View Full Version : New PM9
03-13-2011, 02:02 PM
Hi all! I just purchased a new PM9 Friday and fired 50 rounds through it Saturday. Wow! I am impressed at how accurate this little gun is when I do my part. Plus, this is the first pistol I've found that is a proper fit for my small hands. :D
Now to get it through the break in period and get any problems worked out.
I had a few failures (nose dives), but didn't pay attention to which mag was causing them since I expected some failures during the 200-round break in period. Also, I ordered an 8-round mag for $35.99 shipped. Now, I'm wondering if I shouldn't have gotten a 6-round mag. My thinking was that if I needed a mag change during a fight, I wanted a backup mag with the most capacity. Have ya'll tried the Kahr 8-round mag?
03-13-2011, 02:36 PM
Welcome to the asylum. I can't tell you thing one about the itty bitty 9mm's, but I hear tale that it may be a better idea to stay with flush fit magazines in them, just due to the way that tension gets applied to the longer ones when they hang out. That's just what I remember seeing around here some, I could be off with my information though. Worry not, some one with more love for those little pop guns will be along shortly. Again welcome.
Bill K
03-13-2011, 02:41 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk!
Also picked up a new PM9 this past Friday but have not yet fired the gun. Want to do the striker channel cleanout and a bunch of hand racking before shooting the gun.
Hope you get through the break in with those "nose dives" quickly disappearing. Hey, what exactly are "nose dives"? Also, do you recommend using both mags during break in? I was thinking of just using the short mag for break in unless some issue pointed to a mag problem.
Good luck...
03-13-2011, 03:09 PM
Welcome to the asylum. I can't tell you thing one about the itty bitty 9mm's, but I hear tale that it may be a better idea to stay with flush fit magazines in them, just due to the way that tension gets applied to the longer ones when they hang out. That's just what I remember seeing around here some, I could be off with my information though. Worry not, some one with more love for those little pop guns will be along shortly. Again welcome.
Thanks, jlottmc! I like .45s too, but not small ones.
Welcome to KahrTalk!
Also picked up a new PM9 this past Friday but have not yet fired the gun. Want to do the striker channel cleanout and a bunch of hand racking before shooting the gun.
Hope you get through the break in with those "nose dives" quickly disappearing. Hey, what exactly are "nose dives"? Also, do you recommend using both mags during break in? I was thinking of just using the short mag for break in unless some issue pointed to a mag problem.
Good luck...
Hi BillK! I took the slide off and inspected it before firing. Everything seemed to be well oiled. I did put some Militec1 grease on the rails though. I thought the slide was too stiff and the serrations too sharp to rack it very many times, so I'll let firing do that for me. Plus, I plan to lock the slide back for about a week. I need to buy something for the clean-out channel.
There is a post on here that talks about nose dives. I don't remember which one, but this seems to be when a round doesn't feed, the slide is stuck open, and the bullet end of the round is pointed down instead of up.
At the range, I use all of my mags to make sure they are functioning correctly.
03-13-2011, 03:10 PM
those nose dives seem to appear with the 7 orund extended magazine for the PM9. The 6 round flush fit willgive no issues, Most 7 rounders don't either but if there is an issue it is with the 7 rounders, so if by chance it occurs it is not gun related buyt mag related. I advise most to just send it back and ask for an exchange to a a6 round flush fit...
03-13-2011, 03:16 PM
Welcome to the discussion board, melissa5. Thanks for sharing your experience and posting. I've got a PM9 as well and I've found it to be a fantastic gun, I think you've picked a winner. Truer words were not spoken when you said, "I am impressed at how accurate this little gun is when I do my part."
As for the 8 round mag, I'd suggest saving it for the range instead of riding backup when CC'ing. I agree that it's nice to have the most ammo possible, but people definitely seem to have more issues with the larger magazines than the flush fit magazines in the PM series guns. I'd venture to say most don't have issues at all, but we definitely hear more about the extended magazines around here. Give it a whirl and let us know how it goes for you and if you have any questions. I've used an 8 round mag a few times in the Kahr and yes, it's an extra two bullets - but it's ugly as all get out in how it looks sticking out. Worse than the 7 rounder. Also, I suggest keeping a notepad with you to take note of when your nosedives happen. Most I've heard have been at the second round of the extended mags.
