View Full Version : Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel 9mm +P

03-07-2011, 10:21 AM
These ballistic tables seem to imply a difference between 9mm Short Barrel and 124gr 9mm +P . Scroll down for the short barrel tables. They have different part #'s.


I'm not convinced there is a difference. Interestingly, the 9mm Short Barrel has identical ballistics (3.5" barrel) to the standard 9mm 124gr (4" barrel). One might expect decreased speed and energy out of a shorter barrel. But identical? Hmmm.

To simplify my personal defense ammo inventory, I might use Gold Dot 9mm +P Short Barrel in both my PM9 (3" barrel) and my Glock 19 (4" barrel). I'm inclined to infer from the ballistics tables that the Short Barrel 9mm +P may be the same round as the standard 124gr 9mm +P, ... just slower out of a shorter barrel .... I suppose it's possible that the bullet is designed to open @ a slower speed, ... but, I doubt it. More likely,Speer is simply calling their 9mm +P round their Short barrel round recommendation. Thoughts anyone ... ? :confused: :)

03-07-2011, 10:25 AM
I've heard that it is bullet construction that is the difference, as you say designed to open or expand a little easier at slightly lower speed.

But I have absolutely nothing to back up this rumor.

Seems like it would be a logistics nightmare to process all these different bullets which no doubt look very much alike to the uninformed eye but I guess the bullet makers are pretty on top of this sort of thing.

03-07-2011, 10:35 AM
I don't know. I have some Speer GDs 124 standard HP, and some 124 +P short barrel Speer GDs. I don't recall too much recoil with the +P Gold Dots as compared to a +P pow'r ball 100 grain that really kicks. I am carrying the 124 standard pressure. I took out the +P. After watching some youtube videos, I think the +P could over penetrate at close distances.

03-07-2011, 10:59 AM
i EVEN READ WHERE THE SPEER SHORT BARRELED round was a powder changte to burn quicker and to help eliminate some of the muzzle flash. Hell who khows, if it goes bang and u like the round, forget about allthe hyupe stuff, for IMO most of it is just that HYPE.

03-07-2011, 11:12 AM
How long is the barrel you're shooting using std pressure ?

I was using std 115gr (faster for the short barrel) in the 3" Pm9 and std 124gr in the 4" G19, ... 2 rounds to stock :( Then I spyed this Short Barrel stuff for the 3", ... made sense, brought it up to the std 124gr 4" numbers exactly, but I still had to stock 2 different rounds.:( Sooooo, now I'm wonderin',:confused: ... why not just use the short barrel stuff in both? :roll:

03-07-2011, 11:14 AM
jocko, what goes bang in your PM9? Would ya recommend it?

03-07-2011, 11:28 AM
any damn round I have ever put in my PM9 has went bang, so for defense stuff, I just don't have a favorite. I shoot gold dot 124 +P, corbon 125+ HP, corbon 115 dpx, corbon 110 powerball +P, all shoot perfect. Presently I have on the shelf all of the above to. I try (have not this winter thougth) to shoot out my defense magazine about every other month and start with new stuff. Right now Ihave the power ball in it. it shoots great, feeds perfect, but that being said if I had to pick one round only it probably would be the gold dot 124+P. It seems to get the most attention from shooters,so to me there is some merits in that round. But there i sjust to to many good defense rounds out there to insist on what I say as being "gospel" to. RELIABILITY has to be #1. and that is GOSPEL..

Kahrs are not ammo sensitive...

03-07-2011, 12:12 PM
The 147gr stuff should give ya better penetration. They sport a little less energy, but make up for it with deeper penetration. YMMV

03-07-2011, 01:34 PM
I guess, in the end , that most self defense rounds produced by reliable manufacturers are pretty good, provided they feed well, ... discussions beyond that, may be just personal preference or splittin' hairs! :-) I have emailed Speers, since they have that option on their site, and inquired about the Short Barrel 9mm +P vs. regular 124gr 9mm +P deal ... I'll post results when and if I get em:D Cheers!

03-07-2011, 02:30 PM
Just heard back from Speers. They said that either one (Part#23611 or 23617) would work and are recommended for both the PM9 & the G19. The stated speer differentiation point for Short Barrel is 4", ergo both meet short barrel criteria.

I asked a follow up question:

Would it be accurate to say 23611 is identical to 23617, except for the ballistics listed, which are for a shorter barrel?

The response should be interesting, ... again I'll post when and if ... :D

03-07-2011, 02:36 PM
I tried the short barrel ammo, when it first came out, in my HK P2000sk. I found I didn't like it as much as my usual carry ammo. The recoil seemed harsher. It probably does what it's intended to do, but I shoot other ammo better.

03-07-2011, 02:56 PM
I've used all of the GDHP in 2 PM9s, 1 K9, and 2 SIG P229s. I can't tell any significant difference in the recoil or blast from any of them. I use 124gr +P because it's the easiest for me to find at a reasonable price and I have a large stock of it. I've shot a little of the 115 gr GDHP and found it to be extremely accurate. I usually do not carry or shoot the 147gr in any brand.In all my guns the GDHP has had a slight accuracy edge over Corbon DPX (and it's got a significant price edge over the DPX.) I have not tried the 115gr +P+ LE round which isn't even in the ballistic tables. I don't shoot +P+ in any of my guns. I think it just boils down to shoot what you like and can get. Splitting too many hairs for me.

03-07-2011, 07:14 PM
Speer Technical replied to my inquiry about Short Barrel vs. 9mm +P stating that "there is a very fine line between these products" ... they'll both work well in 3-4" barrels.:cool:

My LGS sells the Short Barrel 9mm +P for $22.99/box, ... the other area gun stores only stock std 124gr 9mm for $29.99 .... guess what my self defense load is! :D :)

03-07-2011, 07:38 PM
Ammo to go currently has the 124gr +P at $24.95 a box of 50. No tax but you gotta add shipping.

03-07-2011, 07:54 PM
Speer Technical replied to my inquiry about Short Barrel vs. 9mm +P stating that "there is a very fine line between these products" ... they'll both work well in 3-4" barrels.:cool:

Perfect answer, just about as much information as I thought they'd give you in response to your message. Basically say there is a difference (so you'll buy both to try) and not tell you in any way what the difference is (so you'll buy both to try). Someone over at Speer Technical has been reading their business textbooks lately.

Internet Blohard
03-07-2011, 09:22 PM
Thanks for taking the time to make the inquiries.....the factory response will help me make my own determination.

03-08-2011, 04:21 AM
yup great answer back from the speer people. Now if one can only figure out what the hell the meant by it.

If one was really that interested buy both types and mix a few in with each other to see if you can feel, or see any difference. My bet is tha tyou willnot. an over hyped round IMO, both are good,

03-08-2011, 11:00 AM
The Short Barrel version is about $1 a bullet by the 20-round box, though, and the regular +P can be had for about $26, but 50-round box. I went with the SB, anyhow. There a lot of variables for powder burn rate and barrel length. Hopefully, the SB allows more powder to be burned and pushes the bullet faster with less flash... powder burned outside the barrel, which is the whole idea... less blinding flash and adequate velocity for the bullet to perform as designed.
