View Full Version : PM9/CM9 Rear pocket wallet holster carry?
03-21-2011, 01:27 PM
Hey guy's I am almost 100% sure I want to buy a new CM9 ASAP... I just love the first Kahr I bought, a CW9 I got last fall.
BUT, the reason for buying a CM9 or PM9 would be to carry in my pocket. Specifically REAR jeans pocket, like I now do with my LCP in a Uncle George wallet holster. Who carry's their PM9 like this and what holster do you use/recommend?
If the PM/CM is too big for comfortable rear pocket carry then I will just stick with my LCP for R. pocket and CW9 for IWB.
PS. extra points for PICS:photo:
03-21-2011, 02:43 PM
I usually carry my PM40 with CTL in front pocket. Some pants allow for rear pocket, some don't. Almost all do if you wear a shirt that covers over the rear pocket. The PM40 is very, very, very close in size to the PM9. I would guess the LCP will carry better in back pocket, but I honestly have no problem with pocket carry and it is my main (95%) method of conceal carry. I selected the PM40 over the Glock 27 because of its size. If you have a concern, I suggest that you handle a PM and see first hand before you buy. It's a wise thing to check them out anyway. Everybody's different. Some like pocket carry of PM, some don't. Good luck.
03-22-2011, 09:05 AM
beardog, i'm planning to get a CM9 for the exact same reason you have. my brother had a PM9 before and he said that it's really not that easy to rear pocket carry the PM9. rear pocket carry or even front pocket carry will depend on the jeans you are wearing. because of the thickness of the Pm9 plus the wallet holster you're using it opens up the mouth of the rear pocket and it can expose the rear of the slide(slide rear plate) and the back of the grip. if you have a deep rear pocket or a long back shirt it is possible. the slight difference in thickness and in lenght of the LCP makes it very easy for rear pocket carry.
i'll try it out when it get to my local gun shop. if it won't work out i'll just get a RUGER LC9 instead ;)
The LC9 is bigger than the PM9, so if the PM9 wont work for rear carry, neither will the LC9.
03-22-2011, 05:00 PM
i would stick with the lcp for a wallet carry, but that's just my .02 cents
03-22-2011, 05:11 PM
I just don't see anyone carrying a PM9 in their rear pocket.It's gonna be big in that area. let alone sitting down on that sucker to..
03-22-2011, 08:12 PM
sorry i wasn't clear on that.... i meant i'll get the LC9 for IWB carry and occasional front pocket carry when i can.
03-22-2011, 08:14 PM
jocko, have you tried rear pocket carry with the PM9? i have some jeans with bigger rear pocket that could work but i'm not sure if it would be comfortable when sitting down.
mr surveyor
03-22-2011, 08:31 PM
why would one want to sit on their defensive weapon and make it inaccessable for so much of their waking hours?
03-22-2011, 08:43 PM
damn good question...
03-22-2011, 08:45 PM
jocko, have you tried rear pocket carry with the PM9? i have some jeans with bigger rear pocket that could work but i'm not sure if it would be comfortable when sitting down.
don't carehow big a rear pocket is, that has to be one uncomfortable area for me anyhow. I seem to be ok with fornt pocket carry in jeans of any sort to. I ride my Harley alot and it is in my front pocket 24/7. Mind you it is not a fast draw area, actually on the bike would be dman near impossable to even pull it out of my front pocket, that being said, I am not restirected in that position while riding. I can't imagine a PM9 in my rear pocket on my Harley.:israel:
I carry my PM9 in a rear pocket holster and it is very comfortabe and easily accessible.
Pain in the butt aside, when the gun sticks out of the rear pocket, its open to an easy snatch and grab. Thats one reason I like front pocket carry.
Either way, be aware that pocket carry with no holster opens up dirt/debris ingress scenarios that normally wouldn't be considered. Gotta clean the gun regularly. You'd be amazed how much sand, dirt, debris, crap, pocket qweeb, etc, gets into your gun after only a day or two of carry like that.
03-23-2011, 06:44 AM
I carry my PM9 in a rear pocket holster and it is very comfortabe and easily accessible.
Thanks jrd,
Thats the one I keep looking at, good to hear it works for you.
If I buy the gun, I may just go with that one and be done with it. Looks like a good quality holster and with the removable flap will allow front pocket carry too.
03-25-2011, 05:09 PM
I have carried my pm9 in an uncle mikes holster in my right rear pocket for years, my wife sewed a piece of leather to the holster so it breaks up the outline of the gun. I just got a rear pocket wallet holsters from Stoner Holters, Ive only had it a week but so far so good
03-25-2011, 06:35 PM
I have carried my pm9 in an uncle mikes holster in my right rear pocket for years, my wife sewed a piece of leather to the holster so it breaks up the outline of the gun. I just got a rear pocket wallet holsters from Stoner Holters, Ive only had it a week but so far so good
Thanks, I checked them out, good price. and they do also make them for the CTC laser option. :)
Is the back panel sewed all they way across the bottom?
