View Full Version : Kaboom! Blown up CW45

03-11-2011, 08:48 PM
I found this while web surfing today: http://blingandabang.blogspot.com/2011/03/kaboom.html#comments
The owner acknowledges that faulty reloads and operator error are the most likely culprits.
Interesting photos, one really shows how the front rails are constructed.

Longitude Zero
03-11-2011, 08:59 PM
I found this while web surfing today: http://blingandabang.blogspot.com/2011/03/kaboom.html#comments
The owner acknowledges that faulty reloads and operator error are the most likely culprits.
Interesting photos, one really shows how the front rails are constructed.

Thanks for posting. By the shooters own admission it was internal ignorance and stupidity/laziness that caused the KB. No doubt about it.

03-11-2011, 09:13 PM
The picture is enlightening regarding the rails. Much more skookum than they appear at a glance. I sort of figured that was the case but never knew for sure.

03-11-2011, 09:36 PM
No injuries, I guess, but an eye-opener. :D

I wonder how the frame fared. No picture of that. Lots of spare parts left.


03-11-2011, 09:58 PM
Hard to tell on the back half but the frame as a whole is toast. The dust covers all blown off, I guess if a person were adventurous you could try shooting it with a new barrel with the metal rails exposed. I'm not that adventurous myself. Maybe we could get Johnny Knoxville or some of his pals to give it a go.

mr surveyor
03-11-2011, 10:17 PM
she admitted it was a squib load...then said some idiotic thing about it happening 1 or 2 times out of every 5:confused:

and what was the silly thing about it happening so often with factory ammo?

she will most likely do the same thing to her new RIA, Springfield or whatever gun is so unfortunate to end up in her hands. She needs to go to a gun store and get good training:D

someone flush the gene pool...it's getting full

03-12-2011, 03:07 AM
The lady doesn`t seem capable of grasping the obvious.Evidently she is more interested in buying a new gun than worrying about her crummy handloads.The loss of her CW45 didn`t cause her to turn a hair either.She must be one of those rich people from the state of Washington.They`re all wealthy up there I hear.

MW surveyor
03-12-2011, 03:55 AM
How could you not be concerned about 1 or 2 rounds out of every 5 not firing correctly? Probably with reloads and also factory.

QC on the reloads....Non-existent.

Seemingly unconcerned about the Kaboom? Sure am glad I don't have to shoot anywhere near her.

The CW45 probably never had the striker channel cleaned and she complained about getting callouses from shooting. WTF!

surv - +1 on getting the gene pool drained. Another likely candidate has appeared.

03-12-2011, 05:23 AM
Hope that dumb b-tch never joins this forum.

03-12-2011, 05:25 AM
The lady doesn`t seem capable of grasping the obvious.Evidently she is more interested in buying a new gun than worrying about her crummy handloads.The loss of her CW45 didn`t cause her to turn a hair either.She must be one of those rich people from the state of Washington.They`re all wealthy up there I hear.

what they do up in washington is they all pool their money (millions) and then divide it, so they are all equally as rich. Don't kind yourself our grand poobah is the leader and financier of that state.

03-12-2011, 07:24 AM
Hope that dumb b-tch never joins this forum.

Jocko; you're such a senstive fellow. Tell us how you really feel. he,he,ha,he

03-12-2011, 07:57 AM
The picture is enlightening regarding the rails. Much more skookum than they appear at a glance. I sort of figured that was the case but never knew for sure.

I am curious as to what you mean by "skookum"

Also that lady is an idiot, I would crap my pantaloon at the first misfire.

MW surveyor
03-12-2011, 08:14 AM
Unless I've been poorly informed - skookum can mean squared away, robust, properly put together/built, etc.

Wouldn't go as far as to crap my drawers at a misfire but sure would try to find out why.

Amen, jocko, amen to that! Second thought, she is getting a different brand so no great loss.

03-12-2011, 08:53 AM
Unless I've been poorly informed - skookum can mean squared away, robust, properly put together/built, etc.

