View Full Version : Question on Slide CW40

03-08-2011, 09:10 PM
When I pull the trigger on my cw40 on a unloaded chamber and a un cocked striker the right rear corner of the slide lifts slightly and causes the whole slide to move. It more or less rocks back and forth when the pressure is applied and released on the trigger.

Has anyone else had this problem, or is it even a problem. I just dont like for the slide to rise up unevenly like that.

mr surveyor
03-08-2011, 09:38 PM
It sounds like it may be some issue with the striker block, as you describe the left side of the slide lifting. I dry fire my CW9 alot, and if that were "normal" I would have noticed.

If you are experienced at detail stripping a handgun, there are instructions on detail stripping the Kahr slide here on the forum. You may take a look at that striker block assembly and make sure there's no foreign material in the works.

Otherwise, call Kahr CS for a qualified opinion.... might be a good idea.


ooopppsss.... I re-read your post again, and you said "right rear" of the slide lifts. Still might want to try the detail strip and examine for gunk, and/or call CS

03-08-2011, 09:46 PM
Yes it is the right rear corner of the slide as you look down the sights. After the striker fires, if you pull the trigger to the rear the right rear corner of the slide lifts up. The left corner of the slide does not rise up at all. It is almost like the right side of the frame has bigger tolerances and allows the slide to rise up. I have sent an email to Kahr and will follow up with a phone call tomorrow.


03-09-2011, 05:08 AM
nothing wrong with the gun, get used to it, kany do it and they all shoot super great. Possably with more rounds down range it will settle down alittle but don't depend on it.

On an unloaded chamber it is magnified far more than when loaded, as then the magazine with the rounds in it are actually pushing up on the interface bar on the bottom of the slide and this goes away, so just shoot it like you stole it. What a gun does unloaded and what a gun does loaded can be two different things.

mr surveyor
03-09-2011, 09:04 AM
where is the force applied to the slide to cause it to move "upward", at what point on the slide is this force applied?

I've never noticed my CW9 showing any unusual sign of slide movement while dryfiring (I rarely use snap caps)

03-09-2011, 01:11 PM
where is the force applied to the slide to cause it to move "upward", at what point on the slide is this force applied?

I've never noticed my CW9 showing any unusual sign of slide movement while dryfiring (I rarely use snap caps)

loaded magazine. the top round is beng pushed up by the magazine follower/and mag spring... and that round is now riding on the bottom of the slide bar (interface bar). That will apply upward pressure to take that downward movement that you are seeing with an empty magazine out of the gun.

mr surveyor
03-09-2011, 01:28 PM
I understand the fact that a loaded magazine puts pressure on the interface. What I was trying to figure out from the original post was pulling the trigger on "an empty chamber", and in my mind an empty magazine (or no magazine) as well, AND seeing a vertical movement of the slide.

We may not be discussing the same conditions, and I should probably not be offering advice anyway since I apparantly don't know what I'm talking about.

03-09-2011, 01:32 PM
here is my take on that. With no magazine or empty magazine when pulling the trigger you are now pulling back on the cocking cam which is pulling back on the striker,being it is at the back of the slide and nothing is offsetting this pulling effect, the slide will move. When a magazine is loaded with a round under the slide/interface bar,this slack is now taken up and any rearward travel of the striker via the cocking cam will have no effect on vertical movement.

03-09-2011, 02:02 PM
both of u guys add alot to this forum. questions are good IMO,it is when we get so many different answers that things start to go south..

I have been corrected many times on this forum, Ilearn every day, NNormaly when you stop learning, u you have just DIED.

03-09-2011, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the answers. I just tried putting a loaded magazine in the pistol, and sure enough the movement went away.

I have not owned the CW40 that long and it surprised me that the slide could move up that much. I own other brands of auto pistols and had just never seen that before.


mr surveyor
03-09-2011, 08:18 PM
my mistake was assuming you saw excessive movement and an unnatural feel that might have been a warning to a potential problem. But, then again, nothing was mentioned about "feeling" anything abnormal. "Movement" is a relative term.... I'll be more cautious in offering a diagnosis to a non-problem in the future.

03-09-2011, 08:55 PM
my mistake was assuming you saw excessive movement and an unnatural feel that might have been a warning to a potential problem. But, then again, nothing was mentioned about "feeling" anything abnormal. "Movement" is a relative term.... I'll be more cautious in offering a diagnosis to a non-problem in the future.

FWIW thats the way I was reading it too. Had me perplexed. Course with me that's pretty easy to do.

03-10-2011, 11:42 AM
+1 Jocko...My CW9 is the same way, and Jocko hit it on the head, it is only with a empty mag well that the action of the cocking cam pushing back on the striker causes the play in the rails to show this movement...When I first noticed this it looked like the front sight was diving down when I dry fired it. But when I got to checking out why, I found that it is only like that with no mag in the gun, Since I don't shoot it without a mag in I didn't worry about it, But it is reassuring to hear that other people's are the same.