View Full Version : Finished my pocket holster

02-26-2011, 10:33 PM
Last week I picked up some kydex at a local industrial supply house. It was very inexpensive. For a three 8.5"x11" sheets I paid $8 and some change. I started my first project with it last night. I needed a pocket holster for my P3at. I wanted something that would guard the trigger, have good retention yet be easy to remove if needed. I wanted something that would work IWB or in a pocket. I also wanted the holster to be something that, once installed would stay put if I tossed the gun in my gym bag or computer bag. This is what I came up with.

The gun snaps in to the holster. It is form fit to the gun and literally clamps around it with the tension of the kydex flexing to allow the gun to snap in and out. The hook serves two purposes. One, when I draw the gun from my pocket in a rearward movement it catches on the pocket and the the gun comes out while the holster stays in the pocket. Secondly, When in the open, I can hold the holster in my left hand with my index finger under the hook and draw the gun with my right.

The holster is open on the underside of the gun. When snapping the gun in or out the gap you see opens up a bit then closes back.

Retention is excellent. I can hang the gun from the hook and bounce it without it falling out.

I wore the holster around today in the pocket of my shorts. I tried it loose and with the clip. I prefer it loose and the shape of the holster kept the gun upright in my pocket. I also switched over to IWB with it for a while and it was perfect for the task. I'll try it in my back pocket as well on Monday.

All-in-all it took me about 45 minutes to make while I was watching TV with the fam.

02-26-2011, 10:42 PM

02-27-2011, 07:12 AM
Looks great! Can you give details on how you made it?

02-27-2011, 07:57 AM
To make the holster I cut a rectangle of the kydex and placed it in the oven on 350 for about 7 minutes. While it was in there I got an oven mitt and some towels ready. When I removed it from the oven I immediately laid it flat on a towel. I took the gun and laid on the kydex and folded the kydex over. It was very soft and easy to work with at this point. I picked it up in an oven mitt and began forming it to the gun. You only have about 45 seconds to really mold it before it starts to harden. I used the gas burner on the stove to reapply heat at various points that needed shaping. Once I was satisfied with the mold I took some tin-snips and rouglhy trimmed out the shape I wanted. Then I used a azor blade to dial it in a bit. Once the basic shape was formed I took my drmel tool with a medium stone and did the finish work.

02-27-2011, 08:18 AM
super nice Frank. your avitar photo doesn't do u justice???

02-27-2011, 12:10 PM
That's impressive!!!!

02-27-2011, 01:11 PM
Nice job on the pocket holster!

02-27-2011, 08:34 PM
Nicely done Frank:)

03-04-2011, 07:35 PM
You've inspired me. Kydex order placed...

03-04-2011, 09:08 PM
Here's my latest one. I like it better it is minimalistic. It has a hole drilled in the front that I have a looped piece of paracord tied through. I loop that around my belt and put the gun/holster in my pocket. When I draw the gun the paracord pulls the holster off.

This one snaps in and will stay put in my gym bag. I can also twist it off with my thumb on the back of the "holster".


03-16-2011, 08:56 AM
Nice work there. I would like to make one for my P380. Does anyone think the heat from the kydex does any harm to the frame?

03-16-2011, 11:19 AM
Nice work there. I would like to make one for my P380. Does anyone think the heat from the kydex does any harm to the frame?

The kydex is losing heat very rapidly once removed from the oven. I doubt that it will affect the frame.

Use caution if you apply additional heat to form the kydex; remove the pistol first.