View Full Version : Very Stiff Mag Release - Normal?
Bill K
03-13-2011, 05:48 PM
I'm guessing with Kahr's rep for building really tight guns it would be considered normal for my new PM9 having a really stiff mag release, right? I have to push hard and fast to get the mag to drop and then it only drops about an inch. If I push the mag release like I would on my Glock or Kel-Tec I have to hold the PM9 release down and push up on the mag to have it free itself of the release by about a 1/4" or so. Even if the mag doesn't drop all the way (almost a friction fit) I'm hoping to hear that the release will loosen up with use and not be so stiff.
Bill K.
03-13-2011, 06:21 PM
Hi Bill,the mag drop of about an inch isn`t very unusual but as for the stiff release I don`t know.Just stay tuned and one of the more knowledgeable people here will be able to help you.
03-13-2011, 06:34 PM
If the mag release button seems to move freely in and out with no magazine present it could be a burr or tight fit on the corresponding catch that enters the slot in the mag.
If its a burr or tight fit it will wear in after time or you could take a small file and lightly clean up the catch area and the slot in the mag. If both mags do the same thing thats most likely the culprit. If comes out similar to a Glock.
Some Kahrs drop mags and some don't. According to the manual they aren't designed to drop but many find this unacceptable.
You an polish the mags, wax them with regular old car wax and check inside the mag tunnel for anything that might obstruct. Some sandpaper on a popsicle still can clean it up real nice.
Some here have even sent guns back because of non dropping mags. I suspect the kahr techs just clean up the inside of the mag well.
Let us know how things progress.
03-13-2011, 06:45 PM
It might loosen up and it might not the mag spring is a one peace steel rod, so I don't see it doing much different. YOu might have a burr on that mag button making it stiff. Also what might be tight to you for us kahr owners maybe is not either. Kinda hard for me to picture the mag release being hard in knowing how it is made and works, but again I don't have your gun to say one way or the other. Working it back and forth maybe a 100 timemight help wear "something" in. Who knows.
As far as the magazine dropping so far, mine has never dropped clear of the gun since I bought it 4years ago and it has been in an dout of that gun proably 4000 times. It doesn't bother me either. It sure isn't going to pop out accidently and fly all over the place and for me that is OK, . For some they want that magazine to clear freely, so in that is ur goal. u can do what some have done successfully and some not so successful
WAX that outside of the magazine up with a good car wax and see if that helps, Or send the magazines back to kahr and see if they exchange the mags and try again. I do think it is more magazine related than the mag well itself. all though some have sanded down inside the mag well to get this clearance, which for me I would not do, for u can't replace what you take off either. Start with the magazines first.
U can also call kahr and present ur issue with them on the mag release and see if they will send you a new release and rod spring, which they will gladly do and it will take maybe 5 minutes to install it to..
03-13-2011, 07:14 PM
After working with an SR9c and its completely insane mag release tension the Kahr PM9 is a relief! :)
03-13-2011, 07:48 PM
There u go!!! This issue sounds "LIKE FELT RECOIL". that is in the eyes of the beholder..
Bill K
03-14-2011, 12:54 PM
LOL "FELT RECOIL" might just be right. Both mags are doing the same 1" drop. Getting them to drop is getting easier, maybe just developing the muscle memory so that I press harder, deeper and more quickly/sharply than I have to with my other semi-autos.
Bill K.
03-14-2011, 01:02 PM
Bill K,
Here's a link to some info on mag releases that might be of interest to you:
Bill K
03-14-2011, 01:41 PM
Bill K,
Here's a link to some info on mag releases that might be of interest to you:
Thanks, some really good info with pics included. I'll check out the release with just the mag tube to see what it looks like. This is something I can/will live with for now. If over time it doesn't loosen up just a bit more than I'll try getting Kahr to send me a replacement catch. Doing a little smithing is within my capabilities but I won't do it without a spare on hand. It could be I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. :)
Bill K.
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