View Full Version : Who Has a 100% Reliable p380?

03-18-2011, 12:58 AM
I wrote my range report here: http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=6009

In a nutshell, I just had 1 FTE and a few FTFs during my break in period. But the FTF only happens on the first round when I rack the slide. Weird. As of right now, it seems reliable to carry.

But I keep reading threads of people having troubles well after their break in period. Some people's guns seemed to have gotten worse as they shot it more! I don't think I read anything positive. So it's still making me nervous to use it as a carry gun.

So, who here has a Kahr p380 that is 100% reliable after the break in period? I just need assurance that there are 100% reliable p380s out there. I mean there has to be, it's one of the more expensive .380 mouse guns. I would expect most Kahrs should be 100% reliable if you're paying over $500 for it.

03-18-2011, 01:06 AM
if ur hand racking, then u will have issues for awhile. READ the manual. it tell syou to use the slide lock lever to load that first round. My p380 IS NOW 100% RELIABLE. iT HA DTO GO BACK ONCE TO GET THAT WAY. Yourjust reading of when one has an issue and reports it. Most never have any issues and most don't post either. Moast gun owners don't even know about tyhese gun forums.

Its not weird what your having on the first round, if ur hand racking. Your just not hand racking properly, can't blame the gun for that. I had one he of a time hand racking my P380 at first, now after over 1500 rounds I can do it iwrth ease. It seems that the gun and me finally mated up right.

03-18-2011, 01:09 AM
if ur hand racking, then u will have issues for awhile. READ the manual. it tell syou to use the slide lock lever to load that first round. My p380 IS NOW 100% RELIABLE. iT HA DTO GO BACK ONCE TO GET THAT WAY. Yourjust reading of when one has an issue and reports it. Most never have any issues and most don't post either. Moast gun owners don't even know about tyhese gun forums.

Its not weird what your having on the first round, if ur hand racking. Your just not hand racking properly, can't blame the gun for that. I had one he of a time hand racking my P380 at first, now after over 1500 rounds I can do it iwrth ease. It seems that the gun and me finally mated up right.

I do use the slide lock to load the first round. I did read the manual and never hand racked my Kahr.

03-18-2011, 01:22 AM
it will shoot itself out of that then. These guns are very tight, You might want to repolish the feed ramp and chamber if you have some 600+ grip paper or a nice dremell. This can't hurt anything but maybe can help. rounds down range seem to smooth these P380 out alot. They are fine guns but some are finiky out of the box and some do have to go back once to get right to.

If you like the gun alot, then give it the time to get itself right, even if it has to go back, fort I have never shot a more accurate 380 and I have owned alot of them. These companies are squeezing alot in these small frames, no excuses for them, just a fact..

03-18-2011, 01:46 AM
My wife has a 100% reliable P380. Two FTEs in the first two hundred rounds. Not a single problem since. It's a great little gun. Had I to do it over again, I probably would have bought one for myself as well, in place of my S&W BG380, although I prefer both the grip and the price of the S&W.

My PM9, too, has been 100% reliable. I had one premature slide lock in the first two hundred rounds, but I believe that it was me bumping the slide release.

03-18-2011, 08:53 AM
Mine was a problem child at first, but I consider it 100% now. Like Jocko said, your problem will most likely go away with a little more shooting.
Once you get a couple hundred trouble-free rounds I would think you were go to go. The gun hides so well you won't even know it is in your pocket. When I carry my J frame or PM9, I am always aware that I am carrying.

03-18-2011, 11:13 AM
What I have found is when folks say I have read mostly bad about...insert name here.....it is generally because if something isn't working to the persons expectations they immediately go to the internet and describe their percieved problem in detail, hoping some qualified and informed person will read of their dilema and suggest a remedy. Those wih no problems are not on the internet looking for solutions or publicly displaying their distress. Most of them aren't on saying I have a great....inseert name here....they are just out enjoying what they bought.

There are many many very good P380's in the market and many being carried with 100% confidence of their owner. Kahr would not be able to stay in the market selling this weapon when the market is full of competition for the .380 buyer.

Take care of your weapon, clean it and break it in. Kahr says their weapons need to be broken in before you should be 100% confident. You do not need to be confient in anyone elses gun so what others say about theirs should have little or no bearing on weather you are confident in your weapon. If it works, feeds, ejects, and shoots keep practicing with it because you need to be as confident in your ability to draw your weapon and fire it accurately as you are in the functionality of the gun.