Wouldn't go as far as to crap my drawers at a misfire but sure would try to find out why.

Amen, jocko, amen to that! Second thought, she is getting a different brand so no great loss.

What he said. Also add me to the "she's a dumb *****, that has no business looking at a fire arm and should be dipped out of the gene pool." category.

03-12-2011, 08:56 AM
I can attest that there is at least one person in Washington that does not fit your criteria. For the most part you are on the money. Lots of money and they expect the rich to share. I do too but they never share it with me. Maybe they don't like me.

My skookum remark was seeing that the metal rails are embedded through the tupperware rather than a little hot glued piece of steel imbedded 1/2" or so. It's like a solid piece of steel running thru with tupperware coating the whole deal. Maybe not Sherman tank skookum but alot better than it could have been.

Skookum, robust, heavy duty, strong, I can't believe it let me say bust.

03-12-2011, 10:03 AM
Jocko; you're such a senstive fellow. Tell us how you really feel. he,he,ha,he

was never in my living style, I dhn't even have it in my dictionary. I guess my point is what would any person blow up a gun and the photo it and then tell everyone it was a squib load backed up by a good round and reloads to boot. I mean wow talk aobut showing your ass without pulling ur pants down.

Probably right pappy but she is one stupid bit-h for even posting such a stupid thing. It would have been one thing to let the readers quess what might have happend but to tell everyone how stupid you are is another..

03-12-2011, 10:05 AM
another reason why that dust cover is so strong to. This is one junk (I think you mean chunk not Junk) of steel imbedded within that polymer dust cover. U might blow up a gun but that dust cover portion will protect somewhat.

03-12-2011, 11:59 AM
Common guys, she may not be the brightest bulb in the box but such language! She probably is a nice person that just needs a cross country ride on a Harley to clear her thinking, and perhaps consider the danger she put herself in and the fate of her son. She says of herself:

"I love to shoot, reload, fish, camp, photography (All photos on site are mine), motorcycles, dance, knit, make jewelry, garden, travel, teach my son, cook, and some other stuff I can't remember right now. I'm 22, and have a little boy and a really wonderful husband. My husband and I get to be stay at home parents and feel so blessed for that."

03-12-2011, 12:16 PM
Follow up (getting scarier): RE:Kaboom (http://blingandabang.blogspot.com/2011/03/rekaboom.html)

03-12-2011, 12:27 PM
Ok, that one should join up over here. After we set her straight, then we can have some fun with her. Picture a roast thrown over a fence to a pack of hungry junkyard dogs. Evidently, she never heard of cleaning her weapon, much less he striker channel. To follow a presumed squib (let alone use questionable reloads), with a live round where she says that they probably should have checked the gun anyway, is dumb beyond dumb. As for her durability claims, well I think we answered that one long ago too, and not just for a 1911. Like I said, that end of the gene pool needs cleaning. Then I see this
Support a gun nut

If you would like to support me in my effort to become equipt with beautiful guns and accessories, please feel free to donate to my cause. (I will never see any of your info, thank you paypal).

My anger bubbles, and rage boils, this is not some one who is helpful to the cause. To this woman, a gun is a shiny trinket, equated with jewelry. Again, I stand by my earlier comments, language and all.

03-12-2011, 02:00 PM
u think I was to hard on her??????

03-12-2011, 02:01 PM
I think I wasn't hard enough on her. I feel a use of the F-bomb coming on.

03-12-2011, 02:12 PM
well I apologize to the bit-h!! How is that???

03-12-2011, 02:46 PM
Reckon she has a sister?

MW surveyor
03-12-2011, 02:54 PM
Diet - Probably a second cousin to your cousin Shirley :)

Wow, I thought that her post was on a "real" gun forum. Come to find out it's her private blog site and she asks for donations? (head bang!)

03-12-2011, 09:37 PM
Ok, skookum then, a fitting adjective for any KAHR as far as I can tell. It is nice to see the "exploded" view of the frame, I like knowing how far that steel is buried in there.

