View Full Version : pm9 shooting problem (grip)

03-17-2011, 12:26 AM
hello again. i have put 500 flawless rounds through my new pm9 and love it. i have ran into a problem with my grip while practicing.

in the first pic:
this grip was the most natural from first picking up and shooting the gun. problem was, my thumb kept getting torn up by the slide release. even so, i was the most accurate.

in the second pic:
this grip i tried after 300 rounds of using the grip in pic #1. ir did not feel as comfortable while holding and was less accurate, but it didnt tear up my thumb.

what i am looking for is, how do you guys grip your pm9? is the thumb supposed to go up against the slide release like in pic #1? or is my new grip in pic #2 correct and im just needing to practice more with this style of grip? i know its a very small gun and ppl are going to have different opinions. i am just curious what grip some of you more experienced shooters with this style of gun prefer.

thanks for any input.

[pic 1]

[pic 2]

03-17-2011, 12:43 AM
My 2 hand forward grip is similar to the lower picture. My right thumb is a bit lower and my left thumb lays over it. but that's just what's comfortable to me.

03-17-2011, 06:38 AM
if you will notice in both photos where the thub is at. IMO this is why we have that slight bulge in the dust cover area that many have inquired about. I think it is put there to keep the thumb from hitting the slide and mayhbe preventing proper slide action. Just a thought, but the phtos kinda show it.

03-17-2011, 08:52 AM
I was having a similar problem w/my P9. Rather than try to change my grip that I know works, I ordered a spare Slide stop from Kahr, took a Dremmel to it and rounded all of the edges, and then sent it of to a local shop to have it refinished in a Matte Black Cerakote finish. In total it cost me about $65

03-17-2011, 10:54 AM
My grip is very similar to your second picture as well. Like DPB9 said rounding that slide lock lever off some helps immensely.
In your shoes I'd probably order a stainless lever and round it off to your satisfaction and leave it polished. Put the original in a drawer to save for posterity or melt it down too and have it refinished.
It really does help immensely with not hitting the thumb. Theres a few threads here that discuss that issue with some pictures and stuff.

03-17-2011, 11:03 AM
I "lock" my left thumb over my right one to hold it down, as well. The only control that bothers me is sometimes the mag release on the PM45... it can bite, too, rough and not easily fixed on a DLC-finished gun.


03-17-2011, 10:41 PM
I'm RH. My right thumb is just above the mag release, actually touching is lightly, & my left thumb is on top of my right. Both are pointing straight forward & parallel to the slide. I have large hands & my trigger finger lightly touches my thumb when firing.

03-18-2011, 01:11 AM
these small ass guns definitely require proper hand position. That slide release is just begging for a thumb to touch it when firing the gun. Many premature slidelock issues are just that to. One doesn't know his thumb is hitting it but the recoil of the gun changes the position in ones hand and that thumb jk ust naturally is right there waiting to cause trouble..