View Full Version : Sorry All

03-22-2011, 02:18 PM
Sorry all,I didn't mean to sound so negative or combative but this is my 1st experience with Kahr & based on all that I read the past few months I was expecting a real gem.I have shot IPSC & IDPA and didn't expect competition performance,but I did expect a well made accurate handgun without all the drama & pre-prep to get it up & running.I hope after all the time,ammo & range fees that the little 380 will live up to expectations.Thanks for all the help that you guy's provide.

Bill K
03-22-2011, 02:54 PM

You did fine by me. I can understand where you're coming from.

I have two P3ATs, the first gave me fits getting it up and running. Once I got my first P3AT running 100% I liked it so much that I looked for and picked up a second in hard chrome. Second one had no issues and became my pocket carry while the first got demoted to mostly practice to save wear and tear on the other. Last April, having a .380 in my pocket saved me from getting stabbed.

Take care,
Bill K.

03-22-2011, 03:02 PM
"You did fine by me. I can understand where you're coming from."

Ditto that for me mostly too. I sympathize with the issue, the delivery was a minor issue.

03-22-2011, 03:03 PM
were here to help and we do feel for ur frrustrations. We can only advise and pass on what experiences we have had also. Beingthis is ur first experience with kahrs then you now know their trigger system is different than most all semi's out there. No safetys on kahrs but a looooo0ng but smooth trigger system. It really does take some time and rounds down range to get the hang of it with a kahr. Trust me, some never do get the hang of it. I am not accurate with either of my kahrs, My K9 shoots good, MY PM9 shoots the worse, MY P380 shoots the best. None are issues with the gun. I havbe just not mastered the looooong trigger system. I mention the snap caps for I have done that drill many times and about every time I am fooled, I damn near rip the trigger out of the gun. It is wonder I hit anything. I am convinced one can master a bad shooting habit and get good at it to/. Just takes longer. Nelly take some advice from one who has shot alot with his kahrs and who is not a good shoot compared to my shooting my G19. GET SOME SNAP CAPS and prove to yourself that all is well. Hopefully u won't be like me and wanting to pull the damn trigger out of the gun. Anticipastion of the "boom"is hard to seeor show up if that boom thing happensbut when one expoects the boom and gets a snap cap then for most the picture becomes very clear.

No dramaor prep needed on most all kahrs, those threads are just there to help one along in breaking in his gun. My Para carry 98 acted up from the git go and when I talked to Para about it, they said call them back after 500 rounds if I was still having issues. Wasn't the answer I was wanting from them either but most all of the issues went away--but not all. I am loyal to no gun that doesn't work PERIOD. If I really likethe gun I will give the factory a shot at makng me happy but after that it is gone. Isay that in all honestly to all disgruntled kahr owners. Peddle it and move on, there are just to many other good guns out there to let one brand break ur spirits.

03-22-2011, 03:07 PM

You did fine by me. I can understand where you're coming from.

I have two P3ATs, the first gave me fits getting it up and running. Once I got my first P3AT running 100% I liked it so much that I looked for and picked up a second in hard chrome. Second one had no issues and became my pocket carry while the first got demoted to mostly practice to save wear and tear on the other. Last April, having a .380 in my pocket saved me from getting stabbed.

Take care,
Bill K.

I owned 3 kt's had to send them all back a total of 1`7 times. I really wanted to like the guns, for at the time they were the only small gun game in town. These were 17 times when I could not make the guns work myself. Ihad one P32 that broke two barrel lugs in a row, the last one in less than 50 rounds after they sent me a new barrel. It took me 17 times to just get each gun running right so thatI could peddle them in good faith.:israel:

03-22-2011, 06:28 PM
Thanks everyone,and yes jocko I do point shoot all my little guns..always did,after all they are basically "GET OFF ME" guns.

03-22-2011, 09:56 PM
No need to be sorry - its frustrating when you have something that doesn't work the way it should - especially when you have a lot of high prior expectations which turn out not to come true - That's just human nature.

Kahr really does have aproblem with some of these little p380's and there is no need for us to pretend it doesn't exist. We help no one by remaining quiet; not our fellow forum members, not other shooters, not ourselves and not even Kahr, who needs to hear about these problems - or else how can they correct their product failures.

03-22-2011, 11:18 PM
Nelly, my P380 shoots a little low also. I have to cover the target to center it. No 6:00 hold for my gun.

I did not mean to be rude, but typing in upper case or bold dark print is considered yelling & impolite.

03-23-2011, 05:44 PM
I didn't know...I only wrote in bold because it was easier to see..ooops.sorry again.This is my first forum so please bear with me and I accept any and all guidance..:)

Bill K
03-23-2011, 05:57 PM
I didn't know...I only wrote in bold because it was easier to see..ooops.sorry again.This is my first forum so please bear with me and I accept any and all guidance..:)

:):):) Now if just a handful of others on this forum had your humble attitude... :):):)

Bill K.

03-23-2011, 06:01 PM
Hell I misspell all the time but I am kinda new to this forum stuff to. Sometimes I got back and reread what I wrote and hell I can't even understand it, so I feel for you guys, I am trying to get better, at least that is what Bawanna tells me.

03-23-2011, 06:05 PM
Yeah, I've often thought that we don't need an auto-censor, but an auto-Jocko-translater/interpreter. :D

03-23-2011, 06:10 PM
I occasionally think of going in and fixing it up but find sometimes the words are so far off I can't figure out what it's suppose to be.
KInd of makes it a daily challenge and I wouldn't want it any other way.

03-23-2011, 06:25 PM
feel free to correct. at my age I just don't have time to go through all this fokking spell check stuff. Sometimes though my post make u think!!! Something like, "WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST SAY"

damn I love this bar!!!

Foot note to Bawanna's post::::: and u ain't gonna get it any other way either..

03-23-2011, 06:30 PM
feel free to correct. at my age I just don't have time to go through all this fokking spell check stuff. Sometimes though my post make u think!!! Something like, "WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST SAY"

damn I love this bar!!!

Foot note to Bawanna's post::::: and u ain't gonna get it any other way either..

I should make this post a sticky, perfect spelling. A few capitalization and grammar errors but perfect in the over all scheme of things.
Wash his mouth out with some Ivory and he could be a novelist.