Jocko I second you on the dumb b-itch diagnosis.

I like that in her follow up she blames the gun and not her obvious abuse of a perfectly good sidearm.

03-12-2011, 11:44 PM
My CW45 has been flawless with any factory ammo that's gone down the pipe. Had to be operator error.

03-13-2011, 12:36 PM
So has my P45, never had issue one with it. OE covers a host of problems, and usually is exactly the cause of them. Crap reloads, and she isn't concerned about that part of things, yet sending a round out after a squib like that, and it's the guns fault. I think cleaning that end of the gene pool, is being generous to the extreme. I kinda like R. Lee Ermey's line from Full Metal Jacket. You know the one about preventing contamination of the world.

03-13-2011, 12:50 PM
While I don't agree with the name calling, I fail to understand her saying "they" cleared the squib round then she shot again. If they cleared the squib, they had to know it put a bullet in the barrel, yet they didn't even look. Perhaps her husband is even more challenged than she. Hmmm, what does that make him?

03-13-2011, 01:08 PM
Good thing it was a Kahr.
Many other polymer guns turn into little plastic bombs when they go.

03-13-2011, 01:44 PM
While I don't agree with the name calling, I fail to understand her saying "they" cleared the squib round then she shot again. If they cleared the squib, they had to know it put a bullet in the barrel, yet they didn't even look. Perhaps her husband is even more challenged than she. Hmmm, what does that make him?

I told you that feel an F-bomb coming on, here it is. To answer that: a dumb ****. Again it seems to me that they are more concerned with looking cool with a gun than actually shooting without putting others in danger, never mind self defense. Either way, we could probably bury this thread before some of us get carried away. 3387 Let's see if my attaching skills are sharp today. :banplease:

03-13-2011, 04:24 PM
Hello all. I'm searching for shooter related jewelry (which was mentioned a couple times upthread, but not exactly the hit I was searching for...). Having not found what I was looking for, but instead finding an ongoing conversation about a jewelry/guns blogging individual, I decided to register because a couple things were really bugging me...and I'm just nosey like that.
Have any seasoned shooters here contacted the blogger in her comment section or email and asked/explained/given pointers about what the perceived problem is? Or maybe offered advice? She sounds rather young, and every new shooter has to start their learning process from some point.
(Take into consideration I'm in my *cough*40s*cough* so anything under "30something" is a kid to me...)
I'm not going to ask if an invitation to the site was offered, because I'm sure being called the names that were used here would probably be off-putting instead of encouraging, as far as incentive to join up.
After a quick skim of the site, it doesn't seem especially mean-spirited anywhere else (at least on the surface)...so I just wondered if while some of you were name calling, others were behind the scenes offering instruction and direction.
Female gun nuts...the world needs more.

GunStoreGirl (yep - works in a gun store)
Kahr PM9

03-13-2011, 04:49 PM
Ok here comes the reason behind the venom on this one, at least from me. First, she says "they" cleared a squib and it was probably loaded with out powder, but didn't check the bbl. This tells me that "they" knew there were questionable at best reloads, and didn't think to check for a bbl obstruction. That screams of a know it all type that has never bothered to read ANYTHING on their weapons, nor having talked to some one either. (Common sense really isn't so common). Second, the flippant attitude about having blown up the pistol, and stating that it wasn't that big a deal. That is where I really get chaffed. As has been said there is a lot of shrapnel and other bad things flying when one does that. To take such an attitude, after having endangered anyone near is just unfathomable. Third, Kahrs are made as well or better than other pistols even the much beloved 1911. To blame that on the gun again goes to show the level of crass involved. Fourth, to solicit donations like that. What more needs to be said. From the comments, and looks of the site she/they do not appear to be receptive to any education, or anything else for that matter. I have seen people that have no business handling a weapon. I think we can all agree that a gun is both a tool and a weapon, and that with it comes one of the greatest responsibilities that can be had in this world, next to being a parent (not a baby maker, but a parent, different rant though). To equate a gun with jewelry is in and of itself dangerous. Therefore, my opinions stand. There are times when a bit of vulgarity and name calling are appropriate, and when some one demonstrates that level of incompetence, without actually being there, this is what we are left with.
I do agree that the world needs more female gun nuts, but the one covered here is just plain nuts. I'll leave it there as apparently, I think much faster than I type, and since I have the attention span of a gnat, can't remember what else I was going to say about the topic.
Give me a little while, I may be able to help with the shooter jewelry thing, but need to talk to my wife more about that aspect.

