View Full Version : would Kahr sell me a new P9 Frame?

03-16-2011, 05:42 PM

I was wondering if Kahr would sell me a new P9 Frame with complete with trigger, etc, but no slide, barrel, magazine.

If so, woould my existing slide, barrel etc work on the new frame?


03-16-2011, 05:47 PM
It would have to go through the complete gun resgistration process as the frame is what carrys the serial number. If u have a P9 now the slide would fit, but without me sounding tstupid, Why would u want to do that????

a call to kahr will get u the answer u are asking....

03-17-2011, 05:17 AM
Oh, maybe I am just being picky, but my slide is in great shape and the frame is a little scratched up and begining to look a little worn. I will give Kahr a call and see what the process and cost is and then maybe just decide not to move forward. Thanks for the info Jocko!