View Full Version : PM 9 Springs

03-10-2011, 08:22 AM
I just bought a used pm9 and love the little thing. I have cleaned and oiled it as instructed by this site then ran 100rounds down range.The gun was not reliable. The gun has some wear so its been shot I can assume its got 200 down the pipe. My question is how do you know when its time to replace the spring? When I replace the spring should I get a factory or Wolf or some other manufacture?

03-10-2011, 09:26 AM
Not trying to be a smart-ass, honest: can you define not reliable? What happened?

03-10-2011, 10:27 AM
What bigmac said. Also Kahr uses Wolfe springs when they build the guns so it makes little difference who you get the springs from as they will be the same.

03-10-2011, 11:27 AM
u sure didn't tell us alot. like: wasu using good american brand ammo. was it FTF or FTE or FRTB. I would buy new recils spirng from wolff's IF you have the blunt nose PM9 and not the beveled front slide, as they do not make them for that new slide yet. If I was going to order them from wolffs. I would order the 20.5# recoil springs over the factoyr 18#. Just replace the outter spring and leave the inner one alone. Remember the open end of te spring goes towards the front of the slide.

Have yo let another good shooter try to shoot it to see if he can duplicate what you are haiving. You need to eliminate all tyhe possables first. Sometmes it can be shooter error.

What isthe serial# of your kahr? we can tell more about it that way also, or u can just go on this forum under the kahr tech section andhit on kahr serial #$ and it will bring you close to its birth date.

03-10-2011, 12:12 PM
Sorry guys, it was FTF. I had to keep bumping the back of the slide to make it close. I also had some light strikes. i had others shoot it with the same results. On the light strikes they went bang when I put them in my XD. The serial starts with vd3

03-10-2011, 12:35 PM
light strikes are anout of time gun. having to push the slide back is out of time, so eventhe slightest failure to return to battery can cause light strikes.

Get the 20.5# recoil spring from wolffs and I bet it will be OK. ur serial # is about close to a 4 year oldgun. check this out. take the recoil assembly out of the gun and measure that flat washer type peace on the end of the recoil assembly. if it is 3/8"in diameter then call kahr and order the new style 1/2:" RECOIL ASSEMBLY but in the 13 coil count,not the 15 coil count. If it has trhe 1/2" recoil assembly, then just order from wolffs the 20.5# recoil spring for the PM9 and I think that will take care of your issues.

03-10-2011, 02:21 PM
The flat part that fits against the barrel measures 1/2 inch, so all I need to do is order the heavier spring from wolf?

03-10-2011, 03:10 PM
yup, ur good to go in that part. while your ordering from wolffs to make postage feel better, order 3 of the recoil springs and a few of thier 6 round 5% extra strength magazine springs. They work great. I have had since the git go their 5# striker spring that they make for the kahrs also. Doesn't shorten trigger length, just poundage. Really nice, just drops right in to...

03-11-2011, 03:20 PM
Thanks for the advice guys.