03-13-2011, 05:07 PM
Reckon she has a sister?
I've heard she has a half sister that is also her cousin or something like that.

Also I read on her blog that she managed to get a new RIA among other things on a gun show where she spend an entire month's income all of $1500.
Her words not mine........ OK, maybe the sister part are my words.

03-13-2011, 05:08 PM
Well,I have never been accused of being afraid of showing my ignorance,so I`ll bite.What is shooting jewelry and is it expensive? Got our 27th anniversary coming up and it would be way cool to surprise "She Who Must Be Obeyed " with an unexpected trinket.

03-13-2011, 05:18 PM
Well,I have never been accused of being afraid of showing my ignorance,so I`ll bite.What is shooting jewelry and is it expensive? Got our 27th anniversary coming up and it would be way cool to surprise "She Who Must Be Obeyed " with an unexpected trinket.
Found this on her blog and I think this is what she is talking about but I could be wrong.

03-13-2011, 05:48 PM
Hello all. I'm searching for shooter related jewelry (which was mentioned a couple times upthread, but not exactly the hit I was searching for...). Having not found what I was looking for, but instead finding an ongoing conversation about a jewelry/guns blogging individual, I decided to register because a couple things were really bugging me...and I'm just nosey like that.
Have any seasoned shooters here contacted the blogger in her comment section or email and asked/explained/given pointers about what the perceived problem is? Or maybe offered advice? She sounds rather young, and every new shooter has to start their learning process from some point.
(Take into consideration I'm in my *cough*40s*cough* so anything under "30something" is a kid to me...)
I'm not going to ask if an invitation to the site was offered, because I'm sure being called the names that were used here would probably be off-putting instead of encouraging, as far as incentive to join up.
After a quick skim of the site, it doesn't seem especially mean-spirited anywhere else (at least on the surface)...so I just wondered if while some of you were name calling, others were behind the scenes offering instruction and direction.
Female gun nuts...the world needs more.

GunStoreGirl (yep - works in a gun store)
Kahr PM9

GunStoreGirl, I agree with nearly everything you've said. Especially the part about the world needing more female gun nuts.
I can assure you the bashing and name calling brought forth in this thread is a rare occurance and we don't pick on nor do we allow picking on new shooters and gun owners male or female for that matter.
I read that this girl was 22. While the whole thing didn't set me off anywhere near like it did some of the others here I was quite put off by her lack of care or concern. It's like oh well I blew up my Kahr. Lets move on. I guess it was the arrogance rather than the act the turned me off.

While I go out of my way in person at ranges to help or assist new shooters or old shooters that look like they could use some constructive criticism I haven't gone cyber to invite this young lady to join us.

I personally would welcome her freely in hopes that she would seek and accept help and guidance. I don't know where her reloads and shooting tutoring is coming from but I suspect her being 22, there's somebody else involved and not totally in a helpful way. That person deserves a little flogging in my opinion also

All that aside I truely hope you'll hang out and participate weather you own a kahr or not. At present we have only one other female that I'm aware of Miss TD2K from Oklahoma. I'm sure she'd welcome a little help in giving the fellas a reason to mind their manners, and their language and their general niceness in general.

We really have a lot of genuine good folks here, and things generally run civilly and with genuine concern for one another. Lots of good help, lots of experience and knowlege.

