View Full Version : My New Toy

02-25-2011, 10:12 PM
It's not a Kahr, but it's gonna be fun, just the same.
I bought a new Ruger 10-22 last week, and then ordered a conversion kit to transpose it to a tactical type, ( yeah, I know it's only a .22), but, what the heck. Here's some pics of the transformation. It will at the range this week-end.

02-25-2011, 10:20 PM
Sweet, like the collapsible stock.

02-26-2011, 12:41 AM
hey bawanna have you shot your 17hmr yet???

02-26-2011, 01:41 AM
hey bawanna have you shot your 17hmr yet???

Yup I did. Last saturday I christened it. The scope (a cheap Tasco) wouldn't zero, not enough windage so I put an old Weaver 2 1/2 I had laying around to try next time.
I only had 50 rounds of Federal stuff but it worked real fine, fits me well and was as accurate as I'll ever be.
It deserves a better scope really. Pondering the BSA Sweet 17 that apparently is made for them but it's kind of big and bulky looking.
Guess I'll wait and see how the Weaver works.

02-26-2011, 01:44 AM
It's not a Kahr, but it's gonna be fun, just the same.
I bought a new Ruger 10-22 last week, and then ordered a conversion kit to transpose it to a tactical type, ( yeah, I know it's only a .22), but, what the heck. Here's some pics of the transformation. It will at the range this week-end.

You might as well fess up and tell us who made this conversion stuff. I see you retained the factory tapered barrel and didn't switch to 920.

Don't recall seeing a stock for the 10/22 with the collapsible stock. Be really nice to be able to shorten up for kids and smaller statured angels and stuff.

02-26-2011, 06:52 AM
The 10-22 is almost a "must have". I have the non-tactacle poly stock one I bought used. Had a scope on it for awhile but took it off so it can be our pest gun around the house. We see more armidillos after dark around here.

02-26-2011, 07:32 AM
Looks very nice with the conversion, I love those 10/22s it is a excellent little gun.

02-26-2011, 11:45 PM
You might as well fess up and tell us who made this conversion stuff. I see you retained the factory tapered barrel and didn't switch to 920.

Don't recall seeing a stock for the 10/22 with the collapsible stock. Be really nice to be able to shorten up for kids and smaller statured angels and stuff.

It's from a company named "Advanced Technology International" http://atigunstocks.com . The stock is one piece with picatinny rails to attach included, as well as cheek rest on the buttstock. I opted for the non-folding stock, but it is the telescoping type.Would be just right for young shooters.
This is a hard plastic stock. I'm sure there are higher quality types out there, as with everything else, but it seems to be very well made. It fit perfectly, very easy to install, even I could do it. Probably go to range tomorrow.

02-27-2011, 12:03 AM
nice. i picked up a 10/22 for $199, upgraded the guts a little and then did the archangel kit. what a fun shooter. hope you enjoy it as much as i have mine. im keeping en eye open for another do do another build with a bullpup stock.

02-27-2011, 09:17 AM
I put a Choate stock and a Williams peep sight on mine. It is a fun gun to shoot.

02-27-2011, 09:59 AM
I'm picking mne up at the end of the week. I never owned a 22 rifle before.
Myself and a couple of friends of mine are getting them to do some plinking with. What better way than a 10/22. They have so many aftermarkets parts for those things this should be real fun to see how some of these turn out in the end.:33:

02-27-2011, 10:27 AM
I remember when they first came out some 30+ years ago. $99 was msrp. We sold hundreds of them over the years, never ha done issues with any of them, no recalls or nuttin..

02-27-2011, 11:26 AM
It started life as a SR-22 instead of a 10-22, but it's basically a 10-22. It's more fun than any .22 rifle should be. Tactial .22's are so much fun. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I have mine.


Link to full size image (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v391/BDSBruce/Wireless/IMG_2955-1.jpg)

02-27-2011, 09:26 PM
It deserves a better scope really. Pondering the BSA Sweet 17 that apparently is made for them but it's kind of big and bulky looking.

I have a BSA Sweet 17 on my Savage 93 and like it a lot.:laser:
I'll try and get a photo of the rig up tomorrow so you can see if you like the look. In the meantime, here's a shot of a Sweet 22 on my Winchester Wildcat Target/Varmint (about the same size as the Savage):

02-27-2011, 09:45 PM
I have a BSA Sweet 17 on my Savage 93 and like it a lot.:laser:
I'll try and get a photo of the rig up tomorrow so you can see if you like the look. In the meantime, here's a shot of a Sweet 22 on my Winchester Wildcat Target/Varmint (about the same size as the Savage):

Thats a nice looking rifle right there. The only thing I was concerned with is the scope required such high bases to clear the adjectives. It might not be as bad as it looks like it would be.