One more thing, if you haven't come across it yet, I highly suggest heading over to the Kahr Tech sub forum and hit up the stickies that show a fantastic lube chart for your Kahr and many helpful suggestions in the proper prep of a Kahr (some that Bill K already mentioned). Enjoy the PM9 and report back on your progress.
03-13-2011, 03:33 PM
Hi all! I just purchased a new PM9 Friday and fired 50 rounds through it Saturday. Wow! I am impressed at how accurate this little gun is when I do my part. Plus, this is the first pistol I've found that is a proper fit for my small hands. :D
Now to get it through the break in period and get any problems worked out.
I had a few failures (nose dives), but didn't pay attention to which mag was causing them since I expected some failures during the 200-round break in period. Also, I ordered an 8-round mag for $35.99 shipped. Now, I'm wondering if I shouldn't have gotten a 6-round mag. My thinking was that if I needed a mag change during a fight, I wanted a backup mag with the most capacity. Have ya'll tried the Kahr 8-round mag?
is the 8 rounder is going to give u issues in the PM9. U can if it doesn't work out just send it back and get tyhe flush 6 rounder. It is going to stick out a bundle and probably u ordered it more for krange use than actual carry, but IMO one should train/shoot his PM9 the way he is going to carry it, and the 8 rounder willgive the gun a different feel than the flush 6 rounder will. But again try it out if it works OK, ur lucky,m then keep it, if it doesn,t just send it back and get a flush fit 6 rounder. They have issues witht he 7 rounders in the pM9 so Ican't see how the 8 rounder is going to be any less issue-less.
hopefully you went to the kahr tech secion and looked up the kahr lube chart and the propper prepping of ur new kahr...Might help to make the future shoots funner
03-13-2011, 04:43 PM
Hello Melissa and welcome to KahrTalk.I`m another advocate of the six round magazine but not because I`ve had any issues with the seven rounder.The six round mags are just easier to keep concealed when the weather gets warmer and I wear less bulky clothes.
In cool weather I sometimes carry my PM9 as my primary and a Glock 36 as a bug just for giggles.Some here find me odd.
03-13-2011, 04:58 PM
Hey Jocko, MikeyKahr, Dietrich! I intend to carry the PM9 with the 6-round mag, but really wanted more capacity for a backup mag. The reason I bought the PM9 was because of it's small size and light weight. It fits perfectly in my cargo pocket and AIWB tuckable. I'm also hoping the PM9 won't drag my sweatpants and gym shorts down to my knees. :eek: I have some Glocks for when bigger is better. :D
03-13-2011, 05:20 PM
if the back up mag works perfect, then ur good to go. More than likely a 7 rounder will do OK, I owuldnot trust the 8 rounder to perform as well, not sure it ws designed for the PM9 even, although it will fit and lock up on, still IMO doesn't mean it is right for the gun.
03-15-2011, 05:23 PM
I fired another 50 rounds through the PM9 today and had ZERO failures...even with the 7-round mag. :D Only 100 break-in rounds to go.
The 7-round mag did pinch my finger though. :mad:
Since I ordered an 8-round mag, I'm thinking about putting an A&G mag spacer on it. Has anyone used those with their PM9? Those should help with pinching and stability. I've used them with my Glocks and they work great on them.
03-15-2011, 07:44 PM
Hmm...I too have a relatively new PM9 and that may have been a post of mine about the nose dive.
And only with the 7 round mag loaded with,well,7 rounds.
I really dont like the extended mag because it just doesnt look right and more it has to much play in it when you grip it firmly.
I intend to get it swapped out for another 6 round standard mag which my original has run without fault in my PM9.
03-15-2011, 08:11 PM
Hello Melissa and welcome to KahrTalk. I like the idea of carrying a larger magazine for backup and I do so when carrying the G26. I'm a new PM9 owner and so far, the seven round magazine has not been reliable so I carry two extra six rounders.
I also like the fact you carry AIWB. To me, that sounds like the ideal way to carry the PM9. I have several AIWB holsters on order. What holster are you using?
03-15-2011, 08:32 PM
Hello Melissa and welcome to KahrTalk. I like the idea of carrying a larger magazine for backup and I do so when carrying the G26. I'm a new PM9 owner and so far, the seven round magazine has not been reliable so I carry two extra six rounders.
