.
Measured case length. Reloads a thousand of an inch longer, both 185+P, 230Lead. came back and re-cleaned-- also, stripped slide and replaced extractor. Claw on old one showed wear. Will try it out again. Remember reading some were that extractors NEEDED to be custom fitted and not just installed. Anybody got experience?
Bawana--hope picture gets through just a quickie with cell canmera, don't look at the messy bench!

02-25-2011, 05:24 PM
All I got to say is that beauty would still look alot better at my house than yours. Those just make my day.

A messy bench is a sure sign of busy hands. Messy should also not be confused with organized. My bench often is very messy but I know where everything is at and waste little time looking for it.

Do spend too much time on the floor looking for springs, small screws and pins which I usually find in my shoe or clothing or 2"s from where it flew from, bounced off the ceiling and 3 walls and returned to its original location. Amazing but true.

Thats a sweet heart. I'm envious. I gotta break out the good book. Is it a sin to covet thy neighbors gun? Probably should be if it ain't.

02-25-2011, 05:28 PM
Tks Bawana, nice thing is that it shoots a ten shot funny shaped hole at 50 foot. Thats the beautiful part. Better than Wilson CQB!!!!

02-27-2011, 01:51 AM
very nice pistola

02-28-2011, 10:37 PM
Range report-- Still shoots excellent. New extractor fixed problem! Contrary to what I had read, I installed the new, (removed cosmolene), without any honing or fitting. Seamed to fit correct and proved to be right. Now onto sight adjustment.

02-28-2011, 11:02 PM
Range report-- Still shoots excellent. New extractor fixed problem! Contrary to what I had read, I installed the new, (removed cosmolene), without any honing or fitting. Seamed to fit correct and proved to be right. Now onto sight adjustment.

Guess this means it isn't junk anymore and it ain't headed for my house huh?


03-01-2011, 03:51 PM