03-26-2011, 10:44 AM
almost all the way, not quite though. so far I like it
03-28-2011, 01:17 PM
I have the PM9 and don't see it working for rear or front pocket carry. It is definitely too large for rear pocket (I had a Seecamp that was much smaller and worked in this fashion, although even that looked like a mighty fat wallet) You could get away with front pocket if you had some mighty large pockets and baggy pants. If you're into pocket carry, the LCP is much better.
03-28-2011, 01:53 PM
I pocket carry in cargo pants. Looks like I have a small book in my pocket.
03-28-2011, 02:02 PM
I pocket carry in cargo pants. Looks like I have a small book in my pocket.
A small book with a laser light show when you grab it?
Darn I'm being really good lately, I didn't even ask for pictures. Aw shucks, I let that cat out of the sack didn't I?
Your dog still looks at me like a sirloin steak. I better send him some doggie treats.
I hear alot of folks talking about the LCP and P3AT but that isn't really an apple to apple comparision. You cannot compare a 380 ACP to any 9mm, the two are not in the same league, end of conversation. I am not knocking the 380 ACP I own a couple myself, but when it comes to most of my daily carry and at work its the PM9 all day long. In fact if I had my druthers, I would be carring one of my 45 ACP' my PM45 or Kimber Ultra Raptor 45 ACP.
Now if you feel comfortable with a mouse gun and that is what you have, it certainly is better than no weapon or God forbid a 32 ACP , .25 or even a .22 rimfire.
By the way the PM9 is not that much a barther to front pocket carry at all and darn near works in the rear pocket with many daily dress pants attire. In an ICB holster is practcally disappears.
I guess that pretty much sums this thread up.
03-29-2011, 10:56 AM
beardog, i'm planning to get a CM9 for the exact same reason you have. my brother had a PM9 before and he said that it's really not that easy to rear pocket carry the PM9. rear pocket carry or even front pocket carry will depend on the jeans you are wearing. because of the thickness of the Pm9 plus the wallet holster you're using it opens up the mouth of the rear pocket and it can expose the rear of the slide(slide rear plate) and the back of the grip. if you have a deep rear pocket or a long back shirt it is possible. the slight difference in thickness and in lenght of the LCP makes it very easy for rear pocket carry.This is exactly my experience withthe PM9 and PF9. They are barely small enough for front pocket carry. That's how I carry the PM9, with a DeSantis pocket holster. Rear pockets just aren't shaped to close at the top, so the pistol is exposed every time the top of your pocket is exposed.
i'll try it out when it get to my local gun shop. if it won't work out i'll just get a RUGER LC9 instead ;)Since the LC9 is longer, taller, and the same thickness, it would be even worse for rear pocket carry. Stick with the LCP or similarly sized pistols for rear pocket.
03-29-2011, 11:01 AM
why would one want to sit on their defensive weapon and make it inaccessable for so much of their waking hours?
I carry front pocket (for security purposes), but I can draw a pistol, while sitting, faster from my rear pocket than from the front. In order to draw from the front pocket, while sitting, I need to lean over and straiten my leg to get my hand in my pocket to draw. To draw from rear pocket, while sitting, I simply need to lean slightly, to relieve a little weight from the pistol.
03-29-2011, 11:10 AM
You could rear pocket conceal carry the PM9 or CM9 in a pocket holster if the following apply:
1) You were standing and walking around and not driving or sitting down.
2) You wore a coat/windbreaker to conceal it.
Probably not work too well with jeans--better with dress khaki slacks
03-29-2011, 11:59 AM
I carry front pocket (for security purposes), but I can draw a pistol, while sitting, faster from my rear pocket than from the front. In order to draw from the front pocket, while sitting, I need to lean over and straiten my leg to get my hand in my pocket to draw. To draw from rear pocket, while sitting, I simply need to lean slightly, to relieve a little weight from the pistol.
all that sounds good until you have to draw under stress.... make sure to practice plenty so it becomes muscle memory... if you are seated in a car i suggest taking the weapon out of your pocket and putting it in your center console! As long as it is securely encased in Florida you are ok!
03-29-2011, 12:41 PM
all that sounds good until you have to draw under stress.... Which is true regardless of where a weapon is stored.
make sure to practice plenty so it becomes muscle memory... Do I owe you anything for the lesson?:D All my practise is performed under low stress conditions. No one is trying to kill. Folks in combat get plenty of high stress practise. Cops typically do not. Neither do I.
if you are seated in a car i suggest taking the weapon out of your pocket and putting it in your center console! As long as it is securely encased in Florida you are ok!I have better places prepared, in my vehicles, for accessing weaponry. Besides, I can draw from either pocket faster than I can draw from a console, especially if only using one hand.
