View Full Version : Drop free magazines?

Captain Skippy
03-15-2011, 09:27 PM
Fairly new CW9 with about 200 rounds through it. Bought a spare 7 round mag and an 8 round. The two 7 rounders don't drop free, although one almost does. The one that almost does has a shorter metal tip protuding from the follower than the other. I guess this is the pin that holds the follower together. Thinking about getting out the dremel tool to take some of them off a little. I really want my mags to drop free for reloads. Is it safe to dremel them?


03-15-2011, 10:03 PM
Use a sticky back sandpaper 220 grt.

stick it to the problem mag one side at a time and insert it a few times, move it to the other sideof the mag and repeat. This should relieve the tight mag well a little without a dremel. worked on my CW9c.

Captain Skippy
03-15-2011, 11:25 PM
Great advise guys. Thanks!

03-22-2011, 01:25 PM
It is an interesting and perplexing issue. I am very thankful that all 5 mags for my PM40 drop freely and feed without failing. These 5 mags have worked precisely from day one. It seems that the issue comes up with more frequency than it should. I simply can not draw any conclusion on the precise cause or relationship between mags dropping and feeding. I sincerely wish I could give you more input, or there was someone out there with a good definitive answer/solution. Have you talked to Kahr about the problem?

03-22-2011, 01:52 PM
It is an interesting and perplexing issue. I am very thankful that all 5 mags for my PM40 drop freely and feed without failing. These 5 mags have worked precisely from day one. It seems that the issue comes up with more frequency than it should. I simply can not draw any conclusion on the precise cause or relationship between mags dropping and feeding. I sincerely wish I could give you more input, or there was someone out there with a good definitive answer/solution. Have you talked to Kahr about the problem?

I'm perplexed too. Some like them to drop free, some do not. I'm glad that all 4 of my PM9 mags drop free every time... whether they are fully charged or empty... just the way I want them to. And I've never accidentaly dropped a mag because I leaned on the release button while firing. It must have been my lucky day when I got the mags (All Kahr Factory mags, BTW) that operate perfectly in my firearm.

Has Kahr ever stated what the "correct action" is... drop free or not? I feel badly that it has caused a lot of frustration for many people but, garyb, we may be the ones with "broken" PMs.

03-22-2011, 01:57 PM
that is a super idea tucson on taking the follower out of the magazine to test out. I would have never thought of that. Damn ur good.

I would not think it would be that metal tab in that follower, for it it stuck out to much then the magazine follower would not retract down inside the magazine even, but your suggestion will certainly answer that issue . I just moved u to the head of the class today, course u are in a class of only one, so don't get to big headed!!!!!

03-22-2011, 02:02 PM
quote:Has Kahr ever stated what the "correct action" is... drop free or not? I feel badly that it has caused a lot of frustration for many people but, garyb, we may be the ones with "broken" PMs.

In my kahr manual page 13. It states: " remove the magazine by depressing the Magazine catch on the front of the left grip and pulling the magazine from the magazine well."

U caninterpret that for what it is worth but the word PULLING tellsme that they maybe don't necessarily have to drop freely..

03-22-2011, 07:30 PM
slide lock should have no bearing on the recoil spring, this is confusing to say the least, are u saying you can't manually pull the slide back and manually push up the slide stop lever and lock open the slide, or are u saying with an empty magazine and pulling back the slide it is now not locking open?? Are u convinced they have the right recoil assembly in your PM40??? do u have the old style PM40 (blunt nose) or the new style (beveled front). the old style takes a 13 round colil count where the new style (outter spring) takes a 15 coil count, see if maybe kahr fokked up..

03-22-2011, 08:42 PM
don't file anything.

Heh, put Drebins recoil assembly back in and retest the gun. If it works ok and returns to battery OK then just ake that new spring and clip of a coil. I hate to tell u to do this to, but it seems both springs are the same in coil count, so IMO they both should work and it is evident they don't.

I wold call kahr anyways and ask for Jay and run it by him to get an opinon. You have a baffling scenario. Not sure even if we discussed this but haveyou shot the gun yet since getting it back. Maybe 50 rounds out ofthe gun will set that recoil spring assembl;y somewhat and the slide will then lock open OK. It is worth a try. Guarantee u firng the gun will make that slide move fgaster and with more force than you can manually apply to it, so maybe it just needs some rounds down range first... Just a thought, Not sur eI would not do this before I called kahr as they might just ask you the same question..