View Full Version : CM9 Shipping Date????

mr surveyor
03-13-2011, 10:55 PM
any news?????

since I got rid of all my "mouse guns" (except for mrs surv's P32) a year and a half ago, I've got to fill the nitche pretty soon. I'm not going through another summer like last year having to stuff the CW9 in my boot top when havinig to dress "shirt tail in". I don't want to buy something currently available and take a hit on it when the CM9 becomes available, and with the current budget situation will most likely have to give up a Sig for gun money for the new CM9. Yeah, I know, I could try the tuckable holster, but can barely slide a thin IWB in now as it is, without considering the extra width of the stand-off belt clips on the tuckable.

Hurry up, Kahr, it's already summer time in the South!


edit to add: I konw the Kahr website states March 21, but I don't have enough fingers to count all the "due dates" for shipping new models from various manufacturers in the last year. I want the first one in NE Texas, and will gladly take a chance on the bugs being worked out before shipment, or that Kahr will make it right anyway.

03-14-2011, 01:12 AM
I wouldn't count on a release in March. My P380 with N/S had a shipping estimate of Fall 2009 and Fall came and went and I think it was a week or two into January before they started shipping. I got mine 11 months after ordering and paying for it, but I don't think the dealer was in a hurry to send me mine because I placed the order before he raised the price over $60.
I do hope you don't have to wait long, but be prepared for bit longer wait.


mr surveyor
03-20-2011, 10:34 PM
weeellll.... looks like it ain't gonna be March 21:(