View Full Version : The CM9 is official!!!

03-06-2011, 06:33 PM
I just happened to go to Kahr.com, and it's right there on the front page. MSRP $565. Shipping 3/21/11. I am going to my LGS tomorrow to try and order one! Sorry if this is old news, but I didn't see anybody else w/this.

03-06-2011, 06:39 PM
All we've heard so far are rumors. You make it official. I'm glad they are on track and ready to start shipping when they said they would.
There's a lot of guys waiting to take one of these babies home.

They have waited long enough.

You guys on the east coast usually get this new stuff before we do on the west coast but sometimes we're not too far behind.

03-06-2011, 07:32 PM
You guys on the east coast usually get this new stuff before we do on the west coast but sometimes we're not too far behind.

Of course they do Bawanna! It gets light earlier on the east coast. Geeeeesh!

03-06-2011, 07:38 PM
Yeah, what was I thinking. The east coasters light the sun and we put it out.

03-06-2011, 09:41 PM
Best part is the .pdf says "CM-Series", so it sort of sounds like there may be other calibers (soon I hope).

Waiting to see Range Reports on this forum!


03-06-2011, 10:05 PM
Best part is the .pdf says "CM-Series"

Amen to that!! My guess would be that a CM45 will be in my future if made.

03-06-2011, 10:07 PM
I'm hoping for the 45 version next. Would it seem gluttonous to want a CM45 when I already have a PM45, course I really want a K45 or possibly an MK45.
Wait and see I guess.

03-07-2011, 04:03 AM
Of course they do Bawanna! It gets light earlier on the east coast. Geeeeesh!
Not only that....but I could throw a rock and hit the Kahr factory from here in CT ;)

03-07-2011, 06:21 AM
I'm onboard for a CM40, and CM45, as well as my much drooled over K40, maybe an MK40, and of course my much dreamed about K45, and even an MK45. Crap, need to rob a drug dealer to bankroll this wish list.

03-07-2011, 06:41 AM
Just don' thold your breath on ever seeing a K45. You will see in time the cm40 and 45 and I would think in that order even . Maybe one at a time and maybe by next shot show. They are gonna crank those cm9 out like ping pong balls if they can..

03-07-2011, 09:13 AM
Ok Bawanna since you have connections with the SHOT show and can even get Mrs. Moon to autograph to you, why don't you take it upon yourself to drop a hint for all of us. At least get them to do a market viability study. The rest of us can start bombing e-mail boxes at Kahr. We will get what we want.

03-07-2011, 09:25 AM
Wow! Sounds like your ready to start a gosh darn revolution!

Maybe we should set up a picket line all around kahrs factory and stay there till we get what we want...........................

You know I'll do just what you ask as soon as its possible. Never know, might get our wish too. You work on the rest of that wish list of yours so you'll be all ready for the first K or MK 45 that comes off the line.

03-07-2011, 09:28 AM
I've got to get a money order for this other right now, then I think I'm just going to start looking for a K40 at a decent price when I get paid next month (yes I only get paid once a month). Then I'll play with some other stuff until we get our beloved 45's. Maybe a road trip is in order, gotta figure out who needs a wedgie so we can get these.

03-07-2011, 10:28 AM
Wonder who will be the first person on kahrtalk to get a CM9 (and when)? I look forward to the write-up. Won't be me - two obstacles: 1) my wife fell & badly injured herself & can't work at the moment so can't afford it right now and 2) there is this little matter of a Marlyand "approved" handgun list - will take months for the state to get it approved & on that list. Maybe by the time I can afford this & can legally get it the prices will have dropped too. But eventually, I will add this to my collection.

03-07-2011, 10:36 AM
While it's always cool to be the very first kid on the block with the newest toy it's sometimes not a bad thing to sit back and see how things pan out. Sometimes it takes a bit to get all the bugs worked out.
Course you never get a second chance to be the very first kid on the block either. I'd sure like to just once be the very first kid on the block. I buy one right now if I knew for sure I was first but there are several here with orders already placed.

Give our best to your missus, hope she heals up quick and gets all better soon.

03-07-2011, 10:38 AM
don't think ur gonna rush kahr to get a cm40 or 45 out, I just think it is i the pipline of thing sto be done butit takes time and "money" and possably more equipment to get one new product on line. It will come I have no doubt about that but I would bety a dollar to a donut that the next one out will be the cm40, before the cm45, or maybe even a cm380.

In the mean time u better just go out and buy that K40. That will ease the pain of waiting..

03-07-2011, 10:46 AM
I plan to, thing I want to see also is a steel 45, that might even make a convert out of you there jocko. Those would have to be some sweet shooting pistols. The CM 40/45 can wait.

03-07-2011, 11:06 AM
I think u know way down deep that there will never be a K45 coming out of kahrs doors.

Whether you "steel" guys like it our not it is all about polymer guns today, small, light, less money. Sorry to say it just ain't gonna happen.

CONVERT, ain't that where nuns live???

when they make a PM 45 the size of ther rohrbaugh, then I will be a "convert". I feel pretty safe making that statement.

03-07-2011, 11:37 AM
You should see the Semmerling LM-4, it actually is that size. Go to the thread about comparisons and look at the 9mmvs45, one of the charts is a Semmerling against the Rohrbaugh. Then do some google fu, and find that American Derringer Corp. is making a version of that very gun. Last time I checked, the originals have a trigger that is better than Kahr's and if ADC's are as good then there you go, nevermind the $2000 price tag.
There could very well be a steel 45 coming out of Kahr, we just have to apply enough pressure to get them to see that it would be worth while.

03-07-2011, 11:49 AM
Ok,k I just seen it, wow that is so butt ugly,. To heavy also, and at 2K I will pass anyhow, wow, can't believe how butt ugly it is...

03-07-2011, 12:00 PM
Funny thing is, it's not a semi-auto. You manually flip a release and slide the slide forward to chamber another round. With a little practice, you can get off 5 well aimed shots in about 5 seconds. They used to be all the rage for ultra deep cover spooks and such needing a way to quickly end a fight. Production costs for the originals was astronomical, but they were magna-fluxed and x-rayed prior to machining, and again afterwards. Neat weapon though.

03-07-2011, 03:21 PM
I'd rather pay a little extra for the better barrel on the real deal. Accuracy is worth the cost to me...

03-07-2011, 04:41 PM
standard rifling or poygonal , accuracy will be the same .. Polygonal rifling does increase velocity . Both barrels are excellent IMO