View Full Version : Newbie has PM9 Questions

03-13-2011, 01:21 PM
I recently purchased a brand new, used pm9. I took it to the range yesterday and was using the 7 round mag. I know there are issues with them. I did do the break in procedure, I had multiple ftf's with only loading 6 rounds in the mag. O.K. I just figured it was due to the 7rd. mag. What bothers me is after the mag was empty the slide locks open,reload the mag (7rd) slam it in and the slide would slam shut. This happened about 4 times with using 2 boxes of Lellier & Bellot fmj 115 grs. Is this a mag, gun, or ammo issue. What do you guys think might be the problem.


03-13-2011, 01:49 PM
How hard are you slamming it in? The slide stop is held down by a lightweight spring. So light that some people have bumped it and caused it to engage during firing. If the slide is releasing, then the slide stop is coming down and I can only see that being impact related as that spring is not strong enough to overcome the friction of the slide on the slide stop. It's not too uncommon for guns to do this when mags are slammed in harder than they should be, but neither of my Kahrs have done this.

03-13-2011, 09:09 PM
didn't really slam it home ,just a normal insertion

03-13-2011, 10:03 PM
Lemme look around the house tomorrow. I might have a spare spring I could mail you. Then again, if you called Kahr I'm sure they'd also mail you one for free.

03-14-2011, 09:12 PM
I've got 3 7 rounders (also have a CW9) and have never had a single issue with any. I carry with the wraparound 7 for the extra round. Carry 8 all day. My sense is that some shooter's grip causes the longer mag to get a little canted rearward causing misfeeds.

My CW9 slide will release if I tap the bottom of the mag firmly. Never really thought much of it. Like it that way actually. I may have buffed those mating edges too much when it was new. I could fix it if I wanted, but I don't. Keep my finger out of there when racked just in case. PM9 never releases that way.

Spring may also be rotated a few degrees weak, but haven't messed with it because the receiving threads are polymer and if stripped, you're screwed. Fatter screw or JB Weld.

03-19-2011, 09:03 AM
That same thing happens with my M&P9c. I asked a Smith associate about this and his reply was it was manufactured this way. Im not sure if this is the case with Kahrs but it just may be

03-19-2011, 09:13 AM
Sounds like you may be inserting the mag too hard. I haven't really heard anything good about L&B ammo, other than its cheap. Switch ammo brands to WWB or Remington and see if the problem persists.

03-19-2011, 09:44 AM
That same thing happens with my M&P9c. I asked a Smith associate about this and his reply was it was manufactured this way. Im not sure if this is the case with Kahrs but it just may be

Not true. It's a weak or misaligned spring. Factories don't want their slides slamming shut while somebody is fishing around inside with their pinkie. You'll never forget it if it happens to you. The resistance between the stop and the slide notch is supposed to help keep it in place.

OP is talking about Sellier & Bellot ammo. S&B, Czech stuff, middle of the road. Only issue I've had is moisture getting past primers, then FT fires. That's why they put a dab of red sealer over every primer that turns your breech face red. Keep 'em dry.

03-19-2011, 10:46 AM
didn't really slam it home ,just a normal insertion

it do it with:7: the 6 round magazine???In ur first post you stated you slamed in the magazine,now ur saying normal insertion.