I also like the fact you carry AIWB. To me, that sounds like the ideal way to carry the PM9. I have several AIWB holsters on order. What holster are you using?
Hey Willieboy!
After the break-in period, I will be using a custom holster that was made by a guy in another forum. It is based on a Galco tuck-n-go, but is made of thin, smooth leather and has a sweat shield. It is very low riding and the PM9 just disappears. I've also thought about using one of the Remora holsters that doesn't have a clip.
What holsters are going to try?
03-15-2011, 08:55 PM
I have 600 rounds down range and JUST now the PM9 seems to be getting better and better. I now notice its not so tight and is operating flawless. My recommendation is just run rounds threw her after 500 - 600 you will see an improvement as it will then just start to get broken in.
03-15-2011, 11:21 PM
Hey Willieboy!
After the break-in period, I will be using a custom holster that was made by a guy in another forum. It is based on a Galco tuck-n-go, but is made of thin, smooth leather and has a sweat shield. It is very low riding and the PM9 just disappears. I've also thought about using one of the Remora holsters that doesn't have a clip.
What holsters are going to try?
Among my many failings Melissa, is my constant quest for the perfect weapon system. I've tried the Remora and it's okay, but like most holsters that try to do too much, offering so many carry options, it doesn't excell at anything, for me anyway. That said, I'm still glad I have it. Anyway, I've ordered the:
TT Gunleather AIWB:
The Mitch Rosen CLP:
The Dale Fricke Archangel:
I'm most looking forward to the Archangel. Dale Fricke is making one for me, specifically sized for the PM9. Generally, his holders are made to fit all Kahr 9mms, or all Glock 9mms. For example, if you want a holster to fit a G26, you get one sized to fit the G17... so you have all this extra material messing with your stuff. However, one of the forumites informed me Dale would custom make one specifically for my pistol, as he is. Dale Fricke's holsters are, admittedly, as ugly as sin but, they are said to be extremely fast.
I'm also impressed with the design of Dale's "Ehud" tuckable AIWB. Before buying one though, I'm going to give the other three a fair trial. After all, I have only one appendix.
03-16-2011, 07:09 AM
Willieboy,is that TTLeater holster you have pictured readily available or is one that is on the 22-24 week wait??
I prefer the appendix style carry in a IWB holster and more so one with snaps to your belt insted of a clip.
03-16-2011, 09:02 AM
Sadly it's a 22 week wait.
03-16-2011, 09:52 AM
Those are some high dollar holsters! I'd really like to try a Dale Fricke, but I'm not sure if I would like kydex against my skin. I would get either the Ehud or Joab AIWB.
Here's my custom holster.
03-16-2011, 11:10 AM
Let me add my welcome as well, Melissa. Glad you like your PM9. For sweatpants carry, I find that the PM9 is too heavy for me; instead, I use a smartcarry holster with the gun positioned at 3:00, and a loose t-shirt draped over it. If you don't like kydex against your skin, I'd suggest looking into moleskin. It is a soft material backed with adhesive, usually found in the footcare section of drug stores. I put it on the inner side of my CompTac C-TAC, and it makes the holster much more comfortable to wear.
03-16-2011, 11:58 AM
Let me add my welcome as well, Melissa. Glad you like your PM9. For sweatpants carry, I find that the PM9 is too heavy for me; instead, I use a smartcarry holster with the gun positioned at 3:00, and a loose t-shirt draped over it. If you don't like kydex against your skin, I'd suggest looking into moleskin. It is a soft material backed with adhesive, usually found in the footcare section of drug stores. I put it on the inner side of my CompTac C-TAC, and it makes the holster much more comfortable to wear.
Hey dirksterg30! I've found that if my sweatpants have a draw string, they stay up...if not they sag. Your smartcarry solution sounds like a winner. Also, great idea on the moleskin. I wish I had known about that when I had an MTAC. I think I'll get a cheap kydex and try the moleskin before ordering an expensive Dale Fricke. Thanks!
03-16-2011, 01:49 PM
Comp-Tac makes some top notch kydex holsters Melissa, at reasonable prices, including a straight drop for AIWB. They call it their 2 o'clock holster.
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