I had the Tasco on there that had real high bases to clear and couldn't come close to any kind of cheek weld. If the scopes good enough I might have to build up the stock to fit it. They seem to be very reasonably priced. I have a hard time parting with cash for glass. I know they are worth it but some good scopes are as much as the rifle.
Like the African guide who could always tell an American hunter, 3,000 dollar rifle, 75 dollar scope.

02-27-2011, 10:29 PM
Thats a nice looking rifle right there. The only thing I was concerned with is the scope required such high bases to clear the adjectives. It might not be as bad as it looks like it would be.

I had the Tasco on there that had real high bases to clear and couldn't come close to any kind of cheek weld. If the scopes good enough I might have to build up the stock to fit it. They seem to be very reasonably priced. I have a hard time parting with cash for glass. I know they are worth it but some good scopes are as much as the rifle.
Like the African guide who could always tell an American hunter, 3,000 dollar rifle, 75 dollar scope.
I thought the bases/rings I bought for the Wildcat might have been too high becuase I have lower rings on my Savage, but they work fine for me. Heck, here's a crappy photo I just took of the Savage:

02-28-2011, 07:53 AM
I love my 10/22. I was thinking about putting the archangel target stock on, and some decent glass (the tasco I had on it wouldn't hold a zero), but that would cost more than I paid for the rifle. I wish I could find a front end sling swivel, and a way to put one in the polymer stock, I like the way it shoots. At 50 yds from the bench I have shot clear thumbtacks, on white paper. Great gun game that one. It has also felled many a tree rat and bunny. I even got a coyote with it once.
GB, have you had work done on that Savage? I see a Nagant looking magazine well, and always thought Savage used a box magazine.

02-28-2011, 03:33 PM
GB, have you had work done on that Savage? I see a Nagant looking magazine well, and always thought Savage used a box magazine.
My apologies, the rifle with a Nagant looking magazine well is a Winchester Wildcat Target/Varmint rifle. but surprise, surprise, it is Russian being a re-stocked, re-badged TOZ-78. The thumb hole stocked rifle in a following post is a Savage 93R17.

02-28-2011, 03:44 PM
I like the way the scope sets on that Savage, its about as low as you can get it and still have any clearance. Looks good.

I saw the floorplate on that Winchester but didn't make a connection. Good eye Jlott. Thats a fine looking rifle.

I'm gonna see how my ole Weaver acts and then go from there.

Been having my usual car (not Kahr) luck today. Seems like they all have an issued today. Money flying out the door like no tomorrow.
Might have to get a buggy to hook up to the horses for transportation.

02-28-2011, 11:03 PM
I love my 10/22. I was thinking about putting the archangel target stock on, and some decent glass (the tasco I had on it wouldn't hold a zero), but that would cost more than I paid for the rifle. I wish I could find a front end sling swivel, and a way to put one in the polymer stock, I like the way it shoots. At 50 yds from the bench I have showish I could find a front end sling swivel, and a way to put one in the t clear thumbtacks, on white paper. Great gun game that one. It has also felled many a tree rat and bunny. I even got a coyote with it once.
GB, have you had work done on that Savage? I see a Nagant looking magazine well, and always thought Savage used a box magazine.

the ATI conversion stock I used had two swivels already installed on buttstock, and on top just behind the scope, with a third option on one section of picatinny rail. I put that one on today.

03-01-2011, 06:59 AM
Did that effect the way that rifle shoots?

03-02-2011, 06:41 PM
Here's the final conversion. Added bi-pod, and muzzle brake. My son bought a couple of 25 rd mags for me. I went to the range a couple of days ago, but not much success. I still don't have the scope zeroed. The day I went, it was windy as heck, and about 34 deg, without the wind. After about 30 min's, I finally said, it's too damn cold, I can't feel my fingers!
Hell, I'm retired, I can come out here any day I want, so I left. I'll go back in a day or two. Anyway, I'm done with additions,....for now. ;)

03-02-2011, 07:44 PM
Here's a the 10/22 I did up a few weeks ago with a Choate stock and Tech-Sights to match my AO M1 Carbine....and hell yes it is fun :D



03-05-2011, 09:43 AM
Why the orange tip on the M1? If the intention is to make that look like a toy, then that is a Federal crime. Just curious.