View Full Version : proud new PM9 owner here

JD Cowles
03-21-2011, 10:57 AM
Hey All-
Just picked up my PM9 on Saturday. Finally got around to the initial breakdown/clean/lube yesterday and this place has been a load of help already. I had a few questions but most of them were already answered by poking around in here, so thanks. On to the break-in at the range later this week...

03-21-2011, 11:00 AM
Welcome JD, hope she runs like eggs thru a hen. Give us the full range report when it happens. Glad some of the information here helped get ya going.

JD Cowles
03-21-2011, 11:07 AM
I had my laptop on the bench next to me the whole time :D
That lube diagram was pretty darn handy as i am a Glock man and we know they don't like too much lube. Hope to get to the range Thurs and will give a full report.

03-21-2011, 11:58 AM
Welcome from another new PM9 owner.

03-21-2011, 11:58 AM
You ain`t as proud as you`re gonna be,I`ll wager.A PM9 is a fine handgun and as you bond with it [you will,believe me] your chest just might puff out a little more.Let us know how things go and if we can be of any help,feel free to ask.

Bill K
03-21-2011, 03:32 PM
Welcome to Kahr Talk! Hope all goes well during break-in and beyond.

Got a new PM9 myself with just 100 break-in rounds down range - no failures.

Bill K.

03-21-2011, 05:02 PM
Welcome, congrats, Clean and Lube is good, shooting is better, dry firing will help the gun smooth out a little and your trigger finger's "memory" on how it ought to work.

03-21-2011, 06:03 PM
Hey JD and welcome! You are in for a pleasant surprise when you get around to shooting the PM9. ;)

03-21-2011, 06:07 PM
Why is that doggie staring at me like he wants to bite me? I move side to side and its still staring at me like a rare T bone steak.

I'm a dog lover, why does it want to bite me?

03-21-2011, 06:34 PM
Why is that doggie staring at me like he wants to bite me? I move side to side and its still staring at me like a rare T bone steak.

I'm a dog lover, why does it want to bite me?

LOL! He's really a sweet dog and would rather run from you than bite you. That is his serious face though.

03-21-2011, 08:45 PM
Welcome from a new Pm9 owner to another. I too have found this place to be a weallth of information and have found many answers from here. I still haven't taken mine out yet. So hand racking and prepping it for now is going to have to do.

I have hand racked it close to a thousand times by now and I must say that it is loosening up and beginning to feel nice and smooth. I can't say that about my thumbs though.

I think I'm we're going to like our new toys. Good luck.

03-21-2011, 09:02 PM

JD Cowles
03-25-2011, 11:05 AM
FINALLY getting to the range tomorrow am. It's like Christmas freakin eve for me right now. I feel like I've read about all the issues you all have had and how awesome this pistol is going to be. Have 200 rds WWB and another 100 Federal FMJ's ready to go. Have cleaned and lubed it twice this week (thanks for the detailed instructions/diagrams gang) and racked the slide too many times. It's time to put some rounds through her.

I will dutifully post a full report and pics tomorrow :D

03-25-2011, 02:20 PM
Took mine out yesterday for the first time. Put 150 through it with no problems. I think you'll be pleased.

03-25-2011, 02:25 PM
afrter being couped up allwinter and unable to get to the range for manmy months. I made it today with my PM9. fired 175 rounds, not a blimp on the radar screen. Shot at 7 yards and under, did about as good as I did befrore winter set in..... HORRIABLY. But oh what a fun gun to shoot. Emptied out my defense magazine and started with new corbon HP ammo. Range fodder was WWB fmj..

Came home and gave it a good cleaning and relubing and it is now in my front pocket.

03-25-2011, 07:36 PM
I had my laptop on the bench next to me the whole time :D
That lube diagram was pretty darn handy as i am a Glock man and we know they don't like too much lube. Hope to get to the range Thurs and will give a full report.

I prefer good lube on all my girls. :D:D:D

03-25-2011, 08:33 PM
I do the same lube thing to my G19 and the same to my Para Carry 9. To much of anything is never good but I haven't seen a gun yet that didn't like to be lubed..

JD Cowles
03-26-2011, 03:16 PM
225 rounds through the PM9 this morning. Gotta love Saturday morning dad time :D

First 100: WWB/115gr/FMJ alternating 6/7 round mags. The 6rd mag was flawless and the 7rd had two nosedives. It may be because i read too damn much about them or it was likely because i was shooting one handed and weak hand in there as well. All 100 rounds were center mass at 21' on the blue ATF silhouette.

Took coffee break, wiped **** eating grin off face.

Second 100: Same as the first. Started firing 6+1 and again, FLAWLESS from that mag. Two more nosedives with the 7rd extended. Again, i could have been limping it a little 'cause at this point i was getting a little tired. I do think it's a matter of my pinking levering on that mag extension. Being that it will be my EDC i stopped and grabbed another 6rd mag on the way home and to hell with the 7rd. It prints something fierce in my pocket holster anyway. I will of course blast a few hundred more rounds through but i think i would rather get proficient with the mag i will carry.

Water break, shot **** with the guys at the desk. More coffee...

One box (25rd) of Hornady CD 115gr took it's turn through both mags and i had not a hitch.

LOVE the PM9. It's as accurate as i am (likely more so, and i will get better), and the 6rd mag performed flawlessly and felt good. I have to say the 50 rds i blew through my G19 (so it wouldn't get jealous) felt pretty good.

Hope to get back to the club Weds. Want to hear more of my ramblings? Stay tuned...

Over and out.

03-26-2011, 03:25 PM
good workout for the PM9 and the PM9 shooter to. Guns and shooters have tomate up to be right. U seem to be right on target. I must say I love to shoot my G19. It iswhighlyt tuned and with dawson fiber optic front and back adjustable sights. they gun shoots where I aim..

JD Cowles
03-31-2011, 09:13 AM
last night i put another 200 through her; 100 federal 115gr and 100 winchester 115 gr. had one hang up but that mag had snap caps hidden in it to try and prove to me that i have a slight trigger jerk that puts my shots down/right (i am a southpaw). ran some more hornady cd through and some old fed hydrashock 124gr i had laying around. no problems a'tall.