03-13-2011, 07:36 PM
Wow...there's quite a bit to reply to, so instead of breaking up the long quotes, I'll jump in with a different color:

That screams of a know it all type that has never bothered to read ANYTHING on their weapons, nor having talked to some one either.
One possibility, sure. Another is that sometimes "new shooters" really are new and sometimes they aren't lucky enough to have someone who's "been there done that" to be their mentor. If nobody ever told them how to handle a squib or what caused it...maybe they didn't know. The only way to find out is to ask, and I think that opportunity might be gone (with the way the dogpile stacked up)

Second, the flippant attitude about having blown up the pistol, and stating that it wasn't that big a deal. That is where I really get chaffed. As has been said there is a lot of shrapnel and other bad things flying when one does that. To take such an attitude, after having endangered anyone near is just unfathomable.
This one is a little different ^. I don't mean to sound judgmental, but overall, if you've had occasion to spend any time with the youth of today, other than the rare circumstance they pretty much all have that type of mentality. Not meant to be a disparaging remark, but they don't call them the "Me Generation" for nothing.

Fourth, to solicit donations like that. What more needs to be said.
That's completely her right. Or yours if you had a blog. Or a lemonade stand. Or whatever... God bless the free market and personal liberties. The "feel free to donate" tag doesn't require a click. Don't like it, don't look.
I'm not trying to come off harsh, but I am a very strong advocate for personal freedoms. Your right to swing your fist ends at her nose, so to speak.

From the comments, and looks of the site she/they do not appear to be receptive to any education
Which comments are you referring to?

I think we can all agree that a gun is both a tool and a weapon, and that with it comes one of the greatest responsibilities
I'd certainly agree with that.

To equate a gun with jewelry is in and of itself dangerous.
This one I do disagree with. If guns weren't meant to have "bling" mods, there wouldn't be a niche for all the cool after market products. Fancy grips, jeweled triggers, etc.
Otherwise, men shouldn't say guns are sexy either. Else-wise, the comment could be re-written "to equate a gun with an object of physical attraction is in and of itself dangerous."

Well,I have never been accused of being afraid of showing my ignorance,so I`ll bite.What is shooting jewelry and is it expensive? Got our 27th anniversary coming up and it would be way cool to surprise "She Who Must Be Obeyed " with an unexpected trinket.

Found this on her blog and I think this is what she is talking about but I could be wrong.
Actually, not long after exiting the forum, I found the bracelet I was looking for (or one nearly like it)... I've seen earrings and necklaces, too, but I rather like this. It looks kitchy and handmade. I'm a sucker for stuff like that...

GunStoreGirl, I agree with nearly everything you've said. Especially the part about the world needing more female gun nuts.
I can assure you the bashing and name calling brought forth in this thread is a rare occurance and we don't pick on nor do we allow picking on new shooters and gun owners male or female for that matter.
I read that this girl was 22. While the whole thing didn't set me off anywhere near like it did some of the others here I was quite put off by her lack of care or concern. It's like oh well I blew up my Kahr. Lets move on. I guess it was the arrogance rather than the act the turned me off.

While I go out of my way in person at ranges to help or assist new shooters or old shooters that look like they could use some constructive criticism I haven't gone cyber to invite this young lady to join us.

I personally would welcome her freely in hopes that she would seek and accept help and guidance. I don't know where her reloads and shooting tutoring is coming from but I suspect her being 22, there's somebody else involved and not totally in a helpful way. That person deserves a little flogging in my opinion also

All that aside I truely hope you'll hang out and participate weather you own a kahr or not. At present we have only one other female that I'm aware of Miss TD2K from Oklahoma. I'm sure she'd welcome a little help in giving the fellas a reason to mind their manners, and their language and their general niceness in general.

We really have a lot of genuine good folks here, and things generally run civilly and with genuine concern for one another. Lots of good help, lots of experience and knowlege.
Thanks for that. :)
I'm an avid shooter. I train every couple months and practice every weekend (there's a difference).
I also reload and this summer I'm thinking about getting NRA certification to teach Basic Pistol Safety and Personal Protection.
My coach has me assist with classes quite often and when friends get together to "plink", I'm usually the RO wherever we land. I enjoy it.