I only depend on a pocket pistol when I am outisde of my vehicles or my home. In those places I have access to more effective weaponry.
Drawing a pocket pistol, from a seated position, is easier from a rear pocket than a front. That was my point.
03-30-2011, 09:58 AM
I went to the local range and rented a PM9 a PM40 and a 642 to help me determine what I was willing to carry next. I liked the 9 and the 40 but the 38 special was a bit harsh on the recoil for me. Next I tried all in both front and rear pockets, without a holster just this time, to see how they fit. Of course the 642 was too long, no surprise there. The PM9 and PM40 are very close to the same size and I thought both fit well in the rear pocket of the jeans I was wearing that day. They would likely fit even better in a pair of work slacks. Front pocket carry would be on the edge of OK but might fall outside of OK with a pocket holster in there too. For a rear pocket holster I'd probably want one with some sort of top cover. I really want the 40 but had two problems with the one at the range. It looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a while and I was the first customer of the day. It had a problem returning to battery and I constantly had to push the follower in the magazine back to get it to accept the first couple of rounds when I loaded it. The 9 had no issues.
03-30-2011, 11:27 AM
BUY THE PM9. u won't regret it..
03-30-2011, 11:56 AM
Actually, you now have two choices, the PM or CM ;)
03-31-2011, 02:24 PM
Which is true regardless of where a weapon is stored.
Do I owe you anything for the lesson?:D All my practise is performed under low stress conditions. No one is trying to kill. Folks in combat get plenty of high stress practise. Cops typically do not. Neither do I. I have better places prepared, in my vehicles, for accessing weaponry. Besides, I can draw from either pocket faster than I can draw from a console, especially if only using one hand.
I only depend on a pocket pistol when I am outisde of my vehicles or my home. In those places I have access to more effective weaponry.
Drawing a pocket pistol, from a seated position, is easier from a rear pocket than a front. That was my point.
glad it workes for you, I personally don't wear attire I can get into my pockets without having to lift my body up either front or rear pocket.
04-01-2011, 02:02 AM
I have an Uncle George wallet holster for my Taurus TCP. Works great. I carry it both back hip pocket and front pocket. I found the same type of wallet hoster custom made for the PM9. Trace Tarco is the mfg. and you can find them on ebay for $17.95 + $7 shipping. It is good sturdy and stiff leather. I carry it and my PM9 in my front pocket. Fits and looks fine. Wear it with slacks, cargo pants and jeans. Depending on the pants cut, I sometimes carry the hoster and my PM9 in my back/hip pocket.
04-02-2011, 09:43 AM
I have an Uncle George wallet holster for my Taurus TCP. Works great. I carry it both back hip pocket and front pocket. I found the same type of wallet hoster custom made for the PM9. Trace Tarco is the mfg. and you can find them on ebay for $17.95 + $7 shipping. It is good sturdy and stiff leather. I carry it and my PM9 in my front pocket. Fits and looks fine. Wear it with slacks, cargo pants and jeans. Depending on the pants cut, I sometimes carry the hoster and my PM9 in my back/hip pocket.
I also have a U.G. wallet for my LCP, I agree it works great for rear pocket carry...I did see the Trace Tarco and thought it looked like it may be similar to the U.G. as it also only has 2 layers of leather to minimize thickness.
Couple of questions for you...:o
Is it molded for the PM? or is it more of a universal fit? The add says it fits the PF9 too???
That split in the back looks like it may help a lot to get a good grip from the draw...Is this what you have found?
The stitching is only down in the corner and not around the shape of the gun is that working out? is it glued? or just molded? The reason I ask is that if it is not glued I may be able to wet the leather and re-mold it for a CTC lasergrip if I choose to put one on my new CM9, Then I would not have to buy another holster.
Also if possible could you post the measurements of the Trace Tarco including thickness? So I can compare it to my U.G.
Could you post a few pics of yours from different angles and with the gun in some? Thanks
04-03-2011, 12:43 AM
Trace pocket holster is molded to the PM9. Dimenisons are 4 5/16 in wide by 5 5/16 long and thickness at widest point is about 1 1/4 in. It is made out of one piece of leather folded over and cut with the molded area and this over-lap is sewed down to the back flap. Holster is stiff but instructions state that it will loosen up. You could not fit the pistol with a lazer in the holster. The cut back flap seems to aid in drawing. It helps keep the trigger finger in the right position to bring the gun out of the pocket with your finger on the trigger. Depending on size of pocket this works well. With some larger pocket pants I have some slight delay in getting the gun free from the holster.
I will post a picture later on Sunday. I communicated by email with the guy that makes and sells these on ebay. He will answer your questions and provides excellent service.
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