If you get a FTF on the first round when racking the slide try loading the mag 1 bullet short of capacity, load the mag, rack the slide, then eject the mag and fill it with with the final 2 bullets needed to get it to capacity and re load the mag. It works most of the time. Good Luck


03-18-2011, 02:38 PM
As Recoilguy pointed out, there is the big factor that people that get a gun and don't have problems don't post, while those that do have problems post a lot. You can research about any gun and find complaints about it. I was almost scared away from Kahr due to some of the things I read, but glad I ended up with one. The only semi-auto I have never had any problem with is a Beretta Cougar .40. The most troublesome is also a Beretta, my little .32 Tomcat. My Kahr had a few problems during break in but I found out I need to change the way I was holding it.
I also had not found Jocko's stickys on how to prepare and lube your gun prior to shooting it.
To me, what's important is how I feel about MY gun, and not the problems others have with theirs. I have no idea how they are maintaining and cleaning theirs, what ammo they using, etc. Plus most gun makers let a lemon get out now and then.
Once I have put 2 or 3 hundred down range of good quality ammo without a failure, I consider it for carry. On a Kahr, it's 2 or 3 hundred after the initial 200 for break in. I don't trust most semis without at least 3 or 4 hundred trouble free rounds thru it, some prefer at least 500-1000, while others shoot as little as 50, and if they don't have a problem, call it good to carry. I personally don't think there is a 100% reliable gun out there, because they all require ammunition, and dud's happen. It may be 1 in 20 with that cheap russian crap (stay away from Wolf ammo), or maybe 1 in 100,000 in high quality self defense ammo, but you should be prepared for it with your carry piece. I don't have P380, so really can't say much about that gun.

03-18-2011, 05:59 PM
one can shoot a 1000 perfect rounds and call it good to go, and the very next shot can be a malfunction. So don't worry to much about a round total to call ur gun reliable. If it goes bang 50 times chances are good it will go bang every time but nothing is for certain. If a gun is good and reliabe and maybe one day you get a dud round or something is just not right with you and the gun that day and u get one malfunction. to me I would not think that I have to reprove that gun again for lets say 500 perfect rounds. Just my two cents. I consider all my guns good to go but you just never know.
U don't know when you go to bed tonight that there will be a tomorrow FOR U..either.

03-18-2011, 06:10 PM
You missed roll call this morning Jocko, I hope you have an approved absence letter. I suspect a little riding today huh?

03-18-2011, 06:54 PM
sorry boss, yes I did ride today, road to see a sick friend on my wifes now bike about 50 miles and when i got there it started to rain, and I poured all the way home. Bike looks like sh-t and I was drenched. Not a good day, now going to try to stay up and watch Indiand State University play syracuse tonight at 10PM. they probably will get beat by 30 points but it is my alma mater and only 12 miles from where I live.

I will report in tomorrow for sure. sure glad u were worried about me, kinda gives me a warm feeling, almost like a warm enema!!!!

03-18-2011, 09:25 PM
My P380 has never failed for any reason, right out of the box. I don't count rounds, but I would guess a few hundred. Sorry, it hasn't! LOL

03-18-2011, 09:38 PM
Not Me! I'm on my second one - The first was replaced due to cracked frame - it was 20 to 25% failure right from the first round. The new one seems just as bad at 90 rounds fired it is running approximately 20% failure rate with Winchester white box fmj and Federal red box FMJ. It stovepipes at least one round out of every magazine. Underneath the stovepipe there is a partially chambered round which is not under the extractor - this is a very annoying jam to clear - You have to pull the slide back and lock it, then rip the mag out and finall dump the loaded round out (pulling back the slide and letting it go will not put the extractor over the rim as in a 1911). Then you find the unfired round, put it in th magazine and reload.

My Beretta Ionx Tomcat has never failed to fire feed or function.

03-19-2011, 05:01 PM
I would consider my P380 to be totally reliable. In thebreakin period of 200 rounds, I had two FTF and one FTE. Those three problems were in the first 25 rounds, after that, no problems at all.

I can slingshot a round in the chamber of both my P380 and CW9. However, I do not nomrally do that. If in an emergency, it needs to be done, it can.

I totally trust my P380. I have shot a variety of loads through it, from WW white box to Mag Tec, to Remington FMJ and others.

For protection, I use CorBon PowerBall and Federal Hp, low recoil. I have never had a problem with any of the loads.

I am very particular about the cleaning of my firearms, but I must admit, I really dislike taking the .380 apart.

That Slide going back on, always seems to have a mind of its own.

03-19-2011, 05:19 PM
when you put the slide on or off where u will feel it kinda stop, slightly pull the trigger. that will help alot..

03-19-2011, 10:43 PM
I had a few issues with my P380 right out of the box, but after cleaning it properly and discovering that it dosn't like it when I grip it too hard, it works great now. I probably have 700 rounds through it now without any issues. I love it.