03-13-2011, 08:05 PM
Heck I want a bracelet like that! Am I weird? You think I'm weird?

Dietrich, do You think I"m wierd to want that bracelet (for myself)?

03-13-2011, 08:35 PM
Face it Bawanna, you sir, ARE wierd - but in a nice way.

GSG, you seem to be an okay person and I appreciate your thoughtful comments. These guys are really pretty good, just more like those hanging out around the pot bellied stove, scratchin, spitin, and stuff.

About "Pistol Packing Moma" as the 22 year old calls herself. I've read her entire blog and pretty much shake my head. I get the impression she is following her husband's lead and may not understand the seriousness of reloading. She says she is shooting for some NRA marksman certification yet hasn't stated much knowledge of reloading or shooting.

It could be she is enthralled with the flash & bang kind of like driving a hot new car. She may get around to the safety and maintenance soon - I hope.

03-13-2011, 09:13 PM
"Face it Bawanna, you sir, ARE wierd - but in a nice way."

Whooh, what a relief. I've wondered for a long time why I seem to be so different than everyone else. Here all this time I thought everyone else was weird, turns out it was me. Who knew?

03-14-2011, 06:20 AM
Heck I want a bracelet like that! Am I weird? You think I'm weird?

Dietrich, do You think I"m wierd to want that bracelet (for myself)?
No Sweetie,I don`t think you`re weird at all.I think you`re normble.

03-14-2011, 07:01 AM
One possibility, sure. Another is that sometimes "new shooters" really are new and sometimes they aren't lucky enough to have someone who's "been there done that" to be their mentor. If nobody ever told them how to handle a squib or what caused it...maybe they didn't know. The only way to find out is to ask, and I think that opportunity might be gone (with the way the dogpile stacked up)

Show me one just one owners manual that does not state explicitly to check for barrel obstructions, especially with an odd sounding round or one with reduced recoil. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. (Appellate judge from Ill. if memory serves). Being new is no excuse for not educating yourself and practicing safely. I know that books for fire arms are widely available.

This one is a little different ^. I don't mean to sound judgmental, but overall, if you've had occasion to spend any time with the youth of today, other than the rare circumstance they pretty much all have that type of mentality. Not meant to be a disparaging remark, but they don't call them the "Me Generation" for nothing.

To many I am the youth of today, coming in at 30, plus I have a child of my own. I know of many like you say, but none of them want anything to do with outdoor activities, like shooting. It's scary to them, and why make some noise and powder plus have to clean the thing when one can shoot in a game all day. Yes, I have seen them, still no excuse for that kind of flippant attitude.

That's completely her right. Or yours if you had a blog. Or a lemonade stand. Or whatever... God bless the free market and personal liberties. The "feel free to donate" tag doesn't require a click. Don't like it, don't look.
I'm not trying to come off harsh, but I am a very strong advocate for personal freedoms. Your right to swing your fist ends at her nose, so to speak.

Personal freedoms are one thing, the tone I got off that was that donations were almost expected. Now I may be a bit strange, but I have never asked any one for money or a donation. Freedom is great, but it also brings responsibility.

Which comments are you referring to?

All of them, again the tone and attitude are very lax, and she seems to think that her husband knows what he is doing. Facts not in evidence there. More to the point when asked about what kind of ammo she used; she took the "oh it was just some reloads, and one probably didn't have powder, no biggie" That dog just don't hunt, again a gun is serious business, and should be treated as such.

This one I do disagree with. If guns weren't meant to have "bling" mods, there wouldn't be a niche for all the cool after market products. Fancy grips, jeweled triggers, etc.
Otherwise, men shouldn't say guns are sexy either. Else-wise, the comment could be re-written "to equate a gun with an object of physical attraction is in and of itself dangerous."

Ok, semantics aside, you got me there. Usually, I'm a bit more careful with my wording, but that is a valid point.

