View Full Version : Scored about 30 pounds

MW surveyor
03-19-2011, 03:07 PM
of 9 mm brass the other day:cheer2:.

After Bill finished shooting yesterday, I stayed on and shot another 50 or so rounds through my CW9. Packed up and started collecting brass. The younger of the two ROs came by and asked me what I was picking up. Said 9 mm. He says "Let me have both of your bags, we've got a whole barrel full already separated." Came back with both bags full :D.

I normally let the ROs shoot any of my pistols when I go to the range, so they remember me. They also use my ammo but they don't abuse the gesture.

See, it pays to be nice.

Bill K
03-19-2011, 03:15 PM
Nice coup!

I don't reload but my brother has been doing it for about forty years. Give him whatever brass I can collect/get.

ROs = Range Officers?

Bill K.

MW surveyor
03-19-2011, 04:33 PM
ROs= Range Officers is correct. Things sometimes get a bit carried away on the abbreviations.

03-20-2011, 02:20 PM
When I started shooting I always saved my brass even though I did not reload,Saved it for a year, now I reload and have about a lifetime supply.My advice, save your brass!

03-24-2011, 09:29 PM
nice that they gave you some brass

MW surveyor
03-24-2011, 10:09 PM
They probably took pity on an old fart bending down and picking up the brass :)

I've made it a habit to leave the range with more brass than what I've personally shot.


03-24-2011, 11:00 PM
Back when I did alot of shotgunning and they still had humans to push the button to release birds one of them buddied up with us and each time I'd go he'd put a couple grocery sacks of Peters Blue Magics in my truck.
Everyone wanted the Win AA's but I found the Peters loaded identical and worked perfect.

I still got alot of hulls around here.

It does pay to be nice.

And welcome Houdini from the NW too!