"About "Pistol Packing Moma" as the 22 year old calls herself. I've read her entire blog and pretty much shake my head. I get the impression she is following her husband's lead and may not understand the seriousness of reloading. She says she is shooting for some NRA marksman certification yet hasn't stated much knowledge of reloading or shooting.

It could be she is enthralled with the flash & bang kind of like driving a hot new car. She may get around to the safety and maintenance soon - I hope. " -- Old Lincoln

I couldn't agree more with this. I still say that ignorance is not an excuse.

03-14-2011, 09:46 AM
I taught my first CCW class over the weekend, and it was an all female one. Myself and the other instructor wanted very inexperienced shooters to test our curriculum, and it just happened to end up all women. It was a fantastic experience. I learned something from this about men and their wives who are not shooters. We tend to really forget even the most basic aspects of shooting if we have done it for a very long time, and may have a great deal of trouble conveying those basics to our wives, kids, and other individuals who are new at the sport. So as a result, we may be very spotty in our instructions, may not see problems with the shooter's ability or understanding, and/or may not respond fully to their questions. We had a number of students comment that their husbands tried to explain this stuff, but did not do it as well as we did or they did not understand the way it was explained by their spouse.

Might be the case here, of a husband who is not the best teacher for his wife. Either some outside instruction might help, or perhaps he needs to revisit what she is doing and how. That is assuming he is doing it right (reloading, etc.).

03-14-2011, 09:48 AM
Personally, for me we are giving this ding bat to much credit for stupidity. These are the kind of people media people and anti gun people feed off of. why give her any more comment time on this or any forum. I don't think anyone here need to make any excuses for prior posts that they wrote either. I certainly think she is one stupid bi-tch.

03-14-2011, 10:09 AM
John, as some one who has instructed many times in the past, I know what you mean. It is hard to remember everything that goes into the process. I still say that a lack of awareness and familiarity are not an excuse. Any book/manual states right up front in bold face type these safety things, that we do and don't think about. If I am new to something, I am going to at least read the owners manual, before I get into it, especially with something as serious as a firearm. Not trying ruffle feathers, but I just don't see a pass on this one, especially with that flippant attitude that is displayed. That level of stupidity is right there with my earlier comments.

03-14-2011, 10:26 AM
Perhaps we should leave the subject of this thread behind and follow John's lead and discuss training attributes and how to help new shooters.
As we've discovered on the reloading thread there are many things we do and have done so long that we take them for granted and do them without thought. Forget to share little details with folks just entering the game.

One thing that seems to be a common denominator in my experience is that wives do not want to learn from husbands, they will always listen to a 3rd party much more effectively than to a spouse. I've tried a million times to teach my wife basic stuff on computers (the only stuff I know). It just don't work. Not saying its a bad thing, it's just the way things are.
Anyone who has tried to teach their wife or child how to drive has experienced this.

It's the same mentality as hiring an outside contractor to evaluate a system fault when you have an expert system tech on the payroll. If they were any good they wouldn't be working for you.

We got 2 and possibly 3 woman on the board again so lets be kind.

03-14-2011, 10:36 AM

Perhaps we should leave the subject of this thread behind

I think I mentioned that!!
You have the key, u know.

03-14-2011, 10:40 AM

Perhaps we should leave the subject of this thread behind

I think I mentioned that!!
You have the key, u know.

But that is the key with the sharpened thumb tack duct taped to it. You said I was too quick to drain the bath tub sometimes. JohnH is about, I'll let him do it.
I'm weakening under the pressure. Actually the truth is my finger is just now close to being fully healed from pushing that button the last time.

03-14-2011, 10:54 AM
I too feel we should educate, but this thread needs the plug pulled. Though, I have little tolerance for stupidity which is defined as a refusal to learn. Let us move forward, any with a question ask, that is how we learn, we will help there.

03-14-2011, 11:04 AM
Ok, I can't get anything done looking over my should all day looking for a lynch mob.

Consider this one closed. Anyone feel free to open an education suggestions thread that might be helpful to John or others who officially train folks.
One of the best ways to stay in tune is to show others what we have learned and experienced.

